Word |
Meaning |
-a | | SEQuence: and then IMMediacy: next TEMPoral |
-a | | BASE, PAST1, PAST2 |
-a | | IMPerative, Command form |
amala |  | mummy |
-an | | BASE |
-an | | BASE |
-ana | | PAST2 |
anyany |  | cute, gorgeous |
aŋba' |  | Anindilyakwa, Groote Eylandt people |
apati | | White person |
apatj | | half past |
apkatj |  | part Aboriginal, half-caste |
-ara | | PAST1 |
bäba | | gum nut--edible 1 |
bäba' | | wasp gall on Bloodwood--edible |
baba'yun |  | make a mistake behave stupidly go astray |
babadji | | |
babala |  | accidentally at random |
badadji | | |
baḏagulu' | | tree--large, wood used to make didgeridoos Rough-Barked Bloodwood (?) |
baḏak |  | still, yet, while, not yet finished |
baḏakawk | | bird Jungle-Fowl |
baḏalaŋ | | food |
baḏaltja | | tortoise Emydura victoriae |
baḏama |  | shellfish--edible , Giant Gem Chiton, Acanthopleura gemmata, Physsoplax kuradai |
baḏapirri | | back and forth, just hanging around, unreliable, not working in one place for long |
baḏarr |  | tree--from which canoes are made , Paperbark(s) (generic): White Tree, Punk Tree, Cajuput Tree, Melaleuca cajuputi |
baḏarraŋ(') |  | healed |
baḏarratjtjun | | feel twinge of pain in injured spot |
baḏatharr | | lizard large Rock Goanna, Varanus glebopalma |
baḏatj |  | sudden(ly) |
baḏatjtjun |  | miss (as when throwing a spear), make a mistake (e.g., play a wrong note) be unable to do fail, fall short (of) disobey |
baḏaw'yun |  | burst, explode |
baḏawili |  | tree/shrub Rough-barked Gum, Rusty Bloodwood, Eucalyptus feruginea Broom Berry, Randia cochinchinensis |
baḏay | | tree Banyan, Ficus virens |
bäḏay | | vine/creeper--used as string has black fruit when ripe, can be eaten cooked when still red Burney Vine, Malaisia soandens |
bäḏaywuy | | |
baḏayala(') |  | light (generic, as from sun, moon, torch) |
baḏikan |  | bird Sulphur-crested Cockatoo, Cacatua galerita |
baḏikupa |  | |
baḏipaḏi | | wallaby Rock Wallaby |
baḏubaḏuyun |  | erase, rub out, eradicate use up spoil, waste |
bädul | | |
baḏurru |  | Milky Way mist, fog |
baḏuwaḏuyun |  | erase, rub out, eradicate use up spoil make a mess of waste (money) cause any former state to exist no longer |
bädju'-badju |  | shirt, coat, jacket |
bägala | | |
bagapaga | | bird Pied Heron |
bagapagayun |  | walk as though drunk, stagger |
bägay | | south |
bagitj | | tide--high/full |
bäguru | | headband--of string |
bak |  | break (off) |
baka(') | | spear--with two hooked wooden prongs or barbs down one side |
bäka |  | leg--lower, shin bone, calf tail handle |
bäkala(') |  | harpoon head--with hook on one side (for hunting whales, dugong, turtle) |
bakamana |  | |
bakamumu |  | |
bakarra(') | | turtle Long-Necked Freshwater Tortoise, Chelodina rugosa |
bakarrama | | spear--wooden |
bakatjarri | | smoke |
bäki |  | use, try out, borrow (and then return) |
bakiki' | | digging wire (piece of wire or steel used for digging) |
bakirrikirri |  | spear--shovel-nosed (now made with steel, used to have a wooden head) blade (only?) |
bakit | | bucket, pail |
bakitju | | boulder |
bakparr |  | scar patch (on clothing) |
bakpiḏiḏi | | frog Northern Dwarf Tree Frog, Litoria bicolor |
bakpirr(') |  | frog--brownish "Ground Frog" |
baku(') | | vine Lawyer Vine, Flagellaria indica armlets made from this vine |
bäkubaku | | string--non-traditional |
bäkumirriyama |  | measure, weigh, estimate use something for oneself that was originally set aside for someone else |
bäkul | | stingray--edible Stingaree, Brown Stingray (?) |
bakuŋ-bakuŋ | | frog--large, lives in grass or hollow trees |
bakuruma | | look up(wards) |
bakurra | | robber |
bakutju | | |
bal'yun | | pound |
baḻ'yun |  | beg, ask for, cadge, "bludge" |
baḻ'yun | | hide, go into hiding |
bäl | | firewood |
-bal(a) | | Directional, used on demonstratives and some directionals |
bala |  | and, then new orientation in discourse |
bala | | away, that way, thither direction away from speaker |
bala | | side |
bala' |  | house, building (non-Aboriginal design) |
bala' | | iron, metal |
bäla |  | characteristic gait, length or type of stride wake, track (of fish in the sea) footprints, trail (left on ground) flipper (of fish) favourite place (of dreamtime spirits or of fish), "hangout" |
balaḏay | | tree/shrub creeper used to make string |
baladharrdharr' | | fish--freshwater |
balaka | | temporary, makeshift, ad hoc share, portion (of food) |
baḻaka'yun | | scatter, spread (a message) |
balakarra | | arm bands for stone axe |
balakarrmana | | |
balakirriŋ' | | that kind of thing |
bälakuli | | smoke (so dense that you cannot see through it) |
baḻaḻ'yun | | go down veer off, change direction |
bälala |  | |
balali | | wind--strong, west |
balam | | that (one), there (near us) |
baḻaman | | |
baḻambirr(')pirryun | | sit cross-legged (or with legs stretched out ?) |
baḻamin | | gait, attitude of body while walking resemblance, recognition of a person (at a distance or in the face of child) |
balamurru' | | spear--with hooks on both sides |
balanda |  | White person, European |
balaṉḏi' |  | rope--thick (used for sails of canoe), thick fishing line (European type) |
balanu | | forever, for good |
balanhan |  | tread on thresh, grind |
balanya |  | like this, thus |
balanydja |  | revenge, payback |
balaŋ |  | might, could, should (have) Adversative |
balaŋ(') |  | mälk-m |
balaŋapa |  | |
baḻaŋaw'yun | | smother, overwhelm, cover, surround |
balaŋgit |  | blanket rug |
balaŋu | | might, could, should (have) Adversative |
baḻaŋu |  | anchor |
bala-ŋuthanayŋu | | young (person) new fresh (plant) |
baḻapthun |  | bend down (to drink water from a pond), bend over (face to ground), crouch |
bala'pala |  | construction of wood--with flat top chair, table, bush-shelter, platform, wharf |
balapathu |  | |
balarr | | shellfish--found in stony places Yellow Baler Shell, Melo amphora |
balarr | | fly March Fly |
baḻarra(') | | tree--and its bark or edible gum Wattle, Acacia torulosa bark pubic shield or tassel |
baḻarra |  | flesh from breast of turtle |
balarrk | | shellfish Yellow Baler Shell |
baḻarrkpaḻarrk |  | long (fish, e.g., Barramundi), tall (person), great (hunger), old (language) |
baḻarrwaḻarr | | area with trees along river (which is flooded in the Wet) |
bäḻatha(') |  | stick (heavy piece of wood--used for head-hitting, wife beating, turtle-hunting, or held while dancing) |
baḻatj |  | stick (used for turtle hunting or fighting) |
bälatj | | bridge |
bälawala | | watering hole for emus |
baḻa-waḻapthun |  | |
baḻawaḻŋ'thun |  | damaged--be peel (off) |
baḻawurrwurr | | boat--big, barge, cargo ship |
-balay | | Dual |
balay |  | they Dual |
bälay' |  | away, gone away |
baḻaya | | painting--head, with straight lines dwelling place of Red Kangaroo |
baḻayarr | | fish Long-Tailed Catfish Eel, Euristhmus lepturus |
baḻayin | | Cycad bread--small (long, thin) loaf made from cycad nuts |
balayina | | |
balaykara | | to(wards) them Dual |
balaykuru | | from them Dual |
balaykuruma | | their(s), for them Dual |
balayu |  | |
balbalyun | | be in balance (of a person crossing a river on a tree trunk, walking across a log-bridge, of a goanna running up a tree, etc.) |
baḻbaḻyun | | wade in water (about knee deep) |
bäḻbalyun | | bend over |
balbaw'marama | | split down the middle |
balbuŋa | | |
baldhurr' | | footprint mark made on ground and stamped with foot as a sign to people following |
balga-balga | | shark Hammerhead |
baḻgapthun | | crouch, be bent over |
baḻgurr | | shrub, fruit--edible Kurrajong |
baḻgurrŋiniŋ | | snake--found in Kurrajong tree |
bälim'bun | | boil |
balimaŋ | | |
balin |  | fish Barramundi (generic), Lates calcarifer |
balirra | | |
baḻirrpaḻirr |  | spirit man |
balkmarama | | take away |
balkaḻ | | root of water lily (Nymphaea sp)--found in deep water billabongs |
balkatj | | backbone |
bälkay | | urine |
balkiny | | bitter, sharp-tasting |
balkitj | | male kangaroo, bandicoot, e.g., male Agile Wallaby, Macropus agilis |
baḻkpaḻk |  | tree, fruit--almond-shaped, yellow, ripe around September, edible black nut (in red shell) good wood for firesticks inner bark used as a medicine for aching ears or inflamed eyes, it is scraped and mixed with breast milk or fresh water Red-Fruited Kurraj |
baḻkpaḻkŋani(ŋ) | | shark--not eaten Black-Tip Shark, "Tiger Shark", Carcharhinus spallazani |
baḻkpaḻkpuy | | |
balku | | string (made by rubbing), rope |
baḻkurrk |  | rain |
balkuwarra' | | hills, undulating country (any grassy area at foot of hills--with plenty of food) |
balma | | tree/shrub White Paperbark, Melaleuca leucadendron |
bäḻma |  | |
baḻman | | rain |
balmaṉ' | | tree--with edible plums and gum useful sap Terminalia carpentariae |
balmaṉa | | hat |
balmarrk | | pubic hair--male |
baḻmarrk | | wind--northwest |
bäḻmawuy | | dying language |
balmbi | | clan-nation (Djinang, nearly extinct) |
balnhanak | | balance (as of load on canoe) Ext scale(s) |
balnhdhurr'yun | | plan (ahead, beforehand), mark out (with food on ground as a sign for people to follow) show disapproval (by scraping foot on ground as an angry animal) |
balŋayŋu |  | |
baḻŋu |  | |
baḻŋunda | | yam--long, can be eaten raw or cooked |
balŋurrurru | | cicada |
balpa(') | | fish Rock Cod |
balpaḏaŋan | | tree--edible fruit and sap Wild Peach, Red Cement Tree |
balpalyun | | make fire |
baḻpaḻyun | | rub sticks together to make fire run up a tree (goanna) |
baḻ'paḻyun | | pound (cycad nuts) |
baḻ'paḻyun | | bend over |
baḻpaḻ' | | palm--large cycad Burrawong, Cycas sp. |
balpara | | companion (for protection), mate, helper |
balpuḏu | | spear |
baltha | | shade tree cloud |
baltharr(') | | leg branch, forked stick Ext ladder |
balthawuṉ | | |
baltjam'thun | | light a fire, prepare wood for a fire |
baltjawuma |  | fire |
bäḻtji | | yam--long Vigna radiata Dioscorea sativa var. elongata |
baḻtjiŋgarr | | |
baltjuḏa | | lizard Frilled Lizard, Chlamydosaurus kingii |
baluka | | thief, robber |
baḻuḻupaḻuḻu | | stingray--edible |
baluny'tjurr | | tree/shrub and its edible fruit cf See: BAMARAŊ |
baluŋa | | pillow |
balupalu | | stick--fighting, truncheon |
balwak | | leg--lower tail end part of firestick, piece of smouldering wood (for lighting fire) |
balwalyun | | walk in balance (as when walking across a tree trunk or log) |
baḻwaḻyun | | wade through water (about knee deep) |
baḻwapthun | | crouch |
balwur | | ripe cooked, "done" |
balwuruŋaniŋ | | tree--shade, with white flowers |
baḻwurr | | tree/shrub--with edible seeds "Burrajong", Red-Flowering Kurrajong, Darwin Kurrajong, Brachychiton paradox is,um |
baḻwurr | | string--strong (brownish/off white--from roots of BALWURR tree?) |
balyurr' | | kick marks made with foot |
baman' | | long ago, long time, once upon a time |
bamaŋin | | |
bämara(') | | companion, friend, helper, mate |
bamaraŋ | | tree/shrub and its edible fruit Big Green Plum, Planchonella pohlman n ia na |
bamata | | |
bambalaman | | turtle--young |
bambaŋa(') | | fish Red Emperor, Lutjanus sebae Paddle Tail, L. gibbus Scarlet Sea-Perch, L. malabaricus etc. |
bambark-bambark | | ant--black and silver, Polyrachis sp native cockroach (?) |
bambay | | blind |
bambay | | mother sister |
bämbi | | stingray--edible has flat nose and spots or blotches on skin Long-tailed Ray, Himantura uarnak Brown Stingray, Dasyatis fluviorum |
bambiḻigat | | canvass, calico Ext house, dwelling |
bambitj | | tree (generic for trees with large trunks) Ext wood, lumber |
bämbitj | | grass--sucked for its sweet liquid Heteropogon sp. |
bämbu' | | shrub |
bambula | | ceremonial ground |
bambulk | | plant--with large edible root Amorphophallus variabilis (?) |
bambum'bun | | knock, bump into |
bambuma | | know not, be ignorant (of), lose track |
bamburuŋburuŋ | | brain |
bamdjirrbi' | | kangaroo, euro--female |
bamdjurrbi | | kangaroo juvenile male Antilopine Wallaroo, Macropus antilopines |
bam'pala | | sandhill--high, sandbank, sandbar, inland or coastal dune(s) |
bamuḻa | | calm, motionless |
bämuŋ | | no understanding |
bamutuka(') | | pipe--long, wooden |
baṉa' | | branch, forked stick (for holding up roof, etc.) |
bäna | | Nevermind!, Leave it!, It's good enough! Still..., until, even though |
banaka |  | branch(es) for making a bush-shelter |
baṉakaka | | |
banalaŋiny |  | |
banambi | | net |
banambirra | | |
baṉami | | bird--crane Brolga, Grus rubincundus |
baṉaṉak |  | shrub--with yellow and mauve flowers, small needle-like leaves Calytrix microphylia, -exstipulata |
banaŋ(') |  | wool, thread(s), yarn |
banaŋ' | | fish Puffer Fish (generic), e.g: Boxfish, Ostracion spp Toado, Arothron spp Toby, Canthigaster spp. "Porcupine Fish" |
banapana | | harpoon |
baṉarr' | | tree Marble Tree, Owenia vernicosa (not Petalostigma pubescens) |
baṉarra |  | clearing, open country clean, neat and tidy, clear, open (place) |
baṉbalarri | | flower--white (found on long yam sp.) |
baṉbalŋu | | snake Death Adder |
banban |  | spear-thrower--flat (for fighting spears) |
baṉbaŋa | | fish Long-Finned Garfish, Euleptorhamphus viridus |
banbapuy |  | |
banbiṉawuy |  | lizard Frilled-Neck |
banbuḻarra | | cloverlike flower Gomphrena sp. |
banbuḻirriḻirri | | |
banburrawuy | | |
baṉḏa |  | stone, rock |
bandak |  | dillybag |
baṉḏak | | woomera--straight |
baṉḏaka |  | |
baṉḏamirr | | turtle juvenile Flatback Turtle |
baṉḏany(') |  | dry, arid, waterless shallow thick clear true |
bändarra | | giddy--be or feel tear and burn up clothes (to show one's anger) |
bandarr(')miny | | honey--wild |
bandayama' | | lightning |
bandayama' | | lizard gecko--associated with lightning in myths |
bändayŋa |  | Torres Straits |
bändil |  | wood, timber |
bandipandi |  | flag |
bandirra(') |  | flag (to indicate a death or ceremony for Yirritja groups) |
bandirraŋ | | flagpole |
bandirritjpal | | crocodile--saltwater |
baṉḏulk-baṉḏulk | | shrub Whrightia saligna |
baṉḏulu | | stick--walking |
baṉḏumul |  | surname mangrove tree (with mangrove worms) and its wood |
bandurr'yun | | kick cadge |
bändurruŋ | | stingray--harmless, not generally eaten by Yolŋu Common Shovel-Nosed Ray, Rhynobatus batillum Bougainville's Shovel-Nosed Ray, Aptychotrema bougainvillii White-Spotted Shovel-Nosed Ray, Rhynchobatus djiddensis |
banduwa | | |
bandhamarra | | yam |
baṉdja |  | arm, branch (of tree) Ext small creek, brook |
baṉdjarr | | |
bandjikthirri | | act the fool, show off (as when drunk) |
baṉdjirri | | stingray--edible |
baṉdjurr | | tree--black, in mangrove with thin long green seed-pods and yellow perfumed flowers |
bäṉgalam | | bring |
baṉgalkal | | rocky outcrops (at beach), flat rocky area |
baṉgapuma | | make jump (?) put into a basket (?) break open shellfish and take out the flesh (?) |
bangarr |  | eggwhite |
baṉgarrirribunuma | | make jump |
baṉgitj | | bee--and its honey (sugarbag), gathered from near the ground |
banguṉa | | lizard--large Gould's Goanna, Varanus gouldii |
bangurtja | | shark--large, man-eating sp. generic for adult sharks |
bangutja | | shark--large, dangerous |
baṉi | | tree--used in boat building and for shelters Red Ash, Soap Tree |
bäni |  | float, be in, on, or of water |
bäni | | father, uncle FB |
banikin(') |  | tin, cup, billycan, cooking pot |
baniniŋu | | specific to a place, original |
bäniyala |  | outstation |
baniyalawuy | | |
ban'karinya | | root food |
baṉŋal'marama | | sail, put up mast, put up the sail |
baṉ'pal | | belt made of balgurr (used when climbing smooth/slippery tree) |
ban'thay |  | |
bänu | | left aside, abandoned, rejected |
bänuḻa |  | |
banumal | | stick--for digging |
baṉumbirr |  | morning star, Venus ant-lion larva starfish |
banuminy |  | flower (grows near beach) |
banunydji |  | flagpole |
banha |  | that, there, yonder (far, out of sight) |
banhal |  | by/at that (one) yonder |
banhambal |  | to that (one, far) |
banhany |  | that person yonder object of verb |
banhaŋu |  | |
banhaŋuya |  | using that |
bänhdharra | | deep sea, open sea, ocean |
bänhdharrawuy | | |
banhilinya |  | |
banyawarra |  | crocodile |
banybuḻ | | star--morning, Venus |
banydjarra |  | |
bänydjay | | |
banydjaya | | behind (in position) |
banydji | | still in the same place, close by |
banydji | | clouds--evening |
bänydji |  | |
banydjiya | | behind (in position) |
banydjurrma | | wind--north(erly) |
banyguḻ |  | morning star, Venus |
banyiki | | flying fox Little Red Fruit Bat, Pteropus scapulatus |
baŋdhun | | spread legs apart (sitting or lying) |
bäŋ |  | trunk of Cycad Palm |
baŋaḏi(') |  | mälk-m |
baŋaḏitjan |  | mälk-f |
baŋam | | rock, stone |
baŋanhdharrayarr | | shellfish--edible Pinctada chemnitzii, P. maxima, P. sugillate |
baŋanhu | | |
baŋara | | |
baŋarrapa |  | flag |
baŋatjili |  | |
baŋatjimalawuy | | |
baŋbaḻaŋ | | brain |
baŋgaḻaŋ | | brain |
baŋgana | | flag |
baŋgatha | | rootfood |
bäŋgil | | |
baŋgina | | foot, feet, toe(s) footprint |
baŋgipu |  | wood, timber |
bäŋgu | | bark of mangrove tree--boiled in brine, used as dye (red/black) for baskets or bags |
baŋguḻ'yun | | return |
baŋguli | | |
baŋgutja | | |
bäŋi | | |
baŋiḏi | | mälk-m |
baŋiḏidjan' | | subsection-f |
baŋiṉ | | mälk-f |
baŋu | | that (one), here (near us) |
baŋuwal | | here, this way, hither |
baŋuyarri |  | flag |
bap | | put (down) |
bäpa |  | father, uncle FB Ext minister, priest, reverend |
bä'pali |  | medicine wooden dish |
bapalindi |  | |
bäpaŋ |  | plank, timber, log (such as washed up on beach) Ext blackboard Oak tree--used to be washed ashore along with bits of wire and used for making tomahawk side scales of turtle |
bapawun |  | |
bäpi |  | snake, legless lizard (generic) |
bapu'yun |  | |
bäpurru | | group--ethnic, clan-nation, tribe, organisation Ext a death (in the family) |
bapuy'yun |  | toss (about) float on waves, have a bumpy ride plunge (up and down) |
bar | | whip, flog, beat, hit, slap |
barthun | | split (open) |
bär' | | thin |
bara | | groin |
bara'barala | | |
baragarr' | | tree River Whistling Tree, Casuarina cunninghamiana |
barakal |  | |
barala |  | sandbank, sandhill--high, sandbar (area of rise and fall of tide) dune(s) |
baralatj | | sandbar |
baralŋi | | wade |
baraŋgurr | | shin-bone (especially of wallaby or other animal--used as a blade) |
bararrpu(nu)ma | | graze (the skin) |
bararrŋu |  | clan-nation |
bararrpararr | | clan-nation |
barawiyal | | egg(s)--freshly laid |
barawun(') | | ray, beam (of light), moonbeam rays of sunlight just before sunrise |
barawuṯi | | short cut, short crossing |
barayuwa | | |
barik | | white, bright, light (coloured) |
baritj | | white, bright, light (coloured) |
baritjarr | | fish Freshwater Catfish, Tandanus tandanus |
bäriya |  | sunset |
barkthun |  | crack Ext crack of dawn, break of day |
barka |  | thin (thing), skinny (person or animal) |
barka |  | arm--upper armlet branch Ext creek |
barkiki(') | | bird Straw-necked Ibis, Threskiornis spinicollis |
barkpark | | |
barkparkthun |  | sing (with clapsticks) |
barkthu | | tomorrow |
barkuma(') | | cat--native possum Northern Quoll, Dasyurus hallucatus hallucatus |
barmurrk | | cucumber--wild Cucumis melo |
barnyarrwuy | | |
barŋ | | hot stones--for heating water (by placing in water) antbed (used for cooking) (?) Ext altar (in sacrificial sense) |
barŋgitj |  | bee--its hive may be found in the base of a tree, a tree stump, or the ground Trigona sp. sugarbag, wild honey (of this bee) |
barpa' | | rotten, rancid |
barpar | | |
bar'parmarama | | chase away, (cause to) scatter |
barpuma | | pound (with a stone or similar object) |
barpuru |  | yesterday, some time ago (any definite recent day) |
bartjarr | | fish--small Freshwater Eel-tailed Catfish, Neosilurus sp. |
bartjuman |  | speak |
bartjunmaram(a) | | slap, smack, whip, flog, beat, hit |
baru | | many, lots (of) |
bäru |  | crocodile (generic) Salt-water Crocodile, Crocodylus porosus |
barukaŋu | | tree/shrub--with small white flowers edible fruit--long orange pod, ripe in Mayaltha season |
barun | | brighten, become white or bright |
baruruparuru | | stingray--edible |
barwarra | | shellfish--edible, but must be cooked dwelling of Hermit Crab Mud Welk, Terebralia p e,a lustris |
barryun | | open (Rit) split |
barr'yun |  | tear, rip (open), split, slice |
bärr |  | scar (from a burn), cicatrice, axe mark (on tree) |
barra | | Plural |
bärra | | good fishing spot (near rocks) |
bärra' |  | west, northwest (wind--used to sail from Celebes to Australia, blows before the Wet) |
barraḏuka' | | crocodile--saltwater |
barrakaḻ' | | shrub--used to make spear shafts |
barrakala | | bone on lower leg |
barra'kawuy | | |
barrakiny |  | bad, no good |
barral | | wasp--yellow & red striped body builds large nest hanging on outside of trees |
barralk | | tree--with long flower spikes Wattle, Acacia sp. |
barralpuwuy | | |
barramatha |  | eyeglass(es) |
barrambarra | | cloth(ing), clothes |
barrambuwa | | White Woman, Asian lady, non-Aboriginal woman |
barrandji' | | possum |
barranguwa | | tree/plant Leea bruneniana |
bärraŋ |  | knife--large, meat cleaver, machete, cane-knife |
barraŋga'yun | | mock, mimick (actions) thank someone repeatedly "applaud" (answer an orator by calling out in appreciation or agreement) warn or correct someone, teach, instruct |
barraŋgal | | wallaby Agile Wallaby, Sandy Wallaby, Macropus agilis (joey), ŋarrku, weti |
barraŋgay'yun | | wander off |
barraŋgunha | | stingray--edible Cowtail Ray, Fantail Ray, Dasyatis sephen Stingaree, Urolophus testaceus |
barraŋiny | | side (everything relating to a person or thing) |
barrapa | | fresh (water) |
barrapirri(') | | fish--green, not eaten |
barrapuwa | | White Woman, Asian lady, non-Aboriginal woman |
barrara | | crow bar, steel/iron rod flattened or sharpened at both ends and used as a digging stick |
barraral | | |
barrari | | fear |
bärrarra |  | |
barrarritja | | fish |
barraṯawuy |  | |
barrawaŋ-barrawaŋdhun | | stagger |
barrawu |  | boat, Macassan "prau" |
barray'parray | | near the surface, lightly |
barrdjaḻ'yun | | slide, slip (over) |
bärri | | maybe, perhaps |
barrinybuma |  | |
bärrinyinŋa | | stingray (generic) |
barripaŋ | | |
barrir'-barrir | | bird Rainbow Bird |
barrka(') | | stingray--edible Green Sawfish, Pristis zijsron |
barrkan' | | root--edible Marsdenia sp., Cynanchum sp. (?) |
bärrkarr | | penetrating, spreading far and wide |
barrkimirri | | married Ext "your husband's homeland" |
barrkparrkpunuma | | unfold, open (out), spread (out) |
barrku |  | far (away, off), distant, long (distance) |
bärrku |  | far (away, off), distant |
barrkula | | beach |
barrkuwal |  | separate |
barrkuwatj |  | separate, different each judge (one who judges and divides) |
bärrkwaḻ | | different, separate |
barrma'yun | | sit/lie with legs apart |
barrminy | | wind--strong |
barrmula | | |
barrŋbarrŋ | | holey |
barrŋgil | | feet turned out when walking (correct way for men) |
barrŋguḻ | | reed--freshwater, with orange flowers not eaten Frogsmouth, Woolly Waterlily, Phylidrum laniginosum |
barrŋiryun | | be noisy (ear-splitting) |
barrpa |  | pus, discharge--unhealthy |
barrpa(') |  | rotten, putrid, smelly, stinking bad, stale, off (food, especially meat) maggot |
barrpa' |  | sis! (term used by brother to address sister) |
barrtha | | |
barrtjaray |  | tree--found at the edges of billabongs Paperbark, Melaleuca leucadendron |
barrtjun |  | spear, attack with spears Pl sew |
barrukal |  | tree Paperbark (generic) |
barrukala(') |  | bark of Paperbark tree--used to make containers, shelters, canoes, death shroud, for cooking and bark paintings |
barrulanhayŋu | | spirit man who lives in a cave (has hooked shoulders catches people) the cave he lives in (?) |
barrupu |  | tobacco--old, black, strong Ext cigarette |
barrwaṉ(') | | skin, peeling (of bush food) bark (egg)shell Ext paper money, dollar note(s) |
barrwaŋdhun |  | fall (down, over), trip |
barrwarryun |  | keep on laughing, crying, kicking (e.g., like a temper tantrum) |
bärrwitj |  | yam |
barryaḻ'yun | | slip (over, as feet slipping from under on a path) |
bat |  | throw (away) |
baṯ |  | light a fire, make a fire |
baṯ | | get, pick up, touch, hold (tightly or firmly), have, reach (for), grab, seize |
bata'yun | | race (to outrun), go very quickly, run (to escape someone) |
baṯa | | good at (hunting or gathering), expert, smart, intelligent |
baṯa | | with, together Comitative object |
bäṯa | | rootfood--red skinned yam "Wild Carrot" |
baṯami |  | woman, female |
-baṯaŋu | | rightful, correct, proper |
batarra | | tree Paperbark, Melaleuca sp. |
baṯi(') |  | spear--with wooden barbs (used for fighting, hunting (emu, wallaby) or dancing) |
bäti | | knife--short, two-edged |
batigut | | petticoat, skirt |
batiŋarra |  | carpenter |
baṯpa(') |  | reef--in deeper waters, offshore underwater rocks turtles' feeding area ṯ good place to find turtle |
baṯparrarra' | | tree Eucalyptus tectifica (?) |
baṯpaṯthun |  | get, collect (shellfish), pick off (fruit), scrape the bark (off of tree) |
bäṯpaṯ |  | wart |
baṯpirrirri | | wasp--yellow, has a long nose with which it feeds its young makes its home out of anthills (gundirr) or in a tree, signals the presence of a beehive in a tree |
batpuluk | | cattle |
baṯthawuma | | give, hand (over) |
baṯtjama | | fruit or inedible seed of mangrove trees |
baṯtjurr | | star (generic) |
bätu | | |
batumaŋ |  | swimming goggles |
baṯuŋgu |  | boy, young man circumcised (in Mandiyala ceremony) |
bathabatha | | |
bathala |  | big, large, huge |
bathan |  | cook, boil, burn, set fire to Ext sting (of sea-wasp) |
bathana |  | private, secret |
bathapu(') | | hat |
batharripa |  | Macassan, Macassarese |
bathathaki |  | getting everything together to move to another place |
bathi |  | container, dillybag, basket, box, packet |
bathi-gurririmirri |  | snake Death Adder |
bäthu(') |  | rock, stone |
bätj |  | barge |
batja | | |
batji | | container, dillybag, basket, box, packet |
batjikali |  | can, tin thimble small metal cup at end of pipe that holds tobacco |
batjikuḻ |  | bicycle |
batjila |  | beach area |
batjila |  | Batchelor (site of Batchelor College and SAL) |
batjimurruŋu | | shellfish--edible Angular Ear Shell, Cassidula angulifera |
batjipaŋ | | thimble small metal cup at end of pipe that hold tobacco |
batjiwarr |  | path, road, way, track |
batjkitpuḻ | | basketball |
batjparra' | | mat--pandanus |
batjpatj |  | sickness, pain, disease |
bätju(') |  | stick--digging, yamstick tree--its wood is made into yamsticks Pemphis acidula |
bätjupatju |  | shirt, coat, jacket |
batjurr | | |
batjurrurru | | |
batjuwarr |  | path, road, way |
baw(')yun | | burst, break, explode, blow up hatch (egg) blossom, bloom (flower) |
bäw' |  | pleasant (smell), aromatic, fragrant perfume, cologne |
bäw' | | burst, explode fart loudly |
bawa' |  | craziness, insanity, stupidity |
bawaka |  | |
bawala |  | accidentally, at random, unintentionally |
bawalatj | | wrong (one) mistake, error |
bäwaŋ |  | potato(es) vegetables (especially earthcrops) Yam, "Native Potato", Dioscorea nummularia, D. transversa Ipomoea velutina |
bäwarraṉ | | bird, animal, meat skin |
bawatj | | surprise |
bäwayŋu | | |
bäwi(') | | pig |
bawitj |  | tide--high, full tide |
bawkthun | | chop, fell |
bawu | | grass--used along with hot stones when cooking turtle to keep the heat and smoke inside Vetiveria elongata Spinifex longifolius (?) |
bawu | | hair of a corpse |
bawuli |  | |
bawuminya |  | paint |
bäwurr |  | spear--fish |
bawuthu |  | wind |
bawutj |  | tide--high |
bay' |  | Oh!, Hey!, Are you with me?, Yes or no? interrogative particle |
bay' |  | leave (behind, aside), abandon |
bäy |  | Nevermind!, Still..., Until..., Could be |
bäythirri |  | miss out (on something) |
bäy'yun |  | smoke |
bäya | | nevermind |
bäya | | fire |
bayakthirri | | reject, not want (something) |
bayaka | | |
bäyaku | | fair go! |
bayalalŋa |  | |
bayalawuy | | |
bayam'bun | | buy pay (for) |
bayaŋgu | | |
bayaŋu | | abundant, lots (of) |
bäyaŋu |  | none, nothing |
bayapaya | | rope attached to sail for navigation |
bayapuḻa | | place name |
bäyarra(') | | pay (back), take revenge (deserved) reward, fair chance, fair go, vengence, retribution |
bayarrak | | bee--non-stinging found lower in tree said to be the father of yarrpany, whose hive is found at the top of the tree |
bäyatj | | nevermind |
bayaw'wun | | collect (objects) |
bayaya | | Never mind Forget it even if, although |
bäydhi | | |
bayiday-wik | | pay week |
bayiku |  | of/for that (one/person) yonder |
bayikuḻ(i) |  | to that (person, far) |
bayikuŋ |  | from that (one), made by that (person) |
bayikura |  | by/with that (person, far) |
bayikuru | | from that (person) |
bayikurumurru |  | about that (person, far) |
bayikuruy |  | about that (person) yonder |
bayikuy |  | about that (one) yonder |
bayilma | | |
bäyim |  | buy pay (for) tr cost in |
bayini |  | White Woman, Asian lady, non-Aboriginal woman |
bayiŋ |  | usually, always HABitual action |
bayiŋ |  | by that (person), with/using that (one) also PAST (?) |
bayirr | | kangaroo, euro--female |
bayitjan |  | through that (one, way) yonder |
bayiwaḻi |  | from that (one, far) then, afterwards |
bäykarrarama | | take no notice (of), disobey |
baykurrtji | | |
bäyma |  | close (around here/there) behind |
baymaṉ' | | tree--resembling Terminalia carpentariae |
bäymaŋu | | everlasting, eternal |
baymaramawuy |  | |
baymatthun |  | hit, beat, bash gather, get (shellfish, yams) affect |
baymunuŋbi | | |
bäyŋu |  | none, nothing, not at all |
baypa |  | paper |
baypay | | good place to get honey |
bäypi |  | still |
baypinŋa | | fish Saratoga, Scleropages jardini |
bayulma |  | |
bayumbi |  | |
bayuṉuṉ |  | spirit |
bäyuŋ |  | paddles |
baywaḻi(ya) |  | after that, thereafter |
baywani |  | |
be | | somewhere (else, far away) maybe |
be'yun |  | rub root of tree on thigh to make string (for dilly bag) |
bebik | | bird Black-faced Cuckoo Shrike, Coracina novaehollandiae |
bebiyik | | cf See: BEBIK |
biḏam | | fish Long-Tom Fish |
beḏawuy |  | |
biḏi'yun | | paint, rub onto, apply (paint, ointment to), colour (in) |
biḏibiḏi | | bird--small Robin (?) |
biḏidjirr' | | root--edible Eriosema chinense |
biḏil | | waterlily leaf |
biḏila | | liver |
biḏila | | bad, inedible |
biḏila | | rootfood vine--root can only be eaten after careful preparation |
biḏimbiḏa | | snake Water Python |
beḏinybuy | | |
biḏiŋal | | ḻikan |
biḏipi(') | | scar (traditionally put on body as symbol for a dead relative) |
biḏipiḏi | | tree--found in flood plains Paperbark, Melaleuca sp. (-viridiflora ?) |
biḏitj | | spear-thrower, woomera--long and curved (for fish spear or harpoon, used when hunting turtles or dugong) |
biḏitj | | nearly, almost |
biḏiwiḏi | | bird-small with yellow feathers Peewee |
biḏiwiḏitjkuma | | wipe (out, up, e.g., something spilt), rub out, erase (e.g., pencil mark) |
bidjal | | fish--freshwater |
bidjay' | | lizard, goanna--small, dark-coloured, found in lowland plains |
bidjipun | | choppy water--be(come, especially of whirlwind to make it so) |
bidjuḏu | | whirlwind |
bikaḏa | | arm band |
bekaŋ(') | | hook, fishhook line with hook |
bikilanydjiwuy | | surname |
bekiny(') | | crab--edible generic for crabs inhabiting rocky tidal zones especially near mud flats Fiddler Crab, Uc c a sp. |
bikipiki | | pig(s) |
bikpikthun | | shake off something adhering (e.g., stinging insect, water off dog, paint of brush) |
bekuruwuy | | |
bil | | turn (around, -about face, -into), change (direction or state) |
bil'yun | | bent--be, become crooked wag tail |
biḻ' | | |
biḻa(') | | track, print, mark on ground (left by snake, lizard, or crawling child) |
biḻak | | black |
biḻaka | | grass--used along with hot stones when cooking turtle to keep the heat and smoke inside Vetiveria elongata, Spinifex longifolius |
belam(a) | | dig (for roots) scratch |
bilamapilama | | bird Black-Shouldered Kite |
bilanya | | like, similar to |
biḻanya | | |
biḻanydji | | dugong tail |
bilaŋ | | anytime, sometime |
beḻaŋ | | calm, quiet |
biḻaŋ'thun | | lick |
bilapinya | | |
biḻarraŋdhirri | | heal, become healed |
biḻayn | | (aero)plane |
biḻ'biḻ | | tree--wood used to make tapsticks Exocarpos latifolius tapsticks, clapstick(s) |
biḻbiḻthun | | howl (dog) |
biḻbiḻyun | | be unfirm (of building, structure) |
bili | | because, since and (then) causal, completive or interrogative word |
biḻi-biḻi | | bird Bowerbird |
biligut | | billy goat |
biḻimbiḻ(il) | | hole in which python lives (sacred place) |
biḻin' | | |
biḻinbiḻin | | house--big |
bilinydjan(') | | mälk-f |
biḻiŋga | | faeces |
bilip(-b)ilipthun | | fan a fire flip (off as dust), shake (sand off hands), brush away (flies) |
bilipin | | Philippines, Filipino |
bilit | | plate |
bilitjpilitj | | bird Red-Winged Parrot, Aprosmictus erythropterus |
biḻitjuman | | policeman |
bilkthun | | cover (up, over) deceive |
biḻk | | excreta, faeces, vul shit |
bilkpilk | | flat (surface) |
biḻkpiḻk | | bird Peewee, Mudlark |
biḻma | | clapstick(s) |
biḻmaŋaniŋ | | beetle grub moth from larvae like that of witchetty grub |
biḻmirr | | tree |
bilŋarr | | vulva, external female sex organs |
bilŋbilŋdhun | | walk with wobbly knees clap knees together (as in morning star and mokuy dances) |
biḻparr(') | | chips, shavings (from wood), splinter, scraps (of paper) |
biḻparr | | flat |
bil'pilyun | | straighten (spears) |
biḻ(')piḻyun | | break (of day, after last star has gone) |
biḻ'piḻ | | tree--has yellow flower used as rubbing medicine for diarrhoea, earache, and other illnesses the inner bark is mixed with water and then wiped all over the body or put in the ears Jacksonia dilatata |
belpil | | stingray |
beḻpiḻ | | blunt (knife) |
bel'pil | | pliable, easily bent |
bilthu(') | | fish--found in tidal rivers Archer Fish, "Rifle Fish" |
biḻtjawunuma | | shoot (with gun) |
bembi | | sheep, lamb |
binaluŋ | | opposite, other (side), aside |
binana | | banana |
beṉawa | | shellfish--edible Angular Ear Shell, Cassidula angulifera |
biṉbapthun | | recur (sickness, sore) |
binbarr | | wing leaf small sliver or shred (flint, tobacco) |
binbin(') | | scales (fish) |
biṉḏabarr'parryun | | crack (ground, rock, wood, fibre) |
bindarr' | | root food--swamp plant with edible tubers Triglochin procera |
biṉḏay | | grass--along rivers Cane Grass, Chionachne cyathopoda |
bindi | | |
bindirriny | | |
biṉḏirrk | | swelling, lump in the breast |
biṉḏirrkthun | | strike (a match) |
biṉḏiyalŋu | | rootfood |
bindiyay | | creeper with spiny fruits Tribulus cistoides |
bindha | | rib(s) |
biṉdharr'yun | | swear, use bad language |
biṉdjarra(') | | axe (stone or old-fashioned metal, tied together with string) |
biṉdjirra' | | axe--stone, short |
bindjurrwuy | | spear |
biṉgal | | stick--small, sharp, pointed used by boys after circumcision for holding food by girls at puberty ceremonies for scratching head by women for digging shellfish and hitting self or ground in grief generally by anyone to search for nits in hair, clean sore |
bini | | particle making statement as contrary to fact |
biṉi | | stingray--large big ba:mbi, mother of dja:tji |
biṉiny | | nail--finger or toe, claw |
bininydjirri | | arrow |
biṉinymirr(i) | | lizard Mangrove Monitor, Varanus indicus |
binmila | | |
biṉ'ṯawu | | mud, earth, gravel |
bin'tjuḻ | | pencil |
binhdha | | rib(s) |
beny | | worm (includes harmful parasitic worms) |
beny bala | | and so on (until) |
binydjaḻŋu | | shark-fat or liver |
binydjarr'yun | | fish kill, spear |
binydjarrpuma | | |
binydji | | flat, thin |
binydjitj | | thin, fleshless, skinny flat unnoticeable |
binygirrigirriyirri | | itchy--be, scratch an itch make a noise to show someone is coming |
binygurr | | plant--chenopod Tecticornia australasica |
binymulurawuy | | |
biny'tju | | sandstone, sand stones |
binyural | | |
biŋ'thun | | suck (as air through teeth) |
biŋal | | axe |
biŋga'yun | | wake up, be awake be wary, ready |
biŋgipiŋgiyun | | toss and turn (from restlessness), move around (as when sleeping or about to wake up) |
biŋgurawuy | | |
biŋk | | pink |
biŋu | | then, after that, so |
biŋulu | | from there (yonder) Conj after that, then |
biŋum | | that (one, near you) |
beŋur(u) | | hence, from there, from that |
beŋur(u) | | after(wards), then, later |
biŋurumdhu | | with that, using that (one) |
beparran | | snake--freshwater, non-poisonous |
bepi | | bird Banded Fruit-Dove |
bepila | | |
bipimirriny | | bird Comb-crested Jacana, Jacana gallinacea |
bepuka | | bird Dove sp. |
bir'yun | | sparkle, glitter, shine |
bira'yun | | wake up, be awake, open one's eyes |
biral | | belt (made of string) Ext seatbelt |
birandjitj | | Frances |
biranybirany | | |
birapthun | | flash, give out gleam of light |
biray(') | | tree--edible fleshy fruits Yellow-fruited Tree, Denhamia obscura Pouteria sericea |
birayti | | Friday |
birim | | lizard Large Rock Goanna, Varanus glebopalma |
birirr | | wake (e.g., of dugong at night) |
biritjalawuy | | |
biritj-goḻ | | Pre-School |
birkarr'yun | | chant during Yirritja ceremonies (by calling out place names, etc.) |
birkpirk | | bird Kingfisher sp. |
birku(') | | stick--smooth, heavy, with rounded end (for fighting or turtle hunting), club (usually made from Ironwood) |
birŋ'gun | | clap (hands) in slap tr |
birpa | | rectum |
birpa' | | flesh (of snail or shellfish) |
birr | | stand |
birr(') | | very TIME or LOC Intensifier |
birral | | belt |
birrali | | corn, maize, wheat (any small seeds or grains) |
birralimiŋ | | |
birraŋany | | side half |
birrarrapi | | axe |
berratha(') | | rice wheat barley (cereals) |
birrbirryun | | fly off get up and go Pl |
birrgi' | | tree Green Plum, Buchanania obovata |
birrgugu | | rememberance of an unkindness for later retribution |
birrikitji | | |
birrimbiḏi | | sea-serpent (?) |
birrimbirr | | soul, human spirit (goes to land of departed spirits to be reincarnated) |
birriṉ-birriṉ | | |
birrinyguma | | gather together (e.g., people for death ceremony, flock of birds in a tree) |
birrip(-b)irrip | | bird--bustard, announces the Dhuwa dead when they arrive at Burralku |
birriran | | |
birrirri'yun | | turn around (key in lock), screw (top on jar), wring (clothes), stir, twist start up (motor) |
birritjama | | surname |
birrka' | | accidentally, by mistake, at random |
birrka' | | joke, something funny |
birrkaṉŋu | | |
birrkili | | clan-nation (western Da) |
birrkilin | | spear--old fashioned, with a wooden blade |
birrkin-birrkin | | crocodile--saltwater |
berrkmirriŋu | | mob(s), a great number (of people) |
berrkŋu | | Praying Mantis, Stick-Insect |
birrkpirrk | | bird--bustard, announces the Dhuwa dead Banded Plover, Masked Plover, Masked Lapwing, Vanellus miles |
birrkpirrkŋaniŋ | | tree/shrub Pink Pigface, Seapurslane, Suaeda australis Arthrocnemum leiostachyum Batis argillicola Sesuvium portulacastrum Tecticornia australasica |
birrku(') | | moon--full |
birrkuḏa | | bee--honey "Cheeky Bee", Trigona sp. |
birrkuku(') | | fish--with black and white stripe Butterfish |
birrmanda | | shrub--edible berry Green Plum, Wild Plum |
birrnyilpirrnyil | | very old person |
birrŋ'thun | | spread (fire, story, news), increase in size, get bigger |
birrŋarr | | turtle Pacific Ridley, Lepidochelys olivasea |
birrŋaw'yun | | scatter, spread out in all directions |
birrŋir'bun | | hiccup burp |
birr'pirryun | | rub sticks together stamp feet (?) |
birrpunu | | rope for flag |
birrpurra | | fish |
birru'birrun | | whistle (of the wind) |
berrupirru | | star |
birrwakthun | | spread, increase |
birrwirryun | | fly off (as a flock of birds), take off (mass dispersal in all directions) rise, get up and go (everyone after ceremony or meeting) |
birrwirra(') | | fish--found in mangroves and salt-water creeks Black-Spotted Dart, Trachinotus bailloni Dart(s), T. blochi, T. russelli |
bet | | bed |
bitmaram(a) | | graze, brush against, just miss (spear), almost touch |
biṯthun | | sting (of wasp, jellyfish) |
biṯa | | shrub--used as string fruit--black when ripe, can be eaten red if cooked Burney Vine |
bitata | | potato European |
biṯi | | hip back leg (turtle) |
biṯi'yun | | carry (in dillybag) hung around shoulder |
biṯpiṯ | | shoot(s), new growth (on plant) |
bitrul | | petrol |
biṯtharryun | | set a fire gather a lot of wood and get it set for a fire |
bittja(') | | picture(s), film, photo(graph), image |
biturul | | petrol |
biturrunatu | | buffalo |
bithiwul | | none, nothing |
bitja | | |
bitja(') | | picture(s), film, photo(graph), image |
bitjan | | thus, like this |
bitjarra | | |
bitji | | snake scales or skin |
bitjiṉiny | | tree-mangrove leaves used for cooking dugong and turtle acts as a preservative lemony smell from crushed leaf Myrtle Mangrove, Osbornia octodonta |
bitjirayta | | refrigerator |
bitjit | | visit |
betjitj | | pieces |
bitjkit | | biscuit |
bitju-wayiŋ | | just like |
biw'yun | | fan (fire) brush away (flies) (of wind) fan (you) when in the shade |
bew'yun | | blow |
bewaḻi | | from that (one), from there, after that |
bewik | | bird Black-faced Cuckoo Shrike, Coracina novaehollandiae |
bewiya | | grass--growing in paperbark swamps & wetlands Bullrush, Eleocharis sp. |
bewiyik | | bird Black-Faced Cuckoo Shrike, Coracina novaehollandiae |
biwula | | bird Seagull sp. |
biyaku | | |
biyal | | fish--small, freshwater |
biyamarr | | wind--strong |
biyaṉi | | fright, (reasoned) fear |
biyaṉu | | fear |
biyaŋ | | greedy for |
biyapiya | | intestines, guts |
biyapul | | more, again, another (of the same) |
biyarranydjarrwuy | | |
biyarrmak | | funny, humourous, amusing, clowning (around) |
biyarrthan | | cook, roast burn (e.g., jellyfish sting) |
biyawik | | bird Black-shouldered Kite, Elanus notatus |
biyawiliny | | tree fruit--small, grape-like, edible, available in jungle areas after Christmas |
biyawilitj | | tree fruit--edible |
biyawuy | | |
biyay(') | | lizard--large goanna Varanus sp. |
biyirr'yun | | twist |
beyiwiya' | | reed--swamp |
biyiwiyik | | bird |
biyuŋu | | yam--with grassy leaves |
bom | | boom (of a canoe) |
buma | | hit (hard), beat kill gather, pick, collect (wild foods, honey, shellfish) prepare (tobacco) bite (of sandfly or mosquito) shoot (gun) make (basket) affect |
bumbarru | | rock, stone hill |
bumbum | | car, motorcar, truck |
bomiḻa | | shellfish--large edible Oyster sp. found in mud and mangroves |
bominya | | tree/shrub--edible fruit Kurrajong |
bumiti | | |
bon | | kneecap |
boṉ | | spoon |
buna | | arrive come (up to), visit |
buṉaki | | have an accident |
bunaṉatjini | | clan-nation and language |
bunaṉbunaṉ | | cicada |
buṉapi(') | | seaslug, trepang--small, found in mud |
boṉba | | butterfly (generic) |
bunbaṯpaṯ | | coiled around (as snake) |
buṉbatjiwuy | | |
buṉbu | | shelter--of bush or bough, hut, native house Ext house (of European design) |
bunbun' | | rootfood Vigna vexillata |
buṉbuṉ' | | white paint made from clay |
buṉḏalal | | cramp, palsy, "pins and needles", numbness, stiffness |
buṉḏalŋu | | back, lumbar spine, centre of back |
bundi(') | | turtle sub-adult Hawksbill Turtle |
bondi | | quick(ly), fast |
bundul | | bird--hawk, commonly seen soaring over settlements Black (Fork-tailed) Kite |
bundula | | |
bundurr | | clan, surname (given to a person or clan--relating to territory or totems) |
buṉḏuṯu | | |
bonhdhu' | | beeswax--hard, black (at bottom of beehive) |
bundhurr | | |
buṉdjuŋu(') | | tree with large green/yellow fruit Wild Orange Tree, Capparis umbonata |
bungam | | |
buṉitjun | | apply sweat to (someone, in bestowal ritual) |
bun'kumu | | knee |
buṉ'ṯaŋu | | snake Black-Headed (Rock) Python, Aspi ol,d ites melanocephalus |
bun'tarrawuy | | |
boṉu(') | | tree Eucalypt sp. |
bunuka | | |
buṉulk | | pollen dust Ext dry flour (rubbed on kneaded damper) |
buṉumal | | |
bunuŋgu | | |
buṉuŋgurr | | |
bunuyura | | |
bunhaŋarawuy | | |
bunhaŋurawuy | | |
bunhdhala | | |
bonhdhu | | beeswax (used for wearing in hole of nose) |
bunhdhurr | | lame, crippled (person) unable to fly (domestic fowl) |
bunhdhurrurrŋu | | |
bunhdhuwulu | | weak, helpless |
buny'tjun | | suck (on) smoke (tobacco) kiss |
bunybu(') | | shellfish--eaten raw Mud Welk, Terebralia p e,a lustris |
bunydjarrŋa(') | | tree Cashew |
bunydji | | anus, arse |
bunydjul | | yam--edible, growing on prostrate vine Ipomoea velutina (?) |
bunydjuŋu | | fruit--green inside |
boŋa | | perfume, aromatic powder (anything to make one smell nice) |
buŋaḻati | | tree--edible purple fruit |
buŋbulyun | | rise (of smoke or steam) |
buŋbuŋdhun | | boil |
buŋgama | | drift with current, float on top of water (e.g., crocodile, log, leaf, but not boat) |
boŋgam(a) | | break (of day) tomorrow definite FUT marker |
buŋgan | | smell, scent, aroma (good or bad) (Rit) body odor |
buŋgana | | leg |
buŋgaputju | | |
buŋgaṯthun | | be happy feel refreshed be relaxed, relieved feel enthusiastic |
buŋgawa | | boss, leader owner, master Ext captain (of sports team) foreman |
buŋgu'yun | | agree, nod head in agreement |
buŋgul | | ceremony, "business", rite, ritual celebration, carnival song sung with didjeridoos and tapsticks (may be accompanied by dancing) |
boŋguŋ(u) | | tomorrow (early, at daybreak) sometime (in the immediate future) |
boŋirriny | | smelly, rotten (paper or wood) (?) spider--large, lives in the ground |
buŋ'puŋdhun | | make a kissing noise (with lips pushed forward) |
buŋu | | |
boŋu | | waterhole |
boŋurru | | drunk, intoxicated |
buŋuṯul | | tortoise |
boŋuwuy | | waterhole |
bop | | sound of digeridoo or siren |
bopaṉa | | fish Cook's Soldier Fish, Apogon cooki Black-Tipped Fusilier, Caesio chrysozonus Whiptail, Pentapodus paradiseus Lined Spine-Cheek, Scolopsis lineatus |
bopu | | voice box, "Adam's apple" windpipe, throat |
bopu | | pawpaw |
bup(-b)up | | throat |
bopurru | | |
bo'puyŋu | | messenger, apostle |
bur | | arrive, come |
buryun | | come to nothing fall through |
bur' | | current (water) swirling around rock |
bura | | middle |
burakirri | | hurt--be, wounded (by spear) |
burala | | bird Darter, Anhinga melanogaster |
buram | | wasp--builds a nest of leaves Paper Wasp (?) |
burapura | | bird--seabird with red beak |
burarra | | clan-nation & language |
burarrwaŋa | | surname whale |
burathan(') | | Sea Urchin |
burburbunuma | | paint (person, bark) colour in outlines |
burdji'yun | | rub out, erase, make no effect |
burgu(') | | flower (Rit) pollen |
buriḏitj | | |
buriny | | (out, as pus from boil) |
burinyalawuy | | |
burirritj | | fish (generic) |
boriya | | whale bones |
burk | | dry, dried out |
burkthun | | surface (from under water), float rise through fermentation (as cycad nut food) |
burkiyalawuy | | |
burŋa'yun | | |
burpa(') | | rootfood--small, round, must be cooked found in shallow water in billabongs, similar to waterlily, Nymphaea violacea Ext bullet |
borpul | | purple |
burpur | | |
bur'puryun | | be winded, become puffed (from running) |
burugu' | | |
burugurr' | | tree River Whistling Tree, Casuarina cunninghamiana |
burukpili | | tree--edible fruit taken as a medicine for colds and sore throat, root is used for yellow dye Great Morinda, Cheesefruit, Pain-Killer Fruit, Morinda citrifolia |
burul | | snake--short, dark, found in trees and harmless juvenile Olive Python |
burulpurulŋani | | mushroom |
burulpurulŋaniŋ | | tree Clerodendrum inerme |
borum | | fruit (generic for local and introduced, but excludes cycad nuts) |
borum | | ripe, cooked |
burumbil | | |
buruminy | | shellfish--edible Gafrarium tumidum |
burumŋu | | pus (from boil) |
burumu' | | tree with edible red "apples" Syzygium suborbiculare, Eugenia suborbicularis |
burumun' | | cheek (down to jaw) Ext island bud (of plant), fruit, nut |
boruŋarriwuy | | |
buruŋgulk | | brittle, threadbare, fragile, weak covered with footprints |
buruŋgurr | | bird Australian Pelican |
buruŋunhawuy | | |
buruŋurr | | scrotum, testicle(s) |
bururr'yun | | wipe, dry |
bururrpururr | | tree--small with edible fruits Diospyros maritima, D. ferrea (var. humilis) |
burut-burut | | rat--small |
burway | | |
burwu(') | | flower (not plant), blossom (Rit) pollen |
buryi'yun | | erase, rub out, make no effect |
bur'yuŋurrkama | | distress severely (person) capsise (canoe) |
