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     Meaning:      tree--has yellow flower used as rubbing medicine for diarrhoea, earache, and other illnesses the inner bark is mixed with water and then wiped all over the body or put in the ears Jacksonia dilatata

    Language information...

     Always capitalise?      No

     Part of speech:      n


     ID:      721

     source:      Zorc_1

     ratified:      Ratified

     Informant (see the bottom of this page for details):      BL,WdV(111)

     Date last modified:      20/11/2013

     Date submitted:      30/06/1999

    List of abbreviations...

     Abr :       Abbreviation, an abbreviated form
     ABS :       Absolutive case (includes NOMinative and ACCusative with nouns)
     ACC :       ACCusative case (direct object of verb)
     Ad :       address term (used to call someone) See: Rf
     Adj :      Adjective or describing word (djarr'yunamirri dhäruk)
     Adv :      Adverb
     ALL :      Allative case (direction towards something or someone)
     Alt :      Alternate of (or) alternates with BABALA Alt: bawala
     ASC :      Associative case (about or concerning something or someone)
     B :      Both moieties, used by most or all (bukmak) speakers
     B :      Brother (in KINship terms)
     BAS :      Base or main form of a verb conjugation
     Bir :      Birrkili clan
     Bug :      Buginese
     Bur :      Burarra (language spoken at Maningrida, known by some Yolŋu)
     Cf :      Confer with; something related but not quite the same WALTJAṈ rain (noun) Cf: dharyun rain (verb)
     Ch :      Child language, way of speaking used to or by children
     Conj :      Conjunction, word used to link words or clauses together
     CY :      Coastal Yolŋu (includes Dhuwal, Dhuwala, Dhay'yi dialects)
     D :      Dhuwa moiety
     D1 :      First person deictic pronoun for this dialect D1 equals dhuwala
     Da :      Dhuwala('mirri) language group
     Dal :      Dhaḻwaŋu patrilect
     Daṯ :      Däṯiwuy patrilect
     DEIC :      Deictic or demonstrative pronoun (special words indicating place)
     DEIC-1 :      position close to first person (this, here near me)
     DEIC-1plus2position :      close to first & second person (this, that close to us)
     DEIC-2 :      position close to second person (that, there near you)
     DEIC-3 :      position by third person (that, there far away or yonder)
     Dh :      Dhaŋu('mi) language group
     Di :      Dhay'yi(mirr) language group
     Dj :      Djaŋu('mi) language group
     Dl :      Dhuwal('mirr) language group
     Dp :      Discourse particle
     Dual :      two people involved or implied
     Dy :      Yakuya (Dhiyakuy) language group (Ritharrŋu and Wägilak)
     E.g :      Example, for example
     Enc :      enclitic (a form that follows another word)
     ERG :      Ergative case (the doer or agent of a transitive verb), can also be used to mark INSTruments
     Excl :      Exclusive (does not include the person spoken to) See: Incl
     Exis :      Existential marker (-mi, -mirr, -mirri)
     Exp :      Expression or commonly used phrase (see also Idm)
     Ext :      Extension of meaning (to)
     f :      feminine, female, miyalk, baṯami, dhayka (as in Names or KIN)
     F :      Father in KINship terms
     FUT :      Future time; Future or Secondary form of verb
     Gal :      Gälpu patrilect
     Gan :      Ganalbiŋu or Ganhalpuyŋu patrilect
     GEN :      Genitive case (for or belonging to someone or something)
     Glm :      Golumala patrilect
     Glp :      Golpa patrilect (data so marked usually applies to Nh)
     Gum :      Gumatj patrilect
     Gup :      Gupapuyŋu patrilect
     H :      Husband (in KINship terms)
     Hyp :      Hyponym (belongs in the larger group of) BAḎARR Hyp: dharpa (BAḎARR is a kind of tree) BALPUḎU Hyp: gara (BALPUḎU is a kind of spear)
     Idm :      Idiom
     -in :      intransitive (verb)
     -inplus :      semitransitive (verb)
     Include :      Inclusive (does include the person spoken to) See: Excl
     INST :      Instrument used (marked by ERGative case)