burr'yun | | dance, play |
borr | | |
burrakuma | | threaten confront |
burralaŋ(') | | mälk-m wallaby |
burralaŋ' | | bird White-necked Heron |
burralkthun | | sing in a special way (for initiate or deceased person) |
burralku | | land of departed spirits home of the morning star |
burralkuwuy | | |
burra'ṉi | | run along (as goanna) |
burranhalawuy | | |
burrayi | | |
burraypurray | | |
burrbuburrbuyun | | |
burrburryun | | sing for deceased person in camp concert or cleansing ceremony (to accompaniment of clapsticks) make noise (like an engine) |
burr'burryun | | fall off |
burrdjalawuy | | |
burrguyun | | gallop (of buffalo, horse) |
burrgutj | | lungs |
burrinhdhiya | | leprosy |
burriŋi | | shellfish--edible Mud Welk |
burriṯiŋu | | whip |
borrk | | appearance, character(istic), quality same (in appearance, character) |
burrkili | | |
burrkpurrk | | joint (part of body which "clicks" when arm, leg or back is stretched suddenly) |
burrkun | | scar man's chest mark |
burrkun | | rope |
burrkunuŋ | | dance--of women in Circumcision Ceremony (at a given point the women run in a circle around the men) |
burrkuwurrku | | ceremonial headband of mixed colours (made from wool or string with parrot or chicken feathers) |
burrmalala | | cyclone, destructive wind |
burrmalwuy | | |
burrmiḏi | | peaceful, peace-loving |
burrmiḻa | | bird--seabird |
burrminy | | |
burrnhalawuy | | |
burrnyiḏiḏi | | tree/shrub--with white flowers |
burrpal | | Witchetty Grub--beyond pupa stage (with legs, but not flying) |
burrpaṉḏala | | plant--useless (e.g., Tinospora smilacina or Gardenia sp.) Ḏmildly rudeṈ |
burrpar | | two |
burrpiḻ'yun | | give a "raspberry" blow in a person's eye |
burrpu | | cruel, callous, destructive having an affair with the wrong relation |
burrpu | | vine--thick, strong, growing on trees has a druglike affect if smoked Snake Vine, Tinospora smilacina, Stephania japonica |
burrpurryun | | bog (down), be stuck, get covered (in mud, sand, dirt) |
burr'purryun | | fall (as leaves from tree, pile of books) |
burrpuy | | leprosy curse, black magic, sorcery |
burrtjun | | flatulate, pass air, "fart" (rude) |
borru' | | ringworm skin disease (brownish-white rings on skin) |
burru(-)burruthuŋan | | comfort, greet a mourner or one paying respects to the dead |
burruḏupthun | | ride (a horse or on shoulders), sit astride (on a horse or dog) |
burrudhiṯthun | | scoop up |
burrudhuḻ'dhuḻ | | measles |
burrugu | | shark--newly born/young, edible (generic) |
burrukala | | butterfly |
burrukuy' | | yam--edible, growing on prostrate vine Ipomoea velutina (?) |
burrul'yun | | fall (out, off, down) |
burruḻuḻu | | ground--soft, muddy |
burrumarra | | |
burrumbaḻ | | |
burrumburr | | tree/shrub--very white bark is used to make string inedible red fruit string |
burrumilkama | | misunderstand |
burrumiṯpa | | fish Estuary Rock Cod, Epinephelus malabaricus Black-Tipped Rock Cod, E. fasciatus Groper, Promicrops lanceolatus |
borrumŋu | | relative--close |
burrumunuŋ | | cold, stale (food) numb(ness), stiff(ness) cramp, pins and needles |
burruṉburruṉ | | creeper--small edible white berries Dodder Laurel, Devil's Guts, Cassytha filiformis, Grevillia dryandri, G. goodii |
burrunha | | |
burrunhalawuy | | Gum |
burrunhdhiya(') | | leprosy |
burrunhdhiya'kuma | | mix food with too much water |
burruŋa | | interrupt |
burruŋandi' | | turtle--smelly freshwater tortoise Chelodina novaeguineae (?) |
burruŋburruŋ | | part of animal near muscle, non-edible, thrown away |
burrupiḻ | | turtle, tortoise |
burru'purru | | sickness--spots on body due to sunburn or disease |
burru'purruka | | g-string, small cloth rag |
burruṯtji | | snake Water Python, Liasis fuscus |
burrutha(') | | hair-ribbon |
borrutj | | Sandfly (or small mosquito ?) |
burruwaḻi' | | spirit--black cat-like animal with white neck and red eye, flies around at night and is associated with devils or ghosts |
burruwu | | shark--young, edible (generic) |
burrwana | | |
burrwar | | |
burrwarr | | take, snatch |
burrwu | | shark |
burrwurryun | | sing in mourning (for deceased person in camp concert or cleansing ceremony to accompaniment of clapsticks) make droning noise, throb (engine) |
burrwutj | | lung(s) |
burrwuttji | | snake Water Python |
brayti | | |
bo'puyŋu | | messenger Ext apostle |
bo'yun | | blow (of wind in , or of a person at a fire tr ) |
bubu | | Good bye! |
bububa | | water |
bububu | | wasp--large Eumenes sp. |
buḏaga' | | fruit of Kurrajong tree |
buḏalkiny | | plant--small, found on ridges |
buḏapthun | | cross (over), go down across or over |
buḏaw' | | burst, shatter explode, go off (gun), blast (dynamite) |
boḏiny | | tame, not prone to anger, calm, quiet Ext ineffectual Idm poor (hunter) |
buḏipuḏi | | wallaby Narbarlek, Little Rock-Wallaby, Peradorcas concinna |
buḏuḏupthun | | gallop |
buḏuga(') | | tree--used for firesticks Clerodendrum floribundum sometimes confused with C.-cunninghamii |
boḏuk | | beetle (generic) cockroach black beetle sp.--with two red spots on its back |
buḏurr'yun | | rub |
buḏurrutjtjun | | turn to start (tap, engine), twist, wring out (clothes) |
buduwuṯpuy | | |
buḏuyurr | | whirlwind twisted strands of rope |
budju'yun | | rub or roll fibres on one's thigh (to make rope or string) |
bogu | | in search of (?) |
bogun | | cup, Paperbark container |
bugutj-bugutj | | bird Bar-shouldered Dove |
bok | | box |
bukaḏaŋu | | brother |
bukalakarr | | shrub Smilax australis |
bukaŋu | | saved (food) |
bukaŋu | | all, whole, entire |
bokarra | | |
bukaway | | dream(s) |
boki | | harpoon |
bukimaŋgatharra | | Macassan, Macassarese Ext foreigner (non-Aboriginal) |
bokit | | pocket |
bokitj | | bird Quail sp. |
bokitjŋu | | |
bukmak | | all, every entirety, whole lot |
bokman | | create, make |
buku | | hill, cliff, mountain, summit, high peak |
buku | | face, forehead will, mind |
buku | | slice, hunk, piece of food (cut off for someone) end (of rope, story), climax |
bukuḻatjpi | | surname |
bokulu'yirr(i) | | forget |
bukumuk | | feeling--heavy or dizzy, in head (e.g., after eating too much maypal) |
buku(-)muk | | dark(ness), pitch black |
bukurum(a) | | look up(wards) |
bukurru(') | | fish |
buku(-)waṉ'waṉ | | high (up) |
bul | | cook |
bulyun | | splash in water, be of or in water |
bul' | | fall make noise of something dropped, e.g., stone |
buḻ'yun |  | swell (up, as infection) |
buḻ'yun |  | play act (in a drama or play) |
buḻa(') | | fish--parasitic, attaches to other fish Short Sucker Fish, Remora remora Idm offsider, helper |
bola | | intestine--large dugong's stomach moon |
bulal' | | two |
bulambi | | |
buḻany(') | | mälk-m kangaroo |
buḻanybirr | | Porpoise |
buḻanydjan(') | | mälk-f |
buḻaŋgarr | | rat |
buḻaŋgitj | | good (in quality), excellent, favourable, pleasing |
buḻarr | | lie (down, on back) |
bulatja' | | fish Grey Schnapper |
bolawuy | | |
bulay(i) | | rich jewelery, gold, precious stones, bronze treasure |
bulayi | | tin, pannikin |
bulbul | | slow, lethargic, sluggish, lacking in energy |
buḻbuḻmarama | | mix fat of stringray with meat (for flavouring) |
buḻbuḻyun | | come in (tide) |
buḻ'buḻyun | | sneak along camouflaged with branches |
buldji | | dilly bag--ceremonial, decorated with feathers |
bulgut | | tree Kurrajong, Brachychiton diversifolium, B. paradoxis |
buliki(') | | cattle, cow beef, lamb (European red meats) |
buḻiḻi | | bush fruit Eugenia bleeseri |
bulinhdha' | | stir, mix |
buḻinybuy | | |
boḻk | | semen, sperm, "cum" (rude) |
bulka' | | hair--body, fur, feather(s) Ext root of yam or vegetable food |
bulkaniny | | caterpillar (generic) |
bulkuŋu | | thunder |
buḻ'madji | | shark--dangerous |
bulman | | woomera, flat spear-thrower |
buḻ'manydji | | shark (generic for adults of Carcharhinus spp.) |
bulmarra | | fish Red Emperor |
bulmirri | | grass-type plant |
bulmurrk | | palm tree--found in spring country, when young it has leaf stems growing straight from the ground the stalks of which are edible Kentia Palm, Northern Kentia, Gronophyllum ramsayi |
bulmuyuk | | died down, gone out (of fire) fresh remains of a fire recently extinguished |
bulnha | | slowly, gently, carefully, cautiously |
buḻnyin | | possum fur |
buḻnyirr'marama | | move (run, drive) fast march (like goose-step), move with knees high |
bulŋu(') | | turtle leg or breast (?) |
buḻŋu(') | | soft, fine, powderlike, crumbly (of ground or fruit) scattered bits (in fine pieces), ashes |
bol'ŋu | | wind-destructive: water spout, cyclone, tornado |
bulŋuyuk | | extinguished (fire), not alight Ext not carrying a firestick people with no fire storage place (for food) after fire has died |
bulpu' | | basket made from pandanus fibres |
buḻpuḻ(') | | flower feather |
buḻpuḻyun | | burn |
bul'pulyun | | make noise of stamping feet or walking hard on ground |
buḻpupuyun | | swell, blister |
bulu | | again, more (of the same), also, too then (again), but |
bolu | | bamboo (introduced by Macassans) |
buḻuk | | feather(s)--white (usually of Sea Eagle) used for ceremonial body-painting or armbands |
bulukambi | | |
buluki | | cattle, cow beef, lamb (European red meats) |
bulukminy | | snake Javan File Snake |
bulukminyŋaniŋ | | tree--red flowers (April-July) which children tap to loosen the sweet honey female Hakea arborescens Grevillea heliosperma |
boḻuku | | rotten, mouldy rot, mould, mildew, decomposing matter Ext tobacco old cycad nuts (on the ground--can be eaten if cooked in leaves or paperbark) |
boḻuku' | | flour, meal (made from yams) |
bulul'yun | | open (out, as blanket) |
bololo | | tree |
buḻumbuḻ | | hair--white/grey white powder in Paperbark |
buḻumitj | | underpants, women's panties |
bolumiwuy | | |
bulunu(') | | east (wind) fruit of White Berry Bush |
buḻuŋga(') | | dirty, dusty murky, "milky", turbid (water) plastered (with mud or paint, e.g., ceremonial design plastered not painted on) faded, pale (colour) |
buḻuŋun(') | | lump (on body or in rope), knot (in tree or wood), hump (on camel), carved out lump for seat in canoe |
bulupal | | |
buḻurruka' | | shrub--with soft edible white fruits Securinega virosa |
bulurrumawuy | | |
bulurruŋ | | flaky (food, tobacco) cooked on the outside (but not throughout) old cycad nuts (on ground--can be eaten if cooked) |
bulutjaŋa | | fish--freshwater |
bolutju(') | | beard, moustache, facial hair |
bolutju'lili | | grandchild DC, FMSC, MFDC |
bulwaltjpirriwuy | | |
buḻwaŋ'thun | | break in pieces, smash fly in all directions (as blown ashes) |
bul'warryun | | fly away |
bulwarrŋur | | |
bulwul | | slow, lethargic, sluggish, lacking in energy |
buḻwuḻmarama | | mix fat of stringray with meat (for flavouring) |
bulwunu(') | | east (wind) fruit of White Berry Bush |
bulwut | | tree/shrub--with edible seeds Red-flowering Kurrajong, Darwin Kurrajong, Brachychiton parodoxis, B. diversifolium |
buḻwutja(') | | rootfood--grass with peanut-like roots |
buḻyapuḻya | | tree Wild Cassava Tree, Wild Cotton Tree, Cochlospermum fraseri |
dharru | | a1 |
ḏuwaṯ | | go from sea to land, go upwards |
buta | | good (character), wholesome, clean, beautiful (personality) |
buta | | card game |
butalmirri | | |
boṯaŋ | | tree/shrub--edible berries Native Gooseberry, Physalis mini m,n a |
butpi | | sedge--small Cyperus sp. |
buṯpilk-buṯpilk | | parrot Budgerigar (?) |
butpuḻ | | football |
butputthun | | swell (up), be firm (of breasts) |
buttharr'yun | | make fire (especially for cooking) |
buṯtjiriŋaniŋ | | grass Barb-Wire Grass |
botu | | |
botu-butu | | tractor, iron bar, crank, axe |
buṯukali | | spear-thrower, flat woomera |
buththun | | defecate, "shit" ḎrudeṈ |
butha | | card game |
buthalak | | yellow--light (ochre, used to make body paint) |
buthaniyawuy | | |
botharra | | |
buthaṯtji | | |
buthimaŋ | | |
buthinipa | | belt--made from string |
bothirri | | lie, deceive, tell lies (to) imitate |
bothubuthukuma | | plait, braid, twist |
buthugulk(k)ulk | | expression of pleasure |
buthugurrulil | | |
buthuḻu(') | | bottle |
buthuŋu | | scorpion (harmful) |
buthuru | | ear frill (of Frilled Lizard) |
buthurr | | bark--red-coloured inner bark of Wild Peach medicine (made from this) for diarrhoea or pimples and sores |
bothurru | | count |
buthuwa | | defecate, excrete lay (egg) give birth |
botj | | tree Ironwood, Erythropleum chlorostachyum |
butjala | | surname |
botjama | | build, make, manufacture |
butji | | |
botji | | rain |
butjikit | | cat, kitten |
botjin(') | | poison |
butjiri | | smell--bad, stink smelly, reek, stench |
butjiriŋaniŋ | | grass Litsea glutinosa Barb-Wire Grass, Cymbopogon refracta (?) |
butju | | feather(s) |
butju | | bird Duck sp. |
butjulama | | entice, draw in spread bait |
botjulk | | kind and loving, "cool, calm, and collected", unruffled |
botjulu(') | | fish Jewfish, Mulloway |
butjuluram | | spread bait |
botjuŋ | | bowl, large jar, (earthenware) pitcher Macassan pot (for cooking trepang) |
butjuwutju | | rootfood herb |
buwa | | Hey! address term--general (non-avoidance) for anyone, except that a young person should not use it to an elder used to attract attention |
buwakati | | |
buwakul | | vine--climber, with edible root swellings Cayratia trifolia |
buwaḻ'yun | | break of day |
buwaḻa | | robust (neither fat nor skinny) short Ḏyounger generation's speechṈ |
buwalawal | | tree--used in boat building and for shelters Red Ash, Soap Tree, Alphitonia Alphitia excelsa, Malaisia scandens |
buwal-buwalyun | | bubble up |
buwalkthun | | surface, come up (from under water, as crocodile or submarine) |
buwaḻkpuwaḻk | | mould |
buwal-wuwalyun | | bubble up |
buwaminya | | |
buwaŋ-buwaŋ | | |
buwapiṯi | | |
buwarrpuwarr | | clan |
buwat | | insect--any fly, bee, or wasp specific: Blowfly (?) |
buwaṯa | | bird Plains Turkey, Australian Bustard, Ardeotis australis |
buwaṯaŋaniŋ | | tree/shrub--leaves are crushed and boiled, then used as medicine for fever, sore ears, flu, indegestion and diarrhoea warm leaves can be put directly on a painful area Clerodendrum floribundum |
buwatutja | | |
buwatjiku | | |
buwayak | | invisible, faint, indistinct, faded, pale |
buwayway | | |
bowun | | container--Paperbark (for honey, water, shellfish) |
bo'wuyŋu | | messenger Ext apostle |
-buy | | ASsoCiative: about (a story about a crocodile), from (a man from Darwin) |
boy | | yellow fatty part of crab |
boy' | | blow (at, on) have sexual intercourse |
boy' | | spark (red-hot material that falls from the firestick onto the dry tinder) |
buyama | | |
buyamaŋaniŋ | | tree/shrub--big orange flower edible part (?) |
boyan | | hit, kill collect, gather |
boyaŋ | | paper |
buyapuya | | porpoise--young |
boyara | | brain marrow unhealthy discharge (e.g., pus, phlegm) |
buyku | | raft (made from Paperbark) |
buyman | | |
buymanman | | tree |
buymarr | | fire |
buypi | | surface |
buypuru | | stone--used for crushing cycad |
buyu | | strips of Pandanus leaves--dried out and ready for weaving (the) weave, way of weaving |
buyu' | | shrub Grewia orientalis or similar sp. (?) |
buyu'yun | | rub or roll bark fibres on one's thigh (to make rope or string) |
buyubuyu | | smooth |
buyuḏa | | |
buyuka | | fire(wood) |
boyukarrpi | | |
buyulma | | |
buyuminy | | |
buyuwuyu | | smooth (not rough or coarse) |
buyuyugululmirr | | clan-nation (western Dl) |
buyuyukuḻuḻmirr | | clan-nation (western Dl) |
ḏaba'yun | | look back (behind, to the side, or over one's shoulder) go back (to get, have another look) |
ḏabaḏaba'yun | | shake head (in disagreement) refuse, say no |
ḏäbi | | clan-nation (Djinba, nearly extinct) |
ḏabuṯabu | | bird--owl Nightjar Pacific Baza, Aviceda subcristata |
ḏaḏa'yun | | cleanse, purify in ceremony (e.g. house of a dead person by burning branches around it) |
ḏaḏakarr'yun | | make a scraping noise (moving feet) |
ḏaḏatj | | in vain, to no avail |
ḏaḏaw | | stop (doing), cease, finish |
ḏaḏayŋa | | |
ḏäḏi(y) | | firewood, twigs |
ḏaga | | |
ḏagatj | | plant--found near river banks |
ḏak | | cut (off) break circumcise |
ḏäk | | pelvis, hipbone |
ḏakarr | | spear-thrower, curved woomera (for fish spear) |
ḏakawa(') | | crustacean--prawns & crayfish, e.g: Rainbow Prawn School Prawn Penaeus and Metapenaeus spp River Crayfish Western Crayfish, Chaerax albidus etc. |
dakitaki | | duck |
ḏakṯak | | possum--young |
ḏäku | | bent |
ḏakul(') | | axe (generic) |
ḏäkul(') | | tree--grows along beach White-Flowered Black Mangrove, Lu m,tn itzera racemosa |
ḏal | | break, crack be crushed |
ḏal | | hit |
ḏalun | | cut (down), knock down |
ḏaḻun | | stiff--be(come) |
ḏäl | | strong, hard, steady, firm, difficult |
ḏäla | | stomach nest of paper wasp |
ḏalalakthirri | | faint, be unconscious or half-dead |
ḏalaṉḏalkthirri | | faint, be unconscious or half-dead |
dalbindjir | | cup |
ḏalgirr | | orchid--especially tree orchid |
ḏalkarramirr(i) | | leader(s) of Yirritja ceremonies, old man (implies full knowledge of the law, songs, sacred business, etc.) |
ḏaḻkumbi | | goanna |
ḏalmark | | maggot |
ḏalŋarri | | |
ḏalŋgirr(nha) | | |
ḏalpam | | dead |
ḏalpan | | quiet, idle, lazy |
ḏalwaḏalwa | | material--thick (like canvas): tent, tarpaulin, ground sheet |
ḏalwur | | ignorant, stupid, not very bright, not capable of thinking not good at (work, gets tired of job before it's finished or like children who don\'t know how to think properly), poor at (hunting or providing), "useless" |
ḏam'thun | | put into or stuff one's mouth (all at once) trap, lock in (as feet in stocks), close (mouth or fist) around |
ḏamala | | bird--male/mature White-Breasted Sea Eagle, Haliaeetus leucogaster Wedge-tailed Eagle, Aquila audax Black-breasted Buzzard, Hamirostra melanosternon |
ḏamarr'marama | | tie tightly |
ḏamarrḏamarrdharra | | flare up in anger, tell off, stand up and answer back |
ḏamarrwura | | |
damata | | tomato |
ḏamaṯama | | tree--with inedible dark fruits, grows near billabongs |
ḏamba | | light (weight) |
dämba' | | damper Ext flour |
ḏämbak | | boat |
ḏambaŋani | | tree--lightweight wood used for spear shafts Indian Lantern Flower, Abutilon indica Hydrolea zeylanica Ludwigia perennis, L. octovalvis |
ḏambaṯambayun | | tap--wood to see if hollow (for didgeridoo), bread (to see if cooked) |
ḏämbu | | head, forehead Ext sandy hill |
ḏämbugawumirr | | clan-nation |
ḏämbuy' | | possum--male |
ḏambuythun | | |
ḏamiḻipa | | lizard Northern Blue-Tongue |
ḏamuḏamurrk | | vine--edible fruit |
ḏamura | | shellfish ? |
ḏamurrk-ḏamurrk | | melon--wild, resembling wild cucumber but inedible Coccinea cordifolia (?) |
ḏamurruŋ' | | brackish, salty (water) bitter, sour itchy |
ḏanatjun | | be(come) stiff, taut, tight |
dandaŋa | | tin, can |
ḏandja | | inside hold (of ship) depths (of ocean) |
ḏangapa(') | | tree--edible fruit, juice mixed with water or breast milk is used as medicine for earache and pussy eyes Geebung, Persoonia falcata |
ḏangawukpuy | | |
ḏangi | | bird White Cockatoo |
ḏangi'yun | | nurse ( a child) |
ḏan'parr | | bark of Stringybark--used for shelters and death shroud |
ḏanyala | | |
ḏanybi | | fish Coral Cod, Cephalopholis miniatus Coral Trout, Plectropoma maculatum Coronation Trout, Variola louti |
danydjati | | |
danyguryun | | |
ḏaŋanbarr | | |
ḏaŋawuk | | shallow thin layer of soil over rocks |
ḏaŋga | | calm (when the rain stops), fine |
ḏaŋgalkthun | | fall (over, down), fly off (as leaves from tree, sparks in wind) Idm have bad thoughts, hear bad words going through one's head |
ḏaŋgan | | fruit--bush melon |
ḏäŋgan | | fat rolls (on stomach around waist) Witchetty Grub (edible larvae) |
ḏaŋgultji(') | | bird Brolga, Grus rubiconda |
ḏaŋgurraŋ(') | | lobster male Tropical Rock Lobster |
ḏaŋgurraŋ | | fish--marine, small Mudskipper (?) |
ḏäŋgu'ṯaŋgu | | stingray |
ḏaŋ'mirriŋu | | crustacean--makes clacking noise Grant's Mantis Shrimp, Squilla granti Bay Lobster (?) |
ḏaŋ'ṯaŋdhun | | make knocking noise |
ḏap | | come together, meet e.g., two lines of people surrounding something |
ḏäpthun | | sit, stay (somewhere for a long while, of many people talking or just sitting) |
ḏapal(') | | Caterpillar (generic) |
ḏapalan' | | lizard Blue-tongued Lizard |
ḏapaliny' | | caterpillar--furry, stinging |
ḏapman | | policeman |
ḏapu(') | | vine--thorny good for firewood and firesticks edible fruit like sweet grapes Asparagus racemosa Smilax australis |
ḏapurrurru' | | grasshopper |
ḏar' | | hit |
dar'yun | | sing (with clapstick accompaniment) |
ḏaramu | | bone of lower leg |
ḏar'man | | tree, especially its liquid which can be drunk when water is not available Dwarf Paperbark, Melaleuca viridiflora |
ḏarpa | | tree |
ḏarpum | | spear |
ḏaruma | | shellfish--edible used traditionally as a water cup or carrier, with a string handle Brown Baler Shell, Melo umbiculatus Ext bald head, bald hill |
ḏarwal | | bird--brown, lives in grass |
ḏarwirr | | vine--creeper Lawyer Vine armband (made from this vine) |
ḏärryun | | be(come) angry |
ḏarra | | reed--freshwater, with orange flowers |
ḏarra'yun | | dry up (of water) |
ḏärra | | palm tree and its edible stalks Kentia Palm, Northern Kentia, Gronophyllum ramsayi (and/or) Cut-leaved Palm, Hydriastele wendlandiana |
ḏärra | | fish Five-Banded Damsel Fish, Abudefduf saxatilis White-Banded Damsel Fish, Chrysiptera leucopoma |
ḏarrabiya' | | bird Red-tailed Black Cockatoo |
ḏarramu | | man, male, boy |
ḏarraŋgi | | tree--like a coconut but the shell can also be eaten parts of the tree are washed ashore on Elcho, these are left to dry out in the sun before cooking |
ḏarrapa(') | | fish Long-Nosed Trevally, Carangoides chrysophyrys Bludger, C. gymnostethus Herring Trevally, Alepes kalla |
ḏarrarr'marama | | miss the mark, glance off |
ḏarrarr'yun | | drag, pull along |
ḏarrawanmi | | |
ḏarrawk | | tree Ghost Gum, Whitebark, Eucalyptus papuana |
därrawuk | | |
ḏarrk | | bite |
ḏarrŋḏarrŋdhirri | | bunches--be in (as a tree or banana plant laden with fruit) |
ḏärrpa | | snake King Brown, Pseud e,o chis australis Western Brown Snake, Pseudonaja nuchalis |
ḏärrtjal | | grass Imperata cylindrica, Coelorhachis rottboellioides |
ḏarrtjalk | | clean clear (colour) good, not spoilt (beach, campsite) |
ḏatthun | | spear, pierce |
ḏaṯthun | | break off |
ḏatam | | waterlily |
ḏaṯitji | | tree--edible purple fruit |
ḏäṯiwuy | | clan-nation (eastern Dl) |
datiyalan | | |
ḏatjarraŋa | | |
ḏatji | | sickness or disease--on skin, very itchy used to be fatal |
ḏatji | | sacred sea creature (stingray or shark?)--lives in the Wessels |
ḏatji | | mixture of flesh and fat or liver |
dätjiŋ | | |
datjirri | | |
ḏatjpugarri | | |
ḏatjpurrpurr | | |
ḏaw'yun | | break (down, up) get hurt |
ḏaw'wun | | strip off (bark) |
ḏäw' | | yam--growing on prostrate vine Ipomoea sp. (?) |
ḏawa'yun | | go back (to have another look), look behind, -to the side, -over one's shoulder |
ḏawaḏatj | | unequal in size or length |
dawadawa | | bell |
ḏawaḏawayun | | make fire |
ḏawa-ḏawa'yun | | shake head in disagreement |
ḏawala | | |
ḏäwala | | healthy, well, recovered |
ḏawalala' | | yam Ipomoea gracilis (?) |
ḏawaṯawayun | | shake hit |
däwin | | Darwin |
ḏawu | | tree--its roots are used to make brown string for baskets Banyan, Ficus virens |
ḏäwul | | none |
ḏawulu | | |
ḏawurr | | hair--body feathers, down tiny hairs or bristles |
ḏawurr | | bee, Honeybee (generic), Trigona spp. |
ḏawurrkuwuy | | |
ḏawuṯawu | | bird Tawny Frogmouth, Podargus strigoides |
ḏay | | die stop, quit |
ḏayun | | dry (up, out) |
dayaŋgi | | loose |
dayarra | | blame |
daybuḻ | | table |
ḏayḏay | | turtle--sub-adult Flatback Turtle |
ḏaygurrgurr | | clan (western Da) |
daykamalu | | |
ḏaykun(') | | sun, day sunshine time(piece), watch, clock |
ḏaylulu | | |
daymambi | | |
daymaŋu | | |
daymbali | | |
daymbalipu | | |
ḏaymirri | | fish totemic sea monster--dangerous, sacred |
daynaŋga | | |
daynuŋgu | | |
dayŋawa | | |
dayŋgatjiŋ | | |
dayŋgipu | | |
dayŋgurru | | |
dayŋumbi | | |
ḏayparrandji | | bird--pigeon or dove with a reddish face |
ḏaypurryun | | |
ḏaywarru | | |
daywululu | | pretty, nice (f) White Woman, Asian lady, non-Aboriginal woman |
ḏaywurrgurr | | clan |
ḏe' | | itch(y) |
ḏe' | | grasshopper |
diba'yun | | |
ḏibiḏibi | | few, little, small (amount) |
ḏiḏi'marama | | tie up, bandage |
ḏiḏiyun | | scratch |
ḏiḏimu | | fish Parrotfish (generic), e.g: Blue Tusk Fish, Choeroden cyanodus Surf Parrotfish, Scarus fasciatus, Green-Finned Parrotfish, S. sordidus (etc.) |
ḏiḏiny-garrpin | | warp sheet around dead body and entwine with rope |
dedjat | | T-shirt |
ḏikaḏika | | curly (hair) |
ḏikala' | | plant--with yellow flowers, edible tubers, grows in swamp Cartonema sp. |
ḏikarr(') | | fish Great Flying Fish, Cypselurus melanocercus Ext aeroplane, helicopter |
ḏikarr | | dragonfly, damselfly |
ḏikmandja | | sticky, thick (porridge, syrup) |
ḏikṯik | | grasshopper--long-horned |
ḏikṯik | | rememberance (of an unkindness) for later retribution |
ḏikṯikŋaniŋ | | ant--stinging, makes one itchy |
ḏiku | | unripe, raw, uncooked, not ready to eat in compounds dead, unconscious |
ḏil'yun | | paint, apply (to the body) |
ḏila | | tree Paperbark, Melaleuca nervosa cup or cooliman made from its wood |
ḏela | | |
ḏilaḏilawŋ'gun | | rough--be, choppy (of lake or sea) |
ḏilak | | edler(s), adult old (man) important, person in authority big Pl |
delalu | | |
-diḻi | | ALLative: to, towards, into |
ḏelili | | bird Peewee, Mudlark, Australian Magpie-Lark, Grallina cyanoleuca |
ḏilip | | tea-leaves |
ḏilkam | | lizard Sand Goanna, Varanus sp. |
ḏilkurr(u) | | old (man), leader big, important |
ḏilkurruŋu | | yam Gardenia megasperma |
ḏilminyin(') | | tree--rainforest creeper with edible red fruit Termite Tree, Ganophyllum falcatum Carallia brachiata |
ḏilmiyarri | | |
ḏilmurr | | louse--large, blackheaded (on humans, cattle, or dogs) |
ḏiltthun | | poison (fish--by putting branches of certain trees into a small billabong) |
ḏil'ṯil | | spot, freckle, dot |
ḏilthan | | sting (of wound) tr dab with medicine, heal |
ḏiltji | | back(bone) bush(land), outback, hinterland countryside land (as opposed to beach or sea) |
ḏimdhun | | breastfeed, hold in the mouth (teat, cigarette, smoke) |
dema | | |
ḏimarrkalaŋ' | | plant--with yellow flowers, edible tubers, grows in swamp Cartonema sp. |
ḏimbuka(') | | container, dilly bag, closely woven narrow basket (for carrying wild honey) Ext coffin |
ḏimiḏimirr | | shellfish Thaid Shell(s) |
ḏimiliny | | |
ḏimirr | | fin (of fish), spike (of stingray), prickle (of burr), thorn, barb, spine, hook |
ḏimiṯimi | | tortoise--small young Emydura victoriae |
ḏimiṯiminy | | insect--water Water Strider (?) |
ḏimiṯimirr | | grass--with burrs |
ḏiṉ'thun | | track |
ḏinbal | | crocodile--saltwater |
ḏinḏamdhirri | | |
dindin | | cup |
ḏinḏin' | | tree--paperbark, found in flood plains Melaleuca sp. |
ḏinḏinŋaniŋ | | insect? Water Boatman |
ḏingu | | tree--especially its nut Cycad Palm |
ḏini | | side |
ḏinmirr | | barb (of spear) |
ḏeny | | scrotum and testicles |
ḏiny'ṯiny | | kidney(s) Ext tree--with edible, kidney-shaped nuts Terminalia grandiflora |
ḏeŋgiŋaniŋ | | shellfish--not eaten Haliotis squamata |
ḏiŋirr'-ḏiŋirrthun | | |
ḏiŋirrk | | crack, snapping noise (as when a tree branch breaks) |
ḏiŋ'ṯiŋdhun | | crackle (of fire) |
ḏipthun | | chop |
ḏipililŋa | | |
ḏipanguma | | hit, kill |
ḏepina | | caterpillar |
ḏipu | | herb--small |
ḏir'yun | | |
ḏirrun | | go back |
ḏirryun | | feel pain, suffer be unhappy |
ḏirr' | | fart--audible, bad air |
ḏirramu | | man, male, boy husband |
ḏirrathala | | boys--young, single (from initiation to manhood) |
ḏirrgiyun | | saw |
ḏirrirr | | wrinkles |
ḏirrirr'yun | | crawl shift around (in sitting position) |
ḏirriṯirri | | thorns, prickles spiked vine with hard branches and white flowers |
ḏerritjŋu | | fish Freshwater Mullet, Liza dussumieri |
ḏirriwili' | | crab--freshwater |
ḏirrmala | | wind--north(east) |
ḏirrŋ'gun | | pass wind, fart rude |
ḏirrŋḏirrŋ | | bird Burdekin Duck |
ḏirrŋiny'tjun | | row a boat with oar-locs (both sides together) |
dirrpu(') | | rootfood similar to waterlily--small round, must be cooked Nymphoides indica Nymphaea violacea |
ḏerruŋ | | carving |
ḏirrwi'yun | | |
ḏirrwiḏirrwi(') | | stuck, caught, tied up, not free |
ḏitthun | | fetch water |
ḏiṯthun | | dip (for water), fetch water scoop up (honey, earth, etc.) |
ḏe(')ṯi | | kidney (of animals) Ext tree--edible kidney-shaped nuts wood used for making smoking pipes Nut Tree, Native Almond, Canarium australianum, Terminalia grandiflora |
ḏe'ṯiyun | | sting, hurt |
detuŋ | | buffalo |
deturru | | |
ḏitj | | return |
ḏitj | | hit |
ḏetj | | grasshopper (generic) dragonfly, locust (?) |
ditja(') | | teacher |
ḏitjalk | | spear thrower spear--with pointed end used for fighting and hunting |
detjat | | T-shirt |
ḏitjay(') | | barb (of spear) |
ḏitji | | |
detjirimawuy | | |
ḏitjkurr'yun | | flow, spurt (of liquids) shoot up, come flying up (to knock down insects) |
ditjmanda | | vine--spiked with hard branches and white flowers |
ḏitjmaŋgarr | | |
ḏitjpaŋgarr | | stingray--edible Spotted Eagle Ray, Aetobatus narinari |
ḏitjpunuma | | massage, squeeze, knead |
diwa'yun | | fire |
ḏiwatj | | bird Green Pygmy-Goose |
ḏiwirrkthun | | break, snap Pl |
ḏiw'ṯiw | | bird Dollar-Bird |
ḏiy | | hit |
ḏiyamu | | shellfish--edible, found in shallow mud flats at river mouth Paphia hiantina |
ḏiyḏiyyun | | |
ḏiy'ṯiyyun | | ache, be painful (sharp pain in ears) |
ḏeyṯiy'marama | | groom, look for head lice or fleas and squash them with fingernails |
dhä | | mouth mouth of river door opening, orifice |
dhaba' | | Got you!, I saw you before you saw me! (children's game) |
dhabaŋ'marama | | |
dhabar | | dilly bag--sacred, contains bones, bills and feathers of birds and animals |
dhabirrkpunuma | | finish off (ceremony, meeting), set period |
dhäburrany | | |
dhaḏa | | leaves--burned, for cleansing ceremony |
dhaḏalal | | dreamtime beings who played didjeridoos and created some stringybark dreamings |
dhaḏudhaḏu | | rough country, hard terrain |
dhaḏuluma | | seep, drip |
dhaḏuyaḏu | | rough country, hard terrain (with many hills and rivers which is difficult to cross) |
dhä(-)djarryun | | take possession of (a place) |
dhaganda | | kangaroo--young antelopine, joey |
dhagarr | | crossing (through jungle) |
dhägir'yun | | punish, forbid |
dhagirritj | | tree Persoonia falcata |
dhäkaḏatj | | food--plant or vegetable (rootfoods, breads, cereals, fruits in contrast to meat, eaten for variety) |
dhakaḏayanbi | | lizard--small and skinks (generic) |
dhakal | | cheek, jaw Ext island fruit (whole) |
dhakal(-)gaḏadjarr | | lizards--small and skinks (generic) |
dhakaṉ | | |
dhakatjtjun | | pout, be surly, not reply (face showing anger or sulkiness), hate, loathe (the sight of) |
dhäkay | | taste, flavour feel(ing) |
dhakiṉgiṉ | | axe with worn blade |
dhäkiyarr | | sacred string (Bundhamarr) |
dhaku | | vagina, vulva |
dhakuḏa(') | | fish White Trevally, Golden Trevally, Caranx sp. Great Trevally, Caranx sexfasciatus |
dhäkuḏak | | caterpillar |
dhakururru | | shellfish--very nice Oyster sp. |
dhäkurruma | | lean against |
dhäkurrunhamarama | | lean against |
dhäkuwal | | sacred shelter |
dhäkuwarr | | sacred shelter |
dhal' | | land (of plane, bird) sit down |
dhaḻ' | | shut, closed (up) -tr stop up, block (up), dam (creek) cook (in an earthen oven) |
dhala | | vagina |
dhäla | | totem, "dreaming" totemic ancestor very important (culturally) |
dhälakanŋu | | leaders of coroboree |
dhaḻakarr | | space--open hole, opening Ext room window position |
dhalaktharra | | drip |
dhalaŋ | | blunt (knife) in the way (of line of vision), blocking the view |
dhalaŋ'marama | | beach (a canoe/boat), bring to land |
dhalapuḻ | | waterlily root--very large, found in deep water billabongs |
dhaḻarr | | fish |
dhaḻarra(') | | snake--big, yellowish King Brown (?) |
dhalarrmuŋ | | tree/shrub--edible black fruit wood used to make firesticks Leea rubra |
dhalarrŋaniŋ | | shellfish Razor Clam, Pinna menkei, Atrina pectina |
dhä(-)ḻaw'yun | | |
dhaḻawan | | waves--huge roaring breakers |
dhalawarraŋ | | calf (of leg) |
dhäḻay | | together, side by side |
dhalbirr | | equal, level, side by side, in a row |
dhal'dhal\'yun | | drip |
dhalgaṯpu | | turtle Green Turtle, Chelonia mydas |
dhali | | they Pl |
dhalimbu(') | | shellfish--edible Fluted Giant Clam, Tridacna squamosa |
dhalinya | | them Pl-Object |
dhälinybuy | | |
dhaḻinyguma | | wash ashore (e.g., coconut, dead fish, canoe) |
dhaliŋu | | their(s), for them Pl-Object |
dhaḻirr'yun | | break (of waves on rocks, shore or boat) |
dhälirri | | honey--wild |
dhalithali(') | | gambling (game) |
dhaliyarra(') | | wire--strong, inflexible, piece of metal |
dhalkaram(a) | | bury (as food in sand to save it while going on further to hunt), plant |
dhaḻ'kungama | | shut, lock |
dhalkurr' | | milk (from breast only) |
dhalkurrk | | tree--mangrove Avicennia marina |
dhalmaṉḏa' | | fish--small, freshwater |
dhalmawuy | | |
dhalmurrawuy | | |
dhalnyirr | | foam (on water) |
dhalŋara | | shellfish--edible Ward's Volema, Volegalia wardiana |
dhal'ŋarryun | | walk in mud |
dhalŋurr | | young |
dhalŋurr(') | | stone--large, unearthed as one digs in the ground rocky cliff or outcrop |
dhalpa' | | march fly |
dhalpi(') | | palm--with edible inner trunk, black berries eaten by emus Fan Palm, Sand Palm, "Cabbage Palm", Livistona humilis |
dhalpiny | | plant--small |
dhalpirripa | | |
dhalpurr' | | lizard Two-lined Dragon |
dhalthalŋa | | fish |
dhäḻuk | | fish--small Freshwater Gudgeon |
dhalulŋaniŋ | | shark Whale Shark, Rhinocodon typus |
dhaḻuŋgu | | spear--with hooks on one side |
dhalupunuma | | coil (rope) |
dhalurruma | | |
dhalutjmanda | | |
dhalwaŋiny | | barren, childless (of older married woman) |
dhaḻwaŋu | | clan-nation |
dhalwarraŋ | | calf (muscle of lower leg) |
dhalwaṯpu | | turtle Green Turtle, Chelonia mydas |
dhalwirr | | equal, level, side by side, in a row |
dhaḻwirrirri'yun | | slip down |
dhalwirrtja | | tree/shrub--root edible only if prepared carefully Polynesian Arrowroot |
dhalwur | | foolish, stupid |
dhalyalyun | | run down (as tears) |
dham'bun | | shut, close (off) |
dhamak | | foul, dirty (language) |
dhämalka | | fish--large |
dhämalkuma | | pierce stab |
dhamam' | | dinghy, raft, dugout canoe Ext aluminium boat, motorboat |
dhämanar | | shared by two or more |
dhamandama | | |
dhamany'tjun | | grow, get bigger sprout new shoots (tree, plant) |
dhamanydji | | |
dhamar | | stone--flat, for crushing |
dhamarraṉdji | | surname |
dhamarrwura | | |
dhamba'yun | | stray, miss the way |
dhambaḏiny | | snake Death Adder |
dhambaku | | tobacco |
dhambal | | to this (one) |
dhambala | | landing (area for boat or barge), small inlet where canoe stands |
dhambaliya | | |
dhambaṉiny | | snake Death Adder, Acanthophis antarcticus |
dhambay | | together (with) one (which is shared) |
dhambili | | card |
dhambiḻpiḻ | | didgeridoo |
dhämbuḻ | | stars that follow the morning star |
dhambur | | sand sandhill |
dhamburraŋiny | | |
dhamburrbaḏatj | | uneven, out of line |
dhamburru | | big, fat |
dhamburru | | drum |
dhamiḻiny | | lizard Northern Blue-Tongue |
dhamin | | |
dhaminy | | bird Royal Spoonbill, Platalea regia, Yellow-billed Spoonbill, Platalea flaripes |
dhaminygarra | | |
dhamuku | | canoe |
dhamul | | shoot (of plant) |
dhamulŋ'gun | | grow |
dhamuḻuku'yun | | hold in one's mouth |
dhamuḻuŋguḻ'yun | | hold in one's mouth (with tight lips) |
dhamumu | | |
dhamun | | chin |
dhamunumun(') | | chin |
dhä-murrnyi'mirri | | bird Plains Turkey |
dhämurruŋ | | middle of fight |
dhan'yun (?) | | touch |
dhanal | | they Pl |
dhanaliny | | them (all) Pl, object of action |
dhanaliŋgu | | their(s), for/of them Pl |
dhanaliŋguḻ(i) | | to(wards) them Pl |
dhanaliŋguŋ | | from/by them Pl |
dhanaliŋgura | | with them Pl |
dhanaliŋguru | | from them Pl |
dhanaliŋgurumurru | | about them Pl |
dhanaliŋguruy | | concerning them (all) Pl |
dhanaliway | | themselves |
dhanara | | order, request to go |
dhanay' | | bark of Paperbark--used for traditional torches or as kindling |
dhanbaṉiny | | snake |
dhaṉbiri | | shark--not eaten Hammerhead |
dhanbul | | morning star |
dhanburama | | spirit |
dhanda | | anthill, termite mound |
dhandigulk | | tree Wild Cassava, Wild Cotton Tree, Cochlospermum fraseri |
dhandurruŋ | | horn (of buffalo, cattle) Ext handlebar(s) |
dhäṉdhaṉŋu | | bad (person), lawless, quarrelsome, irresponsible, spoilt |
dhandharr | | shellfish--edible |
dhangapa' | | tree--with edible fruit Persoonia falcata |
dhangi | | fruit |
dhangi'yun | | embrace, cuddle, hug carry (firewood, child) on one's hip |
dhaniya(') | | container--Paperbark (for water or food) native cup |
dhän'pala | | shellfish--edible Geloina coaxans (larger) |
dhäṉu | | hollow in land (natural or man-made, and its accompanying projection) gully, trench, steep drop, cliff face valley Ext? jaw |
dhänhdha | | |
dhanygurr | | ground--low lying |
dhaŋ'thun | | snatch (as a fish grabbing bait) |
dhäŋa' | | fire--starting by itself, spontaneous combustion burning tinder |
dhaŋalaŋ | | |
dhaŋalaŋal | | |
dhaŋaḻaŋarr' | | gills |
dhäŋali | | on the edge |
dhaŋalkkuma | | make a fire stoke |
dhaŋaŋ(') | | full many, lots, plenty (of) |
dhaŋapaŋi | | midnight (middle of the night to about 3 a.m.) |
dhaŋaran' | | root (of tree) |
dhaŋariny | | trouble |
dhaŋarr | | froth, foam white crest of a wave edge of the water (where it laps the shore) |
dhaŋarr | | |
dhaŋarra(') | | flower--white (of Stringybark), blooms July-Sept, makes good honey |
dhaŋatji | | |
dhaŋbar'yun | | ? show off |
dhaŋbiḏi'yun | | go around (something and sit down) |
dhaŋdhaŋdhun | | float on top of water (of crocodile, log, leaf, not boat) Ext swim |
dhaŋga | | calm (when the rain stops) |
dhaŋga(-)ḏirr'yun | | hurt, feel pain, suffer, be unhappy sore (as skin near a boil or stretched tight) |
dhäŋgaḻ | | rock |
dhaŋgam(a) | | hang, be suspended |
dhaŋgawar'yun | | fall in (a hole) |
dhaŋgi(') | | tree and its edible fruit, white flowers, bark used as fish poison Bush Mango, Billy-goat Plum, Cocky-apple tree, Wild Quince, Planchonia careya |
dhaŋgiṯthun | | chop |
dhäŋgu | | meat, flesh (as opposed to fat) |
dhaŋguryun | | |
dhaŋ'thaŋdhun | | |
dhaŋu | | this, here collective name for Dhaŋu dialects |
dhaŋumbal | | to this (one) |
dhaŋu'mi | | language--collective name for variety spoken by Ga:lpu', Golamala, Lamami, Ŋaymil, Rirratjiŋu, and Wangurri clans |
dhaŋuniya | | yam |
dhaŋuny | | this person object of verb |
dhaŋuny(') | | story, tale, message |
dhäŋuru | | after (that), then |
dhaŋurrtha(') | | isolated, uninhabited bad place to live (no trees for fire, away from other people) |
dhaŋutha | | fire, firewood |
dhapthuman | | take one's picture, photograph |
dhapa | | heel |
dhapala | | outside, away (from a point of reference) |
dhapalan | | lizard Northern Blue-Tongue |
dhapalany(') | | caterpillar |
dhapalaŋan | | |
dhapaḻk | | star |
dhäpan | | cloud |
dhapaṉbal | | flat flat stone on which nuts are pounded |
dhäpanga | | cloud |
dhapara | | fish Spotted Butterfish, Scatophagus argus Vermiculated Spinefoot, Siganus vermiculatus Archer Fish, Toxotes chatareus |
dhäpara | | stump (tree) |
dhäpark | | empty, "broke", destitute, without (food, money, anything) |
dhäparŋ(') | | broke, destitute, without food or money, empty-handed, unsuccessful empty (house) all alone (person) |
dhaparrmarr | | roots (growing exposed above the ground or in water) |
dhaparrŋmarrŋ | | roots (which grow above ground or in water) |
dhapathuŋ(') | | shoes, footwear |
dhapi(') | | foreskin circumcision, initiate for or from circumcision ceremony |
dhapinya | | generous, benevolent, kind-hearted |
dhapirri | | pillow |
dhapirripirri | | dizzy, staggering (as when drunk) |
dhapirrk | | even, level, well-balanced, orderly, good-looking (product) |
dhäpithapi | | fish Batfish sp. |
dhäpiyalk | | half |
dhapul'yun | | nod in agreement move, wriggle |
dhapuwal | | cloud |
dhäpu(-)waŋa | | yawn sigh |
dhäpuyŋu | | clan-nation (eastern Dl) |
dhar | | rain |
dhar'yun | | refuse |
dhara | | anus |
dhärak | | spear with no blade, toy spear |
dharaŋan | | understand, recognise |
dharapul | | place (e.g, take someone's place, in place of another), "spot", position, customary residence (this area is taboo after a person\'s death) |
dhararrman | | push |
dharaw(') | | bark of Paperbark--used as torch, tinder, or kindling |
dharawarrwarr | | jellyfish |
dharawukkuma | | push (boat) off shore, move out from shore |
dharayŋu | | half |
dhardhar'yun | | move (slowly or as water on side of rock) begin to move shift (from one place to another) |
dhariŋdhun | | swing (from tree to tree, on rope, not on swing) |
dharirr | | nail (of finger or toe), claw |
dharirr | | knife |
dharktharkkuma | | put inside (a bag, basket or tin) |
dharŋgurr | | voice, word |
dharpa | | tree, bush (generic) (piece of) wood, stick (grasses), riku' (thin stick) |
dharpum(a) | | spear, pierce (as nose), poke (e.g., for turtle eggs) badly scratch up the surface of Ext inject sew, stitch (clothes), weave (dillybag) |
dharthar | | swell (made by propeller), wake, trail (left by turtle in water) |
dhar'thar | | pressure, force |
dhäruk | | word(s) language, dialect speech, discussion, advice, message |
dhärul | | cloud from north |
dharwa | | hip(s) (real or classificatory) |
dharr | | see (something in the distance) Ext think hard or seriously |
dharr'yun | | stop, prevent |
dharr'yun | | break (bone) |
dharra' | | dead person or spirit, corpse (Rit) paperbark coffin |
dhärra | | stand (upright) be (in water) |
dharraḏa | | still, steady (not moving), straight calm (not angry) |
dharradharr' | | harmful substance found in or near water |
dharrakanmatjwuy | | open sea near Groote Eylandt |
dharrakay(') | | child--third (or youngest, last in family) |
dharramaka | | dog name |
dharramu | | leg--upper (especially its bone) |
dhärranhayŋu | | eternal, (standing) forever |
dharraŋgulk | | tree/shrub--with edible root and seeds (must be carefully removed as the pods contain stinging hairs) bark is used to make string and containers hairs/dust in seed pod used as poison or an irritant sap used as a sexual lubricant Red Flowering Kurrajong, |
dharrarr'yun | | slide (around, off), glance (as spear off target) |
dharratha | | bird Mangrove Heron, Butorides striatus Black Bittern, Dupetor flavic i,o llis (?) |
dharratharra | | Dry Season (when it is chilly and there are plenty of yams and bush food), cold weather (May to August) |
dharrathir(') | | little bit (e.g., some out of the whole lot or a small amount to get along with, e.g., morning tea), impermanent |
dharraw' | | tree Quinine Bush, Petalostigma pubescens |
dharrawaḏay | | firesticks, firedrill tree--from which firesticks can be made Premna acuminata, P. obtusifolia |
dharrawaḏay(') | | fish Yellow Perchlet, Ambassis marianus Bony Bream, Nematolosa come Spotted Herring, Harengula koningsbergeri |
dharrawany' | | tree--white-barked eucalypt with large nuts |
dharrawaṯa | | fish immature Mangrove Jack Pikey Bream, Acanthopgrus berda (?) |
dharray | | care for, mind, take care (of), look after |
dharrayini | | rootfood |
dharrbuma | | pile up |
dharrbunuma | | tempt, push, entice |
dharrdharryun | | scrape, pick, clean out (with a stick) |
dharrgadharrgayun | | run along (goanna) |
dharrgar | | stone, rock |
dharri-dharri | | bird Seagull sp. |
dharrima | | buy |
dhärriny | | |
dhärriŋ | | stones--used by Macassans for cooking |
dharripa(') | | trepang, sea slug--large, found in mud |
dharrk | | spear, pierce, stab |
dharrkaliny'thun | | carry under one's arm |
dharrkiny | | bird Chicken Hawk |
dharrktharrk | | rough |
dharrktharrkthun | | fly off (spark) |
dharrku'yun | | put straight into mouth |
dharrku(-)lululyunmarama (?) | | drown (a person), sink (a boat) |
dharrmun | | smell |
dharrŋan | | shellfish--edible |
dharrpal | | taboo, sacred, secret important, special (Rit) big many |
dharrpan | | hide (something) |
dharrpitj | | side |
dharrpitj | | forked sticks that support something |
dharrtthun | | poke (e.g., a stick into beehive to obtain honey) |
dharr'tharryun | | crush bones |
dhärru | | bushfood |
dhärru | | Islanders (people who wear laplap and flowers in their hair) |
dharruluma | | |
dharruma | | rootfood--tiny succulent creeper found on sand dunes Portulaca oleracea |
dharrumba | | toss about (canoe on water) Idm intoxicated, "full" drunk, "pissed" |
dharruŋgu(') | | prison, gaol |
dharrupuŋ(') | | telescope |
dharruyŋa | | knife handle |
dharrwa | | many lots (of) often |
dharrwar | | rock, stone |
dharrwarwuy | | |
dharrwaṯthun | | walk purposefully |
dharrway | | |
dharrwunuma | | tempt, push, entice |
dharryunmirri | | bash oneself in grief |
dhat | | |
dhaṯthun | | dress (up), clothe |
dhatam(') | | waterlily--found in billabongs, especially its roots which can be peeled and eaten raw Nymphaea sp, e.g., gigantea |
dhatpiryun | | become resigned (to) |
dhäṯu | | sunset |
dhatul' | | torch--paperbark |
dhatthatthun | | run--to catch up with, take off (of bird), taxi (as plane), jump (as in sports) |
dhathala | | ready and waiting |
dhäthaŋu | | |
dhathar'yun | | move |
dhathathayun | | shiver |
dhathu | | |
dhawaḏa | | beach |
dhawaḏatj | | wrong, out of line or place, improper, unorderly, crooked a straggling group (not in single file) |
dhawakay | | fish Black Spinefoot, Siganus spinus |
dhawal | | place of birth, homeland (a) named place |
dhawal | | far, distant |
dhawal'yun | | search |
dhawaḻaŋ | | |
dhawar | | leg--lower |
dhawar'yun | | finish (off), cease, end disappear |
dhawaraŋ(') | | hole (in ground, roof, etc.) |
dhawaratji | | |
dhawarkthun | | ?come to nothing |
dhäwarra | | wide, broad |
dhawarrak | | beard, moustache, whiskers root of yam or vegetable food term used by someone when referring to some of your grand-relatives |
dhäwarrawuy | | clan (extinct) |
dhawaṯ | | come out, go out, emerge, be set free |
dhawatjiri | | stingray--edible |
dhawa-yawaṯ | | |
dhawirritjpirritj | | cut--unevenly |
dhä-wirrka'yun | | |
dhawirrkpunuma | | finish off (ceremony, meeting, set period of time) |
dhawitŋu | | generous (person who gives readily) |
dhawitjan | | through this (one, way, means) on this side |
dhawu' | | promise promised (bestowed, betrothed) wife |
dhäwu(') | | story, word, news, information message meeting speech |
dhawuḏumunun | | caterpillar |
dhawukarri | | |
dhäwul | | nothing, none |
dhawuḻuŋgul | | noise of a crowd (e.g., people talking), croaking (frogs), chattering (monkeys) |
dha'wun | | |
dhawunhaŋ' | | none, nothing |
dhawuṉburrk | | fish Spangled Perch |
dhawunydjil | | |
dhawunyilnyil | | |
dhawuŋu | | savour arising from meat cooking rising smoke, steam |
dhawupun | | aflame, be on fire |
dhawurawuy | | |
dhawuru | | from this (one) TIME here, now |
dhawurrŋa | | interrupt |
dhawurrpurr | | |
dhawurruŋga | | young, new (car), fresh (flower) young man or woman |
dhawuṯ | | rise (up) fly (away), take off |
dhäwuṯi | | spear blade--short, broad, made of iron |
dhawuthuwa | | old person--very Idm drunkard |
dhawuyu | | smell of meat cooking |
dhäya | | stand |
dhäyakthun | | |
dhayaḻa | | loose, open(ed) |
dhayapthun | | fall off |
dhayarrk | | fibre(s) prepared from bark or roots to make string and armbands |
dhayawu | | stingray--edible |
dhayi | | ant--small, green |
dhayka | | female, woman, girl |
dhaykamalu | | |
dhaykum | | abuse, argue with someone (nastily, cursing and swearing) |
dhaykuŋ | | tree Buchnera linearis, B. tetrogona |
dhayuŋan | | give into one's care, let (someone) have, entrust, send |
dhäyurrumirr(i) | | wrapped up, sealed, packaged |
dhay'yi | | this |
dhay'yimirr | | language--collective name for variety spoken by Dhalwaŋu and Djarrwark clans |
dhäyurru | | complete(ly), full(y) in bulk (e.g., buying food by the carton) |
-dhi | | ANAPHORIC marker: a kind of EMPHasis referring to something already mentioned, "that very one" |
-dhi- | | INCHoative: becoming, getting (becoming smaller, getting dark) |
dhiḏikurru | | |
dhika | | somewhere, something (around here) unspecified, unrealised very (much, many) EMPHatic |
dhikawitjan | | through/about something/somewhere |
dhil'yun | | unable to walk |
dhili | | yes or no? TAG question or interrogative marker |
dhiliŋiny | | breast(s) milk |
dhilip | | tea |
dhilipiṉiŋgirrk | | mistletoe |
dhiliwurrk | | smoke, tobacco |
dhelŋ | | tongue |
dhimurru(') | | east wind fruit of White Berry Bush |
dhiṉ'thun | | track (down, as an animal or person) follow (the meaning or point) |
dhindi(') | | shrub "Cane Grass", Phragmites karka short, light Cane spear with Ironwood head |
dhindhin | | tree Melaleuca viridiflora |
dhinimbu(') | | fish--mackerel & tuna Spanish Mackerel spp, Scomberomorus munroi, S. commerson, S. semifasciatus (etc.) Queensland School Mackerel, Cybium queenslandicus Yellowfin Tuna, Thunnus tonggol Big-Eyed Tuna, T. albacares (etc.) |
dhinir'yun | | bump (e.g., tree to make fruit fall), knock, brush (against) |
dhiŋ' | | woman |
dhiŋgam(a) | | die |
dhiŋgi | | high (mountain, building) |
dhipthun | | carve (up) chop a mark |
dhipal(a) | | hither, this direction, to this/here |
dhipali | | hither, that direction (near us), to that/there (not far) |
dhipmirri | | anteater Short-beaked Echidna, Tachyglossus aculeatus acanthion |
dhipuŋur(u) | | hence, from this/here/there (not far) |
dhiryun | | fail, be unsuccessful, not achieve (what one set out to do), make no impression (e.g., chopping with a blunt axe) |
dhiriw' | | tree Alphitonia excelsa |
dhirmbuk | | rootfood--small, carrot-like |
dhirr'yun | | disturb wake up |
dhirraŋ | | root corm of Waterlily Nymphaea violacea, N. gigantea |
dhirri | | genitalia |
dhirri | | three (mainly in telling time or counting) |
dhirrimuk | | close together (weave of basket or mat), crowded, in a huddle |
dhirrimul | | stone--egg-shaped (white or bluish) used for hitting or crushing (cycad nuts, grain) (set of) grindstones Ext hammer |
dhirripala | | downward, downriver, toward the coast |
dhirripi | | inside (stationary, not moving) (Rit) down, below, downriver, near the coast |
dhirrirriŋgitj | | tree--small, has a strong smell and cannot be used for firewood used medicinally (?) Boobialla, Myoporum acuminatum |
dhirrithirri | | g-string, loincloth (old native attire made of string or grass) |
dhirrkthirrk | | rough (surface) scabies, itchy skin rash (e.g., prickly heat, measles) |
dhirrkthirrk | | lizard Spiny-tailed goanna, Varanus acanthurus |
dhiṯthun | | scoop up, gather in one's hands, have one\'s hands full (of) dip (for water), get or fetch water |
dhe'thiyun | | scratch |
dhethuŋgan | | put (into) |
dhiwiṉiŋ' | | |
dhiwkthiwk | | wet, dirty, mucky |
dhiwuk | | shellfish Razor Shell, Razor Clam |
dhiyakal(a) | | hither, to/with this (person) |
dhiyaki | | of/for that (near us) |
dhiyakiy | | about this PRS |
dhiyak(u) | | of this |
dhiyakuŋ(u) | | from this (PRS) |
dhiyakuy | | about this (one, place) |
dhiyakuy | | dialect group (Ritharrŋu, Wa:gilak, etc.) |
dhiyal(a) | | here |
dhiyali | | here, there (near us) |
dhiyalkthiyalk | | |
dhiyaŋ | | with this, by this PRS |
dhiyaŋi | | with this, using this/that (near us) |
dhiyaŋu | | with this, using this |
-dhu | | ERGative: the actor of a transitive verb INSTrument: with a gun, by boat |
-dhu | | ALLative: to, towards, into |
dhu- | | BASE former |
dhu | | will, should, ought to, must (FUTure, hortative or obligation marker) |
dho | | store, shop |
dhuba'yun | | spit |
dhubudhubuyun | | cooped up, stay in something (unable to come out) |
dhubuḏu' | | short |
dhubukun | | carry over the shoulders or on the back |
dhubuŋ'thun | | splash (as fish jumping, rain falling) |
dhuburr | | custom, law, rule, way (of life or doing things), business (as in "That's my business") |
dhuḏakthun | | act, pretend, imitate, follow, learn |
dhuḏi | | bottom, buttocks, "bum" (especially bony area above) behind Ext end base, part of spearhead (where it joins the shaft) root (of tree) stern (of canoe or boat) |
dhuḏi | | voice |
dhuḏipirri | | belt--made from parrot feathers (sacred--relating to Creation Sisters) |
dhuḏipirriwuy | | |
dhuḏitj | | late, last backwards |
dhuḏuṯthun | | sink (in, under), penetrate |
dhuḏuthuḏu | | bird--owl Tawny Frog Mouth |
dhuka | | path, track, road, street way, means |
dhoka | | still, only, just |
dhoka | | steps, stairs, ladder |
dhoka'yun | | annoy, torment, aggravate |
dhukaḻ(') | | fish Long Tom, "Needle Tooth", Long-finned Garfish, Euleptorhamphus viridis |
dhukarr | | path, road, street, track(s), footprints way, means "calling", vocation, path in life (someone to come), hope |
dhukaya | | tide--low |
dhoku | | in vain, unsuccessfully |
dhoku' | | tree--with crooked trunk, found on old sand dunes near the coast Paperbark, Melaleuca leucadendron |
dhukul | | tree Soap Tree, Acacia holosericea |
dhukumul | | rain--heavy, constant |
dhukun(') | | rubbish, litter, trash |
dhukuray | | shellfish--edible Lined Nerite, Nerita lineata |
dhuḻyun | | hit, hammer, build, kick (tree to make fruit fall) |
dhuḻ | | hit, hammer, build, kick (tree to get fruit down) |
ŋayaŋu-warryun | | making effort |
dhol | | dust, mud |
dhulaku | | kangaroo adult male Arnhem Land Euro, Macropus robustus woodwardi |
dhuḻaŋ | | bark painting |
dhuldhul | | covered, hidden in burrow (as goanna) |
dhulgu | | tree--large paperbark with straight trunk, found on riverbanks, bark is excellent for making canoes, shelters, and dillybags form of Melaleuca leucadendron or Kapok (?) |
dhuli'na | | ear Ext bottle, jar |
dhuḻkitjŋu | | bee--its hive is found right at the top of the tree honey is thick and pollen balls sweet |
dhulku(') | | sore |
dholkuma | | |
dhulkuthulku | | covered over |
dhulmadhulma | | soft (to the touch) |
dhulmarr | | house |
dhulmu | | stomach, belly Ext middle (of sea) inside (of boat or bucket) billabo |
dhulmu | | deep (water, grass, bush) green (as colour of deep sea) |
dholŋ(') | | ladder |
dholŋ(') | | bladder, bowel |
dhulŋuŋu | | belonging to someone, one's own (possessions), rightful (may be used as one wants to) |
dhulpurru | | root |
dhul(')thul | | fat--pleasantly so (person, animal) |
dhuḻ'thuḻ | | spots, holes |
dhuḻ'thuḻa | | shellfish--not eaten Pearly Nautilus, Nautilus Shell, Nautilus pompilius alumnus |
dholtji | | |
dhulu(') | | spear, pointed stick bush/shrub--from which this is made |
dhoḻu | | mud |
dhuluḏur(') | | season--end of the Dry (especially the hot, humid pre-Wet buildup, when black clouds appear on the horizon, there is distant thunder, and plants develop new shoots) |
dhulukuṉuŋ | | blunt (not sharp) |
dhulumburrk | | Waterlily, Nymphoides indica, Nymphaea violacea |
dhulumbuyŋu | | fish |
dhulundhurrk | | tree Nut Tree |
dhuḻuŋ | | bark painting |
dhuḻuŋu | | fish Mullet |
dhuluŋurr'yuwan | | drop, lose (something) |
dhulupun | | billabong--with muddy banks and waterlilies |
dhuḻupurr | | deep (of sea) great depths of the ocean |
dhuḻurrk | | fish Sand Whiting, Sillago ciliata Trumpeter Whiting, S. maculata Stout Whiting, S. robusta |
dhulwa | | spear |
dhulwaṉ | | fern |
dhulwir | | rust |
dhulwir' | | tree Atalaya hemiglauca (?) |
dhulwu(') | | tree Paperbark sp. |
dhum'bun | | hop (along), bounce |
dhumaḻ | | Cycad nut/fruit |
dhomala(') | | sail cloth flag |
dhumalumbu | | |
dhumar | | wasp, hornet (generic?) large non-agressive wasp with a bright blue body--lives in wood, laying eggs on the inside of trees Flower Wasp, Thynnidae sp. |
dhumara | | sacred place |
dhumbal'yun | | know not, be ignorant (of), confused, not understand lose track |
dhumbala | | seat, crosspiece (in canoe) |
dhumbilaŋ | | dive (into) |
dhumbudhumbu' | | tree Sandalwood, Santalum lanceolatum |
dhumbuḻ' | | short |
dhumbulaŋ | | dive (into) |
dhumbuṉ | | short |
dhumitji | | write writing |
dhum'paṉa | | rootfood |
dhum'thum | | wallaby Agile Wallaby |
dhumuḏal | | spear (gaditjirri gara) |
dhumuk | | thick (bush, jungle) blunt closed, blocked up dead-end |
dhumuḻu' | | tree--with long nuts Bloodwood, Eucalyptus polycarpa |
dhumumu(') | | tree--inedible fruit Quinine Bush, Petalostigma pubescens |
dhumungur(') | | avoidance relationship grandchild (in opposite moiety) FZDDC |
dhumunumun | | tree stump |
dhumurr'yun | | kick |
dhon | | chop |
dhoṉa(') | | stick--for digging up yams |
dhunarra | | go--down, descend, come down (from) |
dhunbaḻ'mirriwuy | | |
dhunbuṉuŋ | | beach |
dhoṉḏa(') | | plant--tree orchid(s) often found on cycads juice is mixed with clay and used as undercoat in bark-painting or for painting people Dendrobium, Dendrobium dicuphum Cymbidium canaliculatum var. barretti Bloodroot, Haemodorum sp. |
dhuṉdhuṉ | | unable to do something (e.g., retrieve stolen goods) |
dhungal | | hand, palm of hand, finger(s), fist Ext five |
dhunguruk | | yam Curculigo ensifolia |
dhungurrk | | nape, back of neck Ext beginning of creek |
dhuni | | ochre |
dhuni' | | shelter--small, ceremonial |
dhuniya | | go down |
dhuṉ'ku | | shellfish--edible Lined Nerite |
dhuṉ'thuṉdhun | | ache, pain, throb |
dhun'tjirr | | good at (hunting or gathering), clever |
dhunukmirriyama | | point out (something), show the way, warn, foretell |
dhoṉukthirri | | increase in volume (of smoke) |
dhunuku | | thigh, lap |
dhuṉum | | fish Sleepy Cod, Mudfish, Oxyeleotris lineolatus |
dhunupa | | straight (away) correct, true, proper right (-handed, side) |
dhuṉuwapthun | | fall (over) |
dhunhdhana | | |
dhonyin | | snake Javan File Snake |
dhoŋ | | thong(s) |
dhuŋa | | know not, ignorant not have a right (to), can not, unable (to) |
dhuŋdhuŋ | | stupid |
dhuŋga' | | bandicoot (especially young ones) |
dhuŋgala | | |
dhuŋgarra | | year |
dhuŋgi | | |
dhuŋgul | | soil--good |
dhuŋguḻ'yun | | ablaze, be on fire |
dhuŋguparri | | lid of a bottle |
dhuŋgur'yun | | light a fire, kindle |
dhoŋulu | | deaf (and dumb and/or blind ?) Ext one who doesn't listen, one who always misunderstands |
dhuŋumirr(i) | | sick |
dhuŋuŋaniŋ(') | | shellfish--generic for all Limpets and Siphons, not eaten Barnacle, Northern Star Limpet, Collisellina paropsis |
dhupthun | | spit |
dhupal | | they (two) Dl |
dhupaliny | | them (two) Dl, object of action |
dhupaliŋgu | | their(s), for/of them (two) Dl |
dhupaliŋguḻ(i) | | to(wards) them (two) Dl |
dhupaliŋguŋ | | by/from them (two) Dl |
dhupaliŋgura | | with them (two) Dl |
dhupaliŋguru | | from them (two) Dl |
dhupaliŋgurumurru | | about them (two) Dl |
dhupaliŋguruy | | concerning them (two) Dl |
dhupaliŋguway | | themselves |
dhopaŋ | | sail (fixed for a strong wind) |
dhupiḏitj | | bird Mistletoe Bird |
dhupitjmirri | | fish |
dhupthup | | sandfly mosquito (generic) |
dhupugaḏi | | shellfish Monodonta labio |
dhupuma | | look (upwards at--especially in hunting for honey) Ext look forward to |
dhupuma | | residential college at Gove, closed in 1982 |
dhupuṉ | | hollow tree or log |
dhupuŋiniŋ | | shellfish Monodonta labio |
dhupuwaḏi | | shellfish--edible Euchelus atratus |
dhuryun | | go down, descend, alight (as bird on tree), float (as leaves or paper in wind), sink (under water) |
dhurun | | move very slowly crawl |
dhurili | | clan (western Dl) composing a phratry of approximately nine clans |
dhurili | | clan |
dhuririŋu | | pancreas |
dhuriwiriŋu | | rectum |
dhurkthurk | | fish--perch Black-striped Grunter |
dhurŋ'thun | | pull in (as head of turtle or snail into shell), shrink from, withdraw, draw (in, out) |
dhurpirri | | |
dhurpu | | buttocks Ext end stern (of boat or canoe) behind, last |
dhurpuwaḏi | | shellfish Euchelus atratus Turbo pethalatus (?) |
dhoru | | coral ("lumpy" type) |
dhurudhuruŋgun | | ache (of body), have aches (after overworking) |
dhoruk | | cavity, tooth-decay white ants, wood-borer rottenness Ext germs |
dhurukul | | shelter--made of leaves, bush humpy |
dhurumarra | | bird |
dhurr | | give |
dhurryun | | stamp feet (in dance or ceremony, as when imitating snake in coroboree) |
dhurr'yun | | laugh |
dhurr'marama | | pile, stock up |
dhorraŋ | | nut--inner seed of Cycad fruit |
dhurrapuŋa | | First Creek (on Elcho Island) |
dhurrara | | |
dhurray' | | eel Freshwater Eel, Anguilla sp. |
dhurr-dhurryun | | |
dhurrguyun | | shake, bump |
dhurri(') | | faeces, excrement, "shit" ḎvulgarṈ entrails fluid containing bees eggs (found in hives) |
dhurritjini | | hunter of turtle |
dhurrkama | | chop (down) |
dhurrkay | | surname |
dhurrmuk | | rain--constant, heavy |
dhurrmuruḻ' | | fireplace, remains of an old fire, hot ashes (and sand) |
dhurr(')muṯthun | | dive, jump into water |
dhurrŋiny'mirri | | trouble--big: war, pestilence cause of great worry |
dhurrpa(') | | tracks (e.g. of snake), imprint footprints (not in (Rit)) |
dhurrpinda | | shrub--edible berry Green Plum, Wild Plum |
dhurrthurryun | | cover (up--with cloth, one's tracks) Ext deceive |
dhurr'thurryun | | gather together |
dhurrtji(') | | tree--wood is used for yamsticks and making artifacts yellow inner bark used as rubbing medicine for sores mothers must not stay near a fire when this wood is burned as it causes their milk to dry up Wattle, Acacia (?) leptocarpa |
dhorru | | whole, complete (in one piece) |
dhurrulŋu | | place (hillock) where dirt has been piled by a goanna or bandicoot digging |
dhurrum' | | bird Beach Thick-Knee |
dhurruman(') | | firestick trees used for firesticks, especially Premna spp. |
dhurruman(') | | fish--small, freshwater |
dhurrumanŋiniŋ | | snake--found in rocky terrain |
dhurrumbuku' | | verandah |
dhurruŋurawuy | | |
dhurrur'yun | | cough |
dhurrurruyun | | run fast ponder do a specific action in a dance |
dhurrurruŋgitj | | tree Sandalwood |
dhurrurruŋgitj | | shrub Jacksonia dilatata |
dhurrurrupuyŋu | | |
dhurrwara | | mouth, lip(s) opening Ext door lid ends (of rope) |
dhurr(-)wuṯthun | | dive, run and jump into water, fall (head first) into a hole |
dhut | | sit (down) |
dhoṯ | | folded, wrapped up weak, sick(ly) |
dhoṯay(') | | shellfish Mud Ark, Corculum cardisga (?) |
dhoṯu | | tired, weary, wanting to sleep |
dhuthunuŋu | | trunk (of tree) |
dhotj | | closed burrow (mound of earth where animal has burrowed) |
dhotju | | work |
dhuwa | | moiety--patrilineal |
dhuwakthun | | tie |
dhuwaka'yun | | look for turtles and turtle eggs |
dhuwakuṉḏitj | | Dhuwa clan-nations--all together |
dhuwal | | |
dhuwaḻyun | | keep on doing something, be persistent |
dhuwala | | this, here (is) |
dhuwala'mirri | | language--collective name for variety spoken by Gumatj, Gupapuyŋu (Birrkili, Daygurrgurr, Guyamirrilili, Wubulkarra), Madarrpa (-monuk), Makarrwanhalmirri, and Maŋgalili clans |
dhuwalaŋuwuy | | about this, from here |
dhuwalatjan | | go this way (path, route) |
dhuwalatjarra | | |
dhuwalayaku | | |
dhuwali | | this, here (is) that, there (near us) |
dhuwalil | | to that (one, near us) |
dhuwaliŋuru | | from that (one, near us) |
dhuwaliŋuwuy | | about this/that (near us) |
dhuwal'mirr | | language--collective name for variety spoken by Da:tiwuy, Dhapuyŋu, Djambarrpuyŋu (Dhurili, Guyula, Wutjara), Djapu, Liyagawumirr (Buyuyugululmirr), Liyagalawumirr, Marrakulu, and Marraŋu clans |
dhuwalwitjan | | go this way |
dhuwan | | that, there (near us, not far) |
dhuwanydjika | | cigarette |
dhuwanyga | | |
dhuwaŋ | | prawn |
dhuwarrpuma | | flood make a mark in the ground |
dhuwarrwarr | | sunset |
dhuway | | husband (real or classificatory), brother-in-law ZH , sister-in-law ZHZ first-cousin (in opposite moiety) FZC "mate" |
dhuwaya | | this, here |
dhuwi | | brother-in-law mate |
dhowirr | | tree Paperbark, Melaleuca leucadendron |
dhuwirriya | | sea at Yirrkala |
dhuwukun | | |
dhuwurr | | custom, law, rule, behaviour, way (of life or doing things), (one's own) "business" |
dhuwuṯay | | shellfish Mud Ark |
dhuykun(') | | female (of any species), woman, wife female goanna |
dhuyu | | sacred, secret, holy, taboo (forbidden or secret knowledge) attractive, clean, tidy |
dhoyu | | whole, complete |
dhuyumu | | tree/shrub--edible part (?) Timonius timon |
dhuyuwininy | | |
dhuyuwurk | | tree Grewia retusifolia (?) |
-dja | | OPPosition or EMPHasis marker |
djä'yun | | suck or eat (syrup with a grass spoon) |
djabakalaŋ | | lizard Blue-Tongue |
djabarryun | | come Pl |
djabarrkthun | | preach |
djäbu | | soap |
djäbur | | avoidance relationship: mother-in-law's brother WMB , "poison cousin" MMBS |
djaḏayun | | make a spark (with a firestick), operate a firestick |
djaḏak | | bee--honeybee, and its "girl sugarbag" Trigona sp. |
djaḏakuḏa | | |
djaḏal'yun | | throw spear at random (at people to frighten them or attract attetnion into muddy water hoping to catch fish) |
djaḏaw' | | break (of day), dawn, sunrise be daylight |
djaḏiwitjibi | | clan (Djinang) |
djaḏula | | grass--very sharp special for Jam Vetiveria elongata (or?) Spinifex longifolius (?) |
djädjak | | tree--with edible shoots Fan Palm, Livistona loriphylla |
djäga | | care for, take care of, look after |
djagadjagayun | | wriggle, kick legs (as baby when crying, child in tantrum) |
djaguḻ'nani | | bird Spangled Drongo |
djagurr'gurr | | plant--with small, reddish edible root portions Eleocharis sphacelata |
djaka(') | | size, height, length long, tall |
djäka | | care for, take care of, look after |
djakama | | bunion, inflamed swelling on foot a healed sore |
djakanŋu | | |
djakapurra | | Singapore |
djakaruŋ(') | | container made of Stringybark (used for shellfish, etc.), native cup or bowl Ext billy(can), tin |
djakaṯthun | | stretch (up, standing on tiptoes), crane (neck trying to see over crowd) |
djakirri | | |
djakiya | | |
djäkminy | | Goulburn Island |
djaktjin | | injection, "shot" |
djakula | | |
djakuḻuḻu(') | | anthill, antbed--tall and white (home for animals such as lizards, snakes, scorpions and echidnas) |
djakurrk | | |
djakurrŋa | | water--sacred |
djakurruma | | call someone by relationship term |
djäl | | like, want, desirous (of), love GEN |
djäḻ' | | holey, cut up, riddled with holes or cuts |
djala | | shellfish flesh |
djala'yun | | give away, distribute |
djaḻa | | coccyx (bone at bottom of spine) |
djalaḏi' | | plant with edible root swellings Cayratia trifolia |
djaḻadjaḻa'yun | | stagger, walk unsteadily |
djalagu' | | plant--edible, grows in water Aponogeton elongatus |
djalakaritj | | spear--with long thin steel prongs, used for fishing |
djaḻaktjaḻak | | plant--floating freshwater weed with yellow flowers Utricularia aurea |
djaḻaḻ(')yun | | hurry, rush, run (to help or holding a spear) |
djalalayun | | crawl |
djalamat | | foot(print), toe(s) |
djalamiṯa | | bird--hawk with hovering habits Peregrine Falcon (?) |
djalan | | |
djalanda | | shrub--with yellowish fruit in rainy season |
djalaṉarramirr | | stingray--edible |
djalaŋgi | | flag |
djalarrpa | | kangaroo female Arnhem Land Euro, Macropus robustus woodwardi |
djalatan | | |
djalatuŋ | | shoes, footwear |
djalatuŋ | | sinker |
djalathaŋ(') | | south (wind--used by Macassans to sail from Australia back to Ujung Pandang) |
djaḻatjaḻa(') | | tree--small used as a medicine for paplomas on feet Swamp Banksia, B. dentata B. papuana (?) stick with bark smoothed off (for putting in nose) |
djalawa | | concentration putting a flag up |
djaḻburr'yun | | splash, dive walk in water up to one's ankles |
djaḻi | | armband--used in Dhuwa ceremonies jungle vine--leaves used as armbands Flagellaria indica |
djali' | | wet |
djäḻi | | |
djalik | | wet |
djalili' | | bird--seabird sp. |
djalim | | sell |
djalinda | | cloth, towelling, sheet, sail |
djaliŋgirr | | |
djalk | | throw (away, down, out), toss, discard waste (money) Pl or uncountable nouns |
djaḻk | | |
djaḻkarr | | eye, seed Ext well, waterhole sweetheart |
djaḻkarr'yun | | flash, shine |
djäḻki(') | | snake (generic) |
djalkiri | | foot footprint root (of tree) Ext thong(s) wheel |
djalkuminy | | urine, "piss" ḎrudeṈ |
djalkurrk | | orchid--growing on trees its juice is used to prime bark for painting Dendrobium dicuphum etc. |
djalma | | yam--round, must be soaked before eating Dioscorea sativa var. rotunda (?) |
djalma | | grasshopper |
djälŋ | | grass Spinifex, Triodia sp. |
djalŋaṯawuy | | |
djalŋiny | | leech (fresh-water) |
djalpaṯ | | axe--stone, short |
djalpinyŋu | | yam--large, hairy, found in boggy freshwater areas Curculigo ensifolia, Gardenia megasperma |
djalpurr(') | | gullet--end of end part of intestines of turtle |
djalpurr(') | | grass Blady Grass, Imperater cylindrica |
djaḻpurrun | | plunge into water |
djaltjal | | bundle, pile, heap, roll |
djaḻ'tjaḻyun | | masturbate |
djaḻuḻu | | |
djälulu' | | fruit Wild Grape, Ampelocissus and/or Cissus sp. |
djaḻumbu | | log--hollow, ceremonial |
djäluŋ | | lines on a flag |
djalwaṉun' | | |
djalwarra | | trousers |
djalwarrwarr | | bushes--dense clump small trees |
djaḻwurr'yun | | wade into shallow water splash (about, through) water up to one's ankles |
djam | | tree Hibiscus sabdariffa |
djama | | child, baby |
djäma | | work, make, do |
djamaḻaka | | fish Moon Fish |
djamandarr | | plant |
djamanbarraṉ | | little Pl |
djamandjaman | | little Pl children young animals minnows (etc.) |
djamarriny | | hair (of head) leaf |
djamarrkuḻi(') | | children Ext students, pupils |
djamawurr | | little Pl children young animals minnows (etc.) |
djamba | | shelter--made of bark |
djambaka(') | | tin, billycan, pannikin roofing iron steel |
djambaḻ | | oven--stone, antbed used for cooking |
djambaḻak | | fish Freshwater Eel-tailed Catfish, "Nailfish" |
djambalulu | | |
djambaŋ | | tree, fruit Tamarind, Tamarindus Indic us,a (Rit) small plant (?) |
djambapa(') | | snail--not eaten, used as blade for slicing yams Land Snail, Albersia sp. Freshwater Snail (?) |
djambarrpuyŋu | | clan-nation (western Dl) |
djambatj | | good at (hunting, gathering, fishing), successful Ext expert, quick, smart, intelligent, acute, alert, clever |
djambayaŋ | | gathering (e.g., for sports) ḎarchaicṈ prayer |
djambi | | change, exchange |
djämbutj | | star--morning, Venus |
djämbutj | | sorcerer |
djambuwal | | tornado, waterspout, strong whirlwind star associated with comets or meteors Thunderman |
djamina | | |
djamulu(') | | rootfood--grass-like plant growing near water root must be cooked before eating, tastes like a nut Triglochin procera, Thysanotus tuberosus |
djamurr | | rib(s) |
djan | | is that so? |
djana' | | fat (generic, specific for kidney fat) (bone) marrow Ext liver of stingray honey(comb) |
djaṉabu | | spear--bamboo |
djanamar | | herb--small with a small, flat potato Microstemma sp. |
djanayŋa | | Pacific Island (?) |
djanbi | | pile, heap, bundle, roll |
djanbirrk | | tree--edible fruit Great Morinda |
djanda | | lizard (generic) goanna (small--generic male): Mangrove Monitor, Varanus indicus Merten's Water Monitor, V. mertensii Spotted Tree Goanna, V. timorensis Gould\'s Goanna, V. gouldii |
djandi | | Sunday week |
djändi | | shark teeth |
djaṉḏil | | wallaby Longman's Rock Wallaby, Petrogale venustula Nail-tailed Wallaby, Onychogalea fraenata |
djandu(') | | pipe--short (European style) |
djänduḻ | | sandal(s) |
djäṉḏurrŋala | | star |
djaṉdjaṉdhun | | carry something heavy (with both hands) |
djandju | | |
djanga | | turtle--especially the female Long-necked Tortoise, Chelodina sp. C. rugosa (?) |
djangu | | shape, appearance, bearing |
djaṉiman | | Chinese, Chinaman |
djan'ka | | lizard "Water Goanna", Merten's Water Monitor |
djan'kawu | | dreamtime sisters associated with Creation |
djan'ku | | appearance, image, replica, shape |
djaṉmidjaṉmi(') | | snake Javan File Snake |
djaṉŋarr | | hunger hungry |
djaṉŋarrŋani(') | | starfish |
djaṉ'pa | | tree--roots used for making string milky sap used for dye Banyan, Ficus virens, F. superba var. henneana |
djaṉ'tjaṉdhun | | toddle (of baby) |
djänuk | | fish--small |
djanumbi | | plant--beach creeper |
djany'tjun | | extend, stretch out (as tentacles of Sea-Wasp), be longer than it should (dress with hem undone) |
djanyarr | | leaves of Pandanus--dried out and ready for weaving |
djanydjay | | |
djänyi' | | shrub--with thorns and edible black fruits Conkerberry, Carissa lanceolata |
djaŋ'gun | | draw, write make, build |
djaŋakthun | | call great snake during Gunapipi ceremony |
djaŋalk | | mannerism of body (while walking or running) |
djaŋarr | | pandanus--stripped and ready for weaving |
djäŋgal | | frog |
djaŋgaḻa | | bird Darter, Diver Duck |
djaŋgaḻan | | bird Darter, Diver Duck |
djaŋgarrarr | | calm water (river) |
djäŋgitj | | sorcerer |
djaŋgurr | | lizard Frilled Lizard |
djaŋu | | this, here |
djaŋu'mi | | language--collective name for variety spoken by Mandatja and Warramiri clans |
djapthama | | stand (something up), erect |
djäpa(') | | tree and its soft fruit which turns from red to a purplish colour when ripe--ready to eat around March |
djapaḏayan | | spear wire spear with a single iron prong |
djapaḻa | | |
djäpana | | clouds--yellow (as sun begins to set) |
djapaṉarra | | grass Portulaca bicolor |
djapani | | Japanese (person or language) |
djapaŋ | | Japanese (person or language), Japan |
djaparri | | sunset |
djapathu | | shoe(s) |
djapiḻana | | tin, billycan, pannikin |
djäpirri | | |
djapu' | | clan-nation (eastern Dl) |
djapu' | | ant--stinging, similar to meat ants, but living in the ground rather than in antmounds |
djäpu | | soap |
djapur | | rough, bumpy |
djär | | shade, shadow |
djara | | tree--with immense thorns, good for shade Cathormion umbellatum |
djararrk | | Poor dear! expression of pity or sympathy used with body parts |
djäri | | rainbow, coloured light multi-coloured |
djarŋgamirri | | khaki colour(s) |
djarŋgulk | | neck, front of neck Ext creek, river, channel (between islands) |
djarŋiny | | |
djarpanbuluwuy | | beach |
djarpirr | | |
djar(')tjaryun | | walk quickly, trot off, set off |
djarryun | | stretch (out a part of the body) |
djarr'thama | | spear |
djarr'yun | | choose, sort (out), "study" (compare and contrast) |
djarra | | water--rain (in rock pool) |
djarrabalminy | | |
djarraḏatpuwa | | bird Chestnut Rail |
djarradjarra' | | around, all over |
djarrak | | bird gull (generic): Whiskered Tern, Chidonias hybrida, Silver Gull, Larus novaehollandiae, Little Tern, Sterna albifrons, Crested Tern, S. bergii, etc. |
djarrakaḻa'yun | | move in an uncontrolled way |
djarrakpi | | |
djarrambaḻ | | hail stone(s) |
djarrami | | glass, mirror |
djarramumu | | snail--small, not eaten Land Snail, Albersia sp. |
djarrany'tjun | | dig, scratch the ground (Rit) pull -in fumble (around), scrabble |
djärraŋ | | horse |
djarraŋgay' | | finger--little, "pinky" |
djarraŋgul | | |
djarrapuru | | spear (collective term) |
djarrarrayun | | drift (of boat) slip, slide (down bank) |
djarrarrman | | call a person names (but not swearing), sling off (at) |
djarraṯawun' | | light (generic) |
djarrawurr | | gathering |
djarray(') | | rootfood Wild Onion (?) |
djarrbarbar | | long and thin, tall |
djärrgiṯ | | shellfish Freshwater Mussel |
djärri-djarri | | |
djarrikaŋ' | | building |
djärritjarri | | cloth, material |
djarriyaŋ | | building |
djarrkthun | | carve (out, e.g., belly of dugout canoe), scrape sharpen (with knife) |
djarrka | | lizard--black & yellow Merten's Water Monitor, "Water Goanna", Varanus mertensi |
djarrkaḏama | | bird Cormorant, Diving Duck |
djarrkthunamirr | | anteater |
djarrma | | gossip |
djarr'mawul | | yam Ipomoea sp. |
djärrminy | | |
djarrmuṉ | | |
djarrŋana | | |
djarrŋgaliyam | | laugh |
djarrpi(') | | crooked, bent wrong, incorrect (practice) all around, in various directions |
djarrpuḏay' | | left (side, handed) |
djarru' | | sour poison(ous) |
djarruḏu | | wallaby male Agile Wallaby, Macropus agilis |
djarruŋ | | needle |
djarruŋu | | bird--seagull |
djarruṯu | | wallaby female Agile Wallaby, Macropus agilis Rock Wallaby |
djarrwaḻk | | shoulder blade |
djarrwalkpuy | | |
djarrwaṉ | | messy, untidy, scattered about |
djarrwark | | clan |
djarrwarwar | | long and thin |
djarrwaṯ | | string--worn during mourning |
djärrwiṯ | | shellfish Freshwater Mussel |
djarrwutu | | wallaby--agile, female |
djat | | chop (down or out, with knife or axe, e.g., belly of dugout canoe), hit with something sharp |
djat | | spear, pierce |
djät | | shirt |
djaṯam | | centipede (harmful) |
djatati | | Saturday |
djatpar'yunmirri | | bash oneself (in grief) |
djaṯpaŋarri | | song and dance (open to public) |
djatparkthun | | climb (using hands and feet) |
djathurru | | sour poison(ous) |
djatjalarrma | | |
djätj | | judge |
djatja | | current |
djätja | | kangaroo, wallaby (generic) |
djätji(') | | stingray--brown with white spots |
djatjpaḻaḻ'yun | | skid, slide (along) |
djatjpurkthun | | float |
djätjthi | | Thursday |
djatjurkmarama | | turn inside out take out and throw away |
djaw' | | take (away from) GEN , snatch, catch steal |
djäwa | | storm, cyclone |
djawakalaŋ | | lizard Northern Blue-Tongue |
djawaḻ(') | | secretly (done, e.g., killing), deceptive |
djawany-djawany | | |
djawaryun | | tired, sad, depressed, bored be sick and tired (of something) |
djawar'yun | | spear, pierce give an injection sew Sg |
djawar'yun | | fly around |
djawarr'yun | | pull (out, e.g., pricle from foot), take out, extract |
djawarrabiŋ | | clan (Djinang, extinct) |
djawarrkthun | | preach, say words in ceremony, tell a message loudly explain Ext prophesy feel around inside a hollow area |
djawiḏi | | |
djaw'tjawmirri | | |
djawukirri | | joke, kid, say what isn't true, tell lies |
djawul | | none, nothing |
djawuḻa | | stick--small, sharp, pointed |
djawuḻkarraŋu | | Witchetty grub--as it emerges from cocoon |
djawuḻpa | | old (man, person) father |
djäwuḻu | | shoot (of plant) grey hair |
djawurrku | | flood |
djawurr'wurr | | plant |
djawuṯ | | spear--stone head |
djäy | | sew(ing), mending |
djäyak | | tree Fan Palm |
djayay'yun | | tear, split (paper, cloth) |
djäybuŋ | | totem |
djaykuḻuŋ | | cyclone |
djaykuŋ(') | | snake Javan File Snake, Acrochordus javanicus Little File Snake, A. granulat us,a |
djaymila | | fish Moon Fish |
djaypila | | fish Moon Fish |
djaypimap | | save up |
-dji | | INCHoative: becoming, getting to be |
djitjun | | sting (of eyes as from smoke) |
djibay | | Get away! (to dogs) |
djibukun | | go fishing (especially with hook and line) |
djeḏa | | midnight (middle of the night to about 3 a.m.) |
djiḏapun | | sneak (along) |
djegaṯ | | tail lower leg handle |
djikali | | wife--real or classificatory, cousin, mate MBC-opposite moiety to self |
djekan | | scapegoat (someone who is always picked on or blamed) |
djikarr(') | | cyst mole (Rit) boil wart |
djikay(') | | bird--small (generic) (finches) |
djeki | | lock |
djikiḻirritj | | bird Hooded Parrot (?) |
djikin | | chicken |
djikirit | | cigarette |
djikpi' | | bird Owlet-Nightjar |
djeku | | |
djikula | | |
djikulu | | sunset |
djikuḻuḻu | | bird White Heron |
djekuŋ | | mouse Delicate Mouse, Pseudomys delicatulus |
djikurrthun | | stab, pierce |
djekurr | | clouds from the east |
djikurruna | | turtle shell |
djikuyu | | crab Mudcrab (generic) (?) |
dje'la | | salt |
djilarra' | | tree--with dangerous milky sap Gutta Percha Tree, Excoecaria parvifolia |
djiḻawurr | | bird Jungle Fowl Ext: chicken |
djili | | gift--owed |
djili' | | ability to work well and stick at a job |
djiḻidjiḻ' | | bird "Rainbird", Woodswallow (?) not Koel |
djilili | | bird Water Whistle-Duck |
djililkthun | | diarrhoea, pass loose faeces |
djilipa | | |
djelirr | | hailstone(s) thick black cloud(s) |
djilirrma | | rainclouds from the east |
djilitjilikaŋ | | gun, revolver |
djiḻkaw'yun | | climb hang (clothes on a line) |
djilminy | | |
djiḻwirryun | | fix a spearhead |
djilwuywuy | | porpoise, dolphin (?) |
djim'bun | | poke (with stick), cut strips (in, as paperbark before stripping it off) |
djimaḏa'marama | | gut, remove entrails (of) |
djimalka | | tree Gum Tree sp. |
djimat | | smart show-off |
djimbarrmirri | | spear--barbed |
djembirri' | | fish mature Mangrove Jack |
djimbitj | | back--lower |
djimbiya(') | | axe (steel) |
djimdjimdhun | | put (out) Pl |
djimi | | fin--dorsal |
djimi' | | leech |
djimikamba | | fish--small, saltwater, has long tail and jumps |
djimiṉḏi(') | | spear with three or four steel prongs (for fishing) |
djimit | | tree--with edible "apples" Planchonella sp. |
djimugu' | | spear wire spear |
djimuku(') | | steel (axe), iron rod, crowbar, heavy metal |
djimukuwatj | | tin shed |
djin | | Is that so? particle expressing uncertainty |
djinaga(') | | inside underneath |
djinaku | | of/for this (one/person) |
djinakuḻ(i) | | to this (person) |
djinakuŋ | | from this (one), made by this (person) |
djinakura | | by/with this (person) |
djinakuru | | from this (person) |
djinakurumurru | | about this (person) |
djinakuruy | | about this (person) |
djinakuy | | about this (one) |
djinal | | by/at this (one) |
djinana | | tree Ironwood |
djinaŋ | | by this (person), with/using this (one) |
djinaŋ | | language--collective name for variety spoken by Balmbi, Djadiwitjibi, Manyarriŋ, Marraŋu, Mildjiŋi, Murruŋun, Wulaki clans Cf: Murruwun |
djinaŋbala | | now, today |
djinapaŋ | | gun, rifle |
djinathi | | |
djinawa(') | | inside under(neath) |
djinba | | clan |
djinbirrk | | tree--small, used in making a yellowish dye Morinda citrifolia |
djinbulk | | sharp |
djinbuma | | pinch, squeeze (boil) |
djendulu | | |
djingaryun | | stand, get up |
djingiritj | | frog--tiny |
djingiritj | | tree Marble Tree, Owenia vernicosa |
djingu | | pandanus nut meat |
djiṉi | | beehive entrance--very long, protruding from tree hard black beeswax at bottom of beehive |
djiṉi | | buttock(s) |
djinibiliwuy | | |
djiṉi-djiṉi | | spear |
djiniŋ | | language--collective name for variety spoken by Da:bi, Djinba, Ganalpiŋu and Mandalpiŋu clans |
djinipiḏi | | |
djinipuru | | |
djiṉiyiṉi | | spear |
djin'kal | | lizard Frilled-Neck |
djin'kiritj | | frog--small, green |
djinma | | shark Whaler Shark, River Shark |
djinmir' | | edge, tip (of the tongue) |
djiṉ'pu | | shrub--huge leaves useful as plates its fruit Fish-Plate Shrub, Guettarda speciosa |
djinhi | | with this, using this |
djinhiku | | of this, for this (one) |
djinhikuli | | at this (one, place) |
djinhikuma | | on this side |
djinhimana | | today, now |
djinhiŋul | | from this (one, place) |
djinydjalma(') | | crab--generic for large crabs, e.g: Blue Swimmer Crab, Portunus pelagicus specifically the adult female Mud Crab, Scylla serrata |
djinydjim | | (ex)change transform |
djeŋal | | |
djiŋaṉḏarr | | bird--has a white breast (in contrast to the male) female Darter, Diver Duck |
djeŋarra' | | light, bright |
djiŋdjiŋ(') | | wire (flexible), wire netting |
djiŋgilit | | singlet |
djiŋgurala | | bird seagull, tern (generic) |
djiŋi | | tree? Pistia stratiotes |
djiŋ'tjiŋdhun | | drip, sprinkle (rain, water) |
djip | | stay (seated or standing), put (on, down) |
djepa' | | inexpensive, cheap |
djipaku | | stingy |
djepi' | | cereal (especially flour or oats) |
djepu | | flag |
djipuluŋ | | half only a little |
djipun | | |
djipunbarri | | |
djipuru | | |
djirambulk | | yam--long, deep in ground, has a very special taste |
djirambulk | | rootfood--small edible root of Kapok Tree |
djirambulk | | tree Erythrina sp. |
djiraŋ' | | boil |
djirarr | | stone--smooth (for sharpening knifes, pounding food, etc.) |
djirarrwuy | | |
djiraw' | | bird |
djirika | | shellfish--edible |
djirikitj | | bird Brown Quail, Swamp Quail, Coturnix ypsilophorus, Black-backed Button Quail, Turnix maculosa |
djiriny | | |
djirirr | | grass-like plants with fairly sharp edges found near water Sedge sp., Cyperus sp. |
djirirr | | bird--small, found around water |
djirk | | design--painted |
djerpa | | fish Stripey, Lutjanus carponotatus Chinaman Fish, Symphorus nematophorus |
djir'tjir | | tree--small-leaved, fruit-bearing shrubs Drypetes sp. (and/or) Diospyros sp. (?) |
djirryun | | brace for landing (of bird) |
djirr'yun | | go down |
djirra | | stand |
djerra | | grave--sand |
djirrbili | | fish Bony Bream, "Bonefish" |
djirri | | tree--found inbrackish swamps or at the edges of billabongs Paperbark sp. |
djirri | | sin, adultery strong word, often used for adultery and fornication (Rit) Intj Oops! |
djirri' | | yam |
djirri' | | bird Little Corella |
djirribi-djirribi | | bird Willie Wagtail, Rhipidura leucophrys |
djirribiyuk | | bird Grass Whistle-Duck |
djirriḏiḏi | | bird Forest Kingfisher, Azure Kingfisher, Ceyx azura |
djirrikaymirr(i) | | leader(s) of Dhuwa ceremonies, old man (implies full knowledge about Yolŋu law, songs, sacred business, etc.) |
djirrikiki' | | bird Grass Owl, Barn Owl |
djirriḻ'tjirriḻ | | Cricket insect--small, found only on/in water at billabongs --(?)lives in ground, nuisance in gardens |
djirrimbilpilwuy | | crocodile |
djirrimitjirrimi | | bird Willy Wagtail |
djirriṉ-djirriṉ | | bird--small grass (generic) |
djirringal | | |
djirripum(a) | | massage, stroke calm (someone) down by stroking them |
djirriṯ | | sailpiece--wooden bar on mast that crosses the sail diagonally |
djirritj | | diarrhoea |
djirriwi-djirriwi | | bird Willy Wagtail |
djerrk | | bag--of string (made in same fashion as fishnets--older person's knowledge) |
djirrkaṉ-djirrkaṉ | | messy, untidy, all over the place |
djirrkawul | | tree/shrub--used for making spears leaves are useful for making damper on Droopy Leaf, Aglaia elaeagroides |
djirrkdjirrk | | snail--large, brownish, freshwater, used as bait |
djirrkiḻi | | fish--edible Groper |
djirrkiny' | | rat--small |
djerrkŋu | | cloud |
djirrkuḏupthun | | splash, dive, paddle |
djerrkura | | surname |
djirrmaŋa(') | | anteater Echidna (generic) "Porcupine", Short-beaked Echidna, Tachyglossus aculeatus acanthion |
djirr'miny | | Firefly |
djirrŋama' | | anteater--spiny Echidna, "Porcupine" |
djirrŋiriny | | fruit--black, gathered in Wet shrub (on which it grows?) |
djirrŋ'miṉ | | Firefly |
djirrpaḻ | | bark fibres (especially from Kurrajong) used in making string |
djerrpaṉ | | rock |
djirrpara | | tree Ironwood, Erythropleum chlorostachyum |
djirrparri | | bird |
djirrpiyirrpi | | bird Willy Wagtail |
djirrpuḻ | | polygamist, man with many wives |
djirrtja | | downhill, downriver |
djirrtjirr | | grey |
djirr'tjirryun | | come down, descend |
djerru | | spoon, shovel |
djirrwalala | | inland area |
djirrwiyirrwi' | | bird Willy Wagtail |
djirrwurkburk | | surname |
djeṯ | | bird immature White-Breasted Sea Eagle |
djitama | | yam--round, must be prepared very carefully, i.e: boiled, grated, and left overnight "Wild Potato", Dioscorea bulbifera var. rotunda |
djetama | | Cycad fruit |
djitpiḏi | | fish Archerfish, "Riflefish" |
djitpiḻirri | | wallaby male Agile Wallaby |
djiṯtjiṯpuma | | pull out the entrails (of kangaroo or emu carcass) pull to pieces (eg bag or string) |
djitjun | | sting (eyes from smoke) |
djitji(') | | turtle shell |
djetji(') | | sore, wound, injury, cut, hole |
djitjir | | tree |
djetjirama | | mend (canoe) solder |
djitjirukmirri | | pitted, pock marked (skin) |
djetjitj | | scissors |
djitjiwarr'yun | | squirt water |
djitjiwuru | | wind--light westerly |
djiw' | | fart--whisper, silent passing of air |
djewaḏa | | |
djiwarr(') | | sky (where birds fly), heaven (place above the sky) above |
djewaṯ | | tail lower leg handle |
djiwatjiwa | | ripple(s) (on calm water) |
djewiny | | tree Gum, Bloodwood (?) |
djiwirr'thama | | pester, hound |
djiwukun | | go fishing (especially with hook and line) |
djewuḻ | | seaweed, water weed (generic): Blyxa sp Myriophyllum sp Marsilea crenata |
djiwuŋmarama | | mix water (with something, e.g., flour to make damper) |
djiwuŋgu | | bird Swamp Pheasant, Pheasant Coucal |
djiya | | seat, chair |
djiyan | | make love (to), copulate, "fuck" ḎvulgarṈ ACC |
djuḏapthun | | creep, sneak (up on) |
djuḏu'yun | | stay behind, hang back, delay (Rit) squat, sit on one's haunches (especially in a creek trying to catch fish) |
djuḏum' | | mud |
djuḏupthun | | go in, enter |
djuḏurrku | | bird Diving Duck |
djuḏutjuḏumun | | bird Striated Pardalote, Pardalotus striatus |
djudjuy'yun | | push |
djugu(') | | ceremony, song |
djok | | sacred, under taboo (e.g., boys living in seclusion in the bush before their circumcision) |
djoka' | | sugar |
djukaḻ | | fish--freshwater Long Tom |
djukarrŋu | | brother (-older) close friend (especially if exchanging gifts) |
djukaṯ'thun | | limp, be lame |
djoki | | blade |
djukit | | underpants (men's) |
djukitjuki | | chook(s), chicken |
djuktjukŋani(ŋ) | | bush--small, used by children for shaft of toy spears with rag or Paperbark end Hibiscus meraukensis Hyptus suaveolens |
djuku | | louse, small head lice, flea(s) |
djukul | | |
djukurr(') | | fat(s), grease, lard bone marrow Ext butter liver of stingray honey |
djuḻ'yun | | drip bubble (as water) |
djulam | | area out of sight under cover |
djolarra | | naked |
djuḻaymuŋ | | stingray--edible |
djuḻgudjuḻgu'marama | | make a fence, put posts into holes |
djulima | | mouth organ |
djoliŋ | | mouth organ |
djuḻk | | go on (ahead, first, past), keep going -tr pass (by, over) cross |
djulka(') | | earth, ground, dirt, dirt, sand Ext world |
djuḻku' | | shellfish--edible used as cup (False) Trumpet Shell, Triton, Syrinx aruanus |
djuḻkumu(') | | shellfish Oyster sp. |
djulŋi | | dear (affectionate or complimentary term used with parts of the body) |
djulŋi | | good, nice, fine, beautiful |
djulpan | | star constellation--looks like a canoe |
djuḻu' | | tree Lancewood Tree, Acacia shirleyi |
djolu(') | | matches |
djuḻubu | | bird Straw-necked Ibis |
djuluk | | |
djulukuṉ | | root--edible Parsonsia leichardtii |
djuḻuḻ'yun | | hide |
djuḻuḻu | | head |
djululu'yun | | spill (liquid), pour out |
djuḻum' | | mud |
djuluŋa | | pillow |
djolurr | | white clay |
djuḻurryun | | jump into water |
djuḻurrpi | | fish Giant Threadfin, Eleutheronema tetradactylum |
djuḻuwu | | bird Glossy Ibis, Plegadis falcinellus Straw-necked Ibis, Threskiornis spinicollis (?) |
djulwaḏak | | bird Friarbird(s), Philemon spp. Singing Honey-Eater, Lichenostamus virescens Yellow Oriole, Oriolus flavocinctus White-rumped Miner |
djumbu' | | |
djumbuṉu | | snake Javan File Snake |
djumburr-djumburr | | mosquito--large, malarial (?) |
djumbuyŋu | | bird--small, chirping |
djomu | | fat (animal) |
djomula(') | | tree Casuarina, (Coastal) Whistling Tree, Whistling Pine, Beach She Oak, Casuarina equisetifolia |
djumuḻuḻu' | | euro--young |
djumurr'yun | | jump (slowly or repeatedly), hop along (like a wallaby or kangaroo) |
djun | | piece, bit |
djuna | | |
djunama | | straight on |
djuṉḏatjuṉḏa | | tree/shrub--edible part(?) |
djunduktjunduk | | bird Red-Backed Kingfisher, Halcyon pyrrhopygia |
djungaḻin | | hair |
djoṉgum(a) | | collect, gather together, get take hold of |
djuṉmal | | bird--size of eagle, whistles for tide to come in |
djonmali | | |
djunuma | | Come this way!, Here! |
djunuŋgu | | immediately, straight away |
djunuŋguyaŋu | | dugong (Rit) turtle--green |
djuny'tjumu | | shellfish Mangrove Mure x,y , Chicoreus permestus |
djuŋambi | | octopus |
djuŋgaḻin | | |
djuŋgaḻiwarr | | shell--edible Conch, (False) Trumpet Shell |
djuŋgayi | | boss, "manager", "lawyer" (relation a person has to the ceremonies and land of his mother's clan) |
djoŋgu(') | | hat |
djuŋguṉ | | widow(er), bereaved spouse |
djuŋguwan | | ceremony--major |
djuŋ'tjuŋ | | nasal ridge, bridge of nose |
djuŋuḏu | | fish--freshwater Long-Tom |
djuŋuṉŋuṉ | | spear--shaped like shovel spear, but made of wood |
djuŋuny | | identity, manner(ism) custom, way of life, way of walking |
djuŋupal | | stone |
djop | | soap |
djupa | | |
djopani | | smoke |
djupi' | | shrub--fruit-bearing Antidesma ghaesembilla |
djopiŋ | | |
djur(') | | way, vision |
djura' | | fruit of Wild Cashew (must be cooked and eaten with caution) |
djuramalawuy | | |
djurambil | | |
djuramu | | group of (young) men, "gang" (of single blokes) (Rit) war party, group of warriors |
djurap | | giraffe |
djoriny | | |
djurirr' | | bird Great Bowerbird |
djorkuma | | shelter, hide, protect something (with hand or arm) |
djurpuwaḏi | | shellfish Turbo pethalatus (?) |
djur(')tjur | | bird |
djurum'djurum | | bird--can stand on waterlily leaves Lotusbird |
djurwirr(') | | bird Great Bowerbird, Chlamydera nuchalis |
djurryun | | pour (on) ACC , spread (on, as jam), paint, plaster |
djurr'yun | | go into water |
djorra' | | paper, book, newspaper |
djurrayŋaniŋ | | fish Eel sp. |
djorrgu | | crocodile--freshwater |
djorri | | |
djurrkuḏupthun | | dive (head first), fall headlong |
djurrkululu'yun | | flow, run (of liquids) |
djurrkuṉ | | narrow (as something solid, space, road) space, room |
djurrmuti | | |
djurrpuṉ | | star--evening, Venus |
djurrpuṉuṉ | | |
djorrtja' | | fish Sand Mullet |
djorru' | | cigar |
djurruk | | wet, sticky |
djurrut | | syrup |
djurryurr' | | stream, temporary freshwater rivulet |
djut | | spear, pierce |
djutthun | | beat, hit, make, gather |
djota | | tree--from which woomeras are made Mistletoe Tree, Exocarpus latifolius |
djutabata | | spear--fish |
djuṯpila | | bird--large hawk(s) Osprey Falcon(s), Falco longipennis, F. peregrinus Red Goshawk, Erythrotriorchis radiatus Little Eagle, Hieraaetus morphnoides |
djutu | | raft (made from Paperbark), bark canoe |
djutja-djutja | | |
djotjthi | | Tuesday |
djutjtjutj | | Goodbye!, Keep going! (Rit) Adv far away |
djuwakan | | totem |
djuwaḻak | | water |
djuwali | | blade |
djuwalpi | | |
djuwarrmin | | surname |
djuy' | | go |
djoy' | | sap or gum, especially of Bloodwood tree |
djoymi | | |
do' | | store, shop |
ḏo'yun | | come, arrive |
ḏobal | | tree Gmelina dalrympleana White Cloud Tree, Parinari corymbosa Leichhardt Tree, Nauclea coadunata |
ḏubitj | | twitching of muscles--said to give warning of coming events |
ḏubukthun | | pick (up), lift (up) |
ḏobu'ṯubu | | dumplings |
ḏuḏatj(tj)un | | flip over, be upside down |
ḏuḏuḏu | | ceremony--informal, where young people are taught to dance or sing |
ḏuḏuḏuyun | | make a scraping or rustling noise (e.g., goanna in log) |
ḏuḏuku'yun | | make a scraping or banging noise (e.g., moving tables and chairs around) |
ḏuḏupmarama | | miss the mark, nearly hit |
ḏuḏupthun | | hit (drum, tin--as when playing) |
ḏoḏurrk | | |
ḏogu | | wave(s--of sea) |
ḏuguḏuguyun | | |
ḏukthun | | heal (up), get well or better |
ḏukitj | | shoot (of plant) grey hair |
ḏukṯuk | | desirous need, want, liking, love |
ḏulyun | | rise (e.g., mound which reveals that something is buried there), swell (e.g. bread) |
ḏul'yun | | catch fire, kindle burn off (grass), be destroyed by fire |
ḏol' | | branches used as camouflage (in hunting emus) |
ḏolaŋ | | bowl (round and deep, used for water) |
dulayŋa | | |
duliduli | | doll |
ḏulk | | run Sg |
ḏulkthun | | explode, burst |
ḏulki' | | bad, rotten, off (of food) maggot |
ḏulkṯulkthun | | blister |
ḏulkun | | ankle lower leg kneecap |
ḏulmuŋgurr'yun | | swell, rise (of bread) blister |
ḏulmurr | | |
ḏulmuy' | | tree--with usually inedible fruits Canarium australianum |
ḏulŋa'yun | | angry--get |
ḏulŋayŋu | | good at hunting or getting food (said of woman) |
ḏulŋurawuy | | |
ḏulŋurr'yun | | pull out, extract (e.g., splinter), tug at (fishing line) |
ḏulpu | | snack, something to satisfy hunger |
ḏulpuŋu | | clan |
ḏulpupuyun | | swell, rise (of bread) |
ḏolpurk | | bird--owl(s) Barn Owl, Tyto alba Southern Boobook, T. novaehollandiae Collared Sparrowhawk, Accipiter cirrhocephalus Brown Goshawk, A. fasciatus etc. |
ḏulpurru | | penis, "cock" ḎvulgarṈ |
ḏulpuyŋu | | clan |
ḏolpuyŋu | | jungle |
ḏulthu'yun | | sit in crouched position (legs pulled in) |
ḏulukutjthun | | rise, get up (and run from danger) |
ḏulul'mirri | | baking powder |
ḏululuyun | | slide along on the ground (of crocodile) |
ḏulwa'thirri | | |
ḏulwarra | | parcel (wrapped in paperbark--for cooking specific types of traditional breads), Ext wrapping (paper) wrapped (up) |
ḏum'bun | | open up, have a hole or opening, be(come) punctured |
dumatj | | too much! |
ḏumbatjun | | splash |
ḏumḏum' | | |
ḏum'thunamirr | | snake Carpet Python, Children's Python |
ḏomurra(') | | Mangrove Worm (lives in trunk of tree and may be eaten raw) |
ḏumurr(u) | | big, large Sg |
Duṉḏiwuy | | (Mar) outstation (Mrk) sacred rock |
ḏunu | | ridge, mound, rise (of ground), sandbank, high ground |
ḏonydji | | |
ḏuŋ'thun | | throb, beat (of heart) |