     IR :      Irregular form class E.g: DHO (V-IR-tr)
     Jam :      Djambarrpuyŋu patrilect
     Jap :      Djapu patrilect
     Jb :      Djinba language group
     Jn :      Djinaŋ language group
     KIN :      KINship term
     Lgl :      Ḻiyagalawumirr patrilect
     Liy :      Ḻiyagawumirr patrilect
     LOC :      Locative case (place at, in or on); Location or place word
     m :      masculine, male, ḏirramu, ḏarramu (as in Names)
     M :      Mother in KINship terms or according to subsection rules
     Mad :      Maḏarrpa (-moṉuk) patrilect (a Dhuwaya dialect); Maḏarrpa (-dhuḏi) is usually included with Ritharrŋu in this dictionary
     Mal :      Malay
     Maŋ :      Maŋgalili patrilect
     Mar :      Marraŋu patrilect
     LŊG :      Luke Ŋalaŋala (Wutjara) Gaḻbayuŋga
     LWG :      Linda Wuḻamana Gaykamaŋu
     Mkr :       Macassarese, Macassan
     Mny :      Munyuku patrilect
     Mrk :      Marrakulu patrilect
     MUT :      MUTual (includes verbs that can be both RECiprocal and REFlexive)
     n :      noun (common or non-totemic)
     N :      name (personal or totemic)
     NEG :      Negative particle (e.g., no, not, don't)
     Nh :      Nhaŋu('mi) language group
     NY :      Northern Yolŋu (subgroup consisting of dhaŋu'mi, djaŋu'mi, e.g., Gålpu, Rirratjinŋu, Ŋaymil, Wangurri, and Warramiri)
     Ŋay :      Ŋaymil patrilect
     OBL :      Oblique case
     Opp :      Opposite meaning, an antonym BARRKU Opp: galki
     OPP :      OPPosition
     PAST :      Past time
     PAST1 :      Simple past or Tertiary form of verb
     PAST2 :      Distant past or Quarternary form of verb
     pc :      personal communication
     PER :      Pergressive (direction along or through something or someone)
     Pl :      Plural or group (mala) form
     PN :      Place Name
     PRES :      Present time
     PRO :      Pronoun (personal)
     PROD :      PRODuctive, Originator or Originative case on personal nouns & pronouns
     PRS :      Person, refers to persons or animates (not to things)v      Qp :      Question particle or question word
     Rec :      Reciprocal relationship of ŊÄṈḎI Rec: waku
     REC :      Reciprocal verb form (action done to one other) Cf: MUT, REF
     REF :      Reflexive verb form (action done to oneself) Cf: MUT, REC
     Rel :      Related to (Yolngu perceived relationship)
     Rep :      Replaced by (or) replaces
     Rir :      Rirratjiŋu patrilect
     Rit :      Ritharrŋu patrilect
     S :      Son (in KINship terms)
     S1 :      First choice spouse (according to subsection marriage rules)
     S2 :      Second choice spouse (according to subsection marriage rules)
     SEM :      SAL Semantics
     SEQ :      SEQuence, Immediate, or TEMPoral marker (-nha, -na)
     Sg :      Singular form
     song :      song form, generally limited to songs
     suf :      suffix, word-ending
     sup :      suppletive form (replaces a word that does not at all look related), e.g., NHE (plusGEN) equals NHUŊU, BA+ (V-ds) equals MÅRRAMA
     SY :      Southern Yolŋu (subgroup consisting of dhuwala'mirri, dhuwal'mirr, and yakuya, e.g. Gumatj, Gupapuyŋu, Djambarrpuyŋu,Ḻiyagawumirr, Ritharrŋu, Wagilak, etc.)
     Sym :      Symbol(ic) of
     Syn :      Synonym (same meaning)
     Tab :      Taboo relationship with BÄŊI (Name) Tab: båyŋu
     TIME :      Time word
     -tr :      transitive (verb)
     -trplus :      ditransitive (verb) (takes two objects)
     V- :      Verb (followed by GROUP NUMBER, 1 - 6,
     V-ds :      Discourse verb or ideophone
     VD :      final vowel-dropping patrilects (generally indicated by enclosing the dropped vowel in parentheses, e.g., ḏumurr(u), djälthirr(i), ḻakaram(angel))
     VP :      Verb particle (inflects with another verb)
     VR :      final vowel-retaining patrilects (see VD above)
     W :      wife (in KINship terms)
     Wag :      Wägilak patrilect
     Wan :      Wangurri patrilect
     War :      Warramiri patrilect
     Wob :      Wobulkarra
     Y :      Yirritja moiety
     YK :      Yirrkala Koine (also known as Dhuwaya or Baby Gumatj)
     Z :      Sister (in KINship terms)