ḏuŋḏuŋ | | lazy |
doŋga | | Tonga (Pacific Island) |
duŋgi | | donkey |
ḏuŋgul | | dirt, bush soil, red sand or dirt Ext dry waterhole bauxite light tan, orange (reddish to yellowish shades), dusty area |
ḏuŋ'ṯuŋ | | |
ḏuŋurru | | ankle |
ḏup | | throw (spear), toss, cast (anchor, fishing line) get off (or down from vehicle) |
ḏupṯup | | pulse |
ḏupṯup | | emu |
ḏupṯupun | | beat, throb (of heart) |
ḏupḏuḏupun | | gallop (of buffalo, etc.) |
ḏopu'thama | | knead and prepare damper for baking |
dopulu(') | | gambling, card playing |
ḏupun | | hollow log or tree--used as didgeridoo or burial post Idm greedy |
ḏur(') | | push (down) bump, knock (something over) |
ḏurak | | truck |
duram | | drum |
durambil (?) | | trumpet any musical instrument |
duratj | | dress |
duratjitj | | trousers, pants |
ḏurmarriny | | open plain |
durumul' | | mouse--female? |
ḏurryun | | get up (and go), rise Pl |
ḏorrkulu | | lump, glandular swelling (of groin or underarm, as when one has an infection or the flu) |
ḏutthun | | swell up |
ḏuṯiny' | | mouse--large |
ḏutpurrk | | bird--owl Boobock, Mopoke, Barking Owl, Winking Owl, Tyto sp. |
ḏuttji(') | | firedrill, firesticks (spun or twirled to start fire) tree/shrub Premna acuminata, P. obtusifolia |
ḏuṯtji | | |
ḏuṯtjiŋaniŋ | | shellfish--edible Large Chinese Fingernail, Knife Finger Oyster, Solen grandis, Phaxas hilaris, Enisuculus hilaris |
ḏuṯu' | | hole, burrow (as of bandicoot) |
ḏotuŋ | | sick and tired |
ḏoṯurrk | | heart |
ḏuṯuṯumarama | | press in (as when giving an injection) |
ḏutj | | return again |
ḏotja | | |
ḏutjawal | | Come back (here)! |
ḏutji | | |
ḏutjṯutj | | gooseflesh, goosebumps (from fear or cold) |
dowa | | store, shop |
ḏuwalatji | | |
ḏuwaŋ | | crustacean: big Prawn, small Lobster sp. Fresh-Water Crayfish (?) |
dowaŋ | | payback |
ḏuwarr | | steam, smoke |
ḏuwarriny | | smoke |
ḏuwaṯ | | go up (a hill, from island to mainland, from beach into the bush), ascend |
ḏowaw' | | bird Koel |
ḏuwitj | | twitching (as of the ears of a donkey or horse) |
ḏuwitj | | go from water to land |
ḏowu | | wave(s--of sea) |
ḏuwukthun | | pick up, lift |
ḏowutjthun | | feel creepy or funny (a muscular twitch that gives warning of coming events) |
ḏuy | | lie down, sleep |
ḏuy'yun | | arrive |
doy' | | money |
ḏuyŋa(') | | yam--with white flower, long narrow leaves that often twine around cycad palms in the open bush can be eaten raw or cooked Ipomoea graminea |
ḏuyŋambi | | yam spirit home of the departed |
ḏuypuŋun | | fish Sleepy Cod, Mudfish, Oxyeleotris lineolatus |
ḏuyuyu | | owe |
ga | | and |
ga | | is/was doing CONTinuous, PROGressive action |
ga | | listen |
ga' | | Give it (to me)! Thank you! |
gä | | swag loose (portable) possessions |
gäbaba | | fruit--yellow, ripe |
gabaṉ | | ground, dirt |
gabar'yun | | dawn |
gabil'yun | | wag (tail, of dog), quiver (of fish) |
gabukun | | cover (up), bury |
gabuḻay(') | | joker, clown, comic (any humourous or funny person who laughs a lot or talks too much) |
gabuḻkabuḻ | | joker, comedian, clown |
gabulurr | | grass--used for medicine & rubbing |
gaḏa | | Oh! correction particle, when speaker realises he has made an error |
gaḏa' | | chest, breast (torso) |
gaḏagaḏa | | separate, apart |
gaḏagaḏaŋaniŋ | | |
gaḏakun | | make a camp |
gaḏakaḏa | | bird--stork Jabiru |
gaḏakaḏaŋaniŋ | | tree/shrub |
gaḏaku | | boy--child from babyhood to circumcision, uncircumcised male |
gaḏakulum | | tree--with large red figs Ficus racemosa |
gaḏalbarr | | grass--tall Sorghum sp. |
gaḏaman(') | | clever, wise, knowledgeable (in spells & medicine) |
gaḏambal | | hull (of canoe or boat) |
gaḏanuk | | spear (generic) spear shaft |
gäḏany | | dew, early morning mist, fog spider |
gaḏany-gaḏany | | long (used for parts of the body) |
gaḏaŋ | | leaf |
gaḏaŋalkitj | | ant--red ant with a black tail used as medicine for diarrhoea Brown Ant |
gaḏarrgaḏarr | | emu--young |
gadarru | | coconut |
gaḏatjibala' | | shrub |
gaḏatjiwala' | | |
gaḏa(-)waḏak | | |
gaḏayka(') | | tree Stringybark, Eucalyptus tetradonta dugong harpoon (made from this tree) |
gaḏayman | | fetch (someone) to come along |
gaḏayurr | | ?turtle part |
gaḏipindi | | wade or stand in water up to one's knees |
gaḏirri | | tree |
gaḏitjirri | | grass Spear Grass |
gaḏukaḏu | | crocodile (Gup) saltwater (Rit) freshwater |
gaḏupuŋaniŋ | | stingray or shark sp. Shark Ray (?), Zebra Shark (?) |
gadharra | | coral (generic) |
gadhubaḻa | | paddle |
gadja' | | bark--of Paperbark Ext paper money |
gadjak | | mälk-m |
gadjit | | spear--shovel |
gaga | | hey! |
gaga'miriŋu | | White Shafted Fantail |
gagurutj | | cockroach--brown (as found in houses considered to have been brought by Europeans) |
gakthun | | vomit, be sick, regurgitate, "puke", "spew" ḎrudeṈ |
gakaka---a | | |
gäkaŋani | | tree? Strychnos lucida |
gakarrarr' | | bird--white sea-gull Silver Gull |
gakawarr | | men--initiates in Gunapipi, Ŋulmarrk, and Mutu ceremonies |
gäki | | tobacco, cigarette |
gäku | | egg (without a chick inside) fruit of Fig roe of Trevally |
-gal | | ALLative, LOCative: to, at, from, with (added to persons only) |
gal'yun | | float |
gaḻ'yun | | crawl (as baby, snake, lizard, crocodile, etc.) |
-gala | | ALLative, LOCative: to, at, from, with (a person) |
-gala- | | LOCative Increment |
gäḻa | | avoidance relationship term used by males to or about each other, or by female gurruŋ to call her maralkur "poison cousin" |
galaḏar'yun | | fade, change colour |
gaḻadjarr(') | | bird Egret |
galagala'yun | | jerk, jig |
gaḻagaḻk | | bird Pelican |
galalkthun | | run (in fright, very fast) |
gaḻamba | | headband--tied with string, ceremonial (for Gunapipi and Ŋulmarrk) |
galambiya | | lizard--juvenile goannas (generic) |
galanydjakalanydja | | flotsam, leaves and twigs brought in by the tide |
galanyin(') | | glue (or native cement) made of chewed "sugarbag" wax or tree sap (e.g., Ironwood or Cypress)--used in making spears (Ironwood) |
galaŋ | | clever |
-galaŋa- | | OBLique formative: with ASC (-galaŋawuy) (added to persons only) |
-galaŋa | | KIN suffix referring to brother or sister via their children |
galaŋarr | | fruit of the Bush Mango/Wild Quince--yellow when ripe |
galaŋarr(') | | clay--yellowish/reddish (used in body-painting) |
gaḻaŋgamirr(i) | | dugong, Dugong dugong |
galaŋgarri | | |
gaḻaŋ'kaḻwuy | | |
-galaŋu- | | OBLique formative: with ABL (-galaŋuŋur(u)) (added to persons only) |
galaŋurawuy | | |
galara | | tree Ficus virens |
galara(') | | pimple, blackhead |
galaray' | | tree--with thin leaves Wattle, Acacia sp. |
galarrwuy | | |
galathi | | |
galawaḏamun | | lizard Merten's Water Monitor |
gaḻawaŋ' | | Nunggubuyu (language or people) |
galawarraŋ(') | | tendon |
gaḻawarraŋaniŋ | | crab--small, used as bait |
galawaṯ | | tall (not long) |
galawu | | bark of Stringybark--big pieces used for painting or shelters |
galay | | wife (real or classificatory), mate, brother-in-law WB , sister-in-law BW first-cousin (of opposite moiety) MBC |
gaḻaya | | fish Golden Trevally, Gnathanodon speciosus |
gaḻayarr' | | bird Egret |
gaḻayin(') | | tree Deep Gold Wattle, Tortulosa Wattle, Acacia torulosa |
gaḻba' | | wallaby--female (?) or young (?) Rock Wallaby |
gaḻbayuŋga | | surname |
gaḻdjarra' | | fish--small freshwater Gudgeon |
gaḻdjina | | |
gali(') | | side |
gali | | wife, brother-in-law |
galidjan(') | | mälk-f |
gaḻigaḻi(') | | boomerang |
galikali | | mälk-f |
galiku(') | | cloth, calico handkerchief |
galimara | | tree/shrub Bombax ceiba cf. Antiaris toxicaria |
galimiṉḏirrk | | bitter, brackish (water which is still drinkable) |
galina | | matches |
gaḻirrkun | | slide |
galitjman | | bring close |
galitju | | |
gaḻiwaḻi(') | | boomerang |
galiwaŋ | | knife--big, scythe, jungle knife |
galiwin'ku | | settlement on Elcho Island |
galiwirwiryun | | rotate, hang around |
galiwu | | ?rotate |
galiyal | | side |
galiyan | | mälk-f |
galka(') | | sorcerer (person with evil power who is choosen to get revenge by causing sickness or death) (Rit) warrior |
gaḻka' | | tadpole |
gaḻkaḻ | | holey, having holes |
gälkal | | ant (generic), e.g: Green Tree Ant |
gal'kalyun | | loose--be, slip up and down |
galkaliya | | near, close |
galkama | | |
galkan | | put (into) |
galkaṉa | | gathering |
gaḻkarra | | white |
gaḻkarriŋu | | crow |
galki | | near(by), close (to) soon |
galki | | fall (over, down) |
galkirri | | fall (over, down) blow (of wind) |
gaḻkitj-gaḻkitj | | person who breaks laws or does no work lawless, lazy |
gaḻkiyarr(') | | shellfish--edible Spiny Chiton, Ac a,o nthopleura spin e,o sa |
gaḻku | | fish Toad Fish |
gäḻkuḻam | | wait (for) |
galkun | | wait (for) |
galkun | | |
galkuruk | | bird Mangrove Heron, Black Bittern |
gaḻmanda' | | fish--freshwater |
galmak | | kidney |
galmum(a) | | prevent from doing, restrain |
galŋ | | hunt(ing) (?) |
galŋa | | skin, bark Ext paper money |
gaḻŋa | | mud |
galŋadhurru | | knowledgeable, aware of something by experience (e.g., woman in pregnancy, man after a secret ceremony) |
galŋapan | | closely related |
galŋaparrambarr | | backbone--upper (from back of neck to backbone), cervical spine |
gal'ŋu | | true (e.g., direct blood relative), real(ly) in fact, but, (al)though, however |
galpa-galpa | | |
galpaṉ | | sacred totemic creature |
gaḻpan | | fish--fresh water, found in billabongs |
gaḻpaw | | boil |
gaḻpu | | woomera, flat spear-thrower (for fish spear) |
gaḻpu | | shellfish Codakia sp. |
gälpu(') | | clan-nation |
gaḻpuŋani | | epiglottis |
gaḻpuŋaniŋ | | shrub with red flowers and stem "Purple Clover", Gomphrena canescens |
gaḻpuŋaniŋ | | shellfish--edible Flavum Heart Cockle, Cardium flavum |
gaḻtja | | snake Water Python |
gaḻtjina | | |
gaḻtjurr | | clitoris |
gaḻtjurrk | | ovaries |
gaḻu'yun | | get (water) |
galu'galun | | |
galuku | | Coconut, Cocus nucifera |
galuma | | timber, dressed or processed plank of wood |
gäḻumay(') | | bird Australian Pelican, Pelecanus conspicullatus |
galumunyan | | rich |
galun | | rootfood--fine roots come from a larger nut-like root Cayratia trifolia |
galupa | | |
gäḻurra | | tree--with a whitish fruit Yellow-Ball Flower, Malotus nesophylus (Rit) tree with small reddish fruits in the Wet Ficus platypoda (?) |
galurru(') | | cigarette, cigarette paper |
galwandhun | | sway to and fro |
gaḻwu'yun | | jump, start with surprise |
gaḻyarra' | | fish--small freshwater Gudgeon |
gam' | | like this, you see?, uh?, hmm? in discourse Look out!, Watch!, Listen! |
gäma | | carry (in hand), bring, take (along) "have" |
gamaḻaŋga | | clan-nation |
gamany | | mälk-f |
gamanydjan | | mälk-f |
gamarraŋ(') | | mälk-m |
gamaṯa | | tree? Zostera sp. |
gambalala' | | wallaby--young male Agile (Sandy) Wallaby |
gambali | | |
gambarr | | many (people, animals) |
gämbika | | |
gambumaluku | | |
gambuŋ | | |
gamburruwuy | | |
gami | | spear (generic) |
gaminyarr | | grandchild (of opposite moiety) DC/m, SC/f first-cousin once removed BDC/m, ZSC/f , grand-niece, grand-nephew FMSC,MFDC |
gäminyŋa | | vine--with red nuts |
gämiritj | | mosquito--white (?) |
gämu(') | | bee--with pale markings on head fierce its hive is often found in the forks of Stringybarks in valleys and stoney places Honey Bee, Trigona sp. |
gämuk | | night |
gamuniny | | |
gamunuŋgu(') | | clay (used for painting, chewing, and eating), pigment |
gämurŋ' | | |
gämuruŋ | | Witchetty Grub (edible wood-boring beetle larvae, found most often in Eucalyptus tectifica) |
gamuruŋgu | | ochre--dark red (used as body paint) |
gämurra | | decay (teeth) |
gämurru(') | | nose point (of pencil, land, or speech) lesson, moral (of a story) |
gana | | |
gana | | so that |
gaṉa | | spear (generic) |
gaṉa | | tree--mangrove Rhizophora sp. |
gana' | | enough, adequate |
gäna | | alone, separate, distinct, different, by oneself |
gäṉa | | tree--inedible fruit has Mangrove Worms Mangrove |
gana-gana | | termite |
ganalbiŋu | | clan-nation |
ganalpuy | | clan-nation |
ganambarr | | surname |
gaṉamu | | mosquito--large, malarial |
ganan | | leave (alone), don't touch |
ganan | | |
gaṉanhdharr | | bird--heron(s) and egret(s) Pacific Heron, Ardea pacifica, Red Heron, A. picata Cattle Egret, Areola Ibis Great Egret, Egretta alba etc. |
ganaŋ'thun | | separate (be) |
gaṉaŋanydja' | | feathers of emu ḎrareṈ body hair |
gaṉaŋarrpul | | |
gaṉaŋathala | | pool--small, temporary freshwater flood-plain where you cannot drink the water |
ganaparra | | rootfood vine |
ganapurra | | |
ganari' | | tree |
ganari'mirri | | Shady Beach |
ganarri | | tree--small inedible fruit good for shade Beauty Leaf, Oil Nut Tree, Calophyllum ionophyllum |
ganarrimirr | | Ten Mile (on Galiwin'ku) |
ganarrthama | | leave (alone), not touch |
ganawuyma | | turtle |
gaṉay' | | yam--long Ipomoea graminea |
ganba | | deserted place (with no people) |
ganba'yun | | look in vain |
gaṉba'yun | | hobble |
ganbaḏa | | emu |
ganbark | | desert, dry place |
gaṉbay | | groin |
gaṉbilpil | | tree Gum sp. |
ganbukpuk | | cloverlike flower Gomphrena sp. |
ganbuḻirri' | | clover--with fairly long, reddish stem Gomphrena sp. |
gaṉburk | | possum (or similar animal) |
ganda | | hip, rump |
gaṉḏa'yun | | trap (fish, etc.) in a dam |
gäṉḏa | | |
gandaki | | kangaroo |
gaṉḏalpurru | | kangaroo--female, mature (?) Black Wallaroo, Macropus bernardus |
ganda(-)mukuy | | tree--with edible gum Terminalia canescens |
gaṉḏaŋu | | surname |
gandarr | | waist middle, midst |
gandatj | | phlegm |
gaṉḏawul' | | wallaby Rock Wallaby, Petrogale sp. |
gandayala | | kangaroo |
gaṉḏipa | | tree Gum sp. |
gandirri | | flour, damper |
gandiwulk | | shrub--edible root Kapok Bush, Cochlospermum fraseri |
gandu | | |
gäṉḏurru | | tree, bush, shrub (generic) stick, log, (piece of) wood |
gandhaḻirr | | wind |
gändhaw' | | bird Bittern |
gandhuwuy | | |
gändja | | cuttlefish |
gandjaḻamiwuy | | |
gandjamarr | | |
gaṉdjarriny | | messenger inviting people to a ceremony |
gaṉdjawarra' | | crab claw--used for smoking |
gandji(') | | bird--stork "Jabiru", Black-Necked Stork, Xenorhynchus asiaticus |
gaṉdji'yun | | walk with a stick or limp |
gaṉdjitjiwuy | | Beach |
gaṉdjurrma | | stick--used by a sorcerer for killing |
gaṉgaṉ | | outstation |
gangaṉiwuy | | |
gaṉgi(') | | tree Northern Cypress Pine, Callitris intratropica, C. columellaris |
gangul | | yellow--dark (ochre) |
ganguri(') | | yam (collective term) Long Yam (found in monsoon forest, can be eaten raw or cooked), Dioscorea sativa var. elongata, Vigna radiata |
gaṉguthu(') | | baby, small child |
gaṉguypa | | flying fox Black Fruit Bat, Pteropus alecto, P. gouldii |
ganima | | plant with grape-like berry |
ganinyiḏi | | stick--digging |
ganiparr | | root--edible |
ganitja | | skeleton |
gaṉ'kaṉmirri | | |
gaṉ'kurr(\') | | shellfish--edible Trochus Shell(s) |
gaṉmilawuy | | |
gaṉmurru | | tree--good for shade |
gaṉŋal | | fish--large catfish Freshwater Catfish, Tandanus tandanus Eel-tailed Catfish, Neosilurus ater |
gan'purr | | |
ganu' | | ashes, embers, hot ashes (and sand) dust, dirt, small particles of soil |
gaṉuŋ | | lame, spastic, paralysed, cripple(d) |
ganuru | | tears (from crying) |
ganurr | | |
ganha | | |
ganhalpuyŋu | | clan-nation |
ganharrnhalkur | | avoidance relationship term used by someone when referring to your mumalkur |
ganharrnhur(u) | | term used by someone when referring to your momu |
ganhdharraŋa' | | fish Swordfish |
-ganyaŋ' | | little, small |
ganyawu(') | | tree fruit Wild Cashew, Queensland Tar Tree, Semecarpus australiensis Australian Cashew, Anarcandinum occidentale (?) |
ganybu | | string-bag (for carrying things), fishing net, dragnet mosquito net |
ganydjaraŋay | | |
ganydjarr | | power, strength, energy, speed Ext pulse engine, motor Adj hard, powerfully, with force |
ganydji | | |
gänydjiŋ | | big rock off Wurrwala |
ganydjiwuy | | evening star |
ganydjuḻa | | eye seed Ext bullet hook (on end of woomera) well, soak girlfriend, boyfriend |
ganygarr | | fight--all in, war |
ganyim'thun | | jump in fright, be startled, be astonished |
ganyiri | | bird--white head, brown body Brahminy Kite, Haliastur indus |
gany'tjaraŋay | | tree--mangrove |
gany'tjurr | | bird White-faced Heron, Ardea novaehollandiae Nankeen Night-Heron (?) Eastern Reef Egret, Egretta sacra |
ganyu(') | | star (generic) |
ganyunurru | | |
ganyuŋiyala | | |
gaŋ'marama | | poke |
gäŋa | | vine/climber--edible fruit Wild Passionfruit, Passiflora foetida |
gäŋa | | |
gäŋalkmirri | | stingray |
gaŋaru | | vomit juice from the pounding of soaked Cycad nuts |
gaŋga | | carefully, gradually, slowly, slightly, not hard |
gaŋgathirr(i) | | fetch (a person), ask someone to go with you get up and go |
gäŋili(') | | shellfish--edible Fluted Giant Clam |
gap | | Quiet! |
gäp | | cup |
gapaḏi | | possum--male |
gapala(') | | boat--large, steamship, warship rudder |
gapaḻa | | clearing, open plain clear sky |
gäpaḻaḻ | | cloud |
gapalathana | | estuary where special contraceptive rocks are found |
gäpam | | |
gapamaḏa | | axe--stone, short |
gapaṉ | | clay--white, white ochre (used for painting, chewing and eating) clay(s), ochre(s) (generic) |
gapaṉbulu | | Cape Arnhem (sacred name and area) |
gapany | | burial ground for Yirritja clans |
gaparrkmirriwuy | | |
gapila | | fish Butterfish, Selenotoca multifasciata |
gapililyun | | go around, revolve, twirl around |
gapiny | | name for Da:tiwuy, Ŋaymil and Golamala clans |
gapirri | | niece ZD , nephew ZS |
gapitjirrirri | | shellfish |
gapman | | government |
gapmayalman | | |
gapu | | water, fluid, liquid, beverage (soft drink, beer, liquor) Ext blister alcohol petrol |
gapugurawuy | | |
gapuḻa | | blind--practically, person who squints |
gapuḻa | | silly, stupid |
gaputjirrirri | | shellfish--edible Latona cuneata |
gapuwiyak | | Lake Evella |
garyun | | whisper |
gär | | damper made from cycad nuts |
gara | | spear (generic) |
garadhawal | | |
gärak | | sky--up high where clouds and stars are |
garakawal | | quickly, fast |
garal'wuy | | |
garama | | go, walk |
garambaka | | spear of the Thunderman |
garanaŋga(') | | snake Green Tree Snake, Dendrelaphis punctulatus Brown Tree Snake, Boiga sp. (?) |
garanybirr-garanybirr | | cicada |
garanyinyi | | cicada, locust |
gara(-)nyirrnyirr | | cicada |
garaŋ | | coral (?) |
garaŋa | | shoulder middle (of canoe or boat) |
garapa | | spear--single-pronged |
garapana | | |
gararra | | tree Grevillea |
gararrkararr | | dirty, discoloured |
gararrman | | fish large Barramundi |
garatha(') | | lizard--found in hollow trees, dark on top with yellowish belly, spots on tail (immature?) Spotted Tree Goanna |
garawila | | |
garawirrtja | | surname |
garayarra | | kangaroo--joey pouch young of Antilopine Wallaroo, Macropus antilopines |
garayurru | | tree Wild Cassava, Wild Cotton Tree, Cochlospermum fraseri |
gardhurr'yun | | work, dig, bale out with lots of energy |
gar(-)djarr'yun | | spear (fish) with wire spear |
garkambarr | | light--that allows one to see in the dark (glow of moon, glimmer of sun before it has risen, torchlight, etc.) |
garkgarkthun | | silly (be, act), be simple |
garkman | | frog (generic, e.g: Striped Burrowing Frog, Cyclorana alboguttatus, C. australis) |
garku | | fern (generic), e.g., those growing in fresh water with edible roots |
garkunydja' | | bird Nankeen Night-Heron |
garkuyi | | stingray Fiddler Ray, Tr y,i gonorrhina fasciata Numbfish, Hypnos monopterygium |
garkuyi | | fish Blue-Tailed Mullet, Valamugil seheli Tiger Mullet, Liza argentea |
garma(') | | ceremonial site--for circumcision, held in camp any open sacred ceremony |
garmak | | water |
garmak | | ceremony--funeral circumcison area |
gar'maŋ | | frog--including Green Tree Frog |
garmayalman | | |
garminyarr(') | | |
garminydjarrk | | earth, sand, soil, ground, dirt Ext world sugar |
ŋurruṉaŋgal | | first ancestors |
garmuŋ' | | witchetty grub (found most often in Eucalyptus tectifica and Sterculia quadrifida trees) |
garŋgarŋ' | | tree Denhamia obscura (?) |
garŋgulkpuy | | Cato River area |
gartjarr | | snake Water Python |
gärukŋu | | companion, partner |
gärul | | store, any place where food is plentiful Ext Paradise, Garden of Eden |
gärun | | turtle--adult Loggerhead Turtle, Caretta caretta |
garurr | | noise |
garurra | | |
garwarrwarr' | | gold, bronze |
garryun | | speak, ask |
garr'yun | | get, pick up, fetch (someone) ask (someone) to accompany you lead, take (people somewhere) |
gärr' | | spider (generic) dew, fog (spiderweb) |
garraba' | | bird Blue-winged Kookaburra |
garraḏikarraḏi | | dragonfly |
garrak(-g)arrak | | bird Darter, Diver Duck |
garrakiyarr | | crossing in a river or stream, ford, shallow part of a river |
garral'yun | | burp, belch |
garrala | | bird Australian White Ibis, Threskiornis aethiopica Spoonbill (?) |
garraluma | | belch, burp |
garram | | string, fishline |
garramat | | above, on top, up sky (where birds fly) |
garrambu | | bottle, jar |
garramu | | flowers--purple (off a vine growing near a beach) |
garranhdhalu | | White Woman, Asian lady, non-Aboriginal woman |
garrany'tjun | | paddle, row (canoe) |
garranyirri | | fish Nursery Fish (?) |
gärraŋ | | coral ("candle" type) |
garraŋgarraŋ | | |
garraŋunuŋ(') | | shark--not eaten Hammerhead Shark, Sphyrna lewini |
garrar | | name |
garrarra'yun | | dance |
gärrarramirri | | indistinct (of land seen at a distance) |
garrarrak | | marching together, lined up |
garrarrak | | pole laid across two forked sticks on dancing ground |
garraṯa | | fight--all in, war |
garrathulu | | juice from the pounding of soaked Cycad nuts |
garratji | | axe (steel) |
garratjimartjmartj | | tree Grevillea mimosoides (? or closely related sp.) |
garraw'yun | | shine (on), light up |
garrawala | | |
garrawaṉ | | area on mainland off of Groote Eylandt |
garrawanŋu | | |
garrawarr | | bird Little Black Cormorant |
garrawaṯtji' | | crest (of bird) feather head ornament |
garrawaṯtjiwuy | | |
garrawurra | | surname |
garray | | lord, master Ext Jesus, God lovely, good |
garrayalk | | savour of cooked bush meat |
garrayiwyiw | | drizzle, light rain |
garrbi'yun | | bandage |
garrbululuk | | bird--small quail |
gärri | | enter, go in(side) |
garrimbi | | spiderweb Ext silk thread |
garriṉba | | land of spirits |
gärritja | | |
garritjpa | | shellfish--edible Brown Baler Shell |
garriwa | | turtle Flatback Turtle, Chelonia depressa |
garriwaḻaŋaniŋ | | crab--used as bait Unicolour Dog Welk, Nassarius dorsatus (?) |
gärriyak | | dry billabong (place where reed and waterlily leaves have dried out) |
garrkany(') | | bird--brown falcon Chicken Hawk, Black Kite |
garrkaraŋ | | avoidance relationship term used by a male gurruŋ when referring to his mother-in-law or by a man speaking of any old lady old, wrinkled, ready to be discarded |
garrkarryun | | shake |
garrkarrun | | sing with tapstick accompaniment |
garrkarrun | | trot along (of dog) |
garr'karryun | | float along (clouds), pass over (rain) |
garrkarrŋa | | |
garrkatji | | saw (tool) |
garrku | | |
garrkuḻuk | | clean, pure |
garrmala | | grand-aunt MMBW |
garrmun | | taste, test, try |
garrpaw' | | bird--owl Boobock, Mopoke, Winking (Barking) Owl |
garrpi(')yun | | bind, bandage, tie (up) block (up) wrap (up) |
garrpin | | bind, bandage, tie or coil (up) block (up) |
garrthalala | | outstation |
garrthan | | stick, get stuck, caught, bogged |
garrthaṉdhaṉ | | tree--mangrove Acacia sublanata (?) |
garrtjambal | | kangaroo male Antilopine Wallaroo, "Big Red", Macropus antilopines |
gärrtji | | shellfish--not eaten Goose Barnacle, Lapas sp. |
garrtjpa | | |
garrukal(') | | bird Blue-Winged Kookaburra, Dacelo leachii Kingfisher (generic), Ceyx and Halcyon spp. |
garrukawu | | grass Spear Grass |
garrumara | | octopus--coloured yellow and red |
garrun | | say |
gärruŋ | | bag--big, sack (for flour, potatoes, etc.) blanket |
garrupu | | turtle shell |
garrurru | | sail, sheet, flag sail rod |
garrurru | | fish Beaked Coralfish |
garrurruŋaniŋ | | fish Butterfly Fish, Chaetodon spp. Purple Sailfinned Tang, Zebrasoma veliferum Moorish Idol, Zanclus canescens |
garrwali | | |
garrwaŋ | | plants which cause scratches, e.g., Asparagus racemosus |
garrwar | | above, on top upriver, upcountry (away from the coast) any place too high to reach |
garrwi'yun | | tie (up), bind |
garrwiḏi | | spider (generic) |
garrwili | | shellfish--edible Pinctada chemnitzii, P. maxima, P. sugillate |
gaṯthun | | stick, get stuck or bogged get trapped, be caught (as fish on hook) choke on (something in throat) |
gät | | playing card(s) |
gätthun | | run (away), escape |
gataḻa | | wallaby Longman's Rock Wallaby, Petrogale venustula |
gatapaŋa | | buffalo |
gataraŋay | | stingray--poisonous Blue-Spotted Stingray, Amphotistius kuhlii Rat-Tailed Ray (?) |
gatarru | | Coconut, Cocus nucifera |
gaṯigaṯiwuy | | |
gatiraŋay | | stingray--poisonous |
gatitawuy | | morning star |
gati'wuy | | sun |
gätna | | carton |
gätni | | garden |
gaṯpurr | | wounded (by weapon) |
gaṯtjarrarra'yun | | slide, glide |
gaṯtjarrkthun | | slide, slip |
gäṯtjini | | crab--white Spanner Crab (?) |
gätugatu | | flour mixed with hot water |
gaturru | | |
gätuwata | | flour cooked with hot water |
gathan | | give |
gathan | | hold, grasp, touch reach (for), take hold (of) |
gathaŋ | | plane (carpenter's tool) |
gathawuḏu | | house--native: "Mosquito House" (four-posted shelter which is raised off the ground) |
gathayilŋa | | place in the bush near Gurrumuru |
gathin | | clitoris |
gathiŋaḻi(') | | fly Blowfly |
gäthiyak | | rootfood |
gäthu | | child, son, daughter (of father) C/m niece, nephew BC , daughter-in-law (of woman) great-grandparent (of same moiety) FFF,FMM,MFM,MMF |
gathul(') | | mangrove tree (generic distinctive for their aerial root system) the mangrove area (as opposed to beach, bush, etc.) |
gäthur(a) | | earlier (same day), just now, today, nowadays |
gatjaḻ | | path, trail, road, way |
gätjala | | dear, precious, highly valued |
gatjambarri | | inside of house |
gatjapa | | cassava Fijian plant--with edible roots |
gatjarr'yun | | taste |
gätjayamu | | child, son, daughter (of father) |
gatji | | fruit Wild Plum Ext mango |
gatji | | pools--small ones on beach behind receding tide |
gätji(') | | Mangrove Worm--edible, Toredo sp. |
gätjigatji | | poor, not much money |
gatjikin | | |
gätjil | | Mangrove Worms--small |
gätjini | | crab--white |
gatjiŋaniŋ | | shrub/bush with white flowers and tiny, juicy, edible black fruit Jungle Plum, Little Gooseberry Tree, Carallia brachiata |
gatjipali(') | | sickness--sometime fatal, brought by the Macassans, boils with more than one head Ext ringworm |
gätjirimi | | place near Daliwuy Bay |
gatjirri | | sandfly |
gatjpaḻ'yun | | turn aside, wander away, leave the path, stray |
gatjpu'yun | | hope (for), look forward (to) |
gatju | | Go away!, Off you go! |
gaw' | | |
gäwaba | | fruit--yellow, ripe |
gawaḏamawuy | | |
gawal | | uncle MB , father-in-law second-cousin (male in third descending generation of opposite moiety) MBSC,SWB |
gawaŋalkmirr(i) | | stingray--edible, dark-coloured back and light underneath, found in the mangroves and has the most harmful barbs of all stingrays (its fat), ba:kul considered grandfather or leader of this sp. |
gawar'yun | | dawn |
gäwara' | | sandhills, sandy ground, soft ground |
gawaratj | | |
gawarrka' | | uninhabited, isolated (place) |
gawatha | | yam--long |
gawatha | | season--the Wet (Jan-Mar, when there is lush growth, but food is not yet ready) |
gawatjark | | tree--edible fruit Red Jungle Berry, Grey Boxwood, Yellow Tulip, Drypetes lasiogyna |
gawaw'yun | | call out ("Go!, Go!"), "sing out" |
gawiḏika | | |
gawiṉa | | fish Butterfish, Selenotoca multifasciata |
gawinybiny | | water--fresh, from a spring |
gawirriṉ | | |
gawkaḻaŋ(u) | | stingray--big |
gäwu | | muddy water, dirt that comes up with water in a fresh water spring or soak |
gawuḏalpuḏal | | bird--small, black Spangled Drongo, Dicrurus hottentottus |
gawuḏika | | leech |
gawuḏu | | tree--from which string is made |
gawukun | | bury, cover (up) |
gawukaḻaŋ | | stingray--large with very long tail edible, good sweet flavour Blue-Spotted Ray (?) |
gawuki | | yam leaves |
gawuḻgawuḻ | | smoke--dense that blots out the sunlight |
gawuluma | | paddle, row |
gawulurr | | grass--its flat long leaves are pounded, mixed with water and drunk as medicine for diarrhoea, stomach ache, vomiting or fever also used for rubbing on the body (e.g., for headache) Barb-Wire Grass, Cymbopogon refracta |
gawundatj | | tree Ficus sp. |
gawura | | |
gäwurr | | tree Red-Flowering Kurrajong |
gawurrmuna | | clan |
gawuthal | | crustacean freshwater Yabby sp. |
gawutj | | fish Hussar, Lutjanus amabilis Sweetlip, Lethrinus chrysostomus, Yellow Sweetlip, L. nebulosus, Grass Sweetlip, L. fletus Lancer, Lethrinella nematacantha Collared Sea-Bream, Gymnocranius bitorquatus |
gay' | | What!, Say it again Oh! expression of surprise |
gäy' | | secretion from the eye, "sleep" |
-gaya | | ALLative, LOCative |
gaya'thama | | make (up, as a bed) |
gayabak | | head |
gayak | | mälk-m |
gayam'purr | | tree Swamp Banksia |
gayanh'tha | | layer of something spread out/down, sheet Ext blanket |
gayarra | | coral |
gayawak | | head |
gayawaḻa | | sunset, coloured light at sundown |
gayawarr | | tree/shrub |
gayaya | | shellfish--edible Modialis pro s,c livis |
gayi | | like that, in that manner |
gayi | | |
gayigayi | | core (of boil) |
gayilpaḏa | | wind--northerly |
gayirriya | | |
gayit | | spear--shovel-nose blade (?) |
gaykamaŋu | | surname |
gaykarraŋ | | open (country, area), cleared clear(ing), a place free of rubbish |
gaykarri | | bird cockatoo |
gaykay | | uncle MB father-in-law WF |
gaykay | | |
gayman | | spiderweb |
gaymarani | | crocodile's bellybutton |
gaymuniny | | |
gayŋa | | Continuous: is (still) doing |
gayŋi | | sleep |
gaypaḏi | | |
gaypaḻ(') | | tree branches and leaves used in post-funeral cleansing ceremony hard wood used for making fighting sticks inner white bark used medicinally leaf mixed with salt water used as poultice for wounds Ear-Pod Wattle, Darwin Blackpod Wattle, Acacia auricul i,a |
gaypuma | | neglect to give, act selfishly |
gayu | | Come on! |
gäyu | | tree (generic), wood, stick, twig |
gayul | | secretly, quietly |
gäyul | | |
gayulu'yun | | kick cadge |
gayuŋgi | | paddle |
gäyura | | mouth organ |
gayuwaḻa | | paddle |
gayuwaḻa | | sunset |
gaywaŋi(') | | tree--pine Casuarina sp., "She-Oak" |
gaywaraŋu | | white ash(es) Ext White Man, European |
gäywarr | | jellyfish--poisonous Seawasp, Box Jellyfish (?) |
gay'wu | | string bag, dillybag |
gaywuṉdji | | islands off of Birany-birany |
gay'yi | | Good job! expression of satisfaction or approval |
gi | | |
ge | | key |
giḏiwak | | stingray--small, with very sharp barbs on tail, not eaten Blue-Spotted Fantail Ray, Taeniura lymna |
gidjigidjiyun | | tickle |
gikawarra | | fire |
gikina | | tooth |
gikirri | | |
giḻyun | | lean over, slant |
gela | | mälk-m |
giḻaŋdhun | | climb |
giḻapa | | doctor, medicine man |
giḻatj | | glass glasses, spectacles |
gilawun | | bird Friarbird(s) |
giḻigiḻibunuma | | go around, steer clear (of), avoid, give a wide berth (to) |
giḻigiḻk | | plant--small, found on hills |
gilikarrama | | hug, embrace, cuddle nurse |
giliŋ | | hook--fishing part of spear where spearhead is attached to shaft |
gilipuma | | go around, steer clear (of), avoid, give a wide berth (to) |
gilirri' | | clay--yellowish |
gilitjirr(i) | | come close, approach, near |
giḻitjirrk | | bag--string (made in same fashion as fishnets--older person's knowledge) |
giliwukthun | | uncover (meat from ashes), unearth (mokuy from grave) |
gilkilyun | | strange--be, disquieting |
gelma | | |
gilmirrpiwuy | | |
geluŋ | | melody--sweet feeling depressed |
gimatata | | baking powder |
gemuluwuy | | beach area |
gen | | |
giṉgil | | waterlily root corm--immature |
ginik | | scales (of fish) |
-giniŋ | | greedy for, obsessed with |
giṉiŋgarr | | navel, "belly button", umbilical cord part of fruit (where it is attached to tree) Ext button, switch, knob bullet, trigger winder keyhole, lock pipe-bowl |
giniŋinyal | | crab--small, edible Blue Swimmer Crab, Portunus pelagicus Coral Crab, Charybdise cruciata Trawl Crab, Thalamita sima |
gin'kin | | fish--large |
ginŋin | | skin--of fish |
genhdhirra'na | | go |
ginybirk | | crab--small, edible |
genybu | | tree Banksia papuana |
ginyburrk | | flower of Banksia dentata the tree |
genydja | | tree edible fruit Banyan, Strangler Fig, Ficus virens Sand Fig, F. henneana F. racemosa |
ginydjirraŋ | | rudder, tiller, steering wheel |
ginygaḻa' | | shortcut |
giny'kiny | | fish Catfish Eel, Plotosus lineatus |
giny'kinydjun | | walk (as crab, with arms out) |
giŋ'marama | | poke |
gepu | | |
gir'yun | | |
girba | | fruit Wild Passionfruit, Passiflora foetida |
girilyun | | thicken (like custard) |
giriŋ'kiriŋdhun | | cry continuously (of baby) |
girirri' | | tree Ghost Gum, Eucalyptus papuana (and similar white gums) |
giririrrk | | calico (or other fabric) |
girirrirrk | | everlasting, well-known, excellent |
girirrkirirryun | | cook (by spreading sand or ashes over food) |
giritjirr(i) | | dance play copulate |
girrgit | | tree Kurrajong, Brachychiton diversifolium |
girri' | | things, goods, "gear", "stuff" clothes belongings, possessions, personal effects parts (of the body) utensils vehicles weapons (including items used by witch doctor) |
girri' | | fruit of waterlily--reddish black Nymphaea sp. |
girrikirri | | medicine--part of Stringybark mixed with boiling hot water and traditionally drunk only by women at specific times |
girriŋgirriŋ(') | | jewelry, necklace, ornament grass (used in making necklaces) |
girripipi | | shellfish--edible Placula placenta |
girrirri'yun | | speak well of |
girriwarr | | stick--for fighting or turtle hunting, club |
girriwitji | | shellfish--edible Chameleon Nerite, Nerita chameleon Wavy Nerite, N. undata N. polita Littorina scabra |
girrkirr | | ocean (far away from mainland) white foam (on water) (?) |
girrŋirr | | skin--of fish |
giṯ | | spear, pierce, stab |
get | | skirt |
giṯthun | | move (over), slide over, shift |
giti-ḏaw'yun | | write, draw, paint |
gitiḏiya(') | | fish--small garfish Short-Nosed Garfish, Hyporhamphus quoyi immature Long-Finned Garfish, Euleptorhamphus viridis (?) Fly-Specked Hardyhead, Craterocephalus stercusmuscarum |
gitiraŋay | | stingray--poisonous |
gitkit | | laugh(ter) |
getkit | | bird--small white seagull Common Tern, Sterna hirundo |
githi(-)githiyun | | tickle |
gitjakara | | bark of Gum Tree sp. |
gitjigitjiyun | | tickle |
gitjin | | kitchen |
gitjpa'yun | | dance (holding branches) |
gitjpapuy | | bird |
getju | | tobacco (especially old black strong variety), cigarette |
giwun | | smile |
giwit | | other side |
giyalaram(a) | | strip (pandanus leaves for weaving, baskets, mats, etc.) |
giyalkiyal | | whisper(ing), in a whisper |
giyapara | | tree--big mangrove with aerial root system Rhyzophora stylosa |
giyathawun | | shellfish--edible |
giyawuḻ | | sunset (when sun is about to set) |
-giyin- | | EMPHasis (on pronouns before -gala) |
giyin | | call out special words at a ceremony |
-gu | | GENitive: for (for women), Possessive (John's money), Benefactive (I gave the book to John), Infinitive (I want to go) |
-guṮ | | FACTitive: make (make smaller, make better) |
gu' | | Come on!, Come here! |
go | | Come here!, Come on! |
gubarku | | snake Taipan |
gubaya | | possessions, gear, things |
gubidji | | snake Freshwater Snake, Amphiesma mairii Macleay's Water Snake, Enhydris polyepis |
gubidji | | turtle Loggerhead Turtle, Caretta caretta |
gubiyun | | song of hammerhead shark |
gubi'yun | | stroke (swimming action) |
gubuḏu | | spear--large, bamboo |
guḏaltji | | jellyfish--small |
guḏam'bun | | fly away |
guḏanyguma | | try very hard, persist |
goḏarr' | | tomorrow (morning) morning (before midday) |
guḏaṯpa | | tree Spear Bush |
guḏi(') | | That's wrong!, Guess again...!, Opps! mistake made or correction intended |
guḏi | | short, brief |
guḏiḏi | | bird--small wading (generic) Plover(s), Pluvialis spp Godwit(s), Limosa spp Sandpiper(s), Calidris spp etc. |
guḏiŋguḏiŋ | | woman, girl wife female Pl? |
guḏirri | | tree--white flowers (Sept/Oct) Bunch-flowered Gum, Broad-leaved Carbeen, Eucalyptus confertiflora Smooth-Stemmed Bloodwood, Eucalyptus bleeseri |
guḏirrkal | | root large edible root of Kapok Tree the tree itself (?) |
goḏu | | inside (of something, especially a boat or canoe) |
goḏu | | tree--mangrove, has a red flower and soft wood, place to find mangrove worms Red Mangrove, Brudiera parviflora |
goḏu | | dry land, semi-desert |
guḏumurrku | | |
guḏurrku(') | | bird Brolga, Grus rubincundus |
guḏutjurrk | | lizard--with long fine coloured stripes Skink |
guḏuwurru | | wind--strong westerly |
gudhaḻ'yun | | cook, roast (in oven) |
gudhaykudhay | | constellation (smokey-looking) spirit |
gudjak | | bitter, bad-tasting, salty |
gudjark | | water |
gudjarra' | | spear--stone |
gudjuk | | mälk-m |
gogu | | later, afterwards |
gukthun | | bark at (of dog) |
gukarri | | hunt, go hunting (for) |
gokawu | | tree--mangrove with white flowers and a large orange-green fruit Sonneratia alba |
gukkuk | | bird Bar-Shouldered Dove, Geopelia humeralis, Diamond Dove, G. cuneata |
guku | | honey (especially without wax), beehive, "sugarbag" honeybee Ext sugar, syrup |
guku | | tree Melastoma malabathricum |
gukum(a) | | chase (away), harass |
gukuwal | | fish Ring-Tailed Surgeon Fish, Acanthurus xanthopterus |
-guḻ | | ALLative |
gul | | stop |
gul' | | Let's go! |
gul'yun | | pound cycads Idm turn to another when one is no use |
goḻ | | school |
guḻa' | | faeces, excrement, small inedible balls found in beehive (baby bees in eggs; faeces and rubbish of bees) |
guḻa' | | skin tree bark lips |
gola | | syrup, treacle |
gulaba | | coffee, tea Coolabah wine cask |
gulaka(') | | yam (collective term but specific for: Long Yam, Dioscorea sativa var. elongata, Vigna radiata) |
gulalay | | seed or inedible pod of mangrove trees, e.g., Bruguiera exaristata, Ceriops tagal, Rhizophora stylosa |
gulamanda | | bird Dove sp. |
gulaŋ | | blood menstruation Ḏimpolite in YMṈ |
guḻaŋaŋaŋ' | | bird Grey-crowned Babbler |
gulapa | | |
guḻarrbaŋga | | |
gulawu | | pearl |
guḻawurr | | bird Jungle Fowl, Orange-Footed Scrubfowl, Megapodius reinwardt |
guḻayŋu | | smouldering--trees (after grass fire has passed), --remains after a fire branch burning at one end only |
golbin | | Goulburn Island |
guḻga | | greedy |
gulgulyun | | buzz (of bees) make a low humming noise |
guḻguḻyun | | sink, drown set (of sun) |
-guḻi | | ALLative |
goli | | rudder steering wheel |
guḻiban | | bird Red-collared Lorikeet |
guḻibitjpitj | | bird--plover Oriental Plover, Charadrius veredus Mongolian Plover, C. mongolus |
gulikayu | | bark of Stringybark--large strips used for canoes, shelters and death shroud |
gulinybuma | | condemn, criticize (say something is no good) |
guḻipawuy | | |
gulirirri' | | wallaby adult male Sandy (Agile) Wallaby |
gulirra | | place north of Yirrkala |
guḻirriḻirri' | | tree--with sharp leaves Bossiae bossiaeoides |
gulitj | | TRUE |
gulitj | | college |
guḻitji | | rectum (Rit) faeces, excrement |
guḻitji | | tree? Haemodorum sp. |
guḻiwan | | bird Red-collared Lorikeet |
guḻiwitjpitj | | bird--sea gull Whimbrel |
gulk | | cut (in two), slice, sever, snap cease (of wind) |
gulkiya | | moon Ext month shellfish--not eaten |
gulkiyaŋiniŋ | | snail--ground Xanthostemon sp. (?) |
guḻkmiṉ | | snake Carpet Snake Children's Python Yellow Tree (?) |
gulku | | fish Diamond-Scaled Mullet, Liza vaigiensis |
guḻku(') | | many, much, several, lots |
golku | | butt (of cigarette) fine, powdery ash |
guḻkuḻa | | |
gulkuru | | empty (-handed) |
guḻkuruŋu | | small |
goḻma | | |
guḻŋgu'yun | | go away |
gulŋiyi(rri) | | enter, be in(side) |
golpa | | clan-nation |
gulparuŋ' | | yam--long Vigna vexillata |
gulpila | | lobster Tropical Rock Lobster |
gulpiril | | |
gulpu(') | | tree/shrub Tristania lactiflua |
guḻpurr' | | three, a few |
guḻthawaḻa | | shellfish--not eaten Mactra r,n eevei |
gultjaminy | | tree--large, grows in fresh-water swamp |
gultjarr | | grass Cart e,o nema spicatum (?) |
gulu(') | | tree--edible root thorny stem wood used for carvings and canoes Cotton Tree, Kapok Tree, Bombax ceiba cotton wool (used as ceremonial decoration) |
golu | | bird Heron sp. |
guluḏumdhun | | make a deafening noise |
guluḏuy | | |
guḻuk | | neck, throat |
gulukulu' | | tree--with small leaves Paperbark, Melaleuca acacioides |
guḻuk(-g)uḻukthun | | tell (on) |
guḻuḻ'yun | | eat a diet of vegetables (including honey), but no meat be a vegetarian |
golumala | | clan-nation |
gulumirrtha | | bird Eastern Reef Egret, Egretta sacra |
guḻumunyu | | tree/shrub--orange fruit used as medicine for ringworm or fish poison Long-berried shrub, Diospyros maritima |
guḻun(') | | belly, stomach, womb palm (of hand), sole (of foot) Ext paddock billabong, lagoon, pool, waterhole, freshwater swamp |
gulundharr | | |
gulun'kulun | | tree Melaleuca acacioides |
guluŋ | | doctor medicine |
guḻuŋguḻkiya | | tadpole (generic) mosquito larvae |
guluŋ'kuluŋ | | snake |
guḻuŋgurr | | lizard Sandridge Goanna sp. |
goluŋu | | rootfood--creeper found in the bush in "proper black soil country" |
guluŋurrwa | | inactive, unable to walk |
gulurirri | | wallaby--male |
guluruŋa | | |
guḻutuk | | bird Peaceful Dove |
guḻutj | | clothes |
guḻuwitpit | | bird--nightbird |
guḻuwitjpitj | | bird, sea gull Whimbrel |
guluwukbuk | | stick--fighting |
guluwukbuk | | bird--small, dark, found in jungles |
guluykuluy | | bird--owl Tawny Frogmouth |
gulwaṉi | | bulrush(es) |
guḻwirri | | palm--with fan-type leaves and seeds like marbles which some say can be eaten Fan Palm, Livistona be n thamii "Cabbage Palm", Corypha elata |
gulwitjpitj | | bird--sea Oyster-Eater |
guḻwuḻyun | | sink, drown set (of sun) |
goma | | empty (-handed), destitute (of or for) GEN naked |
Gumana | | surname |
gumanda | | leader, boss |
gumaŋa | | egg |
gumatj | | clan-nation (eastern Da) |
gumbaḻ | | bird Emu, Dromaius novaehollandiae |
gumbaṯa | | tree Paperbark sp. |
gumbatha | | vine which grows up Paperbarks that can be cut, unwound from the tree and used for building shelters (or ?) large Paperbark sp. (?) |
gumbu(') | | shrub--especially its small, soft, edible fruit White Berry Bush |
gumbula | | surname |
gombum(a) | | take (from), snatch (from a person, usually agressively) beg for |
gomburr | | possessions (including land) of a dead person |
gomili | | herb--especially its edible roots Clitoria australis (and/or?) Psoralea badocana |
gumiṉḏa | | bird--curlew Beach Thick-Knee, Burhinus neglectus |
gumin'ka | | shellfish Ark Shell(s), Arca corallicola, A. c ru,ur ciata, A. multivillosa |
guminyiŋu | | bird "Whistling Duck", Grey Teal, Anas gibberifrons |
gumiriny | | raw, unripe, uncooked |
gomirr'mirr | | bird--mangrove, eats crabs |
gumiyalwuy | | |
gomu(') | | crab--inedible Hermit Crab |
gumukul | | tree--growing on beach |
gomuḻu | | bird--sea, large White-necked Heron, Great-Billed Heron, Ardea sumatrana |
gumuḻurru | | bird Curlew |
gumurr | | chest, brisket Ext coast, shore, bank (of a large body of water) open country, land on the horizon |
gumurr'yun | | meet, approach (Vin) |
gomurr(-)waymi | | people of the northeast (Dhanbul) |
gona | | maybe, possibly |
goṉa | | ashamed, be shy |
gunabibi | | see: GUNAPIPI |
gunal | | speech, language |
gunanydji | | trouble |
gunaŋ | | |
guṉaŋ' | | night time, early in the morning while it is still dark |
gunaŋa(') | | termite (or beetle ?)--its larvae were eaten in the past |
gunaŋbuy | | |
gunapipi | | ceremony--sacred, fertility |
gunariny | | kelp (purple/blue & white objects floating on water eaten by turtles) |
guṉarrkuṉarr | | plant--small fern |
guṉbala | | sugarbag (including beehive itself), wild honey Ext jam |
guṉbilkpilk | | anthill--tall |
guṉbirrtji | | clan-nation--extinct traditional owners of Galiwin'ku |
gunbirrwaḻa | | spirit--inland |
gunbiyarr | | |
gunbukpuk | | weed--with big spiky seeds and yellow buttercup flower /or/ spiked vine with hard branches and white flowers Ext burr, prickle |
guṉbuku' | | bird Parrot sp. |
gunbur'mirr(i) | | leader(s) of Dhuwa ceremonies |
guṉburrku | | midnight, in the middle of the night |
guṉḏa | | stone, rock minerals, (unprocessed) precious stones hot stones (for cooking) Ext money, coins |
goṉḏarra | | ḻikan name |
gundawirwiryun | | change direction (of wind) |
gundayka | | |
gondi | | |
guṉḏirr(') | | anthill--short and reddish brown, termite mound antbed, hot stones (for roasting) Ext brown(ish) |
guṉḏirrŋaniŋ | | ant--small brown |
guṉḏirrŋaniŋ | | fish Estuarine Stonefish, Synanceja norrida Guam Scorpion Fish, Scorpaenodes guamensis |
guṉḏit | | spear |
gundupuma | | run Pl |
gunduryun | | growl rumble, thunder |
guṉḏurak | | airstrip |
gondhu | | bird Heron sp. |
gundhurru | | snake Olive Python, Liasis olivaceus sky |
gundhurruwuy | | |
gundjak | | tree/shrub Freshwater Pandanus, especially its nut meat |
gundjarraŋ | | spear--with hooks on one side, hook spear |
gundjarraŋbuy | | |
guṉdjilk | | grass--sucked for its sweet liquid Heteropogon sp. |
gundjirryirr | | jellyfish |
gundjurru | | fat or liver of a Stingray sp. |
gunga | | tree--sap used as ointment for itches white part inside leaves eaten straight or mixed with water as a medicine for mouth sores, sore throat, skin sores and boils leaves used for weaving material for mats, baskets, sails, etc. Pandanus yirrkalaensis |
gungam(a) | | shut (in), block, obstruct protect, help out of a difficult spot |
guṉgilikili | | |
gungumiḏa | | snake Javan File Snake |
guṉguṉ | | leaves of the Cycad Palm |
gungunmarra | | sacred bag used for ceremonial purposes--especially its "arms" |
gunguy'yun | | heavy--be |
gunguy'kungu(y)yun | | move gently--back and forth or up and down |
gunguyu | | burnt country, black scorched terrain after a bushfire |
guṉi-djirr'yun | | go down |
gonini | | |
guṉinyarra' | | tree--with large red figs Ficus racemosa |
guṉinyi | | bush--edible fruit root used for dyeing pandanus |
guṉinymiya(') | | snake Carpet Snake (? or ?) Green Tree Snake |
guninymurruwuy | | place at Cato River |
guṉi-yirr'yun | | go down |
gun'kim | | card game--a type of "gin rummy" |
gun'kun | | palm tree and its edible stalks Kentia Palm, Northern Kentia, Gronophyllum ramsayi (and/or) Cut-Leaved Palm, Hydriastele wendlandiana |
guṉmuk | | cloud |
guṉmul | | season--the Wet (proper, with lush growth but food is not yet ready) Idm unflattering remark made in an argument |
guṉŋarri | | shellfish--edible Brown Baler Shell |
gunŋun' | | fish |
gun'tjaminy | | bird |
guṉuŋ | | cloud--rain |
gunuŋbila | | snake Olive Python |
gunuŋu(') | | snake--edible, said to cry like a man Black-Headed (Rock) Python |
gunha'yun | | leave |
gunharra'yun | | leave |
gonhdham(a) | | get, fetch |
gunhdhurru | | snake Olive Python |
gunhirr | | tree--poisonous milky sap which makes skin itchy and eyes sore Milky Mangrove |
gunhu(') | | father F , uncle FB Ext Reverend, Minister, Father |
gunyalawuy | | |
gunyamany | | mosquito sp. (or generic?) |
gunyambi | | trouble (but not expressing it outwardly) |
gunyami | | |
gunyan | | put |
gunyaṉ | | crab Sand Crab (used as bait) |
gunyaŋ'thun | | hiccough |
gunyaŋara | | |
gunydja'dhirri | | afraid, be frightened (of) GEN |
gonydjiŋ | | key |
gunydjirryirr | | jellyfish |
gonydju | | beeswax |
gunydjuḻu(') | | lizard--light-coloured gecko with spots, found in hollow trees Spotted Gecko gecko (generic) |
gunydjuy | | wife, sister-in-law BW , brother-in-law WB |
gonydjuy(') | | beeswax--hard, black, at bottom of hive (used as glue for fixing blades onto spears or knives or for putting feathers onto string bands) |
gunygulu | | fish |
gunygunymirri | | goosebumps, hair standing on end for cold |
gonyil | | meat, shellfish, eggs (generic for all protein foods--associated with bringing a fresh taste to one's mouth after eating yams & rootfoods) |
gunyinyi'yun | | hate, despise, feel revolted (by) |
gunyipi | | rocks at Gunyaŋara and Galupa |
gunyirri'nyirr | | crab's claw |
guny'kulu | | fish Anchovy, Engraulis australis |
gunyul(') | | charcoal (Rit) shade, dark area |
-guŋ | | PRODuctive, Originator: given from someone, made by, provided by |
goŋ | | hand, finger(s), claw Ext five |
guŋaluŋ(') | | lizard Northern Blue-Tongue, Tiliqua scincoides intermedia |
guŋan | | give |
goŋay' | | |
goŋ-banyguḻ | | spirit who causes the morning star to rise |
guŋga'yun | | help (out), assist, work (with) ACC |
goŋgatha | | tree and its edible fruit Black Berry Tree, Ixora klandorana |
goŋiya(') | | crab--edible Hermit Crab, Coemobita sp. |
guŋḻama | | spirit--inland |
guŋman | | woman--pregnant or lactating (i.e., from pregnancy until she stops breast-feeding), any woman who has had a child middle-aged lady (30-40 years old) |
guŋnharra | | alone, by oneself |
goŋ(-)nyanyuk | | skillful (working with hands) expert in sacred knowledge |
-guŋu | | PRODuctive, Originator: given from someone, made by, provided by |
-guŋu | | KINship link |
guŋuḻutju | | tortoise |
guŋunŋu | | avoidance relationship term used by someone to refer to or address certain kin |
guŋupin | | cloud |
guŋupun | | cloud |
guŋurru(') | | tree--white Gum, orange/red flowers edible seeds (Darwin) Woollybutt, Eucalyptus miniata |
goŋ(-)waltjaṉ | | rainmaker |
gupa | | nape, back of neck or head Ext source (of river) hill |
gupaniny | | |
gupanydji | | sail |
gupapuyŋu | | clan-nation |
gopi | | coffee, tea |
gopibawuy | | |
gopu(') | | fish Blue Marlin, Makaira mazara Black Marlin, M. indica Leaping Bonito, Cybiosarda elegans Tuna (?) |
gupulu | | body |
gupumbu | | fish Barracuda (?) |
gopunyuŋaniŋ | | shellfish--edible Nerite sp? |
gupuru | | rootfood--grass-like plant growing along sand dunes with a peanut-sized root Cartonema spicatum |
gurun | | sick--be |
gur'yun | | incite, egg on (to do something violent or bad) |
-gura | | LOCative, Comitative "with" |
gora | | ashamed, be shy, embarrassed |
gurak | | throat, roof of mouth voice-box, larynx Ext entrance "hallway" or inner entrance inside a tree into a beehive |
guranydji-guranydji | | bird Mangrove Golden Whistler, Pachycephala melanura |
guraŋguraŋ(') | | crow |
gurarrkuma | | grow raise, rear, bring up |
gorarrarr | | |
gurarriny'tjun | | go around |
gurarri(tj)tjun | | go around |
gurawatj(tj)un | | sit by oneself |
guray | | gray, grey |
gurbam | | messenger inviting people to Ŋulmarrk ceremony |
gurimaŋu | | |
gurini | | bird--brown |
gurinyguriny | | green |
guriŋgirrpa | | sea area at Yirrkala |
guripa | | hook--fish |
guritj | | tree--fan-palm with edible shoots Livistona loriphylla (?) |
gurka'wuy | | Trial Bay |
gur'kuryun | | push, incite, exert pressure on |
gurtha | | fire (generic), log, firewood Ext matches, light(er) bullet |
gurtha | | bird small Quail sp. |
gurthawaḻa | | |
gurtjal(') | | tree Smooth-barked Bloodwood, Eucalyptus bleeseri, E. foelcheana |
-guru | | ABLative |
-guru- | | OBLique formative |
gurubuk | | bird--small dove Geopelia sp. |
gurudut | | bird Peaceful Dove, Geopelia placida |
guruk | | grog, alcoholic beverage(s) |
guruka | | Crocker Island |
gurul'yun | | go and see (someone), head (for) ACC |
gurumbirr | | road |
gurumilŋa | | |
gururrgururr | | bird Finch sp. |
-guruy | | ASoCiative |
gurwanawuy | | |
-gurr | | PERgressive, PERlative: through the heart, along the beach, speak (in) a language |
gorr | | width |
gurra | | CONTinuous, PROGressive |
gurrakawul | | grass Spear Grass |
gurranhdhuḻa | | bird Pheasant Coucal, Centropus phasianinus |
gorraŋ | | few, little, not much, not many cheap, inexpensive |
gurraŋ(-)gurraŋ(') | | plant--fern (and/or) seaweed (?) |
gurrawu | | hen, chook, domestic fowl |
gurray | | put (down) |
gurrbirkthun | | make a noise |
gurrdjal | | sex organs--female (when swearing) |
gurrdju' | | snake--Mangrove (generic), Water Snake(s) |
gurri | | salt--dried onto skin |
gurri(') | | crab--green, used for bait |
gurriba | | |
gurriri | | short Sg |
gorrirri | | |
gurritjiri | | |
gurrka | | penis root (of tree) |
gurrkaḻi | | plant Curcuma australasica |
gurrkurr | | vein, artery root Ext physical strength |
gurrkurryun | | tired--very (Rir) shake |
gurrma(n) | | go rowing or paddling |
gurrmar | | go rowing or paddling |
gorrmarr | | many, lots big, large |
gurrmirriŋu | | mythical beings like Yolŋu who lived on Gurriba and were exterminated by the Yolŋu (Yan-nhaŋu stories) |
gurrmul | | boy--after circumcision (when wound has healed), young man Sg Ext batchelor |
gurrmuḻu' | | lizard Blue-tongued Lizard |
gorrmur(') | | hot, warm heat, warmth fever |
gorrnha | | ancestor |
gurrnhaŋu | | |
gurrnyinyi | | bat |
gurrŋan(') | | black, brown, dark black ashes, charcoal Ext shade sky |
gurrŋiriny | | stingray |
gurrpala | | knee(cap) |
gurrpan | | call (someone) by a relationship term |
gurrpulu | | plain--flood, flat dry country swampland where you can find game-birds and water-grass roots salt pan, tidal flat, clay pan (bare dry hard cracked ground) |
gurrthi | | smart, intelligent |
gurrthu' | | shade |
gurrtji | | tree--no fruit and not used for anything |
gurrtjiṯ | | bird Pied Butcherbird |
gurrtjpi | | stingray--edible Numb Ray, Hypnos monopterygium |
-gurru | | PERgressive, PERlative: through the heart, along the beach, speak (in) a language |
gurru(-)ḻuḻnyin | | hole in ground rectum, anus |
gurruḏupunbuy | | spirit--inland |
gurrukabu | | grass Spear Grass |
gurrukama | | carry (on head, shoulders, or back) wear (clothes) bear (a baby) |
gurruku | | later (on) |
gurrukurru | | clan |
gurruḻan' | | mouth of river |
gurruḻk | | baby, child young (of a species): calf, pup, kid, minnow (etc.) |
gurrum' | | softly, gently, carefully |
gorrum(a) | | hang, be aloft or perched (in or on something up high) be, exist (of waŋarr or wa:ŋa) |
gurrumaṯtji | | bird Magpie Goose, Pied Goose, Anseranas semipalmata |
gurrumba | | bird Magpie Goose, Pied Goose flock of geese |
gurrumba-gurrumba | | surname Magpie Goose, Pied Goose |
gurrumiḻŋ'thun | | turn over, flip over (while swimming, flying, etc.) |
gurrumiya | | place inland from Garrkarrŋa |
gurrumu(') | | fruit of Fig or Banyan tree Ficus sp. |
gurrumu' | | Water Rat |
gurrumuŋinyara | | banana |
gurrumuru | | outstation |
gurrumuruwuy | | |
gurrunha | | carefully |
gurrunhan | | put (down), lay down |
gurrunhdhuḻa | | bird |
gurruŋ | | avoidance relationship son-in-law (female ego), "poison cousin", second-cousin FZDC,MMBD,MMBS (Rit?) mother-in-law WM or her brother WMB |
gurruŋgu'yun | | travel along |
gurruŋgurr | | tree--large with lots of leaves and a long straight trunk soft white edible fruit like grapes |
gurrupan | | give ACC or GEN on receiver lend OBL on receiver |
gurrupiḻ | | turtle Short-necked Tortoise, Elseya dentata (?) |
gurrupuruŋu | | Poor thing! |
gurrur'yun | | take a (wide) detour (used especially when avoiding tabooed relatives, e.g., one's mother-in-law), avoid GEN |
gurrurru'yun | | reflect, flash |
gorrurru | | Pandanus points (needle-like) |
gurruṯu | | relation(ship), kin(ship) |
gurruthu' | | fish--large, saltwater Queensland Groper (?) Rock Cod (?) |
gurrutjutju | | bird Kite (generic), Falcon, Hawk, e.g: Brown Falcon, Falco berigora - Australian Kestrel, Falco cenchroides - Whistling Kite, Haliastur sphenurus - Black Kite, Milvus migrans, etc. |
gurruwiwi | | surname |
gurruwuḏuk | | bird Butcherbird |
gurruwul | | tree--tall, straight, found in brackish swamps and at the edge of billabongs Paperbark sp., Melaleuca cajaputi |
gurruwul | | fish--similar to Barramundi |
gurruwulupulu | | hole--deep, low ground (compared with the surrounding area), valley |
gurrwanŋu | | tree Paperbark sp. |
gurr'(-)warryun | | shoot |
gurrwawu | | chook, hen, domestic fowl |
gurrwili | | shellfish--edible |
gurrwira | | spirits |
gurrwirka (?) | | bird Eastern Curlew, Numenius madagascariensis |
gurrwirkthun | | make a noise |
gurrwuṉ' | | stick--for walking or fighting |
gurryala | | river--freshwater going out to sea |
gurryindi | | clan-nation |
gut | | hit |
guṯ | | chop |
got | | court(room) |
gutatu | | octopus |
gutawuma | | fish Barramundi |
gutayi | | |
guṯi(') | | short |
guṯkuṯ | | angry signal for trouble |
guṯkuṯ | | cone--male, of Cycad Palm |
gutu | | Pandanus nut--inner, edible |
gutu' | | tree--with edible nuts Terminalia grandiflora |
guṯurk(-g)uṯurk | | bird Dove sp. |
gutha(') | | brother or sister--younger first-cousin FBS |
gotha | | tin, roofing iron, pliable iron or steel knife |
guthadjaka | | |
gothan | | cook, roast (in ant bed or stone oven) cook (in general) |
guthanhalkur | | avoidance relationship term used by someone when referring to your maralkur (grand-uncle) MMBS |
guthanhur | | term used by someone when referring to your maternal grandmother and her siblings MM,MMB,MMZ |
gutharr(') | | waist (at the side) Ext middle |
gutharra | | grandchild (of same moiety) DC/f , grand-nephew ZDS , grand-niece ZDD |
guthiliyawuy | | sunset, coloured light at sundown |
guthin' | | rat |
guthiŋaḻi' | | fly |
guthirka | | bird Pied Oyster Catcher, Haematopus longirastris |
guthitj | | honey in honeycomb |
guthitjpuy | | wild honey |
guthuŋ | | waterlily |
gutjaminy | | stick--fighting |
gutjan | | mälk-f |
gutjark | | water, liquid, drink, juice, grog river, sea |
gutjawutja | | tree--edible berry turns from dark green to pink Indian Mast, Polyalthia sp. |
gutjikaŋ(') | | pocket |
gutjiminy | | sores--itchy (Ext) measles |
gotjiriŋu | | area upriver at Daliwuy Bay |
gutji'yun | | language |
gutjkama | | hunt with dogs, take (dogs) hunting |
gutjkutjtjun | | carry, wear bear (baby) Pl |
gutjparr(')yun | | throw (away) |
gotju | | tobacco |
gutjuk | | |
gotjon | | mälk-f |
guwadhurruŋu | | snack (items) of Cycad nuts |
guwak | | bird Koel Cuckoo |
guwal | | string, rope |
guwaḻ | | waist (at the side) middle, halfway, part of the way (between two points) |
guwaḻ'yun | | search (for), go looking for GEN |
guwala | | |
guwalkuwal | | |
guwaḻuḻu | | bird Southern Stone Curlew, Bush Curlew |
guwaman | | eat |
guwaṉiny-guwaṉiny | | tree--large Paperbark, up which climber grows excellent bark for canoes, shelters and dillybags |
guwaṉinywaṉiny | | Bandicoot sp. |
guwarun | | cook, burn |
guwarguwarmirri | | coloured (pure ochres mixed), discoloured (mats made of green pandanus) |
guwarku | | snake Taipan |
guwarr | | temporary, makeshift, ad hoc (e.g., borrowed item to be returned), not used in its proper function (e.g., using a spear to dig a hole or a shirt as a bag) snack (small parts of large animal, e.g., liver, gall bladder) to munch while more food is being fou |
guwarrmuŋ(') | | crab--small, orange, with gloved claws, white chest & brown back, edible |
guwarrtji | | turtle Hawksbill Turtle, Eretmochelys imbricata |
guwaṯiṯi | | flower--white (of Stringybark) |
guwatharam | | fight, hit, kill collect, gather (e.g., yams) roll (a cigarette) |
guwatjman | | visit, go and visit, go up to (someone), arrive (at a place) |
guwatjuru | | canoe |
guwatjuru | | vine Lawyer Vine |
guwayin | | |
guwaykuway | | |
guwi'yun | | swimming action song of hammerhead shark |
guwiḻuŋ' | | bird Southern Stone Curlew, Bush Curlew |
gowu | | I'll come later |
guya | | fish (generic--does not include sharks or stingrays) |
guyak | | bitter, bad-tasting, salty |
goyal | | boil--large |
guyaḻ'yun | | cook, roast (in stone oven) |
guyamil | | clan |
guyamirrilili | | clan-nation (western Da) |
guyaŋa | | think (about), remember worry (about) (Rit) listen (to) ACC |
guyaŋirr(i) | | think |
guyarra(') | | spear--stone-headed stone knife |
guyguyyun | | play (of musical instrument) shout, make sound (of fun) |
goyi | | snake--aquatic Freshwater Snake |
guyiŋarr | | cold |
guyita | | Witchetty Grub (edible wood-boring beetle larvae) |
guyiyi | | bird Wandering Whistling Duck, Dendrocygna arcuata White-Eyed Duck (?) |
guykthun | | spit (out), spurt (water) make (someone or something) sacred or taboo by saying magic words apply paint to ACC |
guykarri | | Porpoise |
guykuy | | ant--small, black, harmless Meat Ant |
guykuyyun | | call |
goyma | | place at Cato River |
guymaḻamurruwuy | | Ski Beach area (Gumatj-owned part of Nalila) |
guymarrawuy | | |
guypuŋura | | |
guyuguyu'yun | | rock baby to sleep |
guyuk | | mälk-m |
guyukam | | carry |
guyula(') | | clan (western Dl) |
guyula(') | | school of fish (in river near Wandawuy and Dhuruputjpi) |
guyumul | | bird Heron sp. |
guyupa | | die go out, become extinguished (of fire) |
guyupul | | |
goyurr | | journey distance (covered in a journey) gait |
guyuthulul | | hill |
guyuwa | | stick--short, for digging shellfish bone of lower leg, fibula |
guyuwaŋa | | |
guywulultja | | grub larvae of a sand beetle |
guyuwuḻwuḻ | | shrub--edible berry |
guywuyŋu | | snake King Brown, Western Brown Snake |
Ṯi- | | FUT 3a-alone , BASE, FUT 3b-alone , 3b formative-other tenses |
-i | | FUT |
Ṯi-rri | | BASE |
-ka | | ALLative, LOCative |
Ṯka- | | BASE, PAST1, PAST2 |
-ka' | | DYADIC DUAL used on senior generation term |
-kal(a) | | ALLative, LOCative: to, at, from, with (added to persons only) |
-kalaŋa- | | OBLique stem formative: with ASC (-galaŋawuy) (added to persons only) |
-kalaŋa | | KIN suffix referring to brother or sister via their children |
-kalaŋu- | | OBLique stem formative: as with ABL (-galaŋuŋur(u)) (added to persons only) |
-kam(a) | | BASE |
-kaŋal(a) | | PAST1 |
-kaya | | ALLative, LOCative |
-kiyin- | | EMPHasis (on pronouns before -gala) |
-'ku | | PERgressive, PERlative: through the heart, along the beach, speak (in) a language |
-ku | | GENitive: for (he went for wallaby), possessive (John's money), benefactive |
-kuṮ | | FACTitive: make (make smaller, make better) |
-kuḻ(i) | | ALLative |
-kuluy | | OBLique-ERGative |
-kuṉḏitj | | MOIETY COLLECTIVE |
-kuŋ(u) | | PRODuctive, Originator: given from someone, made by someone |
-kuŋ(u) | | FUT |
-kuŋu | | KINship link |
-kura | | LOCative, Comitative "with" |
-kuru | | ABLative |
-kuru- | | OBLique formative |
-kuruy | | ASoCiative |
-kurr(u) | | PERgressive, PERlative: through the heart, along the beach, speak (in) a language |
-kurru' | | PERgressive: along the river, through the grass, concerning a woman |
-'kuyu | | PERgressive, PERlative: through the heart, along the beach, speak (in) a language |
-ḻ | | ALLative |
labalaba | | stupid, silly |
labina | | few, some |
ḻabit | | stick--used to tap didjeriddo in Ŋulmarrk ceremony |
ḻäbit | | |
ḻagayin | | spear |
ḻaka | | plant--water reed with edible corm |
ḻakaram(a) | | talk, tell (on, about) ACC , speak (to) OBL , call (by name) |
ḻakarriny | | water in a river turned dark after a rainstorm |
ḻakirriŋ' | | like that, that sort of thing |
ḻakḻak | | lizard Small Dragon Lizard, Two-lined Dragon (?) |
ḻakḻak | | coloured sunset |
ḻakpuma | | rip (flesh of turtle) from shell |
ḻaḻa'yun | | rip |
ḻa'ḻa | | axe--metal (modern) |
ḻaḻakḻaḻak | | patch of rough skin |
lalambarri | | copper, iron |
lalaŋgutha | | copper, iron |
ḻaḻawukthun | | peel (off), shed, scale (off) (in one's relations\' quarrels) |
ḻaḻawupthun | | break (of blister) |
ḻaḻaywarra | | shellfish /or/ crab (?) |
läli | | lolly, candy |
ḻalkal | | greedy |
ḻaḻu | | fish Parrotfish spp, e.g., Blue Tusk Fish, Choerodon cyanodus Black-Spot Tusk Fish, C. schoenleinii |
ḻäḻuk | | Pandanus fruit--acts as a mosquito repellent if dried out and put in the fire |
läm | | lamb |
lama | | spear--shovel-nosed |
ḻama(-)ḻama | | bird |
ḻamami(rri) | | clan-nation |
ḻamarra | | stone--flat (on which nuts are pounded) |
ḻambarr | | shoulder (blade) Ext middle of canoe or boat |
ḻämbarr | | tree/shrub--with white flowers Verticordia sp. |
lämbiny | | bat |
lambirri | | long, tall |
ḻämbitj | | fish bat (?) |
ḻambu'yun | | dance (in a corroboree) |
lämbu | | inside of a boat or car, hold (of ship) |
ḻambuma | | |
ḻami | | hip, rump |
ḻami | | Cycad nut(s)--after soaking |
lamiḏalpuy | | Anindilyakwa, Groote Eylandt people |
ḻamimaḏa | | woman--from the time she becomes pregnant to when her baby can crawl |
lämu | | |
lamurru | | cheap, reasonable (price) |
ḻamuta | | |
ḻanan | | spear, strike with a spear |
ḻanapu | | tree--wood used for making spear throwers Northern Cyprus Pine, Callitris intratropica |
ḻanara(') | | wood chips (that fly off when wood is chopped) |
ḻanda(') | | fish--freshwater perch Grunter (?) |
länuŋ | | expert turtle hunter |
lanhdhirra | | lamp, lantern |
lanhdhuni | | arm |
lanhupuy | | |
ḻanyarr | | egg |
ḻanyba(-)ḻanyba(') | | fish--freshwater perch Grunter (?) |
ḻanydjana | | |
lanydjarrŋa | | rice |
lanydjat | | conceited, vain |
lanyiŋ | | clean, bright, polished |
lanyipi | | rice |
ḻaŋarr | | stick--used to pierce nasal septum hole in the nose |
ḻaŋguṉa | | bird Pied Goose, Magpie Goose |
läŋgurrk | | Witchetty Grub--ground-dwelling (found in billabong mud) |
läŋgurrk | | crayfish |
ḻaŋḻaŋ(') | | lizard--skinks and other small lizards (generic), e.g: Two-lined Dragon Carlia spp Ctenotus spp Sphenomorphus spp Hemidactylus spp. |
ḻaŋ'ḻaŋdhun | | look around |
ḻapthun | | open, come apart or loose |
läpa | | timber |
ḻapakarra | | lizard Spotted Tree Goanna, Varanus timorensis |
ḻaparr | | bird dove, crested-pigeon (generic), e.g: Bronze Wing Pigeon, Phaps chalcoptera |
laparra | | smooth |
ḻap-ḻap | | |
ḻapu | | fish Sergeant-Major, Abudefduf spp. Banded Humbug, Dascyllus aruanus |
ḻapu | | shellfish Trochus sp., e.g., T. honleyana, T. lineatus |
lapuluŋ | | |
lararri | | |
larryun | | drop, fall (off, down) |
ḻarr' | | Go (on)!, Come here!, Let's go, Off they went |
ḻarr'yun | | open up be(come) broken |
ḻärr | | blade chips from spearhead of stone spear |
ḻärr' | | splinter (of wood) wood--of Paperbark |
ḻarrakara | | saliva, spittal white of egg |
ḻarrakitj | | hollow tree or log |
ḻarraṉi(') | | shrub, fruit--edible Bush Apple, "Wild Apple" Ext brown(ish) Idm halfcaste |
ḻarraṉiya | | place near the river at Biranybirany |
ḻarrariŋu | | porpoise |
ḻarray'yun | | cook on open fire |
ḻarrayiŋu | | porpoise |
larraymin | | axe--stone |
ḻarrbaw'wun | | spill (out) |
lärri | | |
ḻarrk | | |
ḻarr'ḻarryun | | cut up |
ḻarrŋgay | | sun time Ext watch |
ḻarrŋḻarrŋ | | skinny--very, emaciated |
ḻarrpam | | inactive (e.g., just sitting all day) |
ḻarrpan | | comet meteor, shooting star (?) |
ḻarrtha(') | | mangrove (trees generic) Ceriops tagal |
ḻarrtjanŋa | | |
ḻarrum(a) | | search, look (for), seek GEN |
ḻarrwa | | pipe--long, wooden |
ḻarrwaŋ'thun | | spill, capsize, overflow |
ḻarrwar | | trench (natural or man-made hollow in land) steep drop, cliff |
ḻarrwaw'yun | | spill (out) |
ḻät-yätjirri | | unable to walk because of pain |
lätati | | paddles of dugout canoe |
läti | | knife--big |
ḻatiŋu | | |
lätuŋ | | sinker (for fishing line) items introduced by the Macassans, e.g., coins, lead, silver, tooth fillings, etc. |
laturitj | | electric(ity) |
ḻatha | | shellfish--edible Trochus Shell(s), Trochus obeliscus, T. maculatus |
ḻathaŋaniŋ | | shellfish Cone Shell, Rizocanus mustelinus |
lathulu | | |
ḻatjin(') | | Mangrove Worm (generic--can be eaten raw), Toredo sp. |
ḻatjparr'yun | | spread out |
ḻatjḻatj | | bird Northern Rosella, Platycercus venustus |
latjpawaŋa | | |
latju | | good, nice, pleasant, delicious, beautiful smooth |
ḻatjuwarr'yun | | scatter, disperse |
ḻawun | | go hunting |
ḻaw' | | get up and go Pl,in (Rit) come out of the ground -tr pick, lift up |
ḻawaḻawa | | joker, clown, humorous person who talks and laughs a lot |
läwarr | | grass--used like a mop when eating honey Alloteropsis semialata, Chrysopogon pallidus |
ḻawarrkwarrk | | shark, stingray (generic) |
ḻawayin | | spear |
ḻawitji | | egg |
ḻäwuk | | |
ḻäwum(a) | | bite |
lawurra | | |
ḻawurrminy | | |
ḻawutji(') | | egg |
ḻayyun | | relax, feel easier, get relief |
ḻäy | | temple, side of head or face edge shore |
layarra | | sail |
layipu | | timber |
ḻayḻay | | yam flower |
ḻayḻay | | busy, hard-working |
ḻaynhawuy | | all homeland centres south of Port Bradshow (Yalaŋbara) |
ḻaypa | | other side |
laytju | | good, nice, smooth |
-li | | ALLative |
-li | | ERGative |
-ḻi | | ALLative |
-li' | | ALLative: for (kangaroo), to, toward, into, onto |
li | | usually, always HABITUAL or repeated action |
li | | we (two) Incl |
ḻiyun | | hit (with the hand) |
ḻidjiḻidji | | bird Finch (generic), Poephila spp. and Lonchura spp. |
lika | | |
lika | | usually |
ḻika | | rain |
ḻikan | | elbow, joint Ext bay, inlet corner (of room, street) room new/crescent moon totemic group |
ḻikarri | | liquid--small amount (paint, tar, oil, fat, petrol) |
leku | | flag |
-lil | | ALLative |
ḻiḻ'yun | | crack (as crockery) |
-lili | | ALLative |
lili | | this way, hither (direction towards speaker) |
ḻiḻigirr'yun | | make a rattling noise |
ḻiḻirrtji | | tree--edible berries in clusters, turning from green (in Feb/Mar) to red when ripe Wild Cherry, Celtis philipensis |
ḻil'ḻilmarama | | go around |
lima | | we (all) Incl |
limalanha | | us (all) Incl |
limalaŋu | | us (all) Incl |
ḻimbarra'yun | | carry on (one) shoulder |
ḻimbik | | grinding stone--flat |
limin | | squid |
limurr(u) | | we (all) Pl, inclusive |
limurrunha | | us (all) Pl, incl |
limurruŋgala | | to us (all) Pl, incl |
limurruŋgu | | our, all of ours Pl, incl |
limurruwuy | | we ourselves Pl, incl |
ḻindirriny | | bird Red-collared Lorikeet |
ḻindirritj | | bird Red-collared Lorikeet, Trichoglossus rubritorquis |
ḻingarr | | shrub/creeper or its edible root, purplish/black fruit is squeezed onto the skin as a treatment for ringworm |
ḻinygu | | already, also when (that) was finished PAST |
linyalanha | | us (two, not you) Dual, excl |
linyalaŋgala | | to us (two, not you) Dual, excl |
linyalaŋgu | | our(s), to us (two, not you) Dual, excl |
ḻinydjiŋu | | fish Long Tom |
linyu | | we (two, not you) Dual, excl |
linyupi | | we ourselves (not you) Dual, excl |
ḻiŋgu | | well then |
leŋu | | drunk, intoxicated, staggering |
lepa | | material |
ḻipal | | fish Grunter, Spotted Bream |
lipalipa | | canoe--dugout |
ḻipun | | turtle's hind quarters |
lipuṉdja | | Hammerhead Shark |
ḻerr'yun | | sweep, uncover push lily roots aside |
ḻirra | | tooth, teeth Ext thorn fish hook, blade or prong (of spear), needle-like points of Pandanus (Pandanus points) |
ḻirraŋu | | short cut, separate way (Rit) Adv in front, ahead |
ḻirrarawu | | turtle's stomach |
ḻerrawa | | lizard Northern Blue-Tongue |
ḻirrawar' | | bee--its hive is found lower on the tree Trigona sp. |
ḻirrbuku | | brown(ish), dull red |
ḻirrbuku | | ant Meat Ant |
ḻirrga | | lizard Northern Blue-Tongue |
ḻirrgi(') | | ashes--black, charcoal |
ḻirriḻirri' | | shrub--with small, jagged leaves Grevillea pungens sometimes also applied to Bossiae bossiaeoides |
lirririnyin | | |
ḻirrma'yun | | cook in ashes or covered up in sand |
ḻirrmaŋa | | fish Salmon Catfish, Arius thalassina |
ḻirrmuyun | | dance, act |
ḻirrpiya | | |
ḻirrthan | | roast in ashes |
ḻirrtjal | | algae (in pond), seaweed |
ḻirrtji | | fire |
ḻirrwa | | lizard Northern Blue-Tongue |
ḻirrwi(') | | charcoal black ashes pupil (of the eye) |
ḻeti | | Rock Wallaby |
letŋawuy | | |
lithan | | dry (up), warm (by sun or fire) |
ḻethiwuy | | |
ḻitja | | messy, untidy, all over the place |
litjalanha | | us Dual, incl |
litjalaŋgala | | to us Dual, incl |
litjalaŋgu | | our(s) Dual, incl |
ḻitjarrma | | tortoise |
litji | | us (two), ours Dual, incl |
ḻitji-ḻitji | | bird finch (generic) |
ḻiwun | | blaze (of fire) |
ḻiwun | | bowlegged--be |
ḻiw' | | go around in surround, (en)circle tr |
ḻiw' | | paddle, row (a canoe) |
lewukaŋ | | island close to the mainland |
ḻiyun | | hit |
ḻiya | | head, crown |
ḻiya-bandany | | fish Blue Catfish, Arius australis |
ḻiyadhalinymirr | | clan-nation |
ḻiyagalawumirr | | clan-nation (western Dl) |
ḻiyagawumirr(i) | | clan-nation (western Dl) |
ḻiyaḻan | | |
ḻiyaman | | sing |
ḻiyamunyan | | bird Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo |
ḻiyapiḏiny | | |
-lu | | ERGative, INSTrumental |
ḻoyun | | wade (in the water) |
ḻuduŋgu | | stingray--not eaten Shovel-Nosed Ray sp. |
ḻudhuḻudhu | | shellfish--generic for shiny, attractive shells rounded like Cowries or with curled spikes, usually inedible Senectus squamosus Cypraea arabica, C. cylindrica Monodonta labio Turbo petholatus Ext Volkswagon |
lok | | lock |
ḻukthun | | come together, gather, collect |
ḻuka | | eat, drink, consume, ingest take (medicine) |
lukimap | | arrest, lock up |
ḻuku | | foot, feet, toe(s) footprint Ext root (of tree) anchor wheel, tyre |
ḻukunydja(') | | rich, wealthy (includes having many wives) plentiful, bountiful |
ḻukuram(a) | | fish |
ḻuḻawkun | | decompose (of carcass) lose skin, "skin up" |
ḻuḻ'ḻuḻ | | tree--swamp Eucalypt |
ḻuḻ'ḻuḻ | | crooked |
ḻuḻ'marraŋu | | clan (now extinct) |
ḻuḻnyin(') | | depression in ground, deep hole, very low ground (compared with the surrounding area) |
ḻuḻtthun | | play (blow on) the didjeridoo |
lulu | | coconut |
ḻuḻu'yun | | drown |
ḻoḻu | | fence, enclosure, yard (fenced area) wall fish trap (made by closing off a section of river or beach gaol, jail native hut--a two-level structure made with 4 poles and a roof (male stays on top "in attic", women and fire are below) |
ḻuḻumarra | | cane grass Phragmites karka spear made from this cane |
ḻuḻumurr | | led easily (into trouble) |
ḻuḻupthun | | peel, shed, scale off |
ḻuḻupunbuy | | place near Gurrumuru |
ḻom | | hole, depression in ground, low ground |
ḻumaḻuma | | cloud |
lumanydjiŋa | | flag |
ḻumbakthun | | fold, bend turn a corner suddenly be doubled-up |
lumbi-lumbi | | tree/shrub |
ḻumbuk | | bird Banded Fruit-Dove, Ptilinopus cinctus Bronze-wing Pigeon |
ḻumḻum | | dip in ground--deep (like going across a dry creek bed) |
ḻumurr'yun | | splash |
lunbu | | hip |
ḻunda | | fish |
ḻundu | | friend, sweetheart |
londuŋ | | tobacco--black (no longer in use) |
ḻungu-ḻungu | | holes in the ground, potholes |
ḻuni(') | | single, batchelor, spinster, without a "promised" spouse, unmarried, widow(er) |
ḻun'pupuy | | |
ḻunhdharra | | stingray--not eaten Shovel-Nosed Ray sp. |
ḻony | | corner |
ḻonydju | | side by side |
ḻuŋ'thun | | gather (together), collect, attract |
ḻuŋarri | | harpoon, harpoon shaft |
ḻuŋarriny | | harpoon |
ḻuŋgu | | spear (for turtle or dugong), harpoon (shaft) |
ḻuŋgurrma | | north(-east) wind season when seas are calm and new growth starts, "Kingfish Time" (October-December) |
ḻuŋiny | | pipe--for smoking (generic) |
luŋurra | | spirit of Bremer Island |
ḻupthun | | wash (up), bathe sink, submerge, become immersed in water |
lopa | | poor |
ḻurrthun | | split, cave in |
ḻurr(')yun | | flow, run (of liquids) (Rit) stir up (water), make ripples in water catch fish in hand-held traps made from sticks and swished around in the water |
ḻurr'yun | | clap |
ḻurrdja'yun | | vomit |
ḻurrgu'yun | | wash |
lorri | | truck, lorry, automobile, car |
ḻurrkun' | | three a few, some, a little, several (3 to 5) |
ḻurr'ḻurryurruna | | horizon dawn |
ḻurr'ḻurryun | | break down |
ḻorrpu | | bird White Cockatoo |
ḻurrthaypuyŋu | | |
ḻorru | | pile of leaves |
ḻurrya(') | | juice from the pounding of soaked Cycad nuts--used during such preparation for washing hands |
ḻuthay | | snake--with spots, edible "Carpet Snake", Carpet Python, Morelia spilotes Children's Python, Liasis childreni |
ḻuthuḻuthu(') | | shells--attractive, shiny, inedible |
ḻutju | | kangaroo Big Red |
ḻuwiya | | rootfood vine--root edible only after careful preparation involving cooking two or three times it is advisable not to chew too much when eating it Amorphophallus sp. |
-m | | OPPosition or EMPHasis marker |
-m(a) | | BASE |
-ma | | OPPosition or EMPHasis marker |
-ma | | ALLative |
-maṮ | | CAUSative |
ma | | PROGressive, Continuous: still (is doing) |
ma' | | Go on!, Quick(ly)!, Get on with it!, O.K. |
mä | | so that, in order to |
mä | | inside |
mabaḻki | | tree--with edible nuts Sterculia quadrifida |
mabaḻpi | | yam--long |
mäbubu | | wasp |
mäbuga | | dream |
mäbuwa | | dream |
maḏaḏa | | leaves--used for ceremonial cleansing |
maḏaḏupa | | grass--tall Sorghum spp. |
maḏakun | | sing with tapsticks (but not didjeridoo) during ceremonies |
maḏakani | | leaves of the Cycad Palm |
maḏakarritj | | angry, violent, bad-tempered, "cheeky", touchy (person), ferocious, dangerous (animial), poisonous (snake) |
maḏalatj | | turtle Short-necked Tortoise, Emydura australis |
maḏarrpa | | clan-nation and language |
maḏarrpa | | clan-nation (eastern Da) |
madarrtjandi | | |
maḏatja | | clan |
mäḏawk | | bird Silver-crowned Friarbird |
maḏayin(') | | sacred, secret, holy, taboo sacred object(s) an important sacred ceremony |
maḏaymaḏay | | people of North-West Arnhem Land (who do not practise circumcision) |
mäḏi | | lobster female (Tropical) Rock Lobster, Panulirus longipes femoristriga |
maḏirri | | south (cool wind) |
mäḏirriny | | bone |
madhaḻuŋgu | | spear--barbed, hook spear |
madharrak | | harmful substance |
madharrpirra | | spear--hook |
madjalaḏi' | | plant--with edible root swellings Cayratia trifolia |
madjawurr | | spear--cane |
mädjiŋ | | bitter, sour |
mägaya | | peace, no trouble, cessation of hostilities ?praise |
mak | | maybe, perhaps |
maka | | thigh |
mäka | | tree, wood |
makadi | | water |
makaḻ | | night, evening |
makanbi | | house--native, built on water |
makarawuy | | |
makarr | | thigh, upper leg, lap back leg (of animals) root Ext part of a country |
makarr'yun | | happy--be, pleased (about something) |
makarraṯa | | ceremony--peace-making |
makarrita' | | ceremony--peace-making |
makarrwaḻa | | |
makarrwanhalmirri | | clan (eastern Da) |
mäkaṯi | | water |
makin | | ceremony--peace-making |
makiny | | dry Ext lean, tasteless (meat), flat (tea with no sugar) |
mäkiri(') | | ear, earhole, earwax |
makmakthun | | wait |
makpar | | tapsticks, clapsticks |
maku | | maybe, perhaps |
maku | | tree--very white Paperbark sp., used for burial platforms |
makuḻmakuḻ | | container, dillybag--with square bottom |
makuḻtja | | |
makuma | | estuary of Daliwuy Bay |
makurr | | spear multi-pronged fish spear, Wessel Islands spear (made from Digging Stick Tree) with two barbed points wooden point for dugong harpoon spikes on wire spear |
makurrminya | | |
makuyuk | | tree--used medicinally Pandanus sp. |
-mal | | ALLative |
malthun | | accompany, go with, follow, walk behind GEN |
mal'yun | | follow, imitate ACC |
mäḻ' | | stone--flat grinding |
-mala | | ALLative |
mala | | group (of people), tribe, clan-nation, crowd, mob, set, bunch |
mala | | Plural: together, taken as a group |
maḻa | | track, path |
maḻa | | scorpion |
mala-barrtjaray | | clan |
malagampurra | | head dress--feathers, used in Ŋulmarrk ceremony |
maḻagatj | | ancestor--totemic, supernatural being (can be human, animal or monster) |
mälak | | ant Green Tree Ant |
mälakthun | | interrupt go crosswise |
maḻaka | | dillybag--small, round (containing magic objects carried by a witchdoctor) |
malakunya | | |
maḻakuy | | rainbow |
maḻakuy | | snake--aquatic |
maḻaḻ | | jellyfish--harmless |
malalupa | | bird Torres Strait Pigeon, Nutmeg Pigeon |
maḻamaḻ | | fly Blowfly |
maḻamarr | | child--firstborn, eldest (in family or clan) |
maḻangi | | |
malany'tjurr | | bat--small |
mäḻaŋ | | flat, smooth, calm |
malaŋanba | | nut--inner seed of the cycad fruit |
malaŋarri | | |
malarikurr' | | snake Tree Snake sp. |
malarra | | stingray--not eaten Devil Ray, Manta alfredi |
mäḻarra | | clan-nation |
maḻarrk | | firestick |
malarrka | | turtle--small, found in the sea |
maḻata | | |
malati | | knife |
malawa | | |
malawa | | |
malawarraŋu | | |
malawiḏiwiḏi | | bird Brown Goshawk, Chickenhawk, Collared Sparrowhawk |
mälawuy | | |
malayak | | red colour in sky |
maḻayarra' | | stick--used for stoking fire |
maḻayukpa | | fat (animal) |
malga' | | alone |
mäḻga | | dillybag--long, made of string |
malgama | | sire, beget (child, of a father) |
malgarri | | ceremony and song of west Arnhemland |
mali' | | shadow, reflection, image replacement Ext portrait picture, film, photo(graph), movie soul, person's spirit, ghost |
mali'yun | | buy |
maḻiki | | badly go wrong break down (of engine) |
maliŋgur' | | tree--pine Casuarina |
malirrirr | | |
maliya | | fish Flathead(s), Platycephalus spp. Rough-Headed Dragonet, Callionymus limiceps Long-Tailed Dragonfish, Parapegasus natans |
maliyambatj | | person who has the urge to get turtle |
malk | | times |
mälk | | subsection, "skin name", "skin group" |
malka | | string--with (white or parrot) feathers, ceremonial "rope" used as a decoration |
malkaṉa | | tooth--extracted |
malkaṉa | | knife--small, pocket knife |
malkarr | | bundle of spears or sticks |
malki' | | firestick, firebrand smoke, cigarette |
maḻkmaḻkun | | shine, be shiny |
malkpitj | | sinew, vein |
maḻku | | flying fox--large Black Fruit Bat, Pteropus alecto |
malmuŋu | | fish Sheridan's Threadfin, Polydactylus sheridani |
maḻŋ'thun | | appear, come out, come to light, happen, turn up, be born |
malŋ'malŋbunuma | | aim (spear) |
mälŋany | | rootfood--shaped like a carrot |
malŋutj | | spirit, soul |
mälpan | | make a fire |
maḻpinybiny | | message stick--used in connection with Ŋulmarrk ceremony |
maḻpunhdharr | | |
malpura | | child--second-born (or in middle of family ?) |
malthandi | | right in (of spear piercing, water flooding) |
maltjaṉa(') | | two |
maḻtjarr | | sharp |
mäḻu(') | | father, daddy uncle FB term used by a sister to address her brother Ext Reverend, Minister, Father |
mäḻuḻu | | shellfish--edible Ward's Volema, Volegalia wardiana |
mäḻuŋ | | lump |
maḻupanda | | lizards--small and skinks (generic) |
maḻurrk | | |
maḻurrumbu | | eat |
maḻuta | | fish Parrot Fish |
malwan | | tree--with light straight branches good for making fish spears, wood used for pipes, carvings, and letter sticks good firewood inner bark used for medicinal purposes Timor-, Beach-, or Yellow-Hibiscus, Cotton Tree, Hibiscus tiliaceus sometimes confused w |
malwanyga | | tide--very high, spring tide |
malwarri | | ceremony and song of west Arnhemland |
malwarriwuy | | |
maḻway | | slanting |
maḻwiya | | Emu, Dromaius novaehollandiae |
maḻwiya'-ŋupanamirr(i) | | lizard--legless, worm-like snake or lizard (generic) |
maḻwurrk | | rain |
mam'thun | | stick (to), adhere |
mäm'bun | | appear, come out, make an appearance manifest oneself come out of the bush into a camp |
mama | | eyeball, pupil (and the white part of the eye ?) Ext? yolk (of egg) |
mamaḻiŋgurr | | fruit or inedible seed of various mangrove trees |
mamana | | red colour in sky |
mamaṉbu(') | | tree--edible fruit and sap |
mamatj | | nut--of Pandanus |
mämbal | | shellfish Freshwater Mussel |
mämbu' | | larvae (generic, e.g., ant eggs) |
mamburuŋburuŋ | | brain |
mämburr | | wrist |
mämburrkmamburrk | | Milky Way light wispy clouds |
mambuthuthu | | Witchetty Grub--as it emerges from cocoon |
mäminawuy | | beach |
maminyinawuy | | |
mämu | | octopus |
mamudjark | | water |
mamudjirrk | | water |
mamuḻ'yun | | put into mouth whole (i.e., not bite) |
mamulunhawuy | | |
mamuŋuḻu | | seaweed grass sp. |
mamuŋurawuy | | |
mämurrŋ | | bone point (used for murdering enemies) |
mamuthay | | water |
mana | | unripe, uncooked, raw |
mäṉa(') | | shark (generic for large adult man-eaters) shark sp. (?) |
manalaŋiny | | slime on freshwater |
maṉalk | | charcoal |
mana-mana | | shade, shelter |
mana'manaŋani | | vine--with pods of black tipped red berries |
manaŋa | | theft |
manaŋgan | | |
maṉaŋgayŋu | | surname |
maṉaŋililik | | tree--small, with reddish fruits, grows on hills Euphorbiaceae (?) |
manaŋirri | | |
manaŋunyaŋ | | tree--with large red rigs Ficus racemosa |
manapan | | join (together), link, mix, combine (someone) in a fight, unite -Adv at the same time |
manapiri | | together |
manapirr(i) | | join |
manarrawuy | | |
manarri | | snake--freshwater, non-poisonous |
manarrwili | | |
maṉatja | | tree Bloodwood |
maṉatja' | | clan |
manawarawuy | | |
maṉawiny | | avoidance relationship term used by a female GURRUŊ to address her MARALKUR or by ŊATHIWALKUR to address his female DHUMUNGUR "poison cousin" |
maṉba | | porpoise Bottle-Nose Porpoise |
mänba | | bird--dark brown seabird Pied Cormorant |
manbalŋu | | |
manbarraparra | | crab--edible |
manbili | | |
manbiri | | fish--poisonous, with pointed tail Freshwater Eel-tailed Catfish |
-maṉḏa | | Dual |
maṉḏa | | they (two) Dual term used by someone to address two people |
mäṉḏa | | Octopus |
mandaka | | |
maṉḏakal(a) | | to them (two) |
maṉḏaku | | their(s) (two) |
maṉḏakuŋ(u) | | from them (two) |
maṉḏan | | them (two) Dual |
maṉḏanha | | them (two) Dual |
maṉḏaŋ | | their(s), to them (two) Dual |
maṉḏaŋgal(a) | | to them (two) Dual |
maṉḏaŋgu | | their(s), to them (two) Dual |
maṉḏaŋguŋ(u) | | from them (two) Dual |
maṉḏaŋu | | them (two) object |
maṉḏapa | | their(s), to them (two) Dual |
maṉḏapal | | their(s), to them (two) Dual |
maṉḏapi | | those two themselves |
maṉḏarrŋ | | snake--freshwater |
maṉḏatja | | clan |
maṉḏatja | | |
maṉḏatjmaṉḏatj | | crustacean: edible prawns and crayfish |
mandawuy | | mud under water |
maṉḏayala | | ceremony--circumcision |
mandi | | Monday |
mändi | | |
mäṉḏi' | | gum--edible, growing on certain trees, especially Terminalia spp. |
mandiḏakthun | | striped--be |
mandimirr | | crocodile--saltwater |
maṉḏirri | | gum, edible sap of Terminalia spp. (cooking it makes it softer and easier to eat), also used as a glue or caulk |
maṉḏiyala' | | ceremony--circumcision |
mandjarr' | | leaf branch with leaves |
mandjawak | | knife--big (generic), slashing knife, sword |
mandjikay | | sandfly--totem for Wangurri clan (not for everyday speech) |
mandjirri | | tree Milkwood, Alstonia actinophylla |
mandjirri | | sandfly |
mangamanga | | spear--cane |
mangaṯa | | sacred object (e.g., bone) used for cursing or casting an evil spell |
manguli | | bamboo--used for spear bamboo spear |
manguma | | collect |
mani | | neck, front of neck Ext creek, river, channel (between islands) |
maṉi'yun | | sulk, be dissatisfied or frustrated (usually because of desiring something one cannot have) |
mäni | | money, cash |
mäni | | granny MM |
manikay | | song, music, singsong, ceremonial singing |
manim'thun | | stick (to), adhere |
manimani | | necklace |
manimaniŋaniŋ | | shellfish--too small to have food inside |
manimunak | | tree--with small yellow fruit |
man'ka | | clay--white (or red and white mixed ?) hard ground |
man'ku | | gum, edible sap of Terminalia spp. (cooking it makes it softer and easier to eat), also used as a glue or caulk |
man'kuḻ | | throat |
maṉmaṉ | | toadstool |
maṉmaṉ | | no room |
maṉmarr | | scab, flaky skin (in general) |
maṉmunda | | yam--long |
maṉmuŋa | | yam--long |
mänŋu | | Get it!, Take it |
man'pili | | bark of Paperbark or Stringybark--used as torch, tinder, or kindling |
man'pul | | rodent Black-footed Tree Rat, Mesembriomys gouldii gouldii |
man'ta | | scar |
man'tjarr | | leaf (generic) mangrove leaves Ext tealeaves Idm cleansing ceremony for those who have had contact with a corpse |
manukani | | axe blade which is worn down by use |
manuŋgarri | | south (wind) |
manuŋinya(') | | |
manuŋunya | | roots of Fig or Banyan--used to make string, bags, and armbands tree, Ficus virens, F. superba var. henneana |
mänurr | | low tide |
mänha | | water |
manhdhak | | fresh (water) |
manhdhakŋaniŋ | | fish |
manhdhapiḏi(') | | shellfish--marine slug, not eaten but used as ear medicine it is boiled in water, squeezed and then the oil is poured in Nudibranch, Pleurobranchus punctata Soft Bodied Mollusk |
mänhdhu | | bird |
manhdhulpa | | beach |
many | | taste, flavour |
mäny | | trail (of snake, jet, something left behind) |
mänyarr | | mangrove--white, leaves are green upperside and white underside place for Witchetty Grubs and wild honey wood is used specially for cooking Polynesian Arrowroot Grey Mangrove, Avicennia marina var. resinfera |
manyarriŋ | | clan (Djinang) |
mänybaḻi | | stingray--edible |
manybunharrawuy | | |
manydjalpuyŋu | | clan (Djinba) |
manydjarrarrŋa | | Daliwuy Bay |
manydjarri | | |
manydjarrka | | cloth, rag, dress material |
manydjawuki | | |
-'manydji | | KINship Dyadic: denotes recriprocal relationship between two people |
-'manydji\' | | Dual |
manydjikay | | surname |
manyguluma | | spirit |
manymak | | good, fine, delicious, healthy, well, satisfactory |
manymak | | and then well in narrative |
many'tjurrpuy | | |
manyuku | | |
maŋal' | | spear-thrower, woomera (generic) |
mäŋal | | shellfish--edible Judas Ear Shell, Ellobium aurisjudae |
maŋan | | cloud |
maŋanbuy | | cloud(y) |
maŋandirri | | |
maŋanhur(u) | | term used by someone when referring to your sister |
mäŋaŋayun | | tired--be, exhausted |
maŋawila | | |
maŋgala | | stick--forked (in dancing ground) |
maŋgalili(') | | clan-nation (eastern Da) |
maŋganambu | | |
maŋgarra | | go, walk |
maŋgarray | | |
maŋgarruṯa | | Goulburn Island |
maŋgatharra | | Macassar (Ujung Pandang) and the Macassn people |
maŋgi | | monkey |
maŋgu(') | | blood sap (of tree) |
mäŋgu | | tree and its fruit Mango |
maŋgurra | | clan and language (Ritharrŋu, but many now speak Nunggubuyu) |
maŋutu | | |
maŋutji | | eye Ext seed, grain nut waterhole, well, soak deep hole (which goes straight down) torch, globe, headlight(s) bullet hook (for fishing or on end of woomera) |
mapaḻki' | | tree--with edible nuts Sterculia quadrifida |
mapaḻku | | tree |
mapan | | put inside |
mäpaṉ | | boil, pussy sore |
mapandhurr | | tree Hibiscus tiliaceus |
mäparrku(') | | boomerang (Rit) woman's fighting stick |
mapay' | | sore, hole |
mäpikani(') | | Cycad Palm, especially its nuts |
mäpiḻi(') | | fish Mud Hopper, Periophthalmus koelreuteri Great Mud Hopper, Periophthalmodon schlosseri Bearded Goby, Scartelaos viridis |
mapu(') | | egg (generic) yellow pollen balls (found in beehive) testes, testicals, "balls" ḎrudeṈ |
mapuḏumun(') | | tree edible gum and fruit inner bark is used in treating diarrhoea, pimples and sores Wild Peach, Red Cement Tree, Terminalia carpentaria also T. ferdinandiana (?) (its sap), murrpun' (its fruits) |
mapuḻkuma' | | rootfood--swamp plant with edible tubers Triglochin procera (?) |
mapuṉ | | spider |
mapuṉ | | harpoon spike--wooden |
mäpupu | | |
mäpuruma | | |
mar' | | knife (generic) |
mar'yun | | poise(d) to throw |
-maraṮ | | CAUSative or TRansitive verb former |
maraka(') | | tree Water Tree |
maralkur | | avoidance relationship grand-uncle MMBS , mother-in-law's brother WMB |
maralmaral | | girl(s), young women without children |
maram | | rib(s) |
maramangunhawuy | | cleared (raked) area used by Dhuwa people |
maramara | | meteor |
maranhirri | | full--be (of container or a person after eating), be sated |
maranhu | | food, snack, something to eat (to satisfy hunger) |
maranydjalk | | fish--cartilaginous, stingray, shark (collective) flesh or meat of these |
maraŋgarra | | |
maraŋgum(a) | | pay back debt |
maraŋlil | | |
maraŋu | | open, not sacred, secular, profane |
marapalaŋ | | centipede (harmful) |
marapiyal | | term used by someone when referring to your sister |
mararrapan | | crocodile--saltwater |
mararru | | professional hunter |
marathi | | stingray |
marathuwarr | | tree--mangrove with non-edible fruit, but Mangrove worms live in it |
maratja | | |
marawa(') | | fish Long-Finned Garfish, Long Tom, "Needle-Tooth" |
marawat | | cf See: MARWAT |
marawili | | surname pleasant shady place, favourite place (e.g., under a tree where anyone can sit) |
marawurr | | spirit |
marayarr | | mast (for sail) |
mardhakal | | clothes things, possessions |
mari | | fight, quarrel, trouble |
märi | | grandmother--maternal MM , grand-uncle MMB (Yir) grandfather-paternal FF , grand-aunt FFZ |
marika | | surname |
marimi | | INTensive: very much (so) |
märi'mu | | grandfather--paternal FF,FFB , grand-aunt FFZ |
märi'muŋu | | grandfather--paternal FF |
mariŋu | | |
mariyakal | | |
mariyalawuy | | |
markala | | stingray--collective term for three species |
markapuy | | |
marki(') | | crustacean--with pincers Fresh-Water Crayfish large Fresh-Water Prawn |
markuŋ' | | axe--stone |
markurri | | fish--like swordfish or marlin |
marmburr | | |
marŋarr | | good place for anchorage |
marŋgi | | know(ledgeable), aware, informed be able, can have a right (to) GEN |
marpin | | shark tail |
marpiyawuy | | |
marpuy | | plant--with edible root portions Eleocharis sphacelata (?) |
marthaŋa | | boat, ship (generic for non-canoe type seacraft) |
martjanba | | |
martjun | | go, come Pl |
marurrumburr | | cat |
mar'wak | | come out the other side (of), in one side and out the other |
marwal | | |
marwanda | | tree/shrub--edible part(?) |
marwar | | jellyfish--like marbles with hair prickles |
marwat | | hair leaf, foliage Ext tealeaves |
maryakal | | clothes, garments things, "gear" |
marryun | | shake Ext dance |
märr | | so that, in order to, then result |
märr | | moderately, a bit, somewhat (like), relatively, quite light (colour) |
märr | | strength, spiritual power, faith personality, nature, emotional state |
marra | | hair (of head or on yams) leaf |
marra | | place |
marra | | Mara language and tribe |
marrabal | | kangaroo--large |
marradjiri | | pole--used in ceremony (not sacred) |
marrakulu(') | | clan-nation (eastern Dl) |
marrala | | stingray Manta Ray |
marralpiṉḏi | | bullroarer--sacred |
märram(a) | | get, fetch, bring, take, pick (up) |
marramba(') | | adultery, wife-stealing, eloping |
marraṉa' | | touchy |
marraṉḏil | | shore--rocky, exposed by low tide (where it is good to collect fish and shellfish) right out (of tide) |
marranhamawuy | | |
marraŋadji' | | tree--small, found in hilly country |
marraŋu | | clan-nation (western Dl) |
marraŋu | | clan-nation (Djinang) |
märratha | | diarrhoea |
marrathulma | | men--young (16-25 years old) |
marratja | | grandchild (of same moiety) SC/m,BSC , grandson SS , grand-daughter SD |
marrawal | | kangaroo Antelopine Kangaroo |
marrawaḻak | | |
marrawalŋany | | |
marrawaŋa | | make noise like that of a sail in the wind |
marrawaṯa | | rat |
marrawiḻi | | |
marrawuma | | |
marrawuruŋu | | stingray--young |
marrayaryun | | feel (sensation), sense |
marrayulpuyulpu | | small, unsteady, insecure (of car, boat, plane, etc.) |
marrayumba | | tree |
marrbiḻpiḻ | | grass Monochoria cyanea |
marrdja'thirri | | hungry--be |
marr-gaŋga | | moderately, somewhat |
marrgugu | | rememberance of an unkindness for later retribution |
marrgul'yun | | dizzy--be have a headache |
marrikaḻa | | stingray--edible, black and white with spots jumps out of the water Bull Ray, Myliobatus australis (?) this or several other spp. |
marrin | | dillybag, container--made of string, closely woven |
marriṉ | | basket--watertight pandanus |
marrirriny | | bird White Cockatoo |
marrirriwuy | | |
marritjkala | | stingray--not eaten Devil Ray, Manta Alfredi |
marritjŋu | | grubs underground that eat rootfoods |
märriyaŋ | | gun, rifle, shotgun |
marrkala | | stingray--very large Devil Ray sp. |
marrkap | | dear, beloved (expression of affection) |
märrkitj | | safe, out of harm's way popular |
marrkula | | surname |
marrkuwarra | | |
märrma' | | two |
marrmarryun | | shake, shiver, tremble be pleased or happy |
marrmarrpa | | |
marrmiya | | area on Groote Eylandt |
marrŋanyin | | |
marrŋgam(a) | | wait |
marrŋgitj | | doctor, Aboriginal healer, medicine man sorcerer (for healing not evil) clever, able |
marrŋu(') | | possum--female, also generic Northern Brush-tail, Trichosurus arnhemensis |
marrpaṉ | | turtle--large Flatback Turtle |
marrpaṉŋaniŋ | | shellfish--edible White-Mouthed Nerite, Nerita ambicilla |
marrparaŋ | | brave, fearless, courageous |
marrpiny-marrpiny | | |
märrpu' | | bird Sulphur-crested Cockatoo |
marrpuma | | |
marrputja | | string--plaited |
marrputju | | string--plaited |
marrpuy | | know |
marrtji | | go, come, walk |
marrtji | | happen, become (marker of continuous action) |
marrtjkaḻa | | stingray |
marrtjkurru | | fish--similar to swordfish or marlin |
marrukpirri | | |
marrwala | | paddle, oar |
marrwaḻk | | medicinal washing fluid made from tree bark |
märrwarra | | wide, broad |