     ADG :      Andrew Daymaŋu Gaykamaŋu
     AV :      Anita van der Wal
     AW :      Alan Walker See also R&W, WRF, W&R
     BDB :      B. Ḏipililŋa Bukulatjpi
     BL :      Beulah Lowe (1976)
     BMW :      Bobby Munurruŋ Wunuŋmurra
     BS :      Bernard Schebeck
     BW :      Bruce Waters
     DBG :      Dorothy Buyuminy Ganambarr
     DGB :      David Gurrumuruwuy Bukulatjpi
     DLY :      David Lalambarri Yunupiŋu
     DP :      David Pepperill (handwritten dictionary of Gälpu)
     DYM :      David Yaŋgarriny Munyarryun
     DZ :      David Zorc
     FM :      Frances Morphy (1983)
     FMG :      Fay Mätjarra Garrawurra
     FNM :      Florence Ŋalawurr (Munuŋgurr) McLaughlin
     GLM :      Gordon Lanyipi Marrkula
     HRW :      Harry Rrany'tjiŋ Wunuŋmurra
     JBG :      James Barripaŋ Gaṉḏaŋu
     JDG :      John Ḏamarrwura Gaykamaŋu
     JDW :      Jimmy Dhurpirri Waṉambi
     JDY :      Jimmy Dhopaŋ Yunupiŋu
     JG :      John Greatorex
     JGW :      John Gupaniny Wunuŋmurra
     JGY :      James Galarrwuy Yunupiŋu
     JH :      Jeffrey Heath (1980)
     JMG :      Jessie Murarrgirarrgi Gaykamaŋu
     JMR :      Joyce M. Ross, M.B.E.
     JR :      John Rudder (19 )
     JWD :      Joe Wulwul Dhamarraṉdji
     KGG :      Keith Garradhawal Garrawurra
     KLD :      Keith Lapuluŋ Dhamarraṉdji
     MC :      Michael Christie (1979), Gupapuyŋu-English Dictionary
     MC1 :      Michael Christie (1981), YOLŊU MATHA (Gupapuyŋu Grammar Lessons)
     MDY :      Murphy Dhalpirripa Yunupiŋu
     MRM :      Margaret Raymattja (Marika) Munuŋgiritj
     NWG :      Nancy Wamathana Gaykamaŋu
     PBG :      Paul Biyarranydjarrwuy Gumbula
     PGD :      Peter Goŋnyanyuk Dhamarraṉdji
     RA :      Robert Amery
     RLW :      Ronnie Ḻambitj Waṉambi
     RW :      Ray Wood
     R&W :      Joyce Ross & Alan Walker (1983) (See also: W&R, WRF)
     SD :      Steven Davis (19 )
     SYG :      Sherilyn Yalmay Gurruwiwi
     TBY :      Tom Bakamana Yunupiŋu
     TZ :      Tchekhoff & Zorc (1983)
     WdV :      Wilkinson, de Veere, et al (198 )
     W&R :      Alan Walker & Joyce Ross (1985) (See also: R&W)
     WRF :      Alan Walker, Joyce Ross & Mary Fletcher (edited manuscript)
     WZ :      Alan Walker & David Zorc (1981)