marrwirriny' | | person responsible for care or protection (e.g., a close relative--a member of one's own family) |
marrwuṉ | | tree--from which containers are made |
marrwuṯu | | tree |
marrwuyun | | |
marrya' | | hunger |
märryaŋ | | gun, rifle, shotgun |
mäṯ | | stick--with chewed or frayed end, used like a spoon for getting honey from beehives and eating it |
maṯa'marama | | tie (up) |
mäta | | pipe--long, wooden |
mäṯala | | turtle |
maṯamaṯa | | |
maṯaṉ | | belt--made from human hair |
maṯaṉḏa(') | | collarbone |
maṯaṯ | | belt--made from human hair |
mäti | | |
maṯiṉḏi' | | collarbone |
maṯinydjarr(') | | bush with pink/mauve flowers signals oyster season Calytrix microphylia, C. microphylla (Rit) Scrubby Wattle (with long thin leaves and long flower spikes), Acacia sp. |
mätiti | | |
mätitiwuy | | |
maṯpuma | | know (a person), be acquainted with ACC |
maṯpuna(') | | fish--lives in mangroves Bream, Acanthopagrus australis Pikey Bream, A. berda Black Bream, Hephaestus sp Long-Spined Snapper, Argyrops spinifer |
maṯpupuyŋu | | |
maṯtjawunu | | |
mattjurr | | flying fox--small, brown (generic) |
mäṯu | | |
maṯun | | cold weather, "Winter" |
matuwa | | |
matha | | tongue speech, words Ext language, dialect, pronunciation patrilineal social group flame (of fire) |
mathaḻa' | | coast, beach areas saltwater |
mäthamatha | | net dilly bag |
matharam(a) | | peel (fruit), shell (nut), scale (fish) |
mathayalma | | dolphin |
mathin' | | paddle, oar |
mathirra | | cave, overhanging rock, cliff, outcrop |
mathuḻu | | |
matja | | algae |
matjaka | | spear (generic) |
matjakutu' | | Crayfish |
matjakutu'mirri | | |
matjambaḻi | | area in the Gulf |
matjapalaŋu | | crocodile--saltwater |
mätjarra | | Dhuwa people |
matjarrwark | | string--worn around neck during mourning |
matjawuy | | |
matjidji | | |
matjiṉḏi | | turtle--juvenile Loggerhead |
matjinydji(') | | bag--small, round (containing magic objects carried by a witchdoctor) |
matjitj | | match(es) |
matjka | | strings--used for body decoration |
mäw | | wild honey |
mawalan | | |
mäwarra | | broad, wide |
mawaṯ | | spear--bamboo |
mäwaya | | peace, no trouble, cessation of hostilities praise (?) |
mawirrirr | | east wind |
mäwiya | | poison |
mäwuga | | dream |
mawuka | | yam--long, tastes like sweet potato |
mäwul | | |
mawula | | low tide |
mawunu' | | yam--long |
mawunydjil | | flag |
mawuŋ | | clan and language |
mäwuŋgi | | pods found on a beach and in the bush |
mäwuru | | foam on seawater |
mawurraki' | | tree Whistling Tree, "She-Oak" |
mawurryambatj | | bird--seagull |
mawuṯarri | | shrub/creeper--edible red fruit Termite Tree, Ganophyllum falcatum |
mäwuwa | | dream |
mawuyul | | |
-'may\' | | |
maya | | bottom |
mayabutj | | tree Wattle sp., Acacia sp. |
mayakaŋu | | east wind |
mayali' | | meaning, sense |
mayali' | | |
mayalil | | Torres Straits Islands |
mayaltha | | season--within the Wet before bush foods are ready (around March) |
mäyam | | take, get |
mayamurrŋa | | |
mayaŋ(') | | neck, front of neck Ext creek, river (slow and wide) channel between islands |
mayaŋgiḻa | | |
mayarrurra | | |
mayaṯili | | tree |
mayawa(') | | lizard Frill-Neck |
mayawalan | | |
mayawuḻuk | | tree Hibiscus tiliaceus |
mayawurr | | spear--cane |
mayawurrthalwuy | | bush |
mayayawuy | | lizard Frilled-Neck |
maybuma | | tired (of doing) |
mäyi | | granny MM |
mayila | | unlucky |
mayilatji | | |
mayiliny | | paddle(s) for dugout canoe |
mayiwarr | | |
mayiyika | | |
maykarraṉ(') | | lightning Ext gecko lizard (which makes the lightning) |
mayku | | tree--ritually important or significant Paperbark sp. |
may'may(y)un | | |
maymuḏikṯik | | heavy sleeper |
maymuru | | surname |
mäypa(') | | many, lots (of) |
maypal | | shellfish, crustacean (prawn, crayfish, crabs), land snails, mangrove worms and grubs (generic--usually for edible varieties) |
maypilama | | inside of boat |
maypiny | | tree--wood used for making fighting & digging sticks, resin used as glue in spear-making leaves & branches used in wan'tjurr ceremony Ironwood, Erythropleum chlorostachyum |
maypiny | | tree Deep Gold Wattle, Torulosa Wattle, Acacia torulosa |
maypuma | | strike (an injured person or animal), finish off ACC |
maypurrŋa | | big town, city Ext Darwin |
mayurrurra | | |
maywaḏa | | |
maywarr | | snake Python sp. |
maywundji | | |
maywundjiwuy | | |
may'yun | | flash (of lightning) |
-mi | | EXIStential, Proprietive |
-mi | | MUTual: RECiprocal (do to each other), REFLexive (do to self) BASE Ṯ FUT |
miḏaṯthun | | whistle, squeak |
miḏawarr | | season--just after the Wet when bush foods are ripe, animals are fat, seafoods plentiful, and the wind blows from the east |
miḏiku(') | | rubbish bad, wrong |
miḏiku | | sis(ter) term used by a brother to address his sister |
miḏimiḏi | | snake--poisonous sea snake (generic), e.g: Stokes Sea Snake, Astrotia stoksii |
miḏimiḏi | | rib |
miḏitjin' | | medicine |
miḏiyirrk | | west(ern), area west of Milingimbi |
medjuku | | fish Butterfly Fish(es), Chaetodon spp Low-Finned Drummer, Kyphosus vaigiensis Blue Angelfish, Pomacanthus semicirculatus etc. |
medjuru | | Witchetty Grub--full adult (newly hatched from pupa) |
mikaṉ | | shoes, footwear |
mekawu(') | | shellfish--edible (raw or cooked) Black-lipped Oyster |
mikitja | | |
miku(') | | red--dark (ochre, used as paint) |
milthun | | spy |
miṉḏirri | | eye Ext well, soak, waterhole torch globe fish hook bullet hook (on end of woomera) tunnel at entrance to beehive seed, grain, nut (of female Cycad palm) |
meṉḏuŋ | | hole or dent in the base of a spear shaft (into which the hook on the end of the spearthrower fits) |
mindupu(nu)m(a) | | people from North-West Arnhem Land |
mindhala | | |
miṉdharraŋ | | |
mindji' | | tree Wild Cashew, Queensland Tar Tree, Semecarpus australiensis |
mindjirri | | plant--tree? Anyema sanguineum |
mindjirr'tjirr | | clan (Djinang, nearly extinct) |
min(-)djuḻkun | | tree--with yellow flowers and a small flat round fruit, wood used for spear shafts Coastal Hibiscus, Beach Hibiscus, Indian Tulip Tree, Pacific Rosewood, Thespesia populnea sometimes applies to Hibiscus tiliaceus |
minga' | | crab--with soft shells |
mingamingawuy | | blaze (of fire), give off light |
mengaṉawuy | | fish--reef catfish or butterfish "Diamond Fish" |
miṉgi | | Firefly |
miṉgi | | dragonfly, grasshopper, damselfly, praying mantis (generic) Ext helicopter, (aero)plane |
meṉgum(a) | | |
meṉguma | | settlement |
miṉimiṉipi | | leg--lower fin (fish) Ext barb (of spear), point, hook, sharp projection sense (of a story) |
miṉiny | | plant--tree? Aegiceras corniculatum |
miṉiny'karr | | |
miṉiny'parr | | shrub, fruit Opiliaceae family, e.g., Opilia amentacea and/or Cansjera leptostachya |
miṉiŋgal | | shoulder blade |
miṉiŋgirri | | |
minirriŋa | | hailstone(s) |
miṉitja | | white, light-coloured |
miṉitjapuyŋu | | afternoon |
minitjpa | | tree/shrub--and its fruit look like Paperbark or Ti-Tree |
miṉiyarr(') | | |
min'ku | | |
minmin(') | | milk |
miṉmiṉ | | Mangrove Worm--small, found at GIYAPARA tree, must be cooked Toredo sp. |
miṉŋal | | tear(s) (from crying) |
minhala | | |
minhdhala | | eyebrow(s) |
minya' | | stick with hook on the end used for hooking Pandanus |
minyaŋalaŋal | | stick--forked |
minyapa | | eye |
minyawuru | | embryo |
minydjaḻpi | | mosquito (generic) |
minydjirri | | show |
menydjuṉ | | gall bladder, bile green, blue |
minyga' | | within sight in front of |
minyikarr | | betrothed, bestowed, one's "promised" mother-in-law (person who gives or promises a wife), wife, son-in-law or husband |
minyikarr | | haste |
minyinyak | | |
minyiŋalaŋal | | spring (permanent source of fresh water) |
minyiŋ'karr | | spirit |
minyipirriwuy | | afternoon (3 - 5 p.m., towards evening) |
minyirrminyirr | | tree--edible purple fruit |
minyminy' | | bee and its honey--found in mangroves |
miŋi | | aim (a gun or camera) |
meŋiniyirri | | flash (lightning) shine (as a light in the distance), be shiny |
miŋin'miŋin | | look back (over one's shoulder) |
-'miŋu | | |
meŋu | | |
me'(-)ŋupan | | diarrhoea, "the runs" |
meŋurr | | reporter (of events in general), scout, Ext spy |
miŋurryun | | |
-mir | | eyelash(es) |
mer' | | Firefly glowing algae (found in water) |
miraŋ | | spy |
mirarra | | eyelid |
mirarrminawuy | | blind person who cannot see properly |
mirawaŋa | | stick with a hook made by a broken-off branch |
mirawurr | | nut--inner seed of the Cycad fruit |
mirin | | shine brightly (of sun, rainbow) |
mirinyuŋu | | |
miriŋu | | shellfish--long and sharp, edible |
miriŋu | | blink (one's eyes) |
mirithirr(i) | | |
miritji | | nervous, scared wild (as unbroken horse) |
miritjŋa | | |
-miriw | | |
miriwurr | | current, strong/dangerous undertow whirlpool |
mirmaŋiny | | |
mirmbitj | | hide, conceal |
mirmir' | | forget |
mirmirbal | | |
mirmur(') | | cicatrice, scar, welt man's chest scar |
mirŋguy | | resent, be jealous (of) GEN |
mel | | bag, net |
milak | | |
miḻarrmiḻarr | | bag, net |
milayŋa | | shellfish, oyster (generic) |
milaypuma | | shellfish Rugate Ear Shell, Cassidula rugata |
milbuṯtjuŋ | | trick, deceive, cheat |
mel(-)djikay | | snake--aquatic Freshwater Snake |
mildjiŋi | | snail--water |
meḻi | | mend, sew |
miligirriny | | snake Freshwater Snake |
milikun | | tick (parasite on dogs, wallabies, etc.) |
milika(') | | basket--narrow, closely woven (e.g., in which man carries firesticks) |
miḻiḻ'miḻiḻ | | wounded, injured |
meḻimiḻi | | snail--land/ground (generic): Xanthomelon janellei, X. pachystylum, X. spheroideum Xanthostemon spp. (Alt sp. name?) |
miliṉḏirri | | mend, sew |
miliŋinbi | | mat, layer, sheet, something soft to lie on for sleeping (e.g., grass or mattress) |
miliny | | wallaby--young juvenile Agile Wallaby, Macropus agilis |
milinyirr | | minnow (any very small freshwater fish) |
miliŋinbilil | | Sandfly |
milipa(') | | lizard--juvenile (?) Mangrove Monitor |
miḻipi(') | | suspicious--be (of someone) GEN |
milirrimbi | | vine--its leaves are used as armbands Flagellaria indica |
milirrk | | |
miḻitj | | |
militjpa | | eyebrow |
miliwa | | Witchetty Grub pupa (in hard shell) or emerging from cocoon |
miliyarr | | hunt (terrestrial game animals) |
miliyin | | forget, leave out, omit, lose |
melk | | shellfish Angular Ear Shell |
miḻka(') | | fruit--withered of Wild Cashew |
milkarri | | nit, louse egg(s) |
milkayŋu | | flea, louse wart |
milkiṉiŋiṉ | | |
milkinydjarr | | clan |
melkiri | | |
milkirr | | tree--with huge thorns, good for shade, found in dense vegetation along river banks or near mangroves Cathormion umbellatum dense scrub, jungle |
milkiyarr | | |
milkmilk | | |
milkum(a) | | tree Ironwood digging stick (made of its wood) |
milkuminy | | canoe (made from Strinybark) |
milma | | bird Parrot sp., Northern Rosella (?) |
milmarra | | leaves--special, where sugarbag is made |
milmarr'marr | | herb--small Euphorbia sp. |
milmilany | | tortoise--freshwater (generic) Northern Snake-Necked Tortoise, Chelodina rugosa |
milminydjarrk | | layer (of leaves or material as when cooking), mat (something to lie or sleep on, as grass, sheet, mattress) |
milminyina | | paint tar |
milmitjpa | | skin |
milmulu | | |
milnhiri | | tree--with edible red fruit Kurrajong |
milnyaŋ'thun | | bag--biting |
milnyinyiyun | | Sandfly |
milŋ' | | |
miḻŋ(')gun | | fish Garfish |
milŋamurru | | eyebrow |
melŋathu | | eggs of lice, nit |
milŋiny' | | moon--new, crescent moon |
mil'ŋu | | eyebrow |
milŋurr | | nit, eggs of lice |
milparrambarr | | |
milpuṉ(') | | stones--little, gravel, pebbles stony or rocky ground |
milpunum(a) | | wire |
mel(-)puṉumuṉ | | colour, design paint, colouring materials (clay, ochre) Ext bark painting, (any) painted design |
miltjiri | | |
miltjirr' | | wriggle, toss about, move (as in sleep when dreaming) |
miltjuṉdjuṉ | | worry |
miḻu'miḻun | | KINSHIP PROPRIETIVE |
milurrurr | | drunk |
miḻwambi | | dance--with arms to side, forearms vertical, palms forward, and fingers curled down from the second joint (as evil spirits) |
milwar'milwaryun | | |
milwini | | keep for self, value (something) so highly (no one can borrow or get it) |
milwu'milwu | | PRIVative |
milwurum | | cave, overhanging rock cliff |
milyin | | tail |
mimarr | | |
mimbu | | |
mimbuma | | |
membum(a) | | |
mimil-mimil | | tree/shrub Digging Stick Tree, Pemphis acidula |
mim'pu | | scar |
miṉ'thun | | enemy soldier, warrior battle, war, armed conflict Ext germ |
miṉaṉ | | bad, horrible, no good |
minanbuy | | extreme(ly), do to extremes very much so , a great deal INTensive dark (colour) |
miṉany | | ant--reddish, biting, lives in the ground |
minaŋara(') | | |
meṉawu(') | | PRIVative: without money, lacking, no feelings on nouns , Don't! on verbs |
min(-)buma | | tree Yellow Hakea, Hakea arborescens |
miṉḏalŋ | | good, straight, smooth |
miṉḏalŋiny | | nose, beak, point |
mindapum | | spots or light patches on skin (round, brownish-white can signal the start of leprosy) |
miṉḏarrŋ | | |
miṉḏilŋ | | child--painted 2 or 3 weeks before his circumcision step-child, i.e., child(ren) of widow's second husband pale patches on the skin (which can signal the start of leprosy) |
miṉḏirr | | raw, unripe, uncooked |
meru(') | | creature which hatches from larvae |
miryaŋ | | lower leg tail |
-mirr | | EXIStential, Proprietive |
-mirr(i) | | MUTual: RECiprocal (do to each other), REFLexive (do to self) BASE |
-mirri | | EXIStential, Proprietive: full of, possessing, with, having Adj former--turns nouns or verbs into Adjectives |
merri | | ceremonial head of seagull with string |
-mirribulu | | Dual |
mirriki | | chest Ext coast, shore, bank (of a large body of water) |
mirrimirri | | |
mirriny | | beehive entrance |
mirrinybal | | pieces of wood outside the beehive entrance |
mirrinyu | | turtle, sea mammal (generic or collective term) meat from these |
mirriŋgi | | |
mirriri | | avoidance relationship of brother-sister (e.g., not calling sister by name not talking about sister in the presence of her brother) the behavioural rules for a man (where his sister or taboo things are concerned) |
mirritjal' | | spirit of person after death, spirit-person |
mirritjan | | massage, press, squeeze, knead |
mirritji | | fish Barramundi, Lates calcarifer |
mirritjin' | | medicine |
mirriwa | | lizard Frilled Lizard, Frill-Neck |
mirriya | | crab--small, edible, burrows under rocks in mid-tidal zones Horn-Eyed Ghost Crab, Ocypode ceratophthalma |
merrkiyawuy | | |
merrku' | | twig, light/thin sticks (used as kindling) |
mirrmirrŋa | | words spoken by the spirit cloud |
mirrŋ | | bank of river or billabong |
mirrŋatja | | outstation |
merrpal' | | protein foods (generic for meat, fish, eggs, shellfish) |
mirrwa' | | lizard Frilled Lizard |
mirrwiḻi | | shy, ashamed |
mirrwuṉ | | tail hind legs (of crocodile) |
mit | | cut (up, in half) |
met | | mate, friend brother-in-law |
met | | meat |
miṯan | | knowledgeable |
mitawara(') | | shellfish Turban Shell, Turbo cinereus Subinella anguis |
miṯiwirri(') | | possum Brush-tailed Possum Northern Quoll, Dasyurus hallucatus hallucutus |
miṯmiṯ | | anteater Short-beaked echidna, Tachyglossus aculeatus acanthion |
mitthuk | | |
-miṯtji | | Plural |
miṯtji | | group (of people), family, tribe, mob, crowd |
metha(') | | chest Ext shore |
mithili | | rocks in the middle of the river at GURKAWUY |
mithirri | | stingray--edible "Thorny Stingray", Rough-skinned Ray, Gymnura australis Mangrove Ray, Rat-tailed Ray |
mithirriŋaniŋ | | tree--thorny with white flowers leaves used as medicine (?) Prickly Tree, Zanthoxylon parviflora |
mithuk | | dew, fog, mist spiderweb |
mithurruŋu | | fish--saltwater (Jap) Salt Water Barramundi (Rit) small Fork-tailed Catfish |
mitjala | | shellfish--sea egg, non-edible |
mitjalaŋaniŋ | | shellfish Angular Ear Shell |
metji | | tree Fan Palm, Sand Palm |
mitjin | | mission, settlement |
mitjinarri | | missionary (any) Christian |
mitjindi | | turtle |
mitjirrandi | | |
mitjiyaŋ | | boat, ship ḎarchaicṈ any motorised vehicle |
mitjpili | | enough, sufficient |
metjpilkthun | | cover |
mitjpurrkuḻa | | headband--made of string (for decoration) |
mewal | | grandfather--maternal MMB , grandmother--maternal MM |
mewana | | grass--used in basketmaking Cyperus conicus, C. javanicus string and basket made of this grass |
miwatj | | east, easterner area of land east of Milingimbi |
mewiny | | cut--finely, shredded |
mewirri(') | | worm, hookworm maggot |
mewirri'mirriyama | | betray, get someone in trouble by lying |
miwukthun | | wag (tail) blow (wind) |
mewuŋ | | buffalo (any) big animal |
miwura | | throat |
miyak | | taste, flavour first member of compounds only |
miyaḻan | | calm sea |
miyalaŋgitj | | north |
miyalk | | woman, girl, lady wife female |
miyaman | | sing |
miyana | | fish Dart(s), Trachinotus blochi, T. russelli, T. bailloni |
miyaŋa | | fish Diamond Fish, Monodactylus argenteus |
miyapunu | | turtle (generic), sea mammal (collective for dugong, dolphin, porpoise, or whale) meat, flesh (of these) |
miyarrka | | temple, side of face or head Ext edge |
miyarrka | | homeland centres inland of Port Brandshow (Yalaŋbara) |
miyarrwaḻa | | |
miyatatawuy | | bird--large |
miyatja | | calm sea |
meyuru | | Witchetty Grub--full adult (that can fly, i.e. has hatched from larvae ) |
-mu | | of course!, didn't you know? |
-mu | | your (true or blood relation) |
moḏa(') | | boy--initiate after circumcision before wound is healed (ready) |
muḏaḏa | | deaf and dumb |
moḏi | | grandfather--paternal FF , grand-aunt FFZ , grandson SS , grand-daughter SD |
moḏu' | | bait |
muḏuḏu | | fly Blowfly |
muḏuḏutjpi | | bird--black crane |
muḏuḏutjpu | | bird White Fronted Heron |
muḏuk | | battle, bad fight (only ceased when many are killed) war |
muḏuk-muḏuk | | noise of people talking |
muḏulul | | lump |
muḏuthu | | turtle |
muḏuwurr | | fish Sickle Fish, Drepane punctata |
muḏuymi | | |
mudhandi | | anthill--used for cooking large animals hot stones |
mudhuŋay(') | | food--plant or vegetable can be specificially applied to Cycad foodstuffs |
mugugu | | fish Puffer Fish (generic) |
muk | | be silent, quiet be dark, dim |
muka | | Is that right?, Indeed!, Definitely! question or agreement indicator |
mukali-bärra | | southwest |
mukandi | | bird Green Winged Pigeon |
mukarr | | hunter being (dreamtime whale-spirit who speared turtle & dugong with one shot), member of the Bararrŋu tribe and is sung about in Djambarpuyŋu songs |
mukawaṯpuy | | dillybag |
mokawu | | tortoise |
mukmuk | | bird Boobock Owl, Barking Owl, Winking Owl, Tyto sp. |
mukmuk | | louse--baby (newly hatched) |
moku | | anus |
mukul | | aunt(ie) FZ grand-aunt FMD mother-in-law (of a woman) |
mukul | | avoidance relationship real or classificatory mother-in-law (of male) MBW,WM grand-aunt MMBD |
mukuluk | | grass--flowers in the wet children use seeds to spear flies Spear Grass, Heteropogon contortus, Sorghum stipoideum |
mukumbul | | bird--very small |
moku-milŋiny'mirri | | snake--lives in billabongs "Rainbow Snake" |
mukumuku | | |
mokuy | | ghost, devil, evil spirit dead person, corpse Mantis (stick insect considered to be associated with devils) |
mokuy | | sis(ter) term used by a brother to address his sister |
mol | | black, dark-coloured |
moḻ' | | snake Black Whip Snake |
mula(') | | bird Pelican |
muḻaliny | | |
mulalu | | sedge--with edible root portions Eleocharis dulcis sp. |
mulanyawuy | | |
muḻipiya | | wallaby female Agile Wallaby, Macropus agilis |
muliyaŋarr | | rootfood--sticky or gooey, can be eaten raw if peeled first Abe l,r mochus moschatus var. tuberosus |
muliyi | | mat--conical |
molk | | ceremonial ground--taboo (sacred only during ceremony) |
mulka(') | | hold, take hold of, touch, feel, grab reach, arrive at |
mulka(') | | dry |
mulkama | | hold, touch |
mulkmulk | | shrub--edible tiny red fruit Big-Veined Jungle Shrub, Allophylus serratus (Rit) sedge--with edible root portions |
molku | | shellfish part (of Mud Welk) which is inedible |
mulkuminy | | |
mulkuru | | stranger(s), foreigner, other Aborigines Ext Gentile distant, foreign, strange |
muḻkurr | | head |
mulmariny | | blind--partially, myopic (cannot see properly) |
mulmu | | grass, weed (generic for grass-like and herbaceous plants), Gramineae - monocotyledon family |
mul'mumirriyirri | | |
muḻmuḻ | | foam, lather, froth, suds, bubbles |
muḻmuḻ | | honey mixed with pollen balls |
mul'mul | | black, dark(ened) black paint (now made from substances in flashlight batteries) |
mulmulwuy | | |
moḻ'ŋu | | snake (generic) |
mulŋurr | | semen, sperm |
muḻpiya' | | wallaby |
molu | | grave sand nest (place where eggs lie buried) |
moḻu | | vine--with lots of burrs Beach Caltrop, Tribulus cistoides |
mulubu | | tree |
molulu | | boy after circumcision before his wound has healed |
muḻuḻu | | tree Mistletoe Tree Sandlewood (?) |
muḻuḻu | | bird Little Pied Cormorant, Phalacrocorax melanoleucos |
mulumbirrŋ | | bird Australian Pelican |
muluna | | fig, fruit of Ficus spp. |
muḻunda | | bird Woodswallow(s), Artamus spp: White-breasted, A. Leucorphynchus Masked W., A. personatus Blacked Woodswallow Little Woodswallow, etc. |
mulunhara | | shark--young, edible (generic) Black-Tipped Shark, Carcharhinus spalla n zan i |
muluŋ | | knife |
mulupiṉḏa' | | tortoise--smelly freshwater |
moḻutha | | net--fishnet (made of rope) |
muḻuyuḻk | | |
moma | | forget lose misunderstand |
mumalkur | | avoidance relationship grand-aunt MMBW,MMMBD , mother-in-law's mother WMM |
mum'muŋaniŋ | | Ladybird (beetle) |
momu | | grandmother--paternal FM grand-aunt MFZ,FMZ |
momuṉa | | snake Python |
mo'muŋaniŋ | | Ladybird |
muṉ | | shoulder |
mon | | vagina |
moṉa(') | | herb--small, with flat potato-like root Microstemma tuberosa |
munaŋa | | White person, European |
munatha(') | | ground, soil, sand, earth Ext world, Earth grave sugar |
munbap | | fall down |
munbi | | vine--rainforest climber with edible reddish fruits Malaisia scandens |
muṉḏa | | sinew |
mundu | | back--lower |
muṉḏuka(') | | shellfish--edible Giant Gem Chiton |
mundukuḻ(') | | snake--lives in billabongs "Rainbow Snake", Black-headed Python, Water Python, Liasis fuscus |
mundul | | wind--strong |
mundumundu | | snake Water Python |
mundurr | | still, motionless |
muṉḏurrk-muṉḏurrk | | tree River Mangrove, Aegiceras corniculatum |
mundhurr | | present, gift (freely given) |
mundjirr | | bird Blue-faced Honeyeater, Entomyzon cyanotis White-throated Honeyeater, Melithreptus albogularis |
muṉga | | group of women |
munguyun | | follow, pursue, track (down) ACC |
mungula | | |
mungurr | | tree Paperbark sp., Melaleuca nervosa container (made of paperbark), cooliman |
mungurrawuy | | beach when the tide goes out at Biranybirany |
muṉguy | | scraps, small pieces |
munininy | | leaf |
moṉitj | | secretly |
munmun' | | grass--its soft white roots are dipped into honey and chewed Alloteropsis semialata |
mun'puwa | | mildew old Cycad nuts (on ground--can be eaten if cooked in leaves or paperbark) |
moṉuk | | salty, brackish, bitter, sour |
munuma | | |
muṉumbilil | | plankton, whale's food |
muṉuŋgarri' | | bottle, (piece of) glass |
munuŋgiritj | | surname yellow stone near Biranybirany |
munuŋgurr | | surname largest fin on shark's back |
moṉuŋu | | murderer, person responsible for killing or wounding another, cold-blooded killer |
munurruŋ | | tribe |
muṉuwurr | | fish Butterfish, Selenotoca multifasciata |
munuymunuy | | tree/shrub--edible fruit young leaves boiled in fresh water and used as medicine for flu, coughs, diarrhoea and vomiting Paperbark, Melaleuca sp. (?) |
munha | | night (as unit of time), dark(ness) |
monha | | |
munhagu | | |
munhaku | | |
munhamurru | | tomorrow |
munhaŋaniŋ(') | | lizard--gecko (generic) includes Velvet Gecko, Oedura sp. and a small one with yellow and black stripes |
munhawu | | |
munhdhurr | | |
munyaṉ | | dead person |
munyaŋ'thun | | nauseated, feel sick/like vomiting |
munyarryun | | surname river at Dha:linybuy |
monydjulŋu | | body skin |
munydjutj | | tree and especially its fruit--green pea-like berry ready at the end of the dry season bark used as medicine for toothache or eyes leaves used as medicine for ringworm Green Plum, Wild Plum, Buchanania obovata |
munyguma | | crush, keep close (so that it will not be lost or stolen) obliterate tread on |
munyili | | |
munymuny | | |
monyu | | |
munyuk | | pus from a pimple or blackhead |
munyuku | | clan-nation |
munyukuluŋu | | termite |
munyurr | | powderlike, in fine bits, soft in texture |
muŋdhun | | drink (straight to mouth), stoop down to a pool |
muŋmarama | | take over (a place) |
muŋa | | ash(es), dust, dirt particles (in water) fireplace, fine hot ashes or sand (under which food is baked) |
muŋaṉdjiwuy | | |
muŋapuwa | | shellfish--edible Fluted Giant Clam |
muŋbunuma | | forever |
moŋgi | | |
muŋguḻi | | |
moŋguṉu | | |
muŋgurrpi | | dialect (Djinang) |
muŋguypa | | sis(ter) term used by a brother to address his sister |
muŋmuŋ | | dumb, silent Exp person of very few words (hardly speaks) |
moŋ'muŋ | | insect--small (sucks blood of cattle, dogs) |
muŋuḻu | | seaweed |
muŋumuŋuyun | | dissolve (in one's mouth) |
moŋunayŋu | | |
muŋunbatjiwuy | | |
muŋuṉmuŋuṉ | | tree/shrub with white flowers found at the edge of the mangroves Barramundi can be found around it Club Mangrove, Aegilitis annulatum |
muŋurraṉḏi' | | fish Spangled Perch |
muŋuy' | | constantly, frequently, always |
mupan | | tree--edible fruit and sap juice of bark used for diarrhoea Wild Peach, Red Cement Tree, Terminalia carpentaria |
mupan' | | tree--used for firesticks Clerodendrum floribundum |
muryun | | hot--be, feel feverish |
muraŋay(') | | stick with bark smoothed off for putting in pierced nose (nasal septum) |
muraŋgirr | | |
murarrgirarrgi | | |
murayana | | spirit that roams around |
mori(') | | father, daddy uncle FB MB--if Y term used by a sister to address her brother Ext Reverend, Minister, Father |
mur'muryun | | sick--be, ill |
murnyaŋ' | | food--plant or vegetable (e.g., yams, fruits, nuts, honey i.e., sweet or starchy delicacies) |
murŋgun | | pink(ish) |
murthana | | sick |
-muru | | PRIVative: not having |
murukun(') | | rootfood--beach creeper with large purple flowers and edible root Ipomoea pes-ca r prae |
muruminy | | shellfish--edible Gafrarium tumidum |
murupula | | |
muruthulu' | | yam--edible, growing on prostrate vine Ipomoea sp. |
murutj | | |
muruwirri | | rock--sacred car |
murr' | | Good job! (expression of satisfaction) |
murryun | | rumble, make a low rumbling noise (thunder, tractor in distance, didgeridoo) rev (of engine), roar growl (fire) burn vigorously |
murr'yun | | selfish--be, angry |
murraŋa | | ripe |
murrarapu' | | crab small/juvenile Mud Crab (Rit) crayfish--in billabong |
murratj | | sleep--very deep |
murraymurray | | insect--large black beetle that lives by boring into trees and laying eggs in the wood there it grows, changes its skin which hardens, and then finally flies away --wasp? |
murrbuk | | spear--barbed |
morri | | |
murri'murri | | very old person (bald & blind) |
murriyil | | bird Torresian Imperial Pigeon, Ducula spilorrhoa |
murrkthun | | dislike, feel negative (towards) |
murrka' | | fish Spangled Perch, Bream |
morrkawu | | big |
murrkay(') | | fatal(ly) (Rit) vigorous(ly), hard |
murrkuluŋun | | termite, white ant, borer Ext germ, decay |
murrmiriwuy | | |
murrnhuruŋ | | hole (in tooth or wood) tooth decay Ext termite, white ant, borer germ, decay |
murrnya' | | shrub--small, with edible berries Emu Berry, Paper Berry, Grewia retusifolia |
murrnyi' | | berry of Emu Berry shrub |
murrŋal | | |
murrŋaram | | old, wrinkled, ready to be discarded |
murrŋga(') | | tree Wattle |
murrŋiny | | spear--shovel-nose iron and steel people living in the east |
murrpalŋawuy | | |
murrpanawuy | | |
murrpun' | | tree--especially its edible fruits Terminalia carpentariae |
murrpunguḻa | | euro Rock Kangaroo, Macropus robustus |
murrtjmurrtjthunara | | bruise |
murrtjumun | | tree/shrub--edible fruit |
-murru | | PERgressive, PERlative: through the heart, along the beach, speak (in) a language |
morru' | | fish Small-Spotted Javelin, Pomadasys opercularis Yellow-Tailed Perch, Amphitherapon caudavittatus |
murrukay | | big Sg |
murruku' | | woomera (in myth) |
murrumul | | orphan(ed) |
morrumurru | | sad, depressed, discontented furious |
murrunydjura | | White Man's country |
murruŋ | | enough |
murruŋun | | clan-nation (Djinaŋ) |
murruŋun | | clan-nation |
murrupal | | Kurrajong seeds--edible (ready Oct/Nov when seed pod turns brown must be removed carefully since the pods contain stinging hairs |
murrupu | | |
murrurruŋguṉa' | | bird--aquatic Swamphen, Porphyrio porphyrio |
murrutjinyara | | wailing |
murrutjuwal | | bone |
murruwirri | | |
murruwun | | surname |
murryil(') | | bird--dove Torres Strait Pigeon |
muta | | back |
mutamuta | | plant/grass--with small red berry, edible in May/June root is boiled up as a medicine for boils and foot sores Emu Berry, Paper Berry, Grewia retusifolia |
mutika(') | | car, automobile, truck, motor vehicle |
mutilŋa | | |
muṯiṯi(') | | scrub--thick, infested by devils or evil spirits |
motiti | | |
mutitj | | calm, peaceful |
motitj | | |
muṯpu | | |
mutpuma | | gather (up), pack up (clothing), drive, herd (cattle) |
mutumurruwuy | | |
motuwuy | | |
muthak | | cloud-covered, overcast clouds that look like they will bring rain but don't |
muthali(') | | bird Duck (generic): Pacific Black Duck, Anas superciliosa Wandering Whistling Duck, Grey Teal, Pink-Eared Duck, etc. |
muthi' | | tree Fig |
muthir(') | | tree--with sandpaperlike leaves small round black fruit eaten as a medicine for diarrhoea inner bark is soaked in water and drunk as a medicine for stomach ache Sandpaper Fig, Ficus opposita var. micracantha, F. aclileata, F. scobina |
muthiyarra | | shell, oyster--large, with pearls, not eaten by Yolŋu turtle shell |
mothum | | stone--lightweight, used in making stone ovens Limestone (?) |
mothum' | | fish--small, freshwater |
motj | | ancestor--totemic supernatural snake god which causes storms big storm, cyclone |
motj | | rainbow |
mutjpunum(a) | | build |
mutju | | tree Coolibah, Eucalyptus microtheca |
muwadhak | | clothes, things, loose possessions |
muwaṉḏaŋ | | deaf and dumb |
muwaṉḏi | | |
muwar | | fly Blowfly (?) |
muwatjiŋ | | |
muwayak | | clothes material things |
muwuḏal | | |
moy' | | particle: ḎCYṈ dirt, dust (Rit) last bit (of food, etc.) |
muyaḻyun | | fly (as flag) |
muyarriyarri | | tree |
muykandi | | bird Green-winged Pigeon, Emerald Dove, Chalcophaps indica |
muyku | | lazy, morose, slow to respond |
muykuma | | |
muyukuya | | grass/rush--used wet when baking to keep moisture in and prevent vegetables from drying out Eleocaris spacelato, Cyperus angustatus |
muyulyun | | |
muyuŋu | | plant--its root used to poison fish Tephrosia singuliflora Neptunia gracilis |
muyuŋuwuy | | grass |
muyurru' | | nut of Pandanus |
-n | | SEQuence (and then), IMMediacy (next), TEMPoral |
-n | | ACCusative: object of an action |
-N(a) | | BASE |
-N(a) | | PAST1 |
-na | | SEQuence (and then), IMMediacy (next), TEMPoral: puts sentences together into a temporal or logical sequence of actions or events |
-na | | ACCusative |
-na | | PAST2 |
naḏiwuykuy | | ant Meat Ant |
näga | | loincloth--triangular, g-string, waistcloth |
nakaman | | wake up, rise |
ṉakarraṉ | | emu spirit found near Numbulwar |
ṉaku(') | | canoe (bark or dugout) |
ṉäku(') | | bark of Stringbark (generic--used for shelters, canoes, bark-painting, death shroud, etc.) |
naladharr | | clan |
nalila | | quarry area on Gove Peninsula |
ṉalkathi | | |
ṉalkuma | | islands NE of Yirrkala quite far from the mainland |
ṉalpa | | bird--sea Sooty Oyster-Catcher, Haematopus fuliginosus |
ṉama' | | bird Jabiru |
ṉamal | | stingray--not eaten |
namanatj | | |
ṉamarriny | | stingray--not eaten |
ṉämbarra(') | | tree--edible fruit leaves used medicinally Paperbark sp., Melaleuca leucadendron |
nambatu birayti | | Thursday |
naminapu | | rock at Djarrakpi |
ṉamura | | shellfish--edible Oyster sp., Lopha folium |
ṉamyal | | |
ṉan'thirri | | what-do? |
ṉäṉ | | lame, crippled |
ṉaṉarr' | | grass--found near water, used for necklaces Panicum sp. (?) |
nanikiya | | island at Murrmurrŋa |
nanikut | | goat |
Naninyŋa | | place--big, European, Macassar |
ṉanuŋguwa(') | | tree--used to make headbands or string large fat seed pod with four parts, inedible yellow berries inside (Northern) Kurrajong, Brachychiton diversifoli um,a |
ṉanydja | | bird Pelican |
ṉanydjak | | nose Ext face |
nanydjaka | | |
ṉanydjawuy | | bird Pelican |
nänyin | | |
ṉaŋ' | | run Sg flow (of water) |
ṉaŋ'gun | | bathe, go into the water |
ṉäŋgiyawuy | | |
ṉaŋmirri | | bird--sea Tern |
ṉaŋa' | | bee Honeybee sp. |
ṉäŋuḏi | | sick (person) |
näp | | enough |
napalamirri | | |
napu | | we Pl, Excl |
napulunha | | us Pl, Excl |
napuluŋu | | our(s) Pl, Excl |
ṉapuŋga(') | | middle, in between |
napurr | | we (not you) Pl, excl |
napurru | | we (not you) Pl, excl |
napurrunha | | us Pl, excl, object |
napurruŋgala | | to us Pl, excl |
napurruŋgu | | our(s, not yours) Pl, excl |
napurruwuy | | we ourselves (not you) Pl, excl |
ṉarragal | | fish--large, freshwater Fork-tailed Catfish, Hexanematichythys sp. |
ṉarraṉi | | shrub, fruit--edible, ripe in November, used as medicine for toothache, sores around mouth or on the tongue, cough and sore throat , Bush Apple, Red Love Apple, Red Wild Apple, Native Apple, Syzygium suborbicularis & Eugenia suborbicularis Ext brown(is |
ṉarraṉi | | shellfish |
ṉarrgi'ṉarrgi | | possum Sugar Glider, Petauries breviceps ariel |
narritjin | | woomera |
ṉarrŋ'gun | | snore |
nätani | | jellyfish |
natiti | | cloud |
ṉatṉatthun | | boil, be boiling |
natuyil | | coconut |
ṉatjalma | | depths of the sea |
natjayalma | | depths of the sea |
nätjiŋa | | island north of Yirrkala |
nawaralawuy | | |
ṉawinika(') | | shellfish Black-lipped Oyster |
näwukuku | | poison |
ṉawulga | | blanket, sheet |
nawungaḏa | | spirit (evil or good) that is the bearer of curses |
nawuŋgurr | | place in the shade or out in the scrub for sitting |
nawurulawuy | | |
ṉayarri | | |
ṉayawuḏa | | fruit of Grey Mangrove tree--eaten by turtles /or/ small mangrove tree with cashew-like nuts which are cooked and left to soak overnight |
nayip | | knife |
naykalan | | spirit |
ni | | eh! |
ṉigar | | billabong, pond |
ṉika | | which?, where (at)? |
ṉikan'- | | which? |
nika-nika | | fixer, mechanic |
ṉikaṉuṉu | | second shot when spearing turtle |
ṉikarrŋuru' | | |
ṉikawala | | |
ṉikawu | | eastern end of Howard Island |
ṉikiḏi | | bark of Stringybark--small pieces (used as mat, makeshift trays, or small paintings) |
neḻamurruwuy | | |
ṉilaṉila | | cicada |
ṉilŋṉilŋ' | | spark(s) |
nelpaway | | |
nimanydja | | |
ṉimbal | | trapped (e.g., animal in burrow) |
nimbaḻaman | | |
nimiripin | | south wind |
ṉim'pu | | back--lower, sacrem |
ṉiṉ'thun | | hide (in fear), take refuge (e.g., tortoise in shell, animal in burrow) |
ṉiṉḏa-barr'parryun | | crack, split (but not break) |
ṉiṉḏaṉ' | | rootfood--young waterlily |
ṉiṉi'yun | | fasten, tie up (canoe, etc.) |
ṉi'ṉi | | leaning |
ninikirri | | clan |
niniku | | shellfish Thaid Shell(s), Thais kieneri, T. trigonus, Mancinella exhinata, M. armicera |
ninimbitj | | hills at Yalaŋbara |
ṉiṉim'thun | | sink down half drown |
nininyŋu | | original, permanent, everlasting excellent |
niniŋgurr | | water--fresh |
ṉiṉ'thun | | compress, be pressed (in) |
ṉiny | | |
ṉeny | | billabong, freshwater pool (during Wet) |
ṉinydjak | | nose, face Ext cape, point (of land) |
ṉinydjiya | | tidal flat, salt pan, swampland (where game-birds and water-grass roots are found) flood plain bare area before the mangroves dry hard cracked ground, clay pan |
ṉiŋan'- | | which? |
ṉiŋ'ŋara | | where (at)? |
nepa' | | reed Nypa fruticans house made of this reed |
ṉepaḻ | | knee |
ṉipiṉ | | red ochre |
ṉipirri | | spear--hook, with barbs on both sides of shaft |
ṉipuyŋa | | |
nirun | | buzz (of insect) |
ṉirrun | | rustle in the breeze (of leaves) |
ṉirr'yun | | surprised--be, jump (in fright), be startled, shocked dodge |
ṉerr | | wasp Mud-nest wasp, Eumenes sp. |
ṉirriṉirri' | | insect--flying, said to buzz when green plums are ripe |
ṉirriwan(') | | shellfish--small, sharp sometimes has a black pearl Oyster, Saccostrea tuberculata |
nirrkulŋa | | |
nerrkaḏa | | fish |
ṉirrŋṉirrŋ(') | | windpipe |
nirrpurranydji | | head of a flag pole |
ṉithuŋ | | tree Freshwater Mangrove, Barringtonia acutangula |
newar | | swamp |
ṉiwuḏa(') | | bee--fierce its sugarbag |
niwurrurr | | |
niya-ṉiya | | |
-nu | | SEQuence, TEMPoral |
ṉubul'yun | | shake (of grass, signalling presence of an animal) |
ṉugupuma | | pester with requests |
ṉoka' | | stone stone hill |
ṉuku | | foot(print), toe(s) |
ṉoli' | | walkabout |
ṉumbulwara | | Rose River |
ṉumburr | | lots, plenty (of people) |
nona | | White Woman, Asian lady, non-Aboriginal woman |
ṉoṉḏa | | shellfish--edible Telescope Mud Creeper |
ṉoṉu | | elbow |
ṉunhdhal | | soft |
ṉuŋ | | waterlily fruit--large |
ṉuŋ'gun | | assent, say yes |
ṉuŋgaḻaḻurr | | tree--with edible white fruits Mallotus nesophilus |
ṉuŋgalk | | cripple, spastick mongoloid |
ṉuŋgaḻurr | | fish or insect (?)--silver fish (Garrtha) |
ṉuŋgaṯmarama | | punish forbid |
ṉuŋgululuk | | bird--small, seen around billabongs |
nuŋgupuyŋu | | Rose River, Rose Island (Nunggubuyu area) |
ṉoŋgurr | | elbow corner Ext bay, inlet crescent moon, new moon |
nuŋ'ki | | |
nuŋuḏulbuy | | clan |
ṉopuma | | pester with requests |
ṉupurra | | |
ṉupuyŋa | | Coconut, Cocos nucifera |
nuritj | | person--very old (bald & blind) |
ṉorr'yun | | snore sound like a bullroarer |
ṉurrku(') | | brain(s) |
ṉorrŋ'thun | | snore sound like a bullroarer |
ṉorrtj | | algae (on pond) |
ṉurruṉurr | | bird Australian White Ibis |
norrutj | | old man |
ṉutjurru | | stone Ext coin |
nuwaŋgala | | bird of the sea--not seen near land |
ṉuwayak | | bark of Stringybark--softened and used for shelter or on which a corpse is laid and then wrapped up |
-ŋ' | | my (true or blood relation) his (-relation) |
-ŋa | | LOCative: at school, in the house, on the table, by the river |
ŋa | | he, she |
ŋä'thirri | | what-do? |
ŋä'thirri | | do for a long time |
ŋaḏan | | bark of Stringbark tree humpy made from Stringbark |
ŋaḏaŋaṯ | | chestbone (hollow at bottom of chestbone) |
ŋaḏarratjun | | speak angrily (sometimes involves swearing) |
ŋaḏi(') | | discontent, dissatisfaction |
ŋaḏuku | | rope--for dugong |
ŋaḏup | | spy spying, secret activities in secret |
ŋadhakthun | | |
ŋadhaŋay' | | food--vegetable (flour, corn, potatoes) |
ŋädhu' | | |
ŋadji'yun | | sing |
ŋadjiyamu | | bird Sparrow Hawk |
ŋäga'yun | | nod (from sleepiness) rock (boat) |
ŋakun | | bark (of dog) |
ŋäkan | | cover up |
ŋäkanyu(') | | shellfish--edible Oyster sp., Anadara granosa |
ŋakarraŋgarr | | seaweed |
ŋäkirri | | cover |
ŋakŋak | | bird female Sea-Eagle sp. |
ŋakpanŋa | | tree--palm Ptychosperma elegans |
ŋäku | | |
ŋäkul(a) | | |
-ŋal | | PAST1 |
ŋalthun | | ascend, go up (Rit) be new moon |
ŋal'yun | | go up, climb, ascend, rise stand or be against |
ŋäl | | saliva, spit(tal) white of egg fluid which lubricates joints |
-ŋala | | PAST1 |
ŋala | | where (at)? |
ŋaladharr | | clan |
ŋalakan | | spirit |
ŋalakaṉḏi | | cliff--yellow stone |
ŋälal | | frog--especially small ground frogs found near water |
ŋalalak | | bird--parrot Little Corella, Cacatua sanguinea |
ŋalaliki | | turtle Green Turtle |
ŋaḻamarra | | wallaby Net-tailed Wallaby, Onychogalea fraenata |
ŋaḻamay(') | | shellfish--edible Brown Baler Shell |
ŋalambal | | to(wards) which one?, where to? |
ŋalambaṉa | | rock at Bulunmiri (north of Melville Bay) |
ŋalambirra | | tree |
ŋaḻamuŋ | | avoidance relationship term used by male GURRUŊ or MARALKUR to address each other "poison cousin" |
ŋaḻan | | shell (of nut, tortoise, etc.) |
ŋaḻanbirrtja | | bird Banded Plover |
ŋalaṉḏarrawuy | | rain |
ŋalaŋa | | where (at)? |
ŋalaŋga' | | tree River Red Gum, River Whitebark, Eucalyptus camaldulensis (as at Ngukurr), E. alba or E. bigalerita (at Donydji) |
ŋalaŋgawuy | | tree Whitebark |
ŋalaŋuru | | where from? recent location |
ŋalaŋuwuy | | where from? origin |
ŋalapthun | | burn brightly, shine, flame, flare |
ŋaḻapaḻ | | adult, important, "big" elder Sg |
ŋalara | | scrubland, especially around springs |
ŋaḻawiḻi | | shellfish--edible Brown Baler Shell |
ŋalawitjan | | which way (going)? |
ŋalawurr | | raincloud |
ŋaḻbu' | | playing around |
-'ŋali | | KINSHIP PROPRIETIVE: your (true or blood) relation |
ŋali | | we (two), you and I Dual, incl |
ŋäḻik | | bush wild berry--with thorns Solanum sp. (?) |
ŋalima | | we (all) Incl |
ŋalimalama | | our(s) Incl |
ŋalimalanha | | us (all) Incl |
ŋalimalaŋu | | us (all) Incl |
ŋalimalawara | | |
ŋalimurru | | we (all) Pl, incl |
ŋaḻindi | | moon Ext month |
ŋaḻindi | | shellfish--not eaten Argo Paper Nautilus, Argonauta argo, Pearly Nautilus, Nautilus pompilius, Polynices didyma |
ŋaliny | | you and me object of action |
ŋalinyala- | | |
ŋalinyu | | we (two) Dual, excl |
ŋalinyuny | | us two Dual, excl, object of action |
ŋalinyuŋgu | | ours, for/of us two Dual, excl |
ŋalinyuŋguḻ(i) | | to(wards) us (two) Dual, excl |
ŋalinyuŋguŋ | | from/by us two Dual, excl |
ŋalinyuŋgura | | with us two Dual, excl |
ŋalinyuŋguru | | from us two Dual, excl |
ŋalinyuŋgurumurru | | about us two Dual, excl |
ŋalinyuŋguruy | | concerning us two Dual, excl |
ŋäliŋali | | peaceful, troublefree (place) |
ŋäliŋga | | bag--biting |
ŋaliŋgu | | ours, of/for you and me |
ŋaliŋguḻ(i) | | to(wards) you and me |
ŋaliŋguŋ | | from/by you and me |
ŋaliŋgura | | with you and me |
ŋaliŋguru | | from you and me |
ŋaliŋgurumurru | | about you and me |
ŋaliŋguruy | | concerning you and me |
ŋalipi | | we ourselves Dual, incl |
ŋalitjanha | | us Pl, Incl, object of action |
ŋalitjalaŋgu | | our(s) Dual, incl |
ŋalitjawara | | |
ŋalitji | | us (two), ours Incl |
ŋalka | | tooth, teeth |
ŋalkabar' | | bee--honey, with nest in trees Trigona sp. |
ŋalkaraŋ | | nut of Cycad--when it has lost its shell |
ŋalkawar' | | bee--hive is found lower in the tree Honeybee sp. |
ŋalma | | we (all) Pl, Incl |
ŋalmakarra | | |
ŋalmaliny | | us all Pl, object of action |
ŋalmaliŋgu | | ours, for/of all of us Pl, incl |
ŋalmaliŋguḻ(i) | | to(wards) all of us Pl, incl |
ŋalmaliŋguŋ | | from/by us all Pl, incl |
ŋalmaliŋgura | | by/with all of us Pl, incl |
ŋalmaliŋguru | | from all of us Pl, incl |
ŋalmaliŋgurumurru | | about all of us Pl, incl |
ŋalmaliŋguruy | | concerning all of us Pl, incl |
ŋälŋaniŋ | | joint (of body) |
ŋalparr(') | | phlegm, sputum chest cold, cough |
ŋalthiri | | liver |
ŋaḻu | | head of penis (part covered by foreskin) |
ŋälutju | | tortoise |
ŋaluwuruŋ | | ripe, cooked |
ŋaḻwa' | | playing around promiscuity |
ŋaḻwapthun | | burn |
ŋäm'bun | | stunned--be (by chemical action of branches of certain trees) |
ŋama- | | good |
ŋama' | | mother, mum aunt MZ |
ŋäma | | hear, listen (to) |
ŋamakili | | good |
ŋamakuli | | good, healthy, well |
ŋamakurru | | good, healthy, well |
ŋamala | | mother aunt MZ |
ŋamanŋani | | yam, root food fruit |
ŋamaŋamayun | | make |
ŋama'ŋamathirri | | act, mime, dance |
ŋamarama | | laugh |
ŋamathama | | good--make, improve, fix, better prepare, ready Adv (do) properly |
ŋambaŋambatj | | sickness |
ŋambi | | knife (Rit) stone spear |
ŋambiṉ'ŋambiṉ | | rootfood--large wild potato |
ŋamin | | |
ŋämin | | paint, spread |
ŋamini | | breast, teat Ext milk |
ŋamini | | lizard Snake Lizard, "Milk Snake", Lialis burtonii |
ŋamu(') | | mother aunt MZ term used by someone when referring to your mother |
ŋämuk | | ant Green (Tree) Ant |
ŋamuma | | not recognise |
ŋamun | | |
ŋamun'kurr | | milk (generic) |
ŋamupa | | sea anemone |
ŋamuyu | | fish Sand Bass, Psammoperca waigiensis |
ŋäṉ | | eyebrow |
ŋaṉa | | honey(comb) |
ŋaṉa' | | fruit of Marble Tree |
ŋanak | | flesh, piece of meat, meat (as opposed to fat), muscle |
ŋanakal | | uncle MB term used by someone when referring to your uncle |
ŋanakuta | | excreta, "shit" ḎrudeṈ |
ŋanamarra | | |
ŋaṉaṉawa | | wife first cousin MBC term used by someone when referring to your GALAY |
ŋaṉanyiŋaṉanyi' | | shrub--small, scrubby |
ŋanapa | | husband, brother-in-law HB , sister-in-law HZ first cousin FZC term used by someone when referring to your DHUWAY |
ŋanaparra' | | buffalo |
ŋanapilima | | |
ŋanapilinha | | |
ŋanapiliny | | us Pl, excl, object of action |
ŋanapiliŋgu | | ours, for/of us Pl, excl |
ŋanapiliŋguḻ(i) | | to(wards) us Pl, excl |
ŋanapiliŋguŋ | | from/by us Pl, excl |
ŋanapiliŋgura | | with us Pl, excl |
ŋanapiliŋguru | | from us Pl, excl |
ŋanapiliŋgurumurru | | about us Pl, excl |
ŋanapiliŋguruy | | concerning us Pl, excl |
ŋanapiliwara | | |
ŋanapu | | we (but not you) Pl, excl |
ŋanapulunha | | us Pl, excl |
ŋanapuluŋu | | our(s) Pl, excl |
ŋanapurr(u) | | we (but not you) Pl, excl |
ŋanapurrumbal | | our(s) Pl, excl |
ŋanapurrun | | us object, Pl, excl |
ŋanapurrunha | | us object, Pl, excl |
ŋanapurruŋ | | our(s) Pl, excl |
ŋanapurruŋgal(a) | | to us Pl, excl |
ŋanapurruŋgu | | our(s) Pl, excl |
ŋanapurruŋguŋ(u) | | from us Pl, excl |
ŋaṉarr | | crocodile--saltwater |
ŋäṉarr | | tongue linguistic group, dialect, accent, pronunciation, language flame (of fire) |
ŋäṉarrmarama | | peel, skin (fruit), shell (crab), scale (fish) |
ŋanathu | | term used by someone when referring to your waku |
ŋanda | | wind |
ŋaṉḏamarama | | put against, lean against |
ŋändama | | Cockatoo's cry |
ŋäṉḏi | | mother M aunt MZ Ext wife of a Minister sister, nun |
ŋandjur | | fish--freshwater Saratoga, Scleropages jardini (?) |
ŋangalala | | settlement |
ŋangaḻaḻa | | shark (generic for adults) |
ŋanganharralil | | shark |
ŋangawul | | none, nothing |
ŋangi'yun | | dig |
ŋani | | Right?, Do you agree? expresses uncertainty or an enquiry |
ŋaṉi | | west |
-ŋaniŋ | | culturally-perceived relationship |
ŋaṉiŋaṉiwuy | | |
ŋänitj | | bee honey from this bee |
ŋänitji | | alcoholic beverage, grog, strong drink |
ŋaniyal | | mat--conical, flat |
ŋäṉ'ka | | shellfish--edible useful as a spoon Faded Sunset Shell, Asaphis deflorata |
ŋäṉ'ka-bakarra | | tree--edible green fruit Billygoat Plum, Green Plum, Terminalia ferdinandiana T. latipes, T. platypylla |
ŋan'ku | | food or usual diet of birds or animals (e.g., Emu eats Fan Palm, Eagle eats fish, etc.) |
ŋaṉmarra | | mat--conical (for sleeping) |
ŋaṉ'ṉabakarra | | |
ŋäṉ'tapakarra | | |
ŋäṉuk | | ghost, evil spirit (of person after death) |
ŋäṉuk | | sis(ter) term used by a brother to address his sister |
ŋanul | | avoidance relationship term used by someone when referring to your MUKUL (-BA:PA or -RUMARU) |
ŋanha | | which?, where? |
ŋanhdhark | | dry (land) desert |
ŋanhdharr'yun | | speak roughly, snap |
ŋanhdharrkthirr(i) | | thirsty--be |
ŋanya | | him, her object of action |
ŋanyalanha | | us (two) Dual-Excl |
ŋanyalaŋu | | our (two) Dual-Excl |
-ŋanyaŋ' | | DIMinutive: little, small |
ŋanya'ŋanya | | big Pl |
ŋanybak | | armband--made of native string and feathers |
ŋanydja | | but, or, though |
ŋanydja | | |
ŋanydjaḻa'yun | | turn (a)round |
ŋäŋ'thun | | ask (someone) ACC or GEN? |
ŋaŋalawuy | | |
ŋaŋga | | hiding (in burrow) |
ŋaŋ'ŋaŋdhun | | chase away |
ŋapa | | back(bone), spine surface, top (of house, mountain) cover (of book) |
ŋäpaki | | White person, European |
ŋapaṉḏala | | place at Dhambalaya, north of Yirrkala |
ŋapatjkuma | | hide, conceal, shield (guilty person) |
ŋapipi | | uncle MB father-in-law (of man) great-grandson (third descending generation of opposite moiety) daughter-in-law's brother SWB second cousin MBSC |
ŋapŋapthun | | cry, weep |
ŋar'yun | | breathe |
-ŋara | | LOCative: at, in, on STATIC |
ŋaraka | | bone shell (of egg, shellfish, turtle) large seed (e.g., mango) carapace Ext coin, silver money |
ŋarakalam(a) | | find, collect |
ŋarali' | | tobacco, cigarette, a smoke |
ŋarali' | | tree Buchnera linearis, B. tetragona |
ŋarambiya(') | | hand |
ŋaraminy | | tree--small edible fruit Terminalia sp. |
ŋaramul | | angry |
ŋaramurr | | angry--extremely (to the point of being dangerous and liable to kill) |
ŋaramutj | | selfish, greedy |
ŋarawayirri | | wriggle |
ŋarinydjalk | | bark of Paperbark |
ŋarirri' | | fish (generic, but excludes sharks and stingrays) |
ŋariṯthun | | Possum's cry |
ŋarkula | | water liquid, drink, juice Ext alcohol, grog petrol river sea (Rit) floodwaters, flooded area |
ŋar'ŋaryun | | thirsty--be |
ŋarŋga | | hole |
ŋarŋil' | | tree with large leaves and white bark common in spring country Eucalypt |
ŋarŋ'ka | | shellfish |
ŋaruŋaniŋ | | shellfish--not eaten Oyster sp. |
ŋarwakthun | | play |
ŋarra | | I |
ŋarra | | go, come, walk |
ŋärra' | | ceremony--closed, important, very sacred shelter containing sacred ceremonial objects |
ŋarrakal(a) | | to me |
ŋarrakara | | with me, at my place |
ŋarrak(u) | | my, mine, for me |
ŋarrakuluy | | |
ŋarrakuŋ(u) | | from me |
ŋarrakuru | | to me, towards my place |
ŋarral | | my, mine |
ŋarrambali' | | scorpion |
ŋarran | | me object |
ŋärran | | |
ŋarranha | | me object |
ŋarrapi | | I myself |
ŋarraw'wun | | fall (of tree), become broken (of stick) |
ŋarrawu | | tree--mangrove, poisonous, its sap makes eyes swell Blind-Your-Eye, Milky Mangrove, Excoecaria agallocha |
ŋarrawu | | fish Big-Toothed Cardinal Fish, Cheilodipterus macrodon Moses Perch, Lutjanus russelli Mangrove Jack, L. argentimaculatus |
ŋarri | | camp, place |
ŋarritj | | mälk-m |
ŋarritjan(') | | mälk-f |
ŋarriyal(') | | rootfood |
ŋarrkan | | charcoal |
ŋarrku(') | | wallaby (generic) Agile Wallaby, Macropus agilis |
ŋarrmaŋ | | decoration, ornament painted (up for ceremony), coloured, decorated kept as a keepsake |
ŋarrmuḏa' | | rootfoot--swamp plant with edible tubers Triglochin procera |
ŋarrŋarrun | | injured--be, have a sore or injury |
ŋarrpiya | | meteor octopus |
ŋarrpiyamirri | | inedible |
ŋarrtjtjun | | scold, tell off, rebuke, reproach speak angrily, swear (at) ACC |
ŋarrtjam' | | Shark's teeth |
ŋarru | | will, shall, should, must, ought to FUTure |
ŋarruŋa | | go, travel |
ŋarryala | | stream, temporary freshwater rivulet |
ŋäṯi(') | | ant--small, reddish, stinging used as medicine for diarrhoea Brown Ant, Meat Ant, Bull Ant (?), Termite sp. (?) |
ŋaṯili | | bird Red-Tailed Black Cockatoo, Calyptorphynchus magnificus |
ŋatŋatthun | | shine, burn brightly, flame |
ŋaṯŋaṯ | | rounded |
ŋatpan' | | fish Archerfish, "Riflefish" |
ŋaṯpul | | grass--grows in water used like a mop when eating honey |
ŋaṯtjin | | loincloth, g-string (original native attire, string around waist with a tassel to cover the groin) |
ŋaṯukurra' | | plant--large, swamp |
ŋatha | | food (generic) vegetable food(s)--traditionally gathered as opposed to hunted carbohydrate foods (e.g., rootfoods, grains, bread, damper, nuts that can be made into breads) |
ŋatharrŋ | | lizard--found in trees or houses |
ŋathi | | grandfather--maternal MF , grand-uncle FMB,MFB |
ŋäthi | | cry (for, about), weep |
ŋathili | | just "How about...?" |
ŋäthil(i) | | before, earlier, previously first, in front |
ŋathiwalkur | | avoidance relationship grand-uncle WMMB,MMMBS |
ŋathu | | palm--its fruit is edible, but requires special preparation: the nuts must be soaked for at least three nights and then they are pounded up and kneaded into loaves which are wrapped in paperbark and cooked Cycad Palm, Zamia Palm, Ricketty Tree, Cycas med |
ŋatjal | | spring (of water) |
ŋatjali | | flower--white (of Stringybark) |
ŋatjali | | honey mixed with pollen balls |
ŋatjaŋaḏal | | rootfood--tiny succulent creeper |
ŋatji | | mother's father |
ŋätji | | cry, weep |
ŋätjil(i) | | before, earlier, a while ago |
ŋatjirriny'tjun | | sneeze |
ŋatjirriŋ'thun | | sneeze |
ŋatjiwaŋgu | | woman--old |
ŋawyun | | burn fiercely, blaze (fire with huge flames) |
ŋäw(') | | crocodile--fresh-water Crocodylus johnstoni |
ŋäwa'yun | | nod (from sleepiness) rock (boat) |
ŋäwala | | knee |
ŋawarramu | | bird--duck Radjah Shelduck, Tadorna radjah |
ŋawatthun | | get, pick up, take |
ŋawkŋawk | | waterlily stem |
ŋawŋaw | | smell of breath |
ŋawulul(') | | smoke (generic), fumes, steam |
ŋawuruŋ | | ripe, cooked |
ŋawurrku | | tobacco, a smoke |
ŋawutthun | | smell |
ŋay | | he, she |
ŋay' | | Here (you are)!, You take it! |
ŋäy | | like, want, desirous of |
ŋaya | | I |
ŋayakthun | | threaten to fight promise (?) |
ŋayakandi | | leaves of the Cycad Palm |
ŋayakandiwuy | | stump of the Cycad Palm |
ŋayakŋayak | | slippery |
ŋayamarrŋu | | whole, complete |
ŋayambalk | | place, camp, country, home(land), house |
ŋayamunuŋ | | cold, stale (food) stiff, numb(ness) cramp, "pins and needles" |
ŋayan'ŋayan | | tree Ironwood |
ŋayaṉu | | tree Eucalypt |
ŋayaŋay' | | food--plant or vegetable, cereals snack (something to satisfy hunger) |
ŋayaŋbuwa | | snake Javan File Snake |
ŋayaŋgula | | neck, front of neck |
ŋayaŋguḻa' | | expanse of water, large river or billabong, open sea |
ŋayarrkama | | ask |
ŋayatham(a) | | hold, touch, have, reach, grab |
ŋayawiḏa | | tree--mangrove and/or its nut-like fruit |
ŋayawurkthun | | talk |
ŋayi | | he, she |
ŋayi | | place, camp, home, country |
ŋayi'yun | | sing |
ŋayilpi | | deserted, uninhabited, isolated |
ŋayipi | | he himself, she herself |
ŋayipul | | snail's hole or home |
ŋayirrpan' | | stick--digging, yam stick |
ŋaykaṉa | | name |
ŋaykurratjŋu | | Pandanus fruit |
ŋaymil | | clan-nation |
ŋaymun | | wait |
ŋaymurr'murr | | rocky ground, stony area gravel, little stones |
ŋaypinya | | |
-ŋayu | | OPPosition |
ŋaywal | | |
ŋaywuṉ | | shellfish L,S eptifer bilocularis |
ŋay'yi | | |
-ŋga | | CONTrastive clitic particle |
-ŋgu | | GENitive |
ŋi' | | is it? TAG question |
ŋe | | yes |
ŋiḏirrkthun | | hiccup, hiccough |
ŋiḻikŋiḻikun | | blink |
ŋililik | | bird--cockatoo Little Corella, Cacatua sanguinea |
ŋilimumbal | | our(s) Pl, incl |
ŋilimurr(u) | | we (all) Pl, incl |
ŋilimurrumbal | | our(s) Pl, incl |
ŋilimurrun | | us (all) object, Pl, incl |
ŋilimurrunha | | us (all) object, Pl, incl |
ŋilimurruŋ | | our(s) (all) Pl, incl |
ŋilimurruŋgal(a) | | to us (all) Pl, excl |
ŋilimurruŋgu | | our(s) (all) Pl, incl |
ŋilimurruŋguŋ(u) | | from us (all) Pl, incl |
ŋiliny(u) | | we (two, not you) Dual, excl |
ŋiliŋ | | hook on woomera |
ŋilitjan | | put (into) |
ŋilŋilyun | | set (of moon) |
ŋiṉḏirrkthun | | hiccup, hiccough |
ŋini(') | | really? is it (so)? TAG question |
-ŋiniŋ | | greedy for, obsessed with |
ŋinitji | | term used by someone when referring to your maternal-grandfather MF,MFB (Yir) father's mother FM, KIN-f-Rf |
ŋinitjiwalkur | | avoidance relationship term used by someone when referring to your grand-uncle, your mother-in-law's ŊAPIPI WMMB,MMMBS |
ŋinya | | him, her object |
ŋinyalambal | | our(s) (two) Dual, excl |
ŋinyalan | | us (two) object, Dual, excl |
ŋinyalanha | | us (two) object, Dual, excl |
ŋinyalaŋ | | our(s) (two) Dual, excl |
ŋinyalaŋgal(a) | | to us (two) Dual, excl |
ŋinyalaŋgu | | our(s) (two) Dual, excl |
ŋinyalaŋguŋ(u) | | from us (two) Dual, excl |
ŋir' | | breath asthma |
ŋirkŋirk | | vagina |
ŋirryun | | coloured brightly--be |
ŋirrgirŋdhun | | snore |
ŋirrima | | place, camp, home(land), country |
ŋirrimbum | | go |
ŋirriṉdhun | | snore |
ŋirriŋirrika' | | coloured brightly (especially red, sometimes orange and yellow) |
ŋirriŋu | | motherless |
ŋerrk | | bird Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo, Cacatua galerita Cockatoo(s), Corella(s) (generic) |
ŋirrkŋirrkthun | | sore throat (be, have), irritated (throat) |
ŋirru'ŋirrun | | cf Exp: mel-ŋirru'ŋirrun V-1-in look around warily, keep a vigil at night |
ŋetj | | learn a lesson (through bad experience) Serves you right! |
ŋitja | | Really?, Is that so? |
ŋitjalambal | | our(s) (two) Dual, incl |
ŋitjalan | | us (two) object, Dual, incl |
ŋitjalanha | | us (two) object, Dual, incl |
ŋitjalaŋ | | our(s) (two) Dual, incl |
ŋitjalaŋgal(a) | | to us (two) Dual, incl |
ŋitjalaŋgu | | our(s) (two) Dual, incl |
ŋitjalaguŋ(u) | | from us (two) Dual, incl |
ŋiwun | | smell |
-ŋ(u) | | FUT |
-ŋ(u) | | ERGative, INSTrumental |
-ŋu | | ABLative, LOCative |
-ŋu | | LOCative: at school, in the house, on the table, by the river |
-ŋu | | LOCative former |
-ŋu | | HUMan or group formative |
-ŋu | | GENitive |
ŋuḏulŋuḏul | | sound--faraway (of voices), hum |
ŋukaliya(') | | crab--eaten in the past Hermit Crab |
ŋuki | | that (near distant) |
ŋukin'- | | that (not far) |
ŋukinygarra | | rat |
ŋukthan | | intestine--small, gut |
ŋuku | | that (far, distant) |
ŋukun'- | | that (far, distant) |
ŋukuy | | that (far) |
ŋula | | maybe, possibly Hypothetical |
ŋula | | that (far, distant) |
ŋulami | | somewhere |
ŋulaŋumi | | somewhere |
ŋulaŋur(u) | | from that (one, place) |
ŋularawuy | | |
ŋulawitjan | | go that way |
ŋulbitj | | cold (weather), chilled (food, person) |
ŋuli | | usually, always CONTinuous, Irrealis, Habitual |
ŋuli | | that (near distant) |
ŋulin'- | | that (not far) |
ŋuliŋur(u) | | hence, from there |
ŋuḻkthun | | swallow |
ŋulmarrk | | ceremony--special, sacred |
ŋulnyiŋulnyi | | |
ŋulŋurawuy | | |
ŋulpiṉḏitj | | |
ŋulpurray | | |
ŋultharama | | push, incite, induce, impel |
ŋultji | | fresh remains of a fire Ext dark |
ŋuḻtjun | | wear clothing well be properly clothed or adorned |
ŋulumuŋ | | tree--large mangrove |
ŋulumurruŋ | | pubic hair--female |
ŋuḻurr'yun | | groan, moan grunt |
ŋulurru | | snake's dwelling |
ŋuluy'muŋ | | |
ŋulwitj | | cold, chilled (food, person) |
ŋomak | | group, flock, herd |
ŋoman | | massage, knead, work or shape (by pressure), press on painful part of body |
ŋumaŋuma | | adulterer |
ŋumbala | | that way, to there, thither |
ŋunburur | | all homeland centres northwest of Port Bradshaw (Yalaŋbara) |
ŋunbururr | | |
ŋuṉḏurr | | sweet |
ŋuṉitjirr | | TRUE |
ŋonuŋ | | heavy |
ŋonuŋu' | | beehive rubbish |
ŋunha | | that, there, yonder |
ŋunha | | that, there (near you, not far) |
ŋunhal(a) | | there (yonder) |
ŋunhal(aŋa) | | by/at that (one) |
ŋunhambal | | to that (one, not far) |
ŋunhany | | that person object of verb |
ŋunhaŋuwuy | | about that (far) |
ŋunhawal(a) | | thither, that direction |
ŋunhdhurrk | | stomach innermost feeling(s), seat of emotion |
ŋunhi | | that, there |
ŋunhi | | that, which |
ŋunhili | | there (not far) |
ŋunhiŋuwuy | | about that (not far) |
ŋunhiwal(a) | | that way, to there |
ŋunhiwili | | thither, that direction (not far) |
ŋunhu | | that (one, far away), over there (yonder) |
ŋunhubiya | | Get away (from there)! |
ŋunhuku | | of/for that (one/person) |
ŋunhukuŋ | | from that (one), made by that (person) |
ŋunhukuḻ(i) | | to that (person) |
ŋunhukura | | by/with that (person) |
ŋunhukuru | | from that (person) |
ŋunhukurumurru | | about that (person) |
ŋunhukuruy | | about that (person) |
ŋunhukuy | | about that (one) |
ŋunhuŋ | | by that (person), with/using that (one) |
ŋunhuwal | | there, that way |
ŋunhuwaḻi | | from that (one), after that |
ŋunhuwitjan | | through this (one, way) |
ŋunybuk | | trouble |
ŋuŋ'ŋara | | there |
ŋupan | | follow (after), chase, pursue explore come right up next to |
ŋopurr | | wrist, lower arm, forearm (front) paws |
-ŋur | | ABLative, LOCative: at school, in the house, on the table, by the river, from the fire |
-ŋura | | LOCative: at school, in the house, on the table, by the river |
ŋurikal(a) | | to that (person) |
ŋuriki | | of that (not far) |
ŋurikiŋ | | from that (person) |
ŋurikiy | | about that (person) |
ŋuriŋi | | by that (person), with that (thing) |
ŋurkthun | | drink |
ŋurma' | | fish Stickle-Back |
-ŋuru | | ABLative: from the river, out of the hole |
-ŋuru' | | ABLative: from the river, speak in Ritharrŋu |
ŋurukal(a) | | to/with that (person) |
ŋuruk(u) | | of that (far) |
ŋurukuŋ(u) | | from that (person) |
ŋurukuy | | about that |
ŋurula(') | | bird--white seagull Crested Tern |
ŋuruŋi | | with that, using that (not far) |
ŋuruŋ(u) | | with that, using that (far), by that (person) |
ŋurr'yun | | stay, stop, linger refuse, "dig one's toes in" (Rit) dig a hole |
ŋorr | | smell of crotch |
ŋorr'yun | | hum (a tune) cry softly, moan |
ŋorra | | sleep, lie down stay at (a place, for a period) |
ŋurrgitj | | stopping place in the shade |
ŋurrkama | | throw (away, out), hurl (solids) |
ŋurrkiny'tjun | | paddle |
ŋurrkun | | fall (of tree) |
ŋurrmiḻi | | sand--ceremonial |
ŋurrŋgitj | | charcoal black ashes Ext pupil (of eye) tea leaves shade, shelter Adj dark, black |
ŋurr'ŋurr(\')yun | | sick--very, be on the brink of dying |
ŋurrthaḻi | | fish Rock Cod(s), Epinephelus spp Footballer Trout, Plectropoma melanoleucos Red Scorpion, Scorpaena sp. |
ŋorrtja | | fire |
ŋurrtji | | mucus, nasal discharge head cold |
ŋurru | | nose tip front Ext peninsula, cape, point (of land, spear) moral (of a story), cause, reason entrance to a beehive head, clan leader |
ŋurrugu | | out of sight behind |
ŋurruk | | group small heaps of Cycad nuts when they have been pounded and divided |
ŋurrul' | | navel |
ŋurrumarr(') | | March Fly--has painful bite |
ŋurrunyinyi | | bird--small seagull |
ŋurruŋu | | first(ly), boss, leader |
ŋurrupaṉḏala | | fruit of Bush Apple--used as medicine for toothache, sores on the tongue and around the mouth, as well as for a cough or sore throat |
ŋurrurala | | |
ŋurruruy | | north |
ŋurruṯin' | | banana--wild Leichhardtia australis |
ŋurruwutthun | | surname noise of a boat moving through the water |
ŋurru-wutthun | | bump the nose, punch in the nose |
ŋurruwiḻpiḻ | | star |
ŋurruyurrtjurrwuy | | place north of Yirrkala, the area surrounding the point north or Probable Island |
ŋurrwitj | | stopping place in the shade |
ŋuṯthun | | cease become silent be away (out of town, on a hunting trip, etc.) |
ŋutaŋ | | bee (generic) Trigona spp. |
ŋutu(') | | big, large thick, solid (e.g., wood throughout) (Rit) far away deeply inside |
ŋuthan | | grow (up) |
ŋuthumu | | shrub--root is poisonous if eaten raw or half-cooked, edible if prepared carefully by soaking overnight and cooked on mangrove tree firewood Polynesian Arrowroot, Tacca leontopetaloides |
ŋutjatja | | fish (generic) |
ŋutjŋutj | | stingray--not eaten Common Shovel-Nosed Ray |
ŋuwakurru | | good, fine, well |
ŋuwa-ŋuwa | | honey |
ŋuwarrkpithi | | |
ŋuwarrŋuwarr' | | area at foot of a hill |
ŋoy | | stomach innermost feeling(s), mental state, seat of emotion, "conscience", "heart" |
ŋoy | | down, underneath, underside, bottom |
ŋoya | | lie down, sleep |
ŋuykal(') | | fish Turrum, Carangoides emburyi Papuan Trevally, Caranx sansun Blue-Spotted Trevally, C. buccelentus |
ŋuymulu | | snake Black Whip Snake, Demansia atra |
ŋuyŋuyun | | sniff around (as dog) |
-ŋuyu | | ABLative |
ŋuyulkthirr(i) | | dislike, reject, be irritated |
ŋoyurrmirri | | Anindilyakwa, Groote Eylandt people |
ŋuywirrirri | | bird--small parrot |
-nha | | SEQuence (and then), IMMediacy (next), TEMPoral |
-nha | | ACCusative: object of a transitive verb |
-nha | | PAST2 |
nhä | | what? |
nhakana | | like, similar to |
nhaku | | what for?, why? |
nhakun(a) | | like, as, for example, akin to, for instance |
nhäkuŋu | | |
nhäkurr(u)(') | | where to?, which way?, whither? |
nhala | | which? |
nhälaŋ | | which one was it now?, whatchamacallit |
nhalaŋul | | which way? |
nhalaŋurumurru | | which way? |
nhalaŋuruwuy | | from where? (place of birth or homeland) |
nhalayaku | | |
nhali | | with what?, using what?, how? |
nhäḻ(i) | | where to? |
nhäli' | | where to? |
nhälil(i) | | where to? |
nhaliy | | what with?, using what?, by what means?, how? |
nhalpiyan | | do what?, how about if?, how (is it done)? why?, pardon? what happened? |
nhaltjan | | what-do?, how about if?, how (is it done)? why?, (beg your) pardon? |
nhaḻuma | | eat, drink, take (medicine) |
nhäma | | see, look (at, out, for) find Ext bear a child |
nhamannhaman(') | | shellfish--edible Mauve Pearl Shell, Isognomon ephippium |
nhami | | bark of Paperbark trees |
nhämi | | how?, in what condition?, how about (it)? |
nhämirr(i) | | how?, in what condition?, how about (it)?, what about? |
nhämunha' | | how many? |
nhämuny' | | how many?, how much? |
nhän | | he, she |
nhaṉa | | dog |
nhana | | him, her object of action |
nhäna | | me object of action |
nhanapan | | make a fire, stoke |
nhanbal | | his, her(s) |
nhänbayi | | by himself/herself/itself |
nhanbinya | | all |
nhangu | | his, hers, for/of him/her |
nhanguḻ(i) | | to(wards) him/her |
nhanguŋ | | by/from him/her |
nhangura | | with/by him/her |
nhanguru | | from him/her |
nhangurumurru | | about him/her |
nhanguruy | | concerning him/her |
nhanguway | | himself, herself |
nhan'kara | | to(wards) him, to her place |
nhan'ku | | his, her(s) |
nhan'kuru | | from him, from her place |
nhanŋu | | his, her(s), its, to him or her |
nhanukal(a) | | to him/her |
nhanukuŋ(u) | | from him/her |
nhanhaman | | shellfish--edible |
nhäŋaniŋ(') | | tree--used to make string for bags and headbands doesn't produce fruit |
nhäŋara | | at what? |
nhäŋiniŋ(') | | tree that doesn't produce fruit Ext useless, worthless |
nhaŋ'ku | | for that (one, yonder) |
nhaŋ'kuli | | at that (one, place yonder) |
nhaŋu | | this, here |
nhaŋu'mirri | | language--collective name for variety spoken by Bararrŋu, Bararrpararr, Gamalaŋga, Golpa, Gurryindi, Yalukal and Yan-nhaŋu clans |
nhäŋur(a) | | at what? |
nhäŋur(u)(') | | from what?, (fighting) over what?, what about? |
nhäpa | | whatchamacallit, what is/was it? |
nhäpiyan | | do what?, what's going on? |
nhäpuy | | what about?, concerning what?, for what (purpose)? |
nhära | | burn (of fire, wood, etc.) be cooking (food) |
nharaŋ | | thirsty dry |
-nharra | | PRIVative |
-nharraŋu | | PRIVative |
nhätha | | when? |
nhäthaŋ' | | when? |
nhäthinya | | what like?, what kind (of)?, how?, What does it look like? |
nha'thirri | | what-do? |
nhäthu | | with what?, how?, by means of what? |
nhäway | | how |
nhawi | | whatchamacallit?, whatsit?, um hesitation from |
nhäwu | | what for?, why? |
nhäwu | | what's it?, whatchamacallit? |
nhawuku | | so and so, whatchamacallit |
nhäwuy | | what's it?, whatchamacallit? HESITATION FORM about what?, concerning what? |
nhayika | | what's that place? |
nhäyiŋu | | whatchamacallit? |
nhäyka | | what's that place?, where was it (already)? |
nhäyu | | what with?, using what? INSTrument |
nhe | | you Sg thou |
nhina | | sit stay, stop at, live (in a place) be (in, at, on) |
nhepal | | your(s) Sg |
nhepi | | you yourself, only you Sg |
nherran | | place, put (down) put on (clothes) |
nhirrpan | | put, place put on (clothes) erect, stand (x) up, plant (int the ground) |
nhokal(a) | | to you Sg , to your place |
nhukan | | make love, copulate (with) ACC , have intercourse, "fuck" ḎvulgarṈ |
nhokuŋ(u) | | from you Sg |
nhulunbuy | | |
nhuma | | you (mob, all) Pl |
nhuma | | you (two) Dl |
nhuma(-balay) | | you (two) Dual |
nhumaḏa | | you (two) Dual |
nhumaḏanha | | you (two) Dual-object |
nhumaḏaŋu | | to you, for you (two) Dual |
nhumalama | | yours (two) Dual |
nhumalan | | you (all) Pl, object of action |
nhumalanha | | you (all) Pl, object of action |
nhumalaŋ | | your(s) Pl |
nhumalaŋgal(a) | | to you (mob, all) Pl |
nhumalaŋgu | | your(s) Pl |
nhumalaŋguŋ(u) | | from you Pl |
nhumalaŋu | | your(s) Pl |
nhumalawara | | |
nhumaliny | | you (two) Dual, object of action |
nhumaliŋgu | | yours, for/of you (two) Dual |
nhumaliŋguḻ(i) | | to(wards) you (two) Dual |
nhumaliŋguŋ | | from/by you (two) Dual |
nhumaliŋgura | | with you (two) Dual |
nhumaliŋguru | | from you (two) Dual |
nhumaliŋgurumurru | | about you (two) Dual |
nhumaliŋguruy | | concerning you (two) Dual |
nhuman | | smell, sniff, get a whiff (of) -in smell, give off an odor |
nhumapi | | you yourselves Pl |
nhuma-wulay | | you two Dual |
nhumun | | menstrual flow afterbirth |
nhumurray | | tree/shrub--root edible if prepared carefully Polynesian Arrowroot |
nhuna | | you, thee Sg, object of action |
nhunanha | | you Sg, object of action |
nhunu | | you, thou Sg |
nhonu | | you, thou Sg |
nhunupiya | | you yourself Sg |
nhuŋgu | | yours, for/of you Sg |
nhuŋguḻ(i) | | to(wards) you Sg |
nhuŋguŋ | | from/by you Sg |
nhuŋgura | | with you Sg |
nhuŋguru | | from you Sg |
nhuŋgurumurru | | about you Sg |
nhuŋguruy | | concerning you Sg |
nhuŋ'ku | | your(s) Sg |
nhuŋu | | your(s), to you Sg |
nhopiya | | brother--older term used by someone when referring to your wa:wa |
nhurrawambal | | your(s) Pl |
nhurruli | | you Pl |
-ny | | OPPosition or EMPHasis marker |
-ny | | ACCusative: object of a transitive verb |
-nya | | ACCusative Intensive |
-nya | | PAST2 |
nya | | him, her object |
nyayun | | whine, yelp (of dog) |
nyä'yun | | cry, weep |
nyaḏanyaḏa | | shellfish Oyster sp. |
nyäku | | mine, for me |
nyäkuḻ(i) | | to(wards) me |
nyäkuŋ | | from me, by me |
nyäkura | | with me |
nyäkuru | | from me |
nyäkurumurru | | about me |
nyäkuruy | | concerning me |
nyalmirri | | bad (person), cruel, ruthless, lawless, incorrigible, irresponsible |
nyaḻyun | | bend |
nyäḻ | | lie(s) lying, untrue, untruthful, make-believe |
nyaḻa | | wave, ripple |
nyalanha | | us (two) Dual-Excl |
nyalaŋu | | our (two) Dual-Excl |
nyaliŋaniŋ | | termite alates (and other insects flying around lights after the Wet starts |
nyalk | | rain |
nyäḻkthun | | scream, howl |
nyäḻka(') | | container: basket, box, dillybag, biting bag, packet |
nyaḻma | | penis |
nyalmirri or nyalmiri ḏalt?ṉ | | |
nyaḻmuŋ | | shellfish Lined Nerite |
nyaḻpurr | | |
nyaḻuma | | eat, drink |
nyäluŋ | | spirit |
nyaḻwaŋ'thun | | curve, bend (slightly) |
nyamaḻŋ | | ripe (of vegetable food) |
nyamanyamayun | | move about randomly (as fish in pond that is drying up) |
nyambaḻ | | fish Mouth Almighty Fish |
nyamir'yun | | criticise, condemn, find fault with |
nyamnyam(') | | Waterlily root--edible raw (if cleaned and peeled) |
nyamu-nyamu | | spirit |
nyaŋ'thun | | eat, drink Sg , chew, take a meal, have a feed |
nyaŋaḻ'yun | | raw--be |
nyaŋalnyaŋal | | tree--wood used for carving |
nyaŋaḻnyaŋaḻ | | not satisfying, not substantial/filling (food) |
nyaŋuŋu | | tortoise |
nyaŋura | | tortoise |
nyapa-nyapa | | fish--freshwater |
nyapili | | snake King Brown, Western Brown Snake |
nyapililŋu | | spirit |
nyäpuḏu | | plant--its leaves, roots, and black berry Ampelocissus cetosa |
nyärr'yun | | rain |
nyarra'yun | | melt |
nyarramalŋ' | | shy, coy giggly |
nyarraŋ' | | diarrhoea, loose bowels, "the runs" |
nyarray'yun | | fatty--be, be greasy |
nyarrkthun | | sulk, bear a grudge |
nyarrwanyarrwa(') | | bee Honeybee sp. |
-nydja | | OPPosition or Contrastive EMPHasis marker |
nyikthun | | become stained (by grease mark) |
nyekthirri | | stay (put) |
nyika(') | | rain--fine misty (light shower of large "slow" drops) |
nyikamula | | rain-shower |
nyiknyik | | rodent, rat, mouse (generic) |
nyekurr' | | leech |
nyela | | bird Eagle |
nyeli | | you Pl |
nyeliny | | you (all) Pl, object of action |
nyili'nyiliyun | | walk stooped (as if laden with a heavy burden) |
nyeliŋgu | | yours, for/of you (all) Pl |
nyeliŋguḻ(i) | | to(wards) you (all) Pl |
nyeliŋguŋ | | from/by you (all) Pl |
nyeliŋgura | | with you (all), at your place Pl |
nyeliŋguru | | from you (all) Pl |
nyeliŋgurumurru | | about you (all) Pl |
nyeliŋguruy | | concerning you (all) Pl |
nyeliway | | your yourselves |
nyilkthun | | close one's eyes |
nyilŋ'thun | | stoop (over), crouch be down low |
nyim'thun | | go out (of fire), go down (as water receding) set (of sun) |
nyimbiḻ'yun | | weak--be |
nyembu(') | | Witchetty Grub (especially pink ones in Stringybark, probably Cossid larvae) |
nyemburr | | |
nyim'nyimdhun | | jab (repeatedly), poke/pierce (a number of times, as in searching for turtle eggs in sand or tortoises in water) |
nyin' | | bird Double-bar Finch |
nyena | | sit, stay (at a place), stop (at) |
nyina-nyina | | night |
nyinnyin(') | | claws of crab--small |
nyinyaŋ'thun | | hate, despise, feel revolted (by) |
nyinyipuwa | | fly (generic or large?) |
nyenyirr | | tree male Grevillea heliosperma |
nyenyirri | | tree--red flowers (April-July) which childrentap to loosen the sweet nectar female Hakea arborescens Grevillea heliosperma (or just the leaves ?) |
nyeŋa | | crab female Mud Crab, Scylla serrata |
nyiŋgarrbuma | | swim underwater |
nyipayŋa | | |
nyirmarama | | cook |
nyiryun | | make a singing noise |
nyira | | magic song (sorcery with intent to kill) |
nyirkupmarama | | burn, brand (with hot stick or metal bar) |
nyirnyir | | rain in spots, "spitting" rain, drizzle |
nyirrgul | | scrubland, savannah |
nyirrinyirri' | | tree Hakea Tree, Hakea arborescens also applied to Grevillea heliosperma |
nyirrkun | | unforgiving--be (persistently), bear a grudge against GEN |
nyerrkaḏa(') | | fish Rock Cod sp. |
nyirrknyirrk | | bird Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo |
nyirrknyirrkpuy | | |
nyirrnyirr(') | | insect--flying Cicada, Locust |
nyirrnyirryun | | send bubbles to the surface |
nyiwanyiwa | | Wasp sp. |
nyiwnyiwyun | | devour, crowd around snatching (as vultures around carrion) |
nyiwuḻa | | group of spirits |
nyiwuŋ'marama | | bend |
-ny'tja | | OPPosition or EMPHasis marker |
nyumarama | | |
nyoyun | | howl (dog, dingo) |
nyoka' | | crab--edible its pincer claw can be used as a pipe adult male Mud Crab, Scylla serrata |
nyokun | | howl |
nyuḻnyuḻ | | squid, Sepia esculenta |
nyumikiny | | small, little |
nyomiya | | |
nyumukiny | | small, little children, baby (animals, fish, etc.) |
nyumukuṉiny | | small, little, tiny child, young (of animal) |
nyumurrku(') | | small, little children, the young (of any species) |
nyoṉ | | trepang--black, found in coral |
nyunyu | | Can't catch me! |
nyuŋa'yun | | sting, smart (of eyes) |
nyuŋala(') | | fish Oxeye Herring, Megalops cyprinoides Estuarine Blue-Eye, Pseudomugil cyanodorsalis |
nyuŋu-nyuŋu(') | | wasp--large, black & yellow, agressive, kills bees Bembix sp., Sand Wasp |
nyorŋ'nyurŋdhun | | whine (dog) |
nyorr' | | crustacean Sea-Water Prawn |
nyurrul' | | soft, weak |
nyuw'yun | | howl (as dog) |
nyuwaḻiyarr | | crabs Mud Crabs |
nyuwa-nyuwa | | |
-pi | | EMPHasis |
-puy | | ASoCiative: concerning, about, having to do with |
-puyŋu | | INHABITANT OF |
-ra- | | added to PAST2 to make compound forms |
rabaraba | | ready |
räbitj | | sis(ter) term used by a brother to address his sister |
radjal | | sand--clear (with no shells) |
räga | | shrub--and its small, sweet-tasting fruit White Berry Bush, Securinega virosa Bridelia ovata |
ragalk | | sorcerer |
rägudha | | kneecap shellfish--large edible cockle |
rakal | | greedy |
rakala(') | | tree--with unusually large, thick leaves Paperbark sp., Melaleuca viridiflora especially the bark of this tree |
rakaŋay | | tide--spring broad beach exposed by very low tide |
rakaram | | tell, mention, explain |
räkay | | water-reed or sedge, especially its edible rush corm (root portions) Eleocharis dulcis |
raki(') | | string, (thick) fishing line, rope Ext tape |
rakpuma | | look over (potential camp site) count (objects) |
rakrakpuy | | |
räkum(a) | | fish (with line) |
rakuny | | dead Idm very quiet, boring, dull (person) |
räkuwarr | | |
räl | | skill (at hunting) expert, smart (person), genius |
ralapiny(') | | pearl (black or generic ?) |
räli | | this way, hither (direction towards speaker) |
raliny | | bone of snake (Python) |
ralkralkthun | | grate |
ralkurru | | |
ralmirri | | wood that floats on water |
ralpa | | energetic, active, hard-working, frisky |
ralwa'ralwa | | capable, good (at) |
ralwurryun | | lazy--be be too weary (to do something) |
ralwurrandji | | |
raman | | feathers--white, down (of chick or bird) ceremonial feathered headband Ext cotton, seed pod of Kapok tree (used for body decoration in ceremonies) |
räman | | go down into |
ramatha | | prawn--freshwater |
rambuma | | cf Exp: rambuma-ŋayathama V-2-tr hold fast, grip tightly |
räminy | | trees |
raminydji | | lightning-forked a fire caused by a curse or evil spell (Rit) lizard Gecko (which makes the lightning) |
rämu | | chin, jaw |
rangam | | look (around, for) |
rangu | | midnight (from midnight to about 3 a.m.) |
ranhdhak | | dry |
ranhdhakpuy | | |
räny'tjun | | scratch, scrape |
ranybulu | | tree--palm |
ranyburr | | swaying from side to side when dancing |
ranydjak | | dry, thirsty |
ranydjupi | | |
ranyiranyi | | moth (generic) |
räŋ | | high tide mark, high water mark (in billabong) group of people (?) |
raŋa' | | tree, stick, wood |
raŋan | | bark of Paperbark--used for paintings, shelters, etc. (canoe), buyku, djutu (raft) dharaw' (torch) na:ku (bark) |
raŋanŋaniŋ | | fish--sole & flounder Large-Toothed Flounder, Pseudorhombus arsius Black Sole, Achlyopa nigra Queensland Halibut, Psettodes erumei etc. |
raŋarratj | | snake (generic) |
raŋga | | totem--sacred, ceremonial object(s) |
räŋgarr | | hair--white/grey |
raŋgu | | snake--mangrove (generic) Eel, Sea Snake, Water Snake e.g: Bockadam, Cerberus rhynchops Spotted Water Snake, Enhydris punctata Mangrove Snake, Fordonia sp. and Myron sp. |
raŋi | | beach, seashore sandbar (area exposed at low tide) |
raparri | | leg--lower, tail Ext handle |
raparrk | | |
räpitj | | rubbish |
rär'yun | | make noise walking through dry leaves |
raripa | | |
rar'raryun | | rattle (sound of leaves in the jungle) |
rarryun | | pour |
rarr' | | spear throw Pl |
rärradha | | crab Red-Spot Crab, Portunus sanguin olentus |
rarragalama | | carry (water) back and forth |
rarrakal' | | stick--sharpened, wooden spear |
rarrakala | | |
rarrakrarrak | | dry, waterless (land) cycad nuts (after being soaked for three days which cannot be used because they are still hard) |
rarrala | | stone--smooth but hard (used for crushing cycads and sharpening knives), grindstone, granite |
rarramiwuy | | |
rarranhdharr(') | | season--late in the Dry Season when it is very hot fresh water is scarce and grass is dry animals are getting thin feet get scorched when walking Stringybark blossoms signal wild honey |
rarrarrkunhamirri | | reveal oneself (as in a vision) |
rärrinya' | | |
rärrinyawuy | | |
rärriwuy | | |
rärrk | | colour, painting, painted design |
rarrkminy | | juice |
rarrtji | | mat of woven Pandanus (formerly used as a sail) |
rarrumiya | | |
rarruwuy | | |
ratha(') | | baby, little one (child, animal, or thing) |
rathala(') | | headache |
rathan | | bite |
ratharr | | harpoon--dugong (usually made from Stringbark) |
ratj(tj)un | | dry out |
rätjun | | scrape |
ratjarrk | | grass--used to make string for baskets Cyperus javanicus |
ratjkubira | | lizard--large, ground-dwelling, with a long tail |
ratjpa | | ochre--dark reddish brown, clay found at Elcho Island, used for painting, Haematite red(dish), purple |
ratjuk | | fish young Barramundi, Lates calcarifer |
rawun | | swell, get high (of waves) |
räw' | | hair--body, fur |
räwak | | dry, dried up burnt, overcooked stale |
rawala | | rope for the anchor |
rawalk | | sorcerer, person with evil powers or who is used to take revenge on (kill) one's enemies |
rawarraŋ(') | | (Rit) east (Gup) south wind , any land to the south |
rawirryun | | strong--be, be solid or firm |
räwiya(') | | shellfish--edible Geloina coaxans |
räwudha | | kneecap shellfish--large edible cockle Geloina coaxans |
ray | | inside (Rit) used to derive transitive verbs of transportation |
raymarama | | fish, hunt for turtles |
räy | | temple, side of head |
rayal(') | | sand--clean, fine soft beach sand |
raykurayku | | generous, kind-hearted (person who gives readily) |
raymal | | temple, side of head |
raymaŋgirr | | |
raymarriny | | clan |
raymarrka | | |
raymattja | | spirit |
raypa | | other side |
raypiny(') | | fresh (water) sweet, good (flavour) |
raypiny(') | | itchy scabies, itchy rash Idm oversexed, "randy" (f) |
raypirri'yun | | admonish, exhort, plead preach, rebuke, reprimand |
raywal | | sharp |
raywu'yun | | nod (drowsily), rock (of boat) |
-ri | | ERGative, INSTrumental |
rebal'yun | | clear (of weather), clean (house), turn (over a page) |
ridiridi | | insect--flying |
ridja'yun | | nod, head falling from side to side |
regawu | | scum, film (on water left standing) |
riku' | | twig, thin stick |
rili | | clitoris |
rilmurrmurr | | |
rimbarrŋa | | language and tribe |
remu(') | | fish Spangled Perch Saratoga (?) |
rindjin | | engine, motor (of winch, car, boat) speed, strength |
reny | | stingray, shark (generic) flesh or meat (of these) |
rinydjirinydjimirri | | indistinct, scarcely visible (place in the distance through rain) |
rinydjupunum(a) | | wash |
riny'tjaŋu | | rootfood "Wild Carrot", Eriosema chinense |
riŋgitj | | place which is sacred to special people |
reŋgitj | | ceremonial group language group |
riŋimap | | telephone, ring up |
ripurru | | afternoon, late afternoon |
rirga'yunmirri | | gnash one's teeth |
rir'rir\'ŋaniŋ | | lizard--legless |
rirra | | tooth |
rirrakay | | sound, noise, voice |
rerraŋ | | waterlily root--overly mature |
rirratjiŋu | | clan-nation |
rirrawaya | | stone--smooth (for sharpening knifes, pounding food, etc.) |
rirrawuthana | | |
rirrbal' | | honey |
rirrgalun | | make noises (e.g., by unintentionally crunching twigs as one walks in the bush) |
rerri(') | | sickness, illness, disease, pain |
rirrikthun | | sick--be, get ill ache |
rirrikingin | | gravel, pebbles |
rirrikrirrikthun | | scrape, make scraping noise (as feet on floor) |
rirrinyin | | shellfish--edible |
rirripaŋan | | lizard Mangrove Monitor |
rirripirirripi | | |
rirri'rirri | | hard, harsh(ly), severe, stern(ly) |
rirririrrika | | Cricket--found in freshwater billabongs, Grylloidea sp. |
rirriwul | | down (as fire that has died, plane about to land) |
rerrk | | sickness |
rirrkminy | | sick person, chronic invalid, handicapped leper term used by brother when referring to his sister since he is not allowed to say her name |
rirrmulmul | | place for snake |
rirrŋul | | |
rirrpi-rirrpi | | dingo--ferocious black |
rirr'rirr\'ŋaniŋ | | lizard--legless (generic) |
ritharr(') | | grass--long, grows near fresh water chewed by children for its juice Spear Grass, Heterapogon triticeus |
ritharrŋu | | clan-nation and language group |
retja | | jungle, tropical rainforest thick scrub, thick low vegetation |
retja | | tree spp. Jasminum aemulum Pipturus argenteus Timonius timon |
ritjan'thun | | tease |
ritjarriṯ | | tree--with reddish fruits, common in spring country |
ritji | | season--of cold winds after the rains of the Wet end seas are a little rough |
ritjilili | | into the splashing water (waves) |
ritjku | | |
riwal'yun | | sweep, rake |
rewal'yun | | clear (weather), clean (house), turn (over a page) |
riwarra | | clearing, open country, cleared area (place free of rubbish, trees, etc.) |
riwarrtja | | liar (person who doesn't tell the truth or keeps changing his story) lecher (person who plays around with opposite sex) |
riyakurray | | tree--mangrove twig |
riyala | | stream (freshwater), creek, water flowing from a spring current (spring) |
riyaŋatjpi | | islands |
-rr | | FUT, PAST1 |
-rr | | BASE |
rra | | I |
rrakpaḻa | | |
rraku | | my, mine |
rräma | | clouds at sunset |
rramani | | |
rrämaŋ | | |
rramba | | fig, fruit of Ficus sp. |
rrambaŋi | | equal(ly), together, same |
rramiṉba | | |
rramiya | | snake Spotted Water Snake, Enhydris punctata |
rramutju | | sickness |
rranu' | | |
rranha | | me object |
rranhdhika | | pulling up the anchor |
rränhdhiŋ | | chain handcuffs |
rranyirranyi | | moth (and butterfly) |
rrany'tjiŋ | | |
rraŋgaḻ | | shellfish--edible, mother of DIYAMU , Tapes dorsata |
rräpa | | turning the sail into position |
rraparrapa | | spirit |
rräpi | | enough, adequate, sufficient, equal to |
rrapu | | rice |
rrätjuŋ | | jellyfish--with long poisonous tentacles Sea Wasp |
rräwa | | inside part of boat |
rrawara | | knife |
rrawunydjura | | calm sea |
rrayini | | |
rräyiŋ | | spear |
rraypirraypi | | fly, blowfly (large buzzing fly, with blue body) |
-rri | | BASE |
rrikawuku | | horizon on the ocean |
rrikili | | shellfish--oyster |
rrikurrumawuy | | |
rrimuḏalŋu | | shellfish--large, with pearls, not eaten by Yolŋu Pearl Shell |
rrinyin | | bird Common Noddy, Anous stolidus |
rreŋga | | stingray--not eaten mother of ditjpaŋgarr Devil Ray, Manta alfredi |
rriŋgi | | costly, expensive |
rrepa | | red colour of clouds or trees at sunset |
rripipi | | tree, fruit--small, edible, white when ripe Rock Fig, Ficus platypoda |
rripula | | bird--seagull |
rrerri | | boiling--almost (when bubbles start to rise to surface) |
rretha' | | tree with small white flowers, wood is used for making canoes Northern Milkwood, Alstonia actinophylla possibly also Prickly Tree, Zanthoxylum parviflorum |
rritjarritja | | dive (for trepang) |
rriw | | wake (trail left by turtle or boat in water) |
rriw'pambaḻaman | | turtle--half grown or sub-adult Green Turtle |
-rru | | FUT |
rruka' | | |
rroki | | mourn, grieve |
rroku | | bundle, paperbark parcel (e.g., in which cycad damper or fish is cooked) |
rromaŋ | | jungle (undergrowth) |
rronaŋ | | Witchetty Grub |
-rruna | | PAST1 |
rruŋunhdha | | tree/shrub, fruit--edible , Bush Apple, Syzygium suborbicularis & Eugenia suborbicularis |
rruŋunhdhaŋaniŋ | | shellfish--edible , Geloina coaxans |
rrupiya | | money |
rrurrambu | | fish trap |
rrorru | | pass, go past |
rrurrukunbuy | | |
rruthana | | shellfish--edible Fluted Giant Clam |
rrothi | | bread |
rrothuŋumun | | push a pole into mud |
rruwaypi | | blowfly large buzzing fly with blue body |
rrowurrwuy | | |
robu | | possum Brush-tailed Possum |
rugu'yun | | nod (drowsily), rock (of boat) |
rogu | | rootfood Ipomoea tuba |
rukirukithirri | | wait (for opportune moment), bide (one's time) |
rol | | down |
rulbaŋdhun | | put down, save (for later) |
rulkaŋu | | none, nothing |
rulkarri | | tree Fig sp. |
rulku | | part of fish's anatomy place on Milingimbi Beach |
rulminydjawuy | | mangrove tree stem |
rulu | | group, bundle, roll, pile, heap |
ruluminy | | Coconut Island |
rulwaŋdhun | | put down, save (for later) |
rulwirriwuy | | mangrove tree stem |
rom | | culture, behaviour, law, rule, custom, tradition, habit, way of life or doing things |
rom | | room |
rumaru(') | | tabooed (relative, avoidance kin, e.g., mother-in-law) |
rumaru (mukul) | | avoidance relationship grand-aunt MMBD , mother-in-law MBW |
rumbal | | body trunk, stem (of tree) |
rumbal | | TRUE |
rumbi'rumbiyun | | stare (at) |
rum'rumdhun | | avoid, keep clear (of) GEN (observing taboos required by the law or avoidance relationships) |
rumumirriyam(a) | | squint (at) |
runu' | | island |
runurrpany | | all, everyone |
runhdhu'yun | | nod (drowsily), rock (of boat) |
ronyiwuy | | |
roŋ | | wrong, mistaken |
roŋanmarama | | |
ruŋdhay | | father-in-law WF, term emphasising actual affinal relationship |
ruŋi | | rootfood--red yam skin must be peeled off root is small and heart-shaped Eriosema chinense |
roŋiyirr(i) | | return (to, home), go back |
ruŋgurr | | bone from a kangaroo's hind leg (used by ladies to bash their heads in grief) |
ruŋgurrpa | | avoidance relationship term used by someone when referring to your poison cousin |
rupmarama | | take (off, down) |
rupa(') | | tin (can or container), cup, glass, pannikin |
rupu | | possum--male |
rur' | | stand, rise wake up |
rurr'yun | | shake |
rurraŋ'thun | | crane, stretch or bend neck to see something |
rurrguyun | | wash, scrub |
rurrkrurrk | | light (weight) |
rurrukmarama | | brush against |
rurrukunbuy | | |
rurruminy | | tree? Acanthus ilicifolius |
rurrururruwuy | | |
rurrurr | | sandy or earthy area |
rorrurr | | edge, rail (of boat), frame (window) cover |
rurruytja | | fish |
rurrwuyun | | wash, scrub |
ruthayirri | | motionless in water, "hang there" (of fish) |
ruwakpuy | | |
ruwal'yun | | clear off ground (while preparing a camp) |
ruwam'bun | | bake (in ashes) |
ruwaŋga(') | | light (weight) |
rowu | | rootfood--found on beach creeper with large purple flowers Ipomea pes-caprae |
rowuk | | egg--fertilised (with developing chick) old (footprints), stale (eggs) |
ruyu | | wake, trail (left in water by fish, turtle, boat, etc.) |
-tu | | ERGative INSTrument |
-thaŋ' | | TIME |
-thi | | ALLative |
-thi- | | INCHoative |
-thu | | ERGative INSTrument |
-thu | | ALLative |
thu- | | BASE former |
-tja | | OPPosition or EMPHasis marker |
-tji- | | INCHoative |
-tju | | ERGative, INSTrumental |
-tju | | ERGative INSTrument |
ju- | | BASE former |
-ulu | | FUT |
-urru | | FUT |
-w | | GENitive: for (he went for wallaby), possessive (John's money), benefactive |
-wa | | GENitive |
wä' | | which way?, where (to)? |
wä'thirri | | what-do?, how is it done? |
wäthun | | call out (to) |
waḏak | | seat (inside of dinghy or canoe) base (of canoe mast) |
waḏaŋga(') | | forehead face Ext cliff, hill, mountain |
waḏa'ŋu | | rootfood--small swamp plant with edible root Grass Potato, Curculigo ensifolia |
waḏapthun | | bathe, wash (up) |
wadapa | | seaweed--that turtles eat submerged rocks (?) |
waḏarritj | | tree--grows on beach |
waḏarrkwaḏarrk | | quickly |
waḏarrma | | rootfood "Native Potato" |
wäḏatj | | grandparents of the same moiety as oneself, both maternal MM,MMB,MMZ and paternal FF,FFB,FFZ |
waḏawaḏa | | tree--wood used for making hunting and ceremonial spear shafts large leaves good for cooking cycad damper Spear Bush, Macaranga tanarius spear |
waḏay'yun | | pull (along), drag |
wäḏitj | | |
waḏu'marama | | make up, compose, invent (song, dance, story) |
waḏulu | | tree--large Paperbark |
waḏunyikpa | | shark (generic for adults) |
wäḏut | | Dry Season--early, when the nights become cool and burning off starts (wind is from S/SE) there plenty of bush food |
waḏitja | | quick(ly) |
wagabatj | | far, a very long way away |
wägilak | | sisters of creation (dreamtime story) |
wägilak | | clan-nation |
wäk | | bird--crow Torresian Crow, Corvus orru |
waka(') | | cf Exp: waka(')-ŋurrkama V-2- beget, procreate, have children (both parents) Syn: mala-buma, walkur-ma:rrama |
wakal | | fun, game (playing around), loose behaviour |
wakalama | | crawl |
wäkaŋ | | |
wakarr(') | | whirlwind, whirligig |
wakaṯa | | stick--for fighting, club |
wakin | | big, grown up |
wakin | | bad, no good |
wakinŋu | | sis(ter) term used by a brother to address his sister loner belonging to no one uninhabited (place) illegitimate, "bastard" ḎrudeṈ |
wakir'yun | | go bush (for a few days), camp |
wäkŋani | | tree--edible black fruit Native Peach, Peach-Leaf Poison Bush, Native Peach, Trema asp a,e ra Coelospermum reticulatum |
wäkŋaniŋ | | bird Black Butcherbird, Cracticus quoyi Black-Tailed Tree Creeper, Climacteris melanura |
waku | | child, son, daughter C/f niece ZD , nephew ZS son-in-law first cousin FZSC uncle FZH , aunt FZHZ grand-uncle FFZH great-grandparent (of opposite moiety), great-grandfather FFM,MFF , great-grandmother MMM grandson, granddaughter FZSC M,Z, |
wakuluŋgul(') | | fog, mist, dew spiderweb |
wäkuṉ | | fish Sea Mullet, Mugil cephalus Silver Mullet, M. georgii |
wäkuraŋaniŋ | | tree River Mangrove, Aegiceras corniculatum |
wakuratjpi | | |
wakutu(') | | water |
wakuthi | | |
wakuwal | | dream |
wakuy | | armpit |
wakwakthun | | float, drift (backwards or forwards on water) |
wakwak | | waterlily--especially its edible flower Nymphaea violacea, Nymphoides indica |
wakwakŋani | | tree--red edible fruit Red Jungle Berry |
-wal(a) | | ALLative, LOCative, Directional |
walamarama | | command, order, tell (someone) to do something |
walak | | perhaps |
waḻakurr | | wide, broad |
walal(a) | | they Pl |
walalama | | their(s), for them Pl |
walalambal | | their(s) Pl |
walalan | | them Pl, object |
walalanha | | them Pl, object |
walalaŋ | | their(s) Pl |
walalaŋgal(a) | | to them (all) Pl |
walalaŋgu | | their(s) Pl |
walalaŋguŋ(u) | | from them |
walalawara | | to them Pl |
walalawuru | | from them Pl |
walalawuy | | they themselves Pl |
walaluma | | |
walamala | | uphill, upriver |
waḻaman' | | all, everyone |
walamaŋu | | clan-nation |
walamarraṉa | | |
waḻan(') | | tree Hill Coolibah, Eucalpytus tectifica, E. foelcheana |
walaṉa | | fish Tailor |
waḻandi | | |
walanŋu | | turtle juvenile Green Turtle |
waḻanyawaḻanya | | efficient (person who gets things done quickly and properly) |
wälaŋ | | good--very, lovely |
wälaŋ | | who was it?, so and so |
-walaŋa- | | OBLique formative |
-walaŋa- | | KIN suffix referring to brother or sister via their children |
walaŋari(') | | rootfood with a small round root which must be cooked until black it is pounded up and eaten, but becomes chewy like gum Coelospermum reticulatum Typhonium sp. |
-walaŋu- | | OBLique formative |
waḻaŋu | | cf Exp: buku-walaŋu n mosquito--with a big head, non-malarial |
waḻarr | | tall, high, long |
walarri | | whirlwind, twister |
waḻarritj | | tree--coastal shrub Guettarda speciosa (?) |
waḻatpuma | | bake (damper) in sand |
waḻatha | | tree |
wäḻawun(') | | shellfish--edible Mud Welk, Telescope Mud Creeper, Telescopium telescopium |
waḻawurrlil | | |
walḏulu | | tree--edible fruit Paperbark sp. |
walguḏatj | | cf Exp: walgudatj-ma:rrama V-2-tr annoy, irritate |
waḻikurr | | |
waḻima | | other, another (of a different kind) |
waḻinydjunalil | | |
waḻip | | one |
waḻirr | | sun, day Ext time watch, timepiece |
waḻirr-garrpinamirri | | snake--tree snake |
wälitj | | radio |
waliya | | stick--digging |
wäliyaṉ | | woman--who has recently given birth or who has born many children animal with a lot of offspring, "good breeder" |
wälk | | placenta, afterbirth, umbilical cord womb |
waḻkarra | | fish--large herring or anchovy found in fresh and salt water |
walkuli | | bird Koel Wandering Whistling Duck, Dendrocygna arcuata |
wälkum(a) | | kiss hug |
walkur(') | | term used by someone when referring to your GA:THU descendant from male line |
walma | | go out, exit, come out, rise (sun or moon) |
waḻmany | | bird Black Duck |
waḻmaŋgarr | | lizard Northern Blue-Tongue |
walmapuy | | clan (Djinba) |
walmarama | | get water (by dipping) |
wälmu | | tree--mangrove Canonball Mangrove, Xylocarpus granatum |
walmuḏa | | moon Ext month shellfish--not eaten |
walmurum(a) | | look (up) |
waḻnyuŋbi | | bird |
walŋa | | alive, living working well fresh (fish) life |
wal'ŋu | | indeed, extremely |
wal'ŋu | | cf Exp: mapu' wal\'ŋu n egg-yolk Cf: bangarr (egg-white) |
walpalun | | shrub--edible fruit |
walpaṉa(') | | canoe |
wälpay | | tree--edible fruit Santalum album |
walpulay | | shellfish--edible Fluted Giant Clam |
walpurruŋgu' | | bird Plains Turkey, Bustard |
walpurruŋgu'ŋiniŋ | | tree Clerodendrum cunninghamii |
waltjaṉ | | rain (generic) heavy rain, Wet Season Ext year |
waltjimirri | | |
walu | | sun day Ext season, time timepiece, watch, clock |
waḻuka | | rain |
walulu | | cyclone |
waḻumarri | | |
waḻunba | | |
waḻunydjunawuy | | |
wäluŋ | | |
waḻuŋgu | | rootfood |
waluŋguy | | bird (generic or unidentified sp?) |
waḻuŋu | | rootfood--a swamp plant with edible roots |
waḻurrkwaḻurrk | | diarrhoea |
walurru | | shellfish--edible |
walutju | | good--very, lovely, wonderful |
wamatharra | | |
wambal | | leg--lower, tail stem of yam (part growing above the ground) Ext handle |
wambulu | | yamstick--big, heavy digging iron, iron rod, crowbar |
wambuma | | cf Exp: ma:rr-wambuma V-2- not know, be ignorant (of) Syn: dhuŋa, ma:rr-dhumbal'yun |
wambuṯthun | | run |
wamiḏiṯ | | |
waminyarra | | |
wam'parr | | kidney |
wamurra | | shellfish--edible cracked and put into the fire Oyster sp. |
wämut | | mälk-m bird Australian Wedge-tailed Eagle |
wamuti | | |
wamuttjan | | mälk-f |
waṉ'thun | | look around |
waṉa | | arm, front leg (of animal), wing, branch Ext armband creek, tributary (of river) |
waṉakulam(a) | | lead, guide (someone) ACC |
wanakwanak | | cf Idm: mel-wanakwanak n greed, covetousness Adj greedy |
waṉamayku | | |
waṉambi | | surname |
waṉamula | | |
wanaŋ'thun | | cf Idm: buku-wanaŋ'thun V-1-in go one\'s own way, do "one\'s own thing" take everything for oneself |
wäṉaŋ | | |
wanaŋa | | desire, longing |
waṉapuyŋu | | surname |
waṉarrambal | | bush--from which pipes are made white flowers Pipe Bush, Scaevola taocada |
wanatawuy | | |
wanatja | | |
wäṉba | | bird Peewee Cape Arnhem |
waṉbana | | rain |
waṉḏa | | head, skull |
waṉḏal' | | root |
waṉḏawuy | | outstation |
waṉḏi(-)gatjuy | | crab Ozius truncatus |
wandiŋ | | hunting |
waṉḏirr(i) | | run travel |
wäṉḏurrk | | fish Whiting spp. |
wäṉḏuwa(') | | tree--with edible nut Small-Flowered Bloodwood, Eucalyptus polycarpa |
wandha | | quickly |
wandjami | | |
wandjuk | | Preying Mantis |
wanga | | or else! |
waṉgarr | | feather |
wangarrak | | selfish |
waṉgaypuma | | |
wanguḻŋaniŋ | | shellfish--not eaten Argo Paper and Pearly Nautilus |
wangupali | | |
wangurmina | | whirlwind |
waṉgurra' | | Bandicoot |
wangurri | | clan-nation |
wäni | | go, come, walk -tr go to (someone) ACC |
waṉinymarr | | grave post |
waniyawa | | |
wan'kabu | | lizard "Water Goanna", Merten's Water Monitor |
waṉ'kal | | |
wan'kawu | | lizard "Water Goanna", Merten's Water Monitor |
waṉ'kura | | tree |
waṉ'kurra | | bandicoot Long-nosed Bandicoot, Greater Brown Bandicoot, Isoodon macrourus macrourus |
waṉ'tjirr | | |
waṉ'tjurr | | ceremony--cleansing (using leaves and branches from certain trees after the funeral rites) |
wän'tjut | | directly on target (throw or hit something with one try) |
wänuŋ | | beetle larvae |
wäṉuŋ | | |
wanha | | where (at)?, which? |
wanhaka | | where (is)? |
wanhala | | where (at)? |
wanhalatjan | | which way (going)?, along where? |
wanhalil | | where to? |
wanhamal(a) | | where (to)?, whither? |
wanhami | | where (at)? |
wanhamir | | where (at)? |
wanhaŋulil | | where to? |
wanhaŋumal | | where to? |
wanhaŋumi | | where at? |
wanhaŋur(u) | | where from? recent location |
wanhaŋuwuy | | where from? origin |
wanhawa | | finished, ended |
wanhawala | | where to?, whither? |
wanhawitjan | | which way (going)?, where to? |
wanhdhiḻaku | | Anindilyakwa, Groote Eylandt language and people |
wanhi | | exclamation |
wanhurr | | vomit juice from the pounding of soaked Cycad nuts |
wäny | | armpit (fish) fin |
wanybarrŋa | | surname |
wanybuku | | |
wanydjalawuy | | |
wanydjalpu' | | |
wanydjarrpu | | yam--with red skin and needles on stem, found in open bushland or on hills must be cooked and peeled before eating |
-'wanydji\' | | Semblative: like, similar to |
wanydji | | care, charge |
wanygurra | | |
wanyilinyil | | butterfly |
wanyirrwanyirr | | spirit place near Dhupuma |
wanymala | | hair--armpit |
wanymalka | | |
wanymuli | | |
wany'tjalpu | | |
wany'tjun | | |
wany'tjuŋ | | wooden piece at bow of boat |
wanyu | | hard |
waŋa | | speak (a language) PER talk about OBL ask for GEN -tr speak to |
waŋa | | ghost, dead body, corpse |
wäŋa | | place, camp house, hut, home(land), nation, country(side), area Ext position, situation ovaries |
wäŋa | | talk, speak ask (for) |
waŋara | | empty(-handed), light Ext barren (childless woman) all alone unhelpful |
waŋarr | | totemic ancestors, culture heros (god-like beings who originally inhabited the earth then changed themselves into animals, birds, monsters, etc.) sacred things |
wäŋa-wulanybuy | | whale |
waŋgala | | camp, place |
waŋgalkal | | wind (generic specifically a cool change, e.g., breeze signalling rain) |
wäŋgam(a) | | go, come, walk |
waŋgany | | one |
waŋgapunum(a) | | cook (by placing food on fire or boiling) |
waŋgayŋu | | different, other |
waŋgi'yun | | smell |
waŋgurru | | |
wäŋi | | wind, breeze, air |
wäŋiŋaniŋ | | shellfish--edible |
wäŋi-waŋi | | crab--small, brown |
wäŋiya | | |
waŋupini(') | | cloud |
waŋ'waŋ\' | | bird Crow |
wapthun | | jump (up), hop, leap, get up (quickly) |
wäpa' | | fish Rainbow Fish |
wapaṉgi | | mud |
wapiḏi | | |
wapiriny | | |
wäpit | | |
wapiṯi(') | | stingray, shark (generic for cartilaginous fish) meat or flesh of these |
wapitja(') | | stick--for digging, walking, or fighting |
wapkatj | | part Aboriginal |
wapulkuma | | rootfood--grass-like plant growing near water root must be cooked before eating, tastes like a nut |
wapuṉu | | rat Australian Water-Rat, Hydromys chrysogaster |
wapunhu'mirriŋu | | owner of an animal |
wäpura | | tree/shrub--mangrove edible fruit (?) Mimusops elengi |
wapurarr | | calm, motionless |
wäpuru | | tree/shrub--mangrove edible fruit (?) |
wäpurr | | possum Rock Ring-Tail, Pseudocheirus dahli |
war | | urinate, "piss" ḎvulgarṈ |
war'yun | | peep |
wär | | hamstring inside or back of the knee scab |
-wara | | ALLative |
wara | | who? |
warakala | | |
waraku | | whose?, for whom? |
warakuluy | | |
wärakuma | | surround |
warakuŋu | | provided by whom?, from whom? |
waral'yun | | ask, inquire (of, about) ACC |
warali | | who (did it)? |
waramaŋu(') | | bird--large Quail King Quail |
warambala(') | | headband--wide, made of string (not feathers), used in sacred ceremonies |
waranha | | whom? object of action |
wäraŋ | | possum Sugar Glider, "Flying Squirrel", Petaurus breviceps ariel |
waraŋulama | | crawling sensation on one's skin (e.g., a fly) |
waratjarra | | flood (running) |
war(-)buma | | curse (by singing a magic song) |
warbunuma | | rain--make |
wargirr( | | |
wäŋawiliny | | a camping place that has been used for many generations, (and ancestors) |
warguyun | | worry, think (about) |
wargugu | | sorrow, grief, sadness, worry |
wäri | | tree Atalaya variifolia |
wäri | | who? |
wäri' | | man--initiated in Gunapipi and Ŋulmarrk ceremonies |
warinyara | | |
waripu | | different, another (of a different kind) |
wark | | work, job, employment (after an illness) rise from the dead |
warku(')yun | | annoy, tease, mock, deride exorcise, drive away (spirits at funeral rites) |
warkwark | | bird Crow |
warma | | fish small light-coloured Freshwater Fork-tailed Catfish |
warmarr' | | bark of Stringybark |
warmbarr | | wing (of bird) |
warmbirrirr | | |
warmirr(i) | | |
warnyuŋbi | | bird Australian Pelican |
warŋarrk | | three, few, a little |
warŋgarrkŋa | | |
warŋ'warŋ\' | | crow |
warpuru | | |
wärpurr | | possum Sugar Glider, Sugar Squirrel, "Flying Squirrel" |
wartja | | shellfish--edible Gari togata |
wartjwartj | | beetle-like cockroach--dark with white cross-bands "Piss Beetle" |
waru'yun | | crane the neck to look at something |
warumuk | | dark(ness) |
warumunha | | dark |
war'waryun | | slip down, wear clothing that does not fit, be loose (of clothes) swim or duck under water |
warwargal | | avoidance relationship term |
warwuwu | | grief, sadness, sorrow, worry |
waryirr | | urine, "piss" ḎrudeṈ |
warr | | pull, push take lead the way |
warryun | | swim across |
warr'yun | | take out of (as cooked food from fire or ashes yams from water after soaking turtle eggs from hole) |
wärr | | storm, cyclone |
-warra | | Plural |
warra'yun | | like, enjoy GEN |
warrabaḏa | | fish Milk Fish Giant Herring |
warraḏay | | caterpillar |
warraḏikawuy | | |
warraga(') | | palm and its nut Cycad |
warrakan(') | | animal (land mammal or reptile, bird) meat (hunted game) (Rit) emu Ext European red meats (beef, lamb) corned beef |
warrakayaw' | | clear (sky), clean (water) |
warralkuma | | |
warralawarrala | | Praying Mantis, Stick Insect |
warrambuḻa | | stingray--edible, has spots and a large head Spotted Eagle Ray, Aetobtus narinari Devil Ray, Manta alfredi (?) |
warramiri | | clan-nation |
warraṉa | | |
warraṉuwa | | bush--with purple/blackish fruit Cheese Tree, Flat Berry Bush, Antidesma ghaesambilla Jungle Currant, Glochidion disparapes |
warranydjal | | cf Exp: dha:-warranydjal n gossip, slander Cf: widiyal-dumurru |
wärraŋ | | dingo, Canis familiaris wild, undomesticated |
warraŋul | | outside, in the open, public, out of seclusion |
warraŋul | | naked |
warraŋul | | shade |
warrapal(') | | shellfish--edible |
warrapangi | | tree Coastal Whistling Tree, Casuarina equisetifolia |
warrapuḻ | | ant--red with black tail Termite sp. |
wärrarra | | sunset, colour (red/pink) of clouds or sky at sunset LOC west (Rit) clearing, open space |
warraw' | | shade (temporary) shelter |
warrawaḏa | | fish Milk Fish |
warrawarratj | | galloping |
warrawkun | | jump (down, off) |
warray | | maybe, almost, sort of, although, on the other hand particle making sentence less specific (Rit) indeed, to be sure |
warrayak | | |
wärrbaḻiŋga | | track, road, path |
warrdja'yun | | look for GEN |
warrgar | | spittal |
warrgari | | grass--home of snail in WARRAGA' |
warrikarramany | | sun time |
wärriku | | temporary, makeshift, ad hoc |
warrimbiri | | |
warrinyara | | grass Adenia heterophylla |
warrinybal | | |
warrinyi | | |
warrkthun | | take (off, out--as food from fire or ashes), dig up (turtle eggs) |
wärrk | | wind-storm (gale-force winds and rain), cyclone, hurricane |
wärrk | | burnt part of food (?) |
wärrkarr | | lily--inedible onion-like bulb White Sand Lily, White Forest Lily, Crinum asiaticum, C. uniflorum |
warrkiri | | grass--growing near swamps |
warrkwarrk | | ants (several species) |
warrmbaya | | anyway, nevertheless |
warrnyu | | flying fox (generic, especially for large bats e.g., Pteropus spp.) Ext White Man |
warrŋaṯ | | rootfood--plant with small potato-like roots |
warrŋguḻ | | spear--made from barbs of stingray |
warrpala | | man--young, initiated youth, boy |
wärrpala | | avoidance relationship term used by males to each other, or by female gurruŋ to call her maralkur "poison cousin" |
warrpam' | | all, every(body/one/thing), the (whole) lot |
warrpaṉuwa | | snake Water Python, Liasis fuscus |
wärrpunuma | | take out of (?) |
warrpuru | | smell, scent, odour |
warrthambal | | spear--stone |
warrtjtjun | | silly, be crazy |
warrtjakpa | | |
warrtjaḻ'yun | | run |
wärru | | |
warrukay(') | | fish Barracuda, Sphyraena barracuda Slender Barracuda, S. jello Striped Sea Pike, Sphyraenella obtusata |
warrukay | | burial pole or totem (made of wood) |
wärruŋ | | dog |
wärrurr | | roots--fine auxiliary, capillary |
warrwaḏa | | fish Milk Fish, Chanos chanos Giant Herring, Elops australis |
warrwarr | | fish Catfish (generic) |
warrwarr | | straight |
warr'(-)warr | | remove, pull out (from bag, oven, fire, etc.) open up (a blanket) ḎCYṈ run (after), chase (away) |
warr'warr | | lung |
watthun | | stick up/out, protrude |
waṯthun | | turn one's head, look over one\'s shulder |
wätthun | | call out, shout (to) |
wata | | wind (generic) gentle breeze |
waṯa | | girl--single, young woman (married, but with no child) |
waṯa'ŋani | | |
wataŋaniŋ | | shellfish--edible |
-waṯaŋu | | proper, correct, owned, rightfully belongs to |
waṯapa(') | | stone, rock Ext money, coin(s) |
waṯarra(') | | fish--freshwater Archer Fish, Rifle Fish |
watpar | | tree--with very thin leaves Grevillea pteridifolia |
waṯu | | dog |
watuŋgurr | | |
wätha | | poor, having no money |
watharr | | white, light, bright (colour) new born baby Ext White person |
wäthun | | |
-watj | | Plural (three or more) |
watja | | pointed |
watjana | | |
watjarr'yun | | hold back, restrain (as from fighting, leaving) |
watjarrkaḻi(') | | fish young Barramundi |
watjiḏika | | turtle sub-adult Loggerhead Turtle |
watjkaḻyun | | swim |
watjpalŋa | | bird, fowl (jungle or domestic) |
watjpariny' | | reserved, set aside |
watjpil | | hospital |
watjuku | | |
watjuṉḏu | | lizard--large goanna Varanus gouldii |
wätjuŋ | | |
watjurra | | |
watjurrapi | | stick--long, pointed, ceremonial |
wätjwatjtjun | | pull in (anchor or fishing line) Ext think of someone (and then they arrive) |
wawun | | buzz (of bee) |
wäwa | | brother--elder |
wa'wa | | bird Crow |
wa'wa\'yun | | dance in Gunapipi ceremony |
wawilak | | clan-nation |
wäwilak | | sisters--of creation, Creators |
wawu | | unaware, off guard, unintentional(ly), ignorant |
wawu | | promised, betrothed (one's intended spouse) |
wawuḏitjpal | | fish--small |
wäwuḻa | | axe |
wäwun | | promise |
wäwuru(') | | tree--especially its edible fruit (turns from yellow to red after Sept should be cooked in hot sand first since it makes the tongue go dry if eaten raw) Mimusops elengi |
wäwurr | | |
-way | | EXIS |
way | | Hey! |
waythun | | swim |
wäy | | hey! |
wäythun | | arrive catch (a sickness) |
wäy' | | worm or similar creature found at the edges of billabongs and used for bait |
-waya | | ALLative, LOCative |
waya | | wire, wire spear |
waya | | Plural |
wayala | | low ground (place that is boggy in the Wet) swamp, flat country, creek bed valley spring (where fresh-water may be found naturally or by digging a small hole) |
wayali | | grandchild |
wayalwaŋa | | |
wayanaka | | shellfish Oyster, Soccostrea tuberculata |
wäyaŋa | | coast western side of Elcho Island |
wäyaŋaŋaniŋ | | shellfish--not eaten Waxen Screw Shell, Turritella terebra generic for File Shells, Fan shells, Scallops, Pectens (?) |
wayapa | | turtle--large |
wayar | | reed--very sharp edge, found along riverbanks, used to make string or for sewing bark canoes Cyperus haspan |
wayathul' | | bird Jungle Fowl, Scrub Turkey |
wayawu | | path through grass turn-off, foot-track (off the main track) place where you can find kangaroos, wallabies and emus |
wayiḻi | | |
wäyin | | meat (game traditionally hunted as opposed to food gathered, extended to European red meats) animal (generic for: bird, land mammal, land reptile) Ext corned beef |
wäyiŋ | | weigh |
wayirri | | back (of house), top (of box), cover (book) |
wayirrilil(i) | | grandchild DC/f,ZDC SC |
waykaḏa | | bird Jungle Fowl |
waykiṉgiṉ | | |
wayku | | container--large (1 meter long), made of Paperbark (for carrying child or dog) |
waymamba | | |
waymi | | grass (-like plants, generic) water-grass |
wayŋali | | |
waypuṉa | | between, in the middle |
wäyuk | | arm--upper |
wayulu | | |
wayuŋga | | |
waywayyun | | aim (spear), point (gun at) |
wiḏi' | | lost, strayed |
wiḏidjirr'wiḏidjirr | | bird Wren |
wiḏikarra | | |
wiḏipiya | | another (of a different type or kind), other(s) |
wiḏipiyaŋ' | | one once |
wiḏipulmul | | forever |
wiḏitjpu | | |
wiḏiyal | | gossip, untrue stories |
weḏu | | fish Salmon Catfish |
weka(') | | juice, gravy honey syrup |
wekam(a) | | give |
wikarra | | long, tall |
wiḻa | | bird--curlew |
wila'yun | | stick (in, as spear) |
wilak | | maybe, possibly |
wilaŋ'thun | | take out (of a fire) drag out |
wildjiwildji | | grass--sharp-tipped "Spear Grass", Aristida browniana |
wilikwilik | | bird--large parrot Galah |
wiḻiny' | | bird--red parrot |
wilinydja | | |
wiḻirr | | gravel, little stones, tiny shells, old coral (generic for any debris washed ashore after a big sea) rubbish shell midden, mound |
wilirrkthun | | make or leave tracks when walking or crawling |
wiḻitjwiḻitj | | bird--green parrot |
wiḻi(')wiḻi | | bird--large, said to have a red breast and yellowish back |
wiḻmurr(') | | spear--wire (for fishing) |
wilwilyun | | shake, tremble (from fear, joy, hunger, nerves) |
wiḻ'wiḻ | | stone--used for sharpening tools, whetstone |
wilyiwilyi | | grass--sharp-tipped "Spear Grass" |
wingil'yun | | shake |
wiṉikamu | | fern (generic), e.g: Acrostichum speciosum, Blechnum indicum, Chelanthes tenuifolia, Drynaria qu a,e rcifolia, Lygodium scandens e.g: Freshwater Fern with edible roots |
wiṉiṉ | | tarpaulin, ground sheet, tent |
wininiŋu | | |
wiṉiŋgirri | | fruit--bush Cucumis melo Melothria maderaspatana |
winitjthi | | Wednesday |
win'ku | | fish immature Parrotfish Blue Tusk Fish, Choerodon cyanodus |
wiṉ'ku | | left (side, -handed) |
winy'tjun | | annoy, antagonise, vex |
winya' | | lost, stray(ed) |
winygurra | | Anindilyakwa, Groote Eylandt people and their language |
winyimarra | | |
winyinwinyin | | Sandfly, Gnat |
winyiwinyi | | flying fox (generic for smaller bats) Ghost Bat, Macroderma gigas, Arnhem Land Long-eared Bat, Nyctophilus arnhemensis |
winyuḻa | | flying fox Gould's Wattle Bat, Chalinolobus gouldii venatoris |
wiryun | | miss when spearing |
wir'yun | | thin--be, become skinny, waste away |
wer'yun | | whistle |
weraŋ | | deserted place |
wiraŋ'wiraŋ | | few |
wirga | | scum, sap |
wirgawirgayun | | stagger, zigzag |
wirikiri(') | | minnow (generic for all small school fish) |
wirilma | | |
wiriny'tjun | | scrape (as with spear), scratch, shave, plane smooth, level (out) |
wiriŋgitjwiriŋgitj | | lacking, not having |
wiripu | | different, other (another of a different type or kind), other(s) |
wiritj | | fish Rainbow Fish sp. |
wiriyarr | | turtle--young juvenile Hawksbill Turtle |
werkwirkthun | | whistle |
weruma | | bend, break (as branch) |
wirwiryun | | turn, spin, rotate hang around |
wiryarr | | turtle--young |
wirr | | none, nothing |
wirryun | | scrape |
wirr'yun | | fall (as leaf) |
wirrdjawirrdja'yun | | fall |
wirrdji' | | totem, "dreaming" |
wirrigu'yun | | throw (stone, etc.) at (something) |
wirrikuwuy | | |
werril | | muddy water, dirt that comes up with water in a fresh water spring or soak |
wirrimbitj | | |
wirrinywirriny | | tree--mangrove Acacia sublanata |
wirrir(')wirrir | | bird Rainbow Bird (?), Cockatiel (?) |
wirritjun | | row (boat), paddle (canoe) |
wirritjwirritj | | bird--parrot with red patch on top of head Varied Lorikeet |
wirriwirri | | bird Rainbow Bee-Eater, Merops ornatus |
wirrk | | scratch |
wirrkthun | | |
wirrka | | very (much so), more (intensely) INTensive |
wirrkaḏay' | | left |
wirrki | | very (much so), more (intensely), a lot INTensive marker (Rit) often used as an untranslatable particle at the end of a sentence |
wirrkuḻ | | girl--young (after puberty, but childless (Rit) before puberty) Ext virgin |
wirrmu | | moon Ext month Paper Nautilus shellfish--not eaten |
wirrmuryun | | dizzy--be/feel |
wirrŋgay | | action--non-reciprocated (e.g., see without being seen, attack without a response) |
wirrŋgiṉ | | devil--often steals children, said to look like a Jabiru |
wirrpanda | | surname |
werrtjay | | bird--small green parrot |
wirrwakunha | | turtle |
wirrwawuy | | |
wirrwirr | | wrinkle(s) |
wirr'wirrun | | whistle (of the wind) |
wirrwuyun | | throw stones |
wirrwuḻ | | girl--young (after puberty, without a child) |
wirryawirrya'yun | | fall |
wirryay' | | bird Varied Lorikeet, Psitteuteles versicolor |
witthun | | get up, rise |
wiṯthun | | swing backwards and forwards |
weṯi(') | | wallaby, kangaroo (generic) Agile Wallaby, Macropus agilis (Rit) female Agile Wallaby |
wititj | | snake Olive Python, Liasis olivaceus |
wiṯitjwiṯitj | | curly (hair), curved (line) |
wiṯiyana | | |
wetj | | gift, giving |
witjarr'yun | | miss when spearing |
wiyarr'yun | | bail out, dig |
wiyarriṯa' | | curse, black magic, "singing" (an evil spell) |
wiyaṯthun | | feel sorry (for) GEN |
wiyika(') | | juice (generic for any liquid thicker than water: gravy, melted fat, oil, honey) Ext petrol |
weyin(') | | long, tall |
wopthun | | smoke (tobacco) |
wopa | | |
wupitj | | office |
wopulu(') | | bird Kite (generic), Falcon, Goshawk |
wupuluwul | | blanket |
wupurruwuy | | |
wuryun | | pull (as speared fish out of water) |
-wura | | LOCative, Comitative |
wora | | clan (Djinang?) |
wurandaka | | tree, especially its bark or a liquid that can be drunk when water is not available Dwarf Paperbark, Melaleuca viridiflora container--for honey, water or shellfish (made from this bark) |
wuranybirr | | bird Honeyeater (?) |
wurarr | | |
wurawuy | | |
wuray | | grass--with sharp blades, found near water Imperata cylindrica |
wurburrk | | tree Tristania lactiflua |
wuri'yun | | thin--be, become |
wori | | shark--any of several spp. that are not eaten Little Blue Shark, Scoliodon palasorrah Zebra Shark, Stegostoma fasciatum Banded Wobbegong, Orectolobus ornatus etc. |
wurikiri | | fish |
wurintj | | orange (fruit colour) |
wuriyamu | | shellfish Spider Shell, Strombu cambelli (?) |
wurkthun | | swallow, drink |
wurŋgun | | suck |
-wuru | | ABLative |
-wuru- | | OBLique formative |
wuruḻuḻ' | | fly, bush fly |
wuruŋgal | | blood |
-wuruy | | ASoCiative |
wurwadja | | flower--mangrove |
-wurr | | PERgressive, PERlative: through the heart, along the beach, speak (in) a language |
-wurr | | Plural |
wurryun | | rumble, make a loud or rumbling noise (e.g., machine, truck) |
worr' | | sweat, perspiration |
wurrthun | | pull (up, out with resistance), uproot, snap (something off, e.g., pandanus from centre of bush) |
wurramu | | grave post--Macassan |
wurraṉ | | bird Diver Duck, Darter Ext White Man |
wurraṉḏilŋawuy | | |
wurraŋatjarra | | bad (person), cruel, lawless, irresponsible, clumsy, careless |
wurrapa | | clan(s) Ext aeroplane |
wurrapanda | | White Man, European |
wurrapaŋaniŋ | | tree--small edible fruit Broom Berry, Randia cochinensis |
wurrawu | | rootfood--tiny succulent creeper |
wurray | | devil, ghost (spirit which roams around) Mantis, Stick Insect (associated with devils) |
wurrbuyun | | run in fright |
wurrbuna | | sleep--go to |
wurrdha'yun | | throw |
wurrdjara | | palm "Cabbage Palm", Fan Palm |
wurrguluma | | turtle--green-backed |
wurritj | | bird--honeyeater |
worrk | | fire--small bush or grass fire set deliberately (e.g., by men while hunting kangaroos, when looking for honey to tell if the hive is still active) |
wurrkthun | | pull, tear off with teeth (as meat from bone) |
wurrka | | |
wurrkaḏi | | larvae of Horned Beetle (grubs with large eyes living in the ground) (Rit) biting reddish ant sp. |
wurrkandatj | | |
wurrki | | flower, foliage |
wurrki-ganydjarr | | dialect (Djinang) |
wurrkuminybuy | | |
wurrkumun | | missed (as when firing a gun) |
wurrkumuŋ | | ripe cooked |
wurrkundatj | | shellfish--edible (raw or cooked) Black-lipped Oyster |
wurrmal | | |
wurrmitjin | | |
wurrnyir'marama | | spear with a wire spear |
wurrŋaṯtja | | burnt (as grass or countryside) scorched terrain after a bushfire |
wurrŋgiṉ | | bird Forest Kingfisher, Halcyon macleayii |
wurrŋ'ka | | shellfish--edible Cardita semiorbiculata (?) Leptifer bilocularis |
wurrpaṉ | | bird Emu, Dromaius novaehollandiae |
wurrpaṉŋiniŋ | | snake Western Brown Snake |
wurrpaṉŋiniŋ | | tree--with small leaves |
wurrpaṉ'-ŋupanamirr(i) | | lizard--legless, worm-like snake or lizard (generic) |
wurrpurr | | woman's name |
wurrthal' | | place--inland which is a poor food source |
wurrthal' | | sucker(s), young tree(s) |
wurrthalminy | | |
wurrthunbuy | | fish Ox-Eyed Herring |
wurrtjuḻu | | tree--edible fruit leaves used medicinally Paperbark sp. (?) |
wurrtjwurrtjmirri | | emu |
-wurru | | Plural |
-wurru | | PERgressive, PERlative: through the heart, along the beach, speak (in) a language |
wurru | | they |
wurruku | | will do, might |
wurrulŋa | | |
wurruḻuḻ(') | | Fly (generic) (Rit) reddish fly (said to be common in caves) |
wurrumbuḻu | | |
wurrumila | | spirit--turtle hunter |
wurruṉurr | | bird Ibis |
worruŋu | | old (man, person) Sg |
wurrupul | | snake Freshwater Snake, Amphiesma mairii |
wurrupuruma | | cf Exp: dha:-wurrupuruma V-2- plead (with), beg |
wurruru | | crab--small Ghost Crab Soldier Crab (?) |
wurruru('-)wurruru | | crab--small, used for bait Soldier Crab (?) |
worrutj | | bird Red-collared Lorikeet body hair bees |
wurruy' | | sit together |
wurrwa | | armband--of string and feathers |
wurrwaḻa | | |
wurrwiliny | | man--middle aged (30-50) |
wurrwuluma | | turtle--green-backed |
wurrwurr | | tree Paperbark sp. |
worr'wurr | | bird Owl sp. |
wurrwurrwuy | | |
wurryara | | palm "Cabbage Palm", Fan Palm, Sand Palm |
wut | | hit |
wotarri | | |
wuṯili | | ant |
wutpurr | | tree--especially its saplings Green Plum, Buchanania obovata |
wuṯtji | | fish Oval-Spot Coral Fish, Chaetodon speculum Muellers Coral Fish, Chelmon mulleri |
wutumilin | | watermelon |
wotha | | snake |
wuthaŋiny | | wind (generic) |
wuthirri | | rope |
wothirri | | lose one's way, get lost, stray, disappear |
wuthumbul | | |
wothuŋu | | |
wutj | | miss make a mistake |
wutjaniny | | |
wutjara | | clan (western Dl) |
wutjara | | |
wutjawutja | | tree--edible fruit (berry is black?) |
wotjawuy | | |
wutjinbala | | poison |
wutjpaḻina | | horse |
wutjun | | cloud |
wuwa' | | stomach--distended |
wuwarku | | snake--generic for all dangerous snakes, e.g: Death Adder, Taipan |
wuwulwuwulkarra | | clan (western Da) |
-wuy | | ASoCiative |
-wuy | | EMPHasis |
wuyal | | spirit, dreamtime person |
wuyarriṯa' | | wind-storm (gale-force winds and rain), cyclone |
wuymirri | | whale (generic) |
wuypunbula | | Praying Mantis, Stick Insect |
wuyumbila | | |
wuyunuŋu(') | | Dolphin |
wuyupthun | | continue |
wuyuwa | | |
wuyuwuyu(') | | insect--black which makes horizontal holes in the sand, makes one sleepy by its humming Ground Wasp (?), Bee (?) |
wuyuwuyuŋaniŋ | | shellfish--edible |
wuywarr | | long, tall |
wuywurr | | shark--very young, edible (generic) |
-wu | | GENitive: for (he went for wallaby), possessive (John's money), benefactive |
-wu | | Plural |
wo | | or |
wuyun | | sorry--feel for, feel pity, sympathise |
woba' | | distention of stomach |
wubarr | | didgeriddo--big, used in Ŋulmarrk ceremony |
wobul | | |
wubulkarra | | clan-nation (western Da) |
wuburr' | | sweat, perspiration water-like mirage (on hot ground in distance) |
wuḏarritj | | shrub--huge leaves useful as plates Fish-Plate Shrub, Guettarda speciosa |
wuḏatjun | | stop (doing), cease be away |
wuḏuku | | tree, mangrove--lightweight wood used for carvings, turtle harpoon, and floats on a raft or fishing line Camptostem o,e n schultzii wood that floats, (any) float |
wuḏupilŋa | | |
wuḏuy | | armpit, underarm fin (of fish) |
wudhupthun | | go away forever, disappear (in water, quicksand, etc.) |
wudjal | | tree and its fruit "Black Plum" |
wokthun | | admire, praise, approve (of), speak well (of) (Rit) crave, lust after |
wukaḻarr | | turtle Hawksbill Turtle |
wukaḻirr | | turtle shell |
wukaḻitj | | Dugong, Sea-cow |
wukandarr | | |
wokara | | frog--small, light brown Green Tree Frog, Litoria caerulea dog name |
wokara | | grass--which squeaks |
wukarmatji | | |
wukiḻirri | | |
wukiṉḏi | | avoidance relationship taboo, forbidden |
wukirri | | write writing Ext book school |
wukiwuki | | rootfood vine--root edible after careful preparation |
wuku | | grass--very sharp Vetiveria elongata (or?) Spinifex longifolius (?) |
wukuṉ | | cloud |
wukuṉḏi | | taboo, forbidden (any activity resulting in "pollution" from touching a corpse, drawing human blood, or dealing with avoidance KIN--all are subject to ritual cleansing) (blood), dharra' (corpse) |
wukuṉḏurr | | cloud--large raincloud |
wukuranhawuy | | |
wukutj | | lizard--large Gould's Goanna, Varanus gouldii |
-wuḻ | | ALLative |
woḻa' | | charm--magic or good-luck, relic (e.g., a dead man's blood or his skin cooked hard--carried for luck in hunting, gambling, etc.) |
wuḻaki | | clan (Djinang) |
wulakitj | | fish Black-Finned Longtom, Tylosurus melanotus |
wuḻaḻa | | |
wuḻamana | | |
wulamba | | Djapu clan (name used by groups to the west) |
wulan | | ocean, open sea |
wulanybuma | | |
wuḻatthun | | finish off |
wuḻawuḻa | | |
-wulay | | Dual: two |
wulayŋu | | fish Spotted Trevally, Caranx melampygus |
wulburrk | | tree--with smooth white bark found along river banks Eucalypt sp. |
wuldjuwuldju' | | plant--small, found in saltpans Tecticornia australasica |
wuḻguman | | woman--old |
-wuḻi | | ALLative |
wulirr | | shellfish--bivalve |
wuḻkthun | | swallow |
wolk | | tree Paperbark sp. |
wulkabi | | dialect (Djinang) |
wolkarra | | clan-nation |
wulkaṯtja(') | | sorcerer (with evil power) |
wuḻki | | |
wuḻkuman | | old woman |
wuḻkurrŋu | | stingray--not eaten Devil Ray, Manta alfredi |
wulkuwulk | | shellfish Pelagic Barnacle |
wuḻkwuḻk | | tadpole larvae of mosquito |
wolma | | thunder clouds (bring the first rains of the Wet) |
wuḻman | | man--old |
wulŋaṉa | | fly (generic) |
wulŋuwulŋu | | |
wulpiwulpi | | cicada |
woḻpunuma | | crowd, swarm around |
wulthu | | grass--used to make string Cyperus sp. |
wuḻthuwuḻthu | | grass--with sharp tips |
wulu | | hair--of dead person |
wulu | | tree Zostera sp. |
wulula | | shellfish Black-lipped Oyster |
wuḻuḻu | | bird White Heron, Egret sp. |
wuḻuḻwuḻuḻ | | hair--grey, white hair |
wulumarra | | |
wulumu | | |
wuḻumu | | grass--tall Sorghum spp. |
wuḻurrk | | meteor, shooting star |
wuluwulu | | shellfish Black-Lipped Oyster |
wuḻuymuŋ | | creeper with berry-like grape |
wuḻuywuḻuy | | spirit |
wuḻwindi | | fish Painted Sweetlips, Plectorhynchus pictus Maori Rock Cod, Epinephelus undulatostriatus (?) Grey Schnapper |
wulwul | | |
wulwulyun | | bark argue |
wuḻwuḻ | | grass/rush--non-edible |
wuḻwuḻk | | tadpole |
wuḻwuḻwuy | | |
wulyiwulyi | | grass--sharp-tipped with very small seeds used by children to spear flies Aristida browniana |
wulyuwulyu' | | plant--small, found in saltpans Tecticornia australasica |
wumbirr | | tide--high/full |
womi | | blanket sack |
woṉ | | insect--flying ant (?), moth (?) , alates that cluster about lights and shed their wings cocoon (?) |
wunakina | | fire(wood) |
wuṉḏaṉ(') | | shrub--edible fruit Bush Currant, Black Plum, Vitex glabra, V. acumineata, Euodia elleryana |
wuṉḏaŋarr(') | | hard, strong, complicated |
wondurruwuy | | |
wuṉdjaŋu | | rootfood--tall sedge with edible roots found in brackish water Scirpus littoralis |
wun'kurr | | west (wind) |
wun'thiŋ | | |
wunuŋmurra | | surname |
wunhaŋu | | snake--mythical |
wunhdhurr | | narrow |
wunh'thiŋ | | banana |
wony | | curse-object (e.g., piece of clothing used to direct black magic against its owner) |
wunya'yun | | lose one's way, get lost |
wunybarama | | swept over by fast current |
wunybir'yun | | go, walk Pl |
wunybuḻ | | |
wunyguwunygu | | |
wunyimarra | | |
wunywuny | | mosquito--large, black |
-wuŋ | | PRODuctive, Originator: given from someone, made by someone |
wuŋaŋi | | |
wuŋapara | | crab--brown Spanner Crab (?) Grapsidae family |
wuŋapu | | tree--edible purple fruit Wild Prune, Pouteria sericea |
wuŋay' | | honey--wild, sugarbag, beehive Honeybee sp. Ext sugar (honey, syrup), munatha' (sugar) |
wuŋgan | | dog Idm "playboy" |
wuŋiḻi(') | | visible projection of oneself: shadow, reflection, image, picture Ext replacement photo(graph) movie, cinema soul spirit, ghost |
wuŋ'kurr | | west |
-wuŋu | | PRODuctive, Originator: given from someone, made by someone |
wuŋuḻi(') | | visible projection of oneself |
wuŋuŋu | | shellfish? |
-y | | ERGative INSTrumental |
-y | | ALLative |
-ya | | Contrastive Emphasis, OPPosition |
ya' | | you see? |
yä | | Ah!, Oh yes! expression of discovery |
yäbulu | | kind, nice (person) |
yäkthun | | sweep |
yaka | | no, not |
yaka | | CONTinuous, PROGressive, Imperfective |
yakarray | | Wow! |
yäkarrman | | imitate, play the part (of) |
yakay | | Ouch! Exclamation of pain or surprise |
yaku | | this |
yäku | | name named |
yakuminy | | |
yakun'- | | this |
yakurr | | sleep asleep |
yakurrŋuru' | | here, at this place |
yakuti | | |
yakutiwuy | | |
yakutjawuy | | |
yakuwala | | this way, toward this, hither |
yakuy | | this |
yakuy'mi(rri) | | language--collective name for variety spoken by Madarrpa (-dhudi), Maŋgurra, Ritharrŋu and Wa:gilak clans |
yakuya | | sleep |
yal'yun | | cool off (of place or weather) get relief |
yäḻ | | tree--with light straight branches good for making fish spears and carvings Hibiscus |
yaḻaburryun | | fall down together (of a group of things) |
yalala | | later (on today), by and by |
yalamirrinyawuy | | |
yalan | | shark Brown-Spotted Catshark, Chiloscyllium punctatum Blind Shark, Brachaelurus waddi (?) |
yalandhu | | ceremonial ground |
yalaŋbara | | |
yalapan | | elephant |
yalapany | | |
yalaṯa | | bird Brolga |
yaḻbarr | | sheet, length (of material) |
yaḻbun | | waterlily--especially its edible portions |
yalbuyalbu | | tortoise--common at Roper River and Roper Valley |
yalkarriwuy | | |
yalkaram(a) | | strip (pandanus) |
yaḻkarraŋgarr'yun | | separate, divide into separate piles |
yalkayŋa | | |
yäḻku | | crab--small |
yalkum | | lie |
yalman | | tree--edible fruit exudes a milky substance used as a dye Ficus sp. |
yaḻmanga | | fat, bone marrow |
yalmari | | |
yalmarr | | back--area below ribs and above the waist |
yalmarriṉḏa | | |
yalmay | | |
yaḻŋarr | | dandruff, flaky skin of body (in the Dry Season) |
yalŋaypa | | body of white seagull |
yalŋgi | | weak, soft, easy, loose Ext cripple, spastic, mongoloid |
yalŋuwa | | later on, in a while, by and by |
yälpi | | |
yalpurr | | long |
yaltharr | | |
yalu | | nest (of bird or spider), cocoon Ext placenta, womb, uterus |
yalu | | bird small Quail sp. |
yalu'yun | | sink, dip in the middle |
yalukthirri | | hungry--be |
yalukal | | clan |
yalukul | | nest |
yalumul | | rain--heavy, constant |
yaluŋbunum(a) | | coiled around, covering up |
yaluparraṉ | | fish |
yaḻurr(') | | snake--aquatic (generic for Sea Snakes), e.g: Stokes Sea Snake, Astrotia stokesii Spined-Bellied Sea Snake, Lapemis hardwickii Elegant Sea Snake, Hydrophis elegans etc. |
yalwar | | canoe--old-fashioned, made from Stringybark |
yalwar' | | bark (thin--of tree) skin (of fruit) |
yalwuḏuk | | pliable weak, frail (as tiny baby) |
yaḻyaḻyun | | stagger, walk bent over (as when carrying a heavy load) |
yalyalkthun | | slack--be (rope) |
yäma | | |
yamana | | tongue Ext talk dialect, pronunciation, language |
yamany | | rootfood Marsdenia viridiflora and/or Cynanchum spp. |
yamayi | | spirit |
yamba | | because |
yämba | | senile |
yambal | | |
yambalal | | snake--small, blackish, found in trees |
yambaḻpaḻ | | |
yambayamba | | |
yambirrku' | | fish Blue Tusk Fish |
yambuma | | stick--secret |
yaminydji | | lightning Gecko (lizard which makes the lightning) |
yän | | still, only, just (for no reason or for emphasis) |
yän | | language linguistic group |
yäna | | still, only, just (for no reason or for emphasis) |
yäna | | they Pl |
yananybuy | | |
yananymul | | rain--heavy, constant |
yanapi | | Oh, I thought..., as if mistaken supposition |
yanbi | | Oh, I thought..., as if mistaken supposition |
yanbitjili | | shark--with softish dorsal fin, lies close to sea bed, often around coral "Lazy Shark" |
yan(a) bili | | and so on, until |
yanda | | rootfood--vine |
yaṉḏayaṉḏa | | rememberance of an unkindness for later retribution |
yandhaḻawuy | | |
Yangathu | | woman's name |
yängum(a) | | send |
yan-nhaŋu | | clan & language |
yaṉun' | | grub--found in ant mounds Curl Grub (?) |
yanhdhala | | sand--fine, soft (on beach) |
yanh'thawum(a) | | put (in) |
yanhuŋani | | sea anemone |
yanybulu | | tree--palm Ptychosperma elegans |
yaŋalka | | |
yaŋara(') | | leg--lower tail Ext stem (of plant, including bamboo) shaft (of spear), handle (of tool) |
yäŋay | | |
yaŋbuṉinydji | | spirit |
yäŋburryun | | happy--be, carefree, talk too much be sympathetic |
yaŋgaḻun | | talk loudly |
yaŋgaṉa | | |
yaŋgarriny | | |
yaŋgipuy | | |
yaŋgurri | | |
yaŋ'ŋara | | here |
ya-ŋuli | | back there in discourse |
yaŋun'- | | this |
yäŋunbi | | |
yaŋurryaŋurr | | spirit |
yapthun | | fall, get down, jump down |
yapa | | sister (of male), elder sister (of female) first cousin FBD,MZD "miss" term sometimes used for non-Yolŋu women when their relationship is not known |
yapala | | |
yapaḻa | | |
yäpili | | |
yäpuma | | |
yäpupu | | |
yaryun | | wade (in water up to knees or deeper) paddle |
yar'yun | | scrape |
yara bili | | and so on, until |
yaranydjun | | approve (of), admire, praise, speak well (of) |
yaraŋu | | open, not taboo, profane |
yäraŋu | | relationships--non-avoidance |
yariny' | | taboo, secret, sacred |
yäritj | | sacred (as ceremonial objects) |
yarmal' | | frog--light-coloured, ground-dwelling |
yarubulutju | | anthropologist |
yarwi | | fat, bone marrow |
yarryun | | dislike, reject, be opposed to be upset |
yarryun | | shake (tree, in order to knock down fruits or nuts) |
yarra | | thief |
yarraḏa | | lightning |
yarraga'yun | | grind (nuts of cycad palms) |
yarral'yarral | | bird Kingfisher |
yarraman' | | horse |
yarranhu(') | | shellfish--edible Tapes dorsata |
yarraŋarawuy | | |
yarraŋu | | truth |
yarrar'yun | | tear, split (paper, rag, material) |
yarrarra'yun | | hook up (spear) |
yarraṯa | | string, line (to carry food or fish back from the hunt) row Ext male line of descent (male ancestory in family tree) |
yarratjka | | shellfish--edible Freshwater Mussel |
yarratjpunum(a) | | collect, gather (people), scoop up (water) |
yarrayarra | | bark of Stringybark--used for ceremonial purposes |
yarrga'yun | | sharpen (knife with stone) crush (cycad) with stone |
yarrgiyarrgi | | plant--climbing |
yarrgupthun | | go down (towards the sea), descend, go hunting to an island or into water |
yarrikaḏa | | |
yarrkthun | | go away (from), keep off (of), shift around (as in one's seat) |
yarrmal | | proud |
yarrmiya | | |
yarrŋga | | ant--small brown and its mound or antbed termite mound |
yarrŋga | | fish Stonefish |
yarrŋiyarrŋi | | creeper--edible small white berries |
yarrpa | | stingray--edible |
yarrpalany | | smooth, clear |
yarrpany | | bee--Honeybee and its "long-nosed sugarbag" (called this because of the long entrance tunnel to hive Trigona sp. honey stored by these bees |
yarrupthun | | go down, come down, descend |
yarrwarri | | fish Queenfish, Scomberoides commersonianus |
yarrwupthun | | go down (to the sea), descend, go hunting to an island or into water |
yaṯa | | ankle, lower leg |
yati | | ceremony--open sacred |
yatpuwa | | seaweed swells, high waves (in sea) |
yäthiŋ | | |
yätj | | bad, no good evil sick, ill |
yätjaŋ | | |
yatjun | | yell (at, out), shout, cry out (in joy or fear) |
yawun | | spear many times, spear through and through |
yaw' | | dislike, reject |
yaw'yun | | dig (up), bale (out) |
yäw | | I doubt it, I am uncertain |
yäwirr | | |
yawirriny' | | boys--initiated, young or single men, bachelors, youths Pl (Rit) Sg |
yäwulu | | nice, kind (person), gentle, quiet, placid |
yawul'yawul | | straight (of hair) |
yawungu | | yesterday |
yawuny | | tree Fern-Leafed Grevillea, Golden Tree, Darwin Silky Oak, Grevillea pteridifolia sometimes applied to: Whistling Tree, Casuarina sp. |
yawunydjurr | | tree Whistling Tree (?) |
yawyawyun | | whisper |
yay'yun | | call out "Yay!" (at corroboree, a chorus punctuating solo chants) talk loud(ly) |
yäyuŋ | | name of car |
-yi | | ANAPHORIC, a kind of EMPHasis referring to something already mentioned:that very one |
-yi | | ALLative |
-yi- | | INCHoative |
yebarra | | |
yebarrarr | | |
yiḏaki | | digeridoo, drone pipe tree--wood used for digeridoo Eucalyptus ferruginea |
yiḏipthun | | withdraw (as snake into a hole) |
yegali | | lizard "Spotted Gecko", Marbled Gecko, Oedura mormorata |
yika | | which?, where? |
yikaki | | |
yikaḻi | | |
yikaṉatjpi | | |
yikaṉi | | |
yikaṉiwuy | | |
yikawuḏi | | leech |
yekawul | | palm tree--when young it has leaf stems growing straight from the ground the stalks of which are edible Kentia Palm, Northern Kentia, Gronophyllum ramsayi |
yikawuru | | |
yiki | | this (near us) |
yiki(') | | knife (small or generic), blade (anything sharp made of iron or steel) |
yikin'- | | this |
yekiṉi | | spindle, flat spool |
yikirrŋuru' | | here, at this place |
yikiwala | | this way, toward this, hither |
yeku' | | unripe, "green" (not yet ripe) not yet laid (eggs) |
yiḻ'yun | | sit with legs crossed |
yilangi | | root food--has a red "string" or trailing stem along the ground with few or no leaves grows along sand dunes Boerhavia diffusa |
yiḻaŋi | | |
yilil'yun | | damp--be, get moist |
yilil'yuna | | dillybag |
yilila | | |
yiḻipun | | bathe, be(come) immersed in water |
yiḻipawuy | | |
yilipi | | container, dilly bag |
yilirrkminy | | |
yilkari | | |
yilkiŋu | | deaf and dumb |
yilpa | | yam--red skin must be peeled off root is small and heart-shaped |
yimanhdhi | | meat from turtles, dugongs, whales, and porpoises |
yemaŋ | | |
yimbirri | | bucket |
yimimi' | | tree Leichhardt Tree, Nauclea coadunata Gmelina dalrympleana (?) |
yimuralaŋaniŋ | | crab--small, white-horned (good for bait) |
yimurra' | | turtle--with smooth green back |
yinarri | | man's name |
yinawaraŋbaraŋ | | wings of Devil Ray |
yiṉḏam | | pinch |
yindi(') | | big, large |
yindipulu | | clan of mother and all its members |
yiṉḏiṯi | | tree/shrub--fruit used as medicine for ringworm or fish poison |
yinimuka | | shellfish--edible |
yininhdhi | | fishing spot--good (rock which is just the right place for fishing) |
yininya | | spear--barbed |
yininydjurr | | |
yinirri | | |
yin'karr | | fish--minnows Whitebait |
yenhu | | ? |
yinydjaku | | |
yinydjapana | | Dolphin (generic) Freckled Dolphin, Sousa lentigrinosa |
yiny'tji | | tree--mangrove, has a red flower and soft wood, place to find mangrove worms Red Mangrove, Bru g,d iera parviflora |
yiŋaṉi | | snake |
yiŋarra'yun | | claim as one's own |
yiŋbithiya | | |
yiŋgathirri | | yell out, shout (for joy), be happy |
yiŋi | | water--calm |
yiŋin'- | | this |
yiŋiya | | |
yiŋu | | always, usually, used to (do) |
yep | | lot(s of), many |
yipa | | tail of Trevally |
yipaŋ | | bait |
yiparra | | tail half of shark (Yaŋarra of Djambarrpuyŋyu people) |
yeparrŋa | | |
yipininy | | |
yipiṯi | | |
yirun | | sneak away, flee |
yir'yun | | thin--become, diminish, get smaller, waste away (Rit) set (of sun) |
yiri | | rectum, lower bowel(s) |
yiriŋaniŋ(') | | creeper with small red-orange seeds used for beads in necklaces root is crushed, boiled and used as a red dye for Pandanus fibre Crab's Eye, Jequerity, Abrus precatorius haemodorum sp. seeds or beads of this plant |
yir'yir\'ŋaniŋ | | lizard--legless, worm-like snakes and lizards (generic), e.g: Legless Lizard, Delma frazeri Burton's Legless Lizard, Lia s,l is burtonis Moon Snake, Furina sp Blind Snake, Typhlina unguirostris |
yirr'yun | | |
yirralka | | homeland, place of birth "Heaven", "Limbo" (spirit place where souls go to wait re-incarnation) |
yirrawurr | | |
yirrgiḏi'yun | | squirm, shift position uneasily |
yerri' | | bird--owl Powerful Owl (?) |
yirriṉimawuy | | |
yirriṉiṉba | | |
yirriṉiṉi | | |
yirrinyin | | shellfish--edible Tapes variegata, Tellina linguafelis |
yirrirr' | | wrinkle, fold |
yirritja | | moiety--patrilineal |
yirriwaṉḏitj | | Yirritja clans (collective) |
yirrkala | | settlement |
yirrkanhara | | bee--savage, found half-way up the tree |
yirrmalawuy | | |
yirrŋalk | | wallaby--small Rock Wallaby, Petrogale sp. |
yirrŋirawuy | | |
yirrŋurawuy | | |
yirrpan | | scratch, scrape |
yirrpi | | bush, bark |
yirrwara | | shelter |
yirr'yirryun | | squat, sit on heels |
yirryirrŋu | | bird Australian Pelican |
yetharra | | |
yitj | | dislike, reject Yuk! expression of distaste |
yew' | | dislike, reject Yuk! expression of distaste |
yiwaḻkurr | | kneecap shellfish--large cockle, edible Geloina coaxans |
yiwarr | | smoke that goes straight up, a thin line of smoke |
yiwinygum(a) | | tear strips of Pandanus to make them narrow(er) for weaving |
yewiriny(') | | tendon, muscle, sinew Ext strength |
yiw'yiwyun | | shy--be, bashful |
-yu | | ERGative INSTrument |
-yu | | ALLative |
yu- | | BASE former |
yo | | yes |
yuḏa-yuḏa | | young Pl |
yuḏu'yun | | lie, tell lies pretend |
yuḏupal | | bee Honey Bee, Trigona sp. |
yuḏurrkthun | | sniff (up), suck (up), draw (on, as cigarette) |
yuḏuyuḏu | | |
yuḏu-yuṯthun | | |
yudhu-yudhu | | fingers, toes |
yokaḏa | | root food--vine with edible taproot coming from a larger nut-like root Cayratia trifolia |
yuku | | harpoon head without hook |
yoku | | |
yukurra | | sleep, be lying down |
yukurra | | CONTinuous, PROGressive: is/was doing |
yukuwa(') | | rootfood--vine (small scrambling plant) with long edible root Vigna vexillata, V. lanceolata |
yukuyuku | | brother--younger (of male), younger sibling (of female), first-cousin FBS |
yukyuk | | baby, child |
yol | | who? PRO somebody, someone, whoever |
yol | | man, person |
yolkal(a) | | with whom?, to whom? |
yolkalaŋuwuy | | about whom?, concerning whom? |
yolku | | whose?, for whom? |
yolkuḻ(i) | | to(wards) whom? |
yolkuŋ(u) | | by whom?, from whom? |
yolkura | | with who(m)? |
yolkuru | | (away) from whom? |
yolkurumurru | | about whom? |
yolkuruy | | about whom? |
yolnha | | whom? object of transitive verb |
yolŋu | | person, human Aboriginal, Black the Yolngu people of Northeast Arnhemland |
yolŋu | | someone |
yulŋuny | | for some time somewhere around here |
yulpa | | fruit--mangrove |
yolpa | | whose?, to whom?, for whom? |
yultha | | true, real(ly) |
yolthinyara | | like whom? |
yolthu | | who? actor of transitive verb |
yuluk | | damp, moist, wet fresh (bark just stripped or fruit just picked) |
yuluk | | rootfood Glycine tabacina, G. tomentella Galact tenuiflora |
yuḻuḻ'yun | | hide |
yuḻuḻu | | |
yulumuru | | tree--fruit not eaten does not have mangrove worms Northern Large Leaved Mangrove, Brugiera sexangula Spurred Mangrove, Ceriops tagal |
yuḻuŋgurr | | didgeridoo--big |
yuḻutjtjun | | sneak up (on, to), creep up (on prey) |
yuḻwutjthun | | |
yuḻwutja | | shark--not eaten Hammerhead |
yuḻyuḻyun | | run while bent over, run to hide |
yumayŋa | | White Man's country |
yomiritj | | bird--small, brown, found out in the bush |
yomunu | | |
yumurrku(') | | little, small (ones) children, young (of any species, e.g., chicks, pups, joeys, minnows, etc.) |
yuṉḏiti' | | tree--used for poisoning fish |
yuṉḏitj | | tree |
yunuŋaḻi | | shellfish Black-Lipped Oyster |
yunupiŋu | | surname |
yony | | piece, bit |
yuŋgirrŋa | | |
yuŋgulama | | |
yupthun | | go down (hill, river), subside (tide), fall (down or out--as hair), descend be removed from |
yur'yun | | get up, rise |
yurama | | agree, ok, permit, say yes, assent (to) GEN |
yurum | | well (dug for water by hand or stick) |
yurr | | but, however |
yurr'yun | | pour water (on), squirt (someone), sprinkle, wet |
yurranydjil | | |
yurrk | | ambush(ing), lying or crouching in wait |
yorrkum(a) | | put down (baby to sleep), set (down) |
yurrkuru | | shellfish--edible Brown Baler Shell |
yurrkuruwuy | | |
yurrmu | | lie, untruth |
yurru | | but, however |
yurru | | will, shall, should, must, ought to FUTure tense |
yurrum(') | | spring (seeping or bubbling up out of ground), well, waterhole |
yurrum'thun | | come together, gather |
yurrwa | | string taken to different clans to gather them together for Gunapipi |
yurrwayurrwa | | fruit, inedible seed of various mangrove trees |
yurrwi | | |
yuṯthun | | run, rush along, go fast escape (from) ABL |
yuṯa | | new, young recently (Glp) today |
yuṯuŋgurr | | thigh, upper leg back leg (of animal) root (of tree) |
yothu | | child, baby, "kid" young animal (calf, pup, chick, etc.) small |
yothuŋbi | | |
yotjiŋ | | |
yutjuwaḻa(') | | small, little Sg |
yow | | yes |
yuwalk | | true, truly |
yuwalk | | body, torso |
yuwaḻkurr | | shellfish--edible Geloina coaxans |
yuwambu | | fish--large Rock Cod |
yuwati | | |
yuwatha | | open, not secret or sacred, public |
yuwatja | | language |
yuwayuwa | | |
yuythun | | call out news from afar |
yoyu---y | | Oh dear! |
yuyuyu | | Rockabye Baby..., Go to sleep now! |
daymaŋu | | |
ruypu | | Dhuwa red ochre |
maḏan | | Dhuwa red ochre |
ŋayarr'yun | | make smooth |
djaŋ'tjaŋ | | shape |
djuwu | | aim line up |
ḻumbirrk | | see ḻumbak |
malŋuwatj | | nearly done about to break |
maypa | | ?many |
mäŋgany | | keep on going |
nyaŋnyaŋ' | | upper part of throat |
ŋaṉḏarr'marama | | fix into place |
ŋaraŋany | | ?keep going |
ruy' | | snap! crash! |
dhoṉuk | | smoke |
ṉikuṉuŋ | | second harpoon shot |
rawu | | turtle rope |
bäymaŋu | | belonging eternally to that place |
buḻ'warryun | | ran (plural) |
dhalwaŋ' | | to beach (boat, canoe) |
dharriŋ | | Macassan oven |
dhinybuma | | make progress |
dhurputj | | last, later |
dhurwiriŋu | | ?part of turtle |
gadhuwaḻa | | paddle, see gadhubaḻa |
gewitj | | other side, see giwit |
goŋgulama | | take by hand |
gorrmar | | paddle (canoe etc) |
gurku'yun | | be eager to get going |
marraŋani | | ?aim |
marrigi | | European ?Place where Europeans live |
mundaganda | | ?turtle part |
nhäŋanya | | whatever, indescribable |
wanaŋguma | | imitate |
yepthun | | hurry together (many people) |
djolula | | sp tree |
ŋandhark | | thirsty, dry |
ŋandjuḻkthun | | ? slip, slide |
ŋulupiliny | | ? |
gaṯmarama | | catch, snare |
winyiḻa | | sp bat see winyuḻa |
ḻarraŋ’thun | | spill, capsize, tip over see ḻarrwaŋ’thun |
ḏuwaṯ | | go from sea to land, go up |
warragarri | | tall grass |
warragarri | | tall grass, d |
warragarri | | tall grass, x |
warragarri | | tall grass, |
warragarri | | tall grass, |
buṯ | | fly (away), spread wings for flight Sg |
ŋayaŋu-warryun | | making effort |
bypasstest | | bypasstest |
djakurrarama | | give |
finaltest | | finaltest |
kowala | | koala |
miny'tji | | ancestral design, painting, colour